2 resultados para Closs Traugott, Elizabeth: Grammaticalization
em Academic Archive On-line (Karlstad University
Artikeln visar hur den engelske renässanspoeten Edmund Spenser i sin politiska teori, uttryckt i bok 1 av hans epos The Faerie Queene, går en balansgång mellan de två kyrkofäderna Eusebius och Augustinus
This article examines two American books for children: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys (1851) and Elizabeth Stoddard’s Lolly Dinks’s Doings (1874). In both books, fairy tales or myths are framed by a contemporary American setting in which the stories is told. It is in these realistic frames with an adult storyteller and child listeners that metafictional features are found. The article shows that Hawthorne and Stoddard use a variety of metafictional elements. So, although metafiction has been regarded as a postmodernist development in children’s literature, there are in fact instances of metafiction in nineteenth-century American children’s literature.