4 resultados para Slovakia
em Adam Mickiewicz University Repository
Tekst stanowi krytyczną rekapitulację refleksji filmoznawczej prowadzonej w Czechach i Słowacji a dotykającej problematyki tzw. ženskej otázki (kwestii kobiecej). Myśl feministyczna i genderowa pojawiła się w refleksji publicznej i naukowej dopiero po Aksamitnej Rewolucji, napotykając na wstrzemięźliwą i zdystansowaną reakcję środowisk naukowych i twórczych. Dotychczasowa niezbyt rozbudowana refleksja nad kwestiami kobiecymi w kinie czeskim i słowackim, reprezentuje wczesny etap feminizmu akademickiego. Czesko-słowackie women’s studies skupiają się na gromadzeniu wiedzy dotyczącej historii, kultury, życia społecznego i politycznego kobiet. W centrum swojego dyskursu sytuują analizę wizerunków kobiecych, przede wszystkim we wczesnym kinie, rozważania nad kategorią kobiecości, jej specyfiką i przeobrażeniami dokonującymi się w procesie historycznym. Tymczasem w dokonaniach kinematografii Czech i Słowacji coraz większą rolę odgrywają kobiety reżyserki. Współczesne kino kobiet jest tu wyraźnie dostrzegalnym w swojej specyfice jakościowej i ilościowej zjawiskiem artystycznym, który na razie pozostaje obszarem nieeksplorowanym w czesko-słowackiej myśli filmoznawczej ukierunkowanej feministycznie i genderowo.
The author examines the use of nicknames by the Hungarians in Slovakia. Since the state and the verbal representation of nicknames are strongly influenced by the Hungarian-Slovak bilingual environment, the appearing contact phenomena in the anthroponymic corpus are also investigated in this study. In addition, the paper deals with written nicknames found in written sources, the denomination motives of nicknames used in modern language, sociolinguistic, dialectological, etymological, morphological, and stylistic peculiarities found in the onomastic corpus. The usage of nicknames of adults and students is confronted and discussed with reference to an empirical and comparative study.
The subject of this paper concerns selected experiences of citizens from the Visegrad Group countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) participating in the process of ‘direct’ (that is, exercised by means of the tools of direct democracy) decision making as regards the most important matters, ranging from those related to the process of political transformation to the decision on accession to the European Union. The present considerations dwell on the experiences of Central and East European countries.
The research aims to answer a fundamental question: which of the disability models currently in use is optimal for creating “accessible tourism-oriented” amenities, as well as more detailed problems: (1) what is disability and what determines different disability models? (2) what types of tourism market supply available for the disabled do the different disability models suggest? (3) are the disability models complementary or mutually exclusive? (4) is the idea of social integration and inclusion of people with disabilities (PWD) while on tourist trips supported of the society? Data sources comprise selected literature and results of a survey conducted using the face-to-face method and the SurveyMonkey website from May 2013 to July 2014. The surveyed group included 619 people (82% were Polish, the other 18% were foreigners from: Russia, Germany, Portugal, Slovakia, Canada, Tunisia and the United Kingdom). The research showed that the different disability models – medical, social, geographical and economic – are useful when creating the tourism supply for the PWD. Using the research results, the authors suggested a model of “diversification of tourism market supply structure available for the disabled”, which includes different types of supply – from specialist to universal. This model has practical usage and can help entrepreneurs with the segmentation of tourism offers addressed to the PWD. The work is innovative, both in its theoretical approach (the review of disability models and their practical application in creating tourism supply) and empirical values – it provides current data for the social attitude towards the development of PWD tourism. Especially the presentation of a wide range of perception of disability as well as the simple classification of tourism supply that meets the varied needs of PWD, is a particular novelty of this chapter.