184 resultados para W-W
Wydzia Biologii
Wydzia Nauk Spoecznych: Instytut Kulturoznawstwa
Wydzia Nauk Spoecznych
Wydzia Historyczny
According to epistemic theory of meaning the meaning is not understanding-transcendent understanding is a kind of knowledge and the meaning is the content of this knowledge. The main problem of such a theory is to provide an adequate characteristic of the notion of knowledge. Dummett claims that understanding cannot be reduced neither to purely practical abilities, nor to explicit theoretical knowledge. In his opinion the most important part of the knowledge that constitutes understanding is a kind of implicit knowledge, something halfway between practical ability and theoretical knowledge. Unfortunately is not so simple to provide sufficiently clear characteristics of it. Moreover, because of implicitness of this knowledge, there is problem with manifestation of possession of such knowledge. Understanding should be related to the practice of making assertions. In the article I try to argue for soundness of thesis that important part of knowledge that constitutes understanding is a kind of procedural knowledge. This type of knowledge (called knowledge-how) cannot be reduced to propositional or conceptual knowledge (knowledge-that). Procedural knowledge has manifestation in activities doing in accordance with some set of the rules, but possession of this knowledge does not require explicit knowledge-that of the rules. Procedural knowledge is also located in the middle of the spectrum between reflex actions and theoretical knowledge.
One of the crucial stages of the Apostle Pauls ministry was his stay at Ephesus. However, considering the fact that the reliability of some data in the Acts of the Apostles on the time of Pauls arrival to Ephesus is nowadays frequently put into question, it has become necessary to investigate the issue. In the present article the author assesses the relevant source material and takes a stand on the particular opinions of contemporary interpreters of the subject. Based on an analysis of the text of the Acts of the Apostles he is led to conclude that Lukes account of Pauls first short visit to Ephesus reveals traits of historicity.
Wydzia Neofilologii
Wydzia Nauk Spoecznych
Wydzia Historyczny: Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej
Wydzia Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa: Zakad Stosunkw Midzynarodowych
Wydzia Anglistyki
Wydzia Historyczny
Wydzia Historyczny
Zgodnie z definicj wypracowan w ramach ONZ, bezpieczestwo ywnociowe istnieje gdy ludzie maj nieprzerwanie zapewniony fizyczny i ekonomiczny dostp do wystarczajcej, bezpiecznej i bogatej w skadniki odywcze ywnoci. Artyku wyjania ksztatowanie si koncepcji bezpieczestwa ywnociowego oraz wyodrbnienie jego trzech wymiarw tj. midzynarodowego, narodowego i odnoszcego si do gospodarstwa domowego. Celem jest analiza midzyplemiennych konfliktw i wojny domowej w Darfurze w kontekcie rywalizacji o zasoby zapewniajce bezpieczestwo ywnociowe mieszkacom tej sudaskiej prowincji.