5 resultados para Ausonius, Decimus Magnus.
em Academic Archive On-line (Karlstad University
Bioenergy is one of many contributors to reducing the use of fossil fuels in order to mitigate climate change by decreasing CO2-emissions, and the potential for biofuels are large. The wood fuel pellets are a refined biofuel made of sawdust, which is dried and compressed to achieve improved fuel and transportation properties. In 2007 the amount of wood fuel pellets used for heating purposes in Sweden was 1715000 tons. The aims of this work was: to examine the moisture content and emission of monoterpenes during the drying and pelletising steps of the pellets production (Paper I); to investigate how the recirculation of drying gases affects the energy efficiency of rotary dryers and how the energy efficiency is related to the capacity of the dryer. (Paper II); to analyse the causes of the problems encountered by household end-users of pellets and investigate whether an improved pellet quality standard could reduce these problems (Paper III); to investigate how the energy consumption of the pelletising machine and chosen pellet quality parameters were affected using an increased amount of rapeseed cake in wood fuel pellets (Paper IV); and to identify gaps of knowledge about wood fuel pellet technology and needs for further research on quality, environmental and health aspects throughout the wood fuel pellet chain, from sawdust to heat. (Paper V).
This thesis explores perceptions and preferences on regional action in EU-related frameworks among regional actors in Western Sweden. Building upon the literature on Europeanisation and the Fusion approach, three dimensions of Europeanisation are clarified and explored– download, upload and crossload – and together with a set of five variables that constitute the Micro Fusion Framework; a comprehensive analytical tool is developed. The thesis analyses the intense debate among the members of West Sweden that took place from 2011 to 2013 that focused on how to functionally organise the regional office in Brussels in order to meet future challenges. Surprisingly, the members eventually decided to terminate their cooperation and close the jointly owned office in Brussels in spite of the fact that it has been widely regarded as successful and effective. Diverging perceptions and preferences is understood in terms of three positions on regional action; a download-, upload- and a coherent oriented position. Finally, the thesis presents the empirical findings and discusses in relation to three fusion scenarios, infusion, defusion and clustered fusion. In terms of Micro Fusion Framework, the dynamics shaping why West Sweden was finally regarded as a dysfunctional arena for regional action are explained by a shift of attention and action among regional actors in Western Sweden that led to pressure for further institutional adaptation in order to meet the demand of how ‘to get the best out of the EU’. Further, this redefinition of how to handle EU-affairs within the upload-oriented position was accompanied by positive attitudes towards the potential to bypass the state and thereby pursue regional priorities directly in Brussels given the compound nature of the EU. In contrast, those regional actors that are found to be more download-oriented often question the benefits of uploading activities in practice and advocate close relations to the state. A coherent oriented position recognises the importance of activities related to both of the vertical dimensions of Europeanisation.
Syftet med undersökningen är att med avseende på skolans genusuppdrag studera musiklärares förhållningsätt i ensembleundervisning på gymnasieskolan. För att uppnå detta har kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med lärare i gymnasiekursen ensemble, följt av diskursanalys på transkriberingar av dessa intervjuer. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är genusteorier och diskursteorier. I resultatet framkommer lärarnas syn på genusbegreppet och genusuppdraget. Bland de genusdiskurser som presenteras finns synen på genus som rutin, som sidoeffekt på annat arbete och som medvetenhet. Gällande elevsyn visar sig diskurser om eleven som platstagare, som normbrytare och vikten av att eleven känner sig som en synbar individ. Slutledningarna, liksom diskussionskapitlet, rör sig kring genusarbetets framgångar, vilka faktorer som kan ha orsakat dessa, och hur arbetet förändrats på skolorna utifrån dessa framgångar. Genomgående har ett individfokus framkommit, där eleverna inte ses som en grupp, utan som enskilda individer, vilka alla måste mötas personligt.
Anställningsotrygghet – en oro för att mot sin vilja förlora jobbet – är något som de flesta anställda idag upplever under sina yrkesliv. Den beteendevetenskapliga forskningen inom detta område har skjutit fart sedan millennieskiftet, vilket motiverar behovet av en uppdaterad litteraturöversikt. Översikten omfattar prediktorer och konsekvenser av anställningsotrygghet samt vilka faktorer som har identifierats som viktiga när det gäller att mildra anställningsotrygghetens konsekvenser.
The permeability of dispersion barriers produced from polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) and kaolin clay blends coated onto polymeric supports has been studied by employing two different measurement methods: the oxygen transmission rate (OTR) and the ambient oxygen ingress rate (AOIR). Coatings with different thicknesses and kaolin contents were studied. Structural information of the dispersion-barrier coatings was obtained by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These results showed that the kaolin content influences both the orientation of the kaolin and the degree of crystallinity of the PVOH coating. Increased kaolin content increased the alignment of the kaolin platelets to the basal plane of the coating. Higher kaolin content was accompanied by higher degree of crystallinity of the PVOH. The barrier thickness proved to be less important in the early stages of the mass transport process, whereas it had a significant influence on the steady-state permeability. The results from this study demonstrate the need for better understanding of how permeability is influenced by (chemical and physical) structure.