328 resultados para Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UAM
Finding the answer to the question of the role of electronic voting in a modern country consti - tutes an important part of researches into electronic democracy. The recent dynamic development of in - formation and communication technologies (ICT) and mass media have been leading to noticeable changes in functioning of contemporary countries and societies. ICT is beginning to play a greater and greater role and filter down to almost every field of contemporary human life including politics. Elec - tronic voting represents one of the more and more popular forms of so called e-democracy, and is an in - teresting research subject in the context of mechanisms for implementing this form of participation in elections, its legitimization, specific technological solutions for e-voting and their effectiveness as well as unintended consequences. The main subject of this text is the use of electronic voting ( e-voting )asone of the forms of electronic democracy . The article attempts to answer the following research questions: First, what is the impact of ICT on the political processes particularly on the voting procedures? Sec- ondly, what is the essence of electronic voting and what are its main features? Finally, what are the e-voting experiences in the European countries? The text is devoted rather to general remarks on e-voting, and does not constitute a complete analysis of the issue. It is intended to be a contribution to the further considerations.
Switzerland is an example of a state that has adopted specific solutions as regards the election and execution of executive power, which has generated the common conviction that the Swiss Confederation is among the most solid democracies in the world. Recent years have shown, however, that political practice has brought about a significant evolution of Swiss solutions as the distribution of power in the parliament has resulted in the abolition of the magical formula that guaranteed the great (and stable) government coalition, and the emergence of initiatives aiming at changing the principles along which executive power is elected in Switzerland. The purpose of considerations presented in this paper is to analyze the specific character of how the executive institutions function in the Swiss Confederation, answer the question of what directions the changes to the composition of the Federal Council are taking, as well as address the directions of evolutionary changes to the principles of electing the members of the Swiss government.
The subject of this paper concerns selected experiences of citizens from the Visegrad Group countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) participating in the process of direct (that is, exercised by means of the tools of direct democracy) decision making as regards the most important matters, ranging from those related to the process of political transformation to the decision on accession to the European Union. The present considerations dwell on the experiences of Central and East European countries.
Over the centuries, Switzerland has developed a unique and inimitable statehood that functions in peculiar geographical, social and political conditions, shaped by the tradition of exercising direct forms of power. It appears, however, that these tools of direct democracy can sometimes obstruct the changes of utmost significance for the development of modern statehood and democracy. This was the case of granting voting rights to women. Although many European and other states granted the rights to vote and stand for election to women in the 1920s and 1930s, Switzerland needed much longer to introduce this change: on the federal level, womens suffrage was granted as late as in 1971, and the last to enjoy the right to partake in the political life of their canton were the women of Appenzell Innerrhoden, granted the right in 1990. The objective of this paper is to analyze the influence of the mechanisms of direct democracy on the introduction of voting rights for Swiss women.
The subject of the text is the issue of the "political", which is defined as the nature and level of the final judgment and ultimate reasoning. The issues of this kind of the "political" has been attempted to distinguish in political sciences. The text focuses on: (1) the scientist as an agent for the final judgment and reasoning, (2) the subject of study of political science, (3) "theoretical strategies" in the science of politics. The latter problem has been discussed mainly on the example of Polish political science. Discussed were among others: (1) "the dilemma of scale", (2) limited operational capacity (methodological and theoretical), (3) aesthetic imagery of political life, (4) structural ignorance in the field of ontology, epistemology and methodology.
Lata 20032004 to okres zamykajcy etap przygotowawczy do przystpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej, w szczeglnoci w zakresie dostosowywania polskich rozwiza prawnych i instytucjonalnych do standardw unijnych. Dwa wydarzenia z tego czasu: referendum akcesyjne i pierwsze w Polsce wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego stanowiy przy tym swoiste podsumowanie wieloletniej debaty publicznej nad kierunkami polskiej polityki zagranicznej oraz miejscem i rol naszego kraju w uksztatowanych na pocztku lat 90. nowych warunkach geopolitycznych.
wiadomo istnienia deficytu komunikacyjnego w procesie integracji europejskiej zaowocowaa szeregiem inicjatyw podejmowanych przez instytucje unijne i pastwowe. Wykorzystywane s w nich zarwno narzdzia komunikacji bezporedniej, jak i media, w tym media spoecznociowe. Niemniej, tradycyjne media, takie jak prasa i telewizja wci stanowi jedno z najwaniejszych rde wiedzy o biecych wydarzeniach krajowych i zagranicznych. W praktyce bowiem wymiar wertykalny europeizacji sfery publicznej przejawia si w czstym prezentowaniu w materiaach dziennikarskich (i szerzej, debacie publicznej) instytucji Unii Europejskiej lub kierunkw polityki UE w rnych obszarach. Z kolei wymiar horyzontalny wyraa si w midzynarodowej wymianie informacji, argumentw i pogldw, w tym w prezentowaniu w mediach w rnych pastwach wypowiedzi przedstawicieli innych pastw oraz opisywaniu wydarze majcych miejsce w innych pastwach europejskich.