134 resultados para universitet
I takt med att konkurrensen blir allt hårdare om att rekrytera studenter till grundutbildningar på svenska universitet och högskolor har intresset att ta reda på vad studenter och gymnasister tycker och tänker om högre utbildning ökat. Vid Karlstads universitet har vi sedan många år kartlagt vad våra nuvarande studenter tycker om sin utbildning. När det gäller gruppen framtida studenter i form av gymnasister har vi tidigare inte på motsvarande sätt systematiskt sätt undersökt hur de ser på högre utbildning. Som ett första steg i ett sådant arbete har vi under läsåret 2006/2007 genomfört tre enkätundersökningar där gymnasisters inställning till högre studier analyserats. Två grupper av studenter har under hösten 2006 skrivit sina examensarbeten med detta tema och baserat på dessa studier har vi under våren 2007 samlat in en större enkät i samband med att alla gymnasister i regionen bjudits in till information om högre utbildning på universitetet i Karlstad.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and understand the effect of a servicescape’s ambient and social conditions on consumers’ service encounter experience and their approach/avoidance behavior in a retail context. In three papers, with a total sample of over 1600 participants (including 550 actual consumers) and seven experiments, the author investigates the effect of music (ambient stimuli), employees’ self-disclosure (verbal social stimuli) and employees’ gazing behavior (nonverbal social stimuli) on consumers’ service encounter experience and approach/avoidance behavior in a retail store. Paper I comprised two experiments, and the aim was to investigate the influence of music on emotions, approach/avoidance behavior. Paper II comprised two experiments, and the aim was to investigate the effect of frontline employees’ personal self-disclosure on consumers’ reciprocal behavior. Paper III comprised three experiments, and the aim was to investigate the influence of employee’s direct eye gaze/ averted eye gaze on consumer emotions, social impression of the frontline employee and encounter satisfaction in different purchase situations. The results in this thesis show that music affects consumers in both positive and negative ways (Paper I). Self-disclosure affects consumers negatively, in such a way that it decreases encounter satisfaction (Paper II) and, finally, eye gaze affects consumers by regulating both positively – and in some cases also negatively – consumers’ social impression of the frontline employee and their encounter satisfaction (Paper III). The conclusions of this thesis are that both ambient and social stimuli in a servicescape affect consumers’ internal responses, which in turn affect their behavior. Depending on the purchase situation, type of retail, and stimuli, the internal and behavioral responses are different.
Healthcare systems have assimilated information and communication technologies in order to improve the quality of healthcare and patient's experience at reduced costs. The increasing digitalization of people's health information raises however new threats regarding information security and privacy. Accidental or deliberate data breaches of health data may lead to societal pressures, embarrassment and discrimination. Information security and privacy are paramount to achieve high quality healthcare services, and further, to not harm individuals when providing care. With that in mind, we give special attention to the category of Mobile Health (mHealth) systems. That is, the use of mobile devices (e.g., mobile phones, sensors, PDAs) to support medical and public health. Such systems, have been particularly successful in developing countries, taking advantage of the flourishing mobile market and the need to expand the coverage of primary healthcare programs. Many mHealth initiatives, however, fail to address security and privacy issues. This, coupled with the lack of specific legislation for privacy and data protection in these countries, increases the risk of harm to individuals. The overall objective of this thesis is to enhance knowledge regarding the design of security and privacy technologies for mHealth systems. In particular, we deal with mHealth Data Collection Systems (MDCSs), which consists of mobile devices for collecting and reporting health-related data, replacing paper-based approaches for health surveys and surveillance. This thesis consists of publications contributing to mHealth security and privacy in various ways: with a comprehensive literature review about mHealth in Brazil; with the design of a security framework for MDCSs (SecourHealth); with the design of a MDCS (GeoHealth); with the design of Privacy Impact Assessment template for MDCSs; and with the study of ontology-based obfuscation and anonymisation functions for health data.
Historically, domestic tasks such as preparing food and washing and drying clothes and dishes were done by hand. In a modern home many of these chores are taken care of by machines such as washing machines, dishwashers and tumble dryers. When the first such machines came on the market customers were happy that they worked at all! Today, the costs of electricity and customers’ environmental awareness are high, so features such as low electricity, water and detergent use strongly influence which household machine the customer will buy. One way to achieve lower electricity usage for the tumble dryer and the dishwasher is to add a heat pump system. The function of a heat pump system is to extract heat from a lower temperature source (heat source) and reject it to a higher temperature sink (heat sink) at a higher temperature level. Heat pump systems have been used for a long time in refrigerators and freezers, and that industry has driven the development of small, high quality, low price heat pump components. The low price of good quality heat pump components, along with an increased willingness to pay extra for lower electricity usage and environmental impact, make it possible to introduce heat pump systems in other household products. However, there is a high risk of failure with new features. A number of household manufacturers no longer exist because they introduced poorly implemented new features, which resulted in low quality and product performance. A manufacturer must predict whether the future value of a feature is high enough for the customer chain to pay for it. The challenge for the manufacturer is to develop and produce a high-performance heat pump feature in a household product with high quality, predict future willingness to pay for it, and launch it at the right moment in order to succeed. Tumble dryers with heat pump systems have been on the market since 2000. Paper I reports on the development of a transient simulation model of a commercial heat pump tumble dryer. The measured and simulated results were compared with good similarity. The influence of the size of the compressor and the condenser was investigated using the validated simulation model. The results from the simulation model show that increasing the cylinder volume of the compressor by 50% decreases the drying time by 14% without using more electricity. Paper II is a concept study of adding a heat pump system to a dishwasher in order to decrease the total electricity usage. The dishwasher, dishware and water are heated by the condenser, and the evaporator absorbs the heat from a water tank. The majority of the heat transfer to the evaporator occurs when ice is generated in the water tank. An experimental setup and a transient simulation model of a heat pump dishwasher were developed. The simulation results show a 24% reduction in electricity use compared to a conventional dishwasher heated with an electric element. The simulation model was based on an experimental setup that was not optimised. During the study it became apparent that it is possible to decrease electricity usage even more with the next experimental setup.
I ett aktiebolag är det viktigt att företagets intressenter kan lita på den finansiella information som styrelsen och verkställande direktören ger ut. För intressenternas räkning utses en revisor för att granska verkställande direktörens och styrelsens arbete samt verifiera att den huvudsakliga delen av redovisningen stämmer. Forskning visar att revisorns fokus inte är i balans med intressenternas förväntningar. Vad som ingår i revisorns arbetsuppgifter finns det många uppfattningar om och revisorerna anklagas ofta för att inte upptäcka bedrägerier. Forskning visar också att kvaliteten på revisionen skiljer sig åt mellan stora och små revisionsbyråer, vilken påverkar vilka förväntningar klienten har på revisorn. Forskning visar att allmänheten anser att det finns en kvalitetsskillnad på revisionen mellan stora och små revisionsbyråer vilket kan leda till att klienternas förväntningar skiljer sig beroende på vilken revisionsbyrå de använder. Teoretisk referensram Kapitlet förklarar att förväntningsgapet kan delas upp i flera olika gap, och att dessa gap orsakar problem för revisorn om vilken roll denne ska ta. Kapitlet visar att utbildning och större ansvar är tänkbara åtgärder för revisorn. Kapitlet beskriver också att det råder delade meningar bland forskarna om det existerar en kvalitetsskillnad på revisionen mellan stora och små revisionsbyråer. Vissa forskare anser att större revisionsbyråer har högre kvalitet, samtidigt som andra anser att det inte råder någon skillnad alls vilket kan påverka gapet mellan klienten och revisorn. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om ett förväntningsgap existerar i Sverige och om gapet påverkas av storleken på revisionsbyrån samt att undersöka möjliga åtgärder till förväntningsgapet. Metod I uppsatsen har en kvantitativ metod använts. Enkäter skickades ut via mejl till verkställande direktörer och ekonomiansvariga då de har kontakt med företagets revisor. I studien tillfrågades totalt 750 företag där endast 70 ekonomiansvarige och verkställande direktörer fyllde i en fullständig enkät. Resultat Kapitlet sammanställer resultatet från studien. Resultatet visar att det existerar ett förväntningsgap hos uppsatsens respondenter och deras respektive revisorer. Studien visade inte någon signifikant skillnad på förväntningsgapet mellan stora och små revisionsbyråer. Studien visar att verkställande direktörerna och ekonomiansvariga som deltog i studien har otillräckliga kunskaper om revisorns arbetsuppgifter och att utbildning kan reducera förväntningsgapet. Analys Alla delar i förväntningsgapet som presenteras i teorikapitlet existerar bland respondenterna och deras revisorer. Storleken på revisionsbyrån påverkar inte om det uppstår ett förväntningsgap eller storleken på förväntningsgapet. Studien visar att respondenterna har bristande kunskaper i revisorns arbete. Ett sätt att minska förväntningsgapet är utbildning vilket både forskare och studien bekräftar. Slutsats Den slutsats som kan dras är att det existerar ett förväntningsgap bland uppsatsens respondenter och deras revisorer. Studien bekräftar också att det inte finns något samband mellan förväntningsgapet och storleken på revisionsbyrån. Förväntningsgapet uppstår när företagen inte har tillräckliga kunskaper om revisorns arbete och när revisorn inte uppfyller sina skyldigheter. Förväntningsgapet kan åtgärdas genom mer utbildning, bättre presterande revisorer och genom utveckling av revisionsstandarderna.
I samband med att en rådande överkonsumtion av planetens resurser identifierats har hållbarhet vuxit fram som ett centralt ämne i samhället. Företag klassas som kritiska aktörer i ett globalt strävande efter åtgärder mot överkonsumtionen och har därmed mötts med hårdare krav på att bidra till en hållbar utveckling. Många företag väljer därmed att frivilligt upprätta och publicera resurskrävande hållbarhetsredovisningar för att informera intressenter om hur de arbetar med sociala och miljömässiga frågor. Uppsatsens syfte är att bidra med en ökad kunskap kring varför de företag som deltagit i arbetets undersökning fattat ett beslut att redovisa sitt hållbarhetsarbete, samt att bidra med en ökad kunskap om vilken funktion hållbarhetsredovisningen har för dessa företag. I teoriavsnittet presenteras flertalet teoretiska utgångspunkter och ramverk som kan förklara bakomliggande skäl till att företag hållbarhetsredovisar. I empiridelen framförs en fallstudie i form av djupintervju med två hållbarhetsansvariga på ett företag angående hållbarhetsredovisningens innebörd, nytta och funktion för företaget. Sedan undersöks också sexton andra företag i form av en bredare studie där representanter för företagen förklarar varför företagen hållbarhetsredovisar. Skälen till att företagen i undersökningen hållbarhetsredovisar är att tillfredsställa intressenters behov, att företagen vill vara transparenta, och att det finns en intern-relaterad nytta i form av förbättring av arbetsprocesser. Bortsett från det förstnämnda skälet, som bestäms av intressenter, grundas resterande skäl på en etisk inställning till socialt ansvar hos företaget eller ett strävande efter legitimitet. Dessa drivkrafter formar också de funktioner som uppstår i samband med skälen, vilka är en kommunikativ funktion, en marknadsföringsfunktion, och en intern funktion. De tre funktionerna kan i praktiken kopplas till varandra och har gemensamt att de också fyller en affärsmässig funktion för hållbarhetsredovisningen att göra hållbar utveckling lönsam för företag. Uppsatsen avslutas med en modell som utförligt förklarar vilka drivkrafter som finns hos företagen, hur dessa influerar de skäl som ges till att företagen hållbarhetsredovisar samt hur denna relation formar hållbarhetsredovisningens funktion för företagen.
Att företag ska visa en så rättvisande bild av sin verksamhet som möjligt i årsredovisningarna har blivit ett allmänt accepterat faktum. Den här studien behandlar och granskar om och hur konsultföretag redovisar sitt humankapital samt om det är möjligt att komplettera årsredovisningen med en icke obligatorisk humankapitalsvärderingsmodell, likt hur GRI fungerar idag. Syftet med uppsatsen är således att förklara hur konsultfirmor hanterar redovisning av humankapital, samt att baserat på det ge förslag till kompletteringar till årsredovisningen som gör årsredovisningen mer rättvisande. I den teoretiska referensramen presenteras olika definitioner samt tidigare forskning inom redovisning, redovisning av humankapital samt de vanligaste förslagen till humankapitalsvärderingsmodeller. I studien har det brukats en kvalitativ metod med redskapen; personlig intervju, mejlintervju samt dokumentinsamling. Analysen fokuserar på vad det arbete som bedrivs idag i konsultföretag med humankapitalsredovisning innebär samt vad som eventuellt kan tilläggas det redan existerande arbetet. I analysen behandlas även konsultföretagens åsikter angående de humankapitalsvärderingsmodeller som finns. Exempel på viktiga slutsatser som kan dras av analyskapitlet är att det med absolut säkerhet kan sägas att det finns en möjlighet och en vilja från konsultföretag att komplettera årsredovisningar med humankapitalsvärderingsmodeller. Anledningen till att värderingsmodellen läggs som komplement är att det är svårt att införa humankapitalsvärderingsmodeller i den officiella årsredovisningen, med tanke på rådande värderingsprinciper för tillgångar.
The purpose of this study was to find out if preschool teachers use physical concepts included in thecurriculum for grade 1-3 (gravity, center of gravity, equilibrium, balance and friction) with the children in the outdoor environment at the preschool, if preschool teachers believe it is concepts that works to use with children in preschool outdoor environment and if the work could be developed regarding these physical concepts. To conduct the study, observations were done of preschool yards and semi-structured interviewswere conducted with preschool teachers who work in preschool right now. The result shows that it requires little resources to work with these concepts outdoors and teachers are positive to use the concepts but they do not use it to the extent they would like for a variety of reasons. In various ways, the preschool teachers also expresses that it is possible for children to absorb the physical concepts at preschool and it would help to later build a foundation in the form of childrens thinking that science is something fun and exciting that belong in their everyday lives.
Single stage and two-stage sodium sulfite cooking were carried out on either spruce, pine or pure pine heartwood chips to investigate the influence of several process parameters on the initial phase of such a cook down to about 60 % pulp yield. The cooking experiments were carried out in the laboratory with either a lab-prepared or a mill-prepared cooking acid and the temperature and time were varied. The influences of dissolved organic and inorganic components in the cooking liquor on the final pulp composition and on the extent of side reactions were investigated. Kinetic equations were developed and the activation energies for delignification and carbohydrate dissolution were calculated using the Arrhenius equation. A better understanding of the delignification mechanisms during bisulfite and acid sulfite cooking was obtained by analyzing the lignin carbohydrate complexes (LCC) present in the pulp when different cooking conditions were used. It was found that using a mill-prepared cooking acid beneficial effect with respect to side reactions, extractives removal and higher stability in pH during the cook were observed compared to a lab-prepared cooking acid. However, no significant difference in degrees of delignification or carbohydrate degradation was seen. The cellulose yield was not affected in the initial phase of the cook however; temperature had an influence on the rates of both delignification and hemicellulose removal. It was also found that the corresponding activation energies increased in the order: xylan, glucomannan, lignin and cellulose. The cooking temperature could thus be used to control the cook to a given carbohydrate composition in the final pulp. Lignin condensation reactions were observed during acid sulfite cooking, especially at higher temperatures. The LCC studies indicated the existence of covalent bonds between lignin and hemicellulose components with respect to xylan and glucomannan. LCC in native wood showed the presence of phenyl glycosides, ϒ-esters and α-ethers; whereas the α-ethers were affected during sulfite pulping. The existence of covalent bonds between lignin and wood polysaccharides might be the rate-limiting factor in sulfite pulping.
In 2012, Uganda celebrated 50 years of independence. The postcolonial era in the country has been marked by political turmoil and civil wars. Uganda, like many other postcolonial states in Africa, cannot be described as an ethnically or culturally homogenous state. However, history education has globally been seen as a platform for constructing national identities in contemporary societies. At the same time, it is assumed that specific historical experiences of countries influence historical understanding. This study takes its starting point in the theories of historical consciousness and narrativity. A narrative could be viewed as a site where mobilization of ideas of the past to envisage the present and possible futures is made and hence the narrative expresses historical orientation. Through the concept of historical orientation historical consciousness can be explored, i.e. what history is viewed as significant and meaningful. The aim in the study is to explore in what ways students connect to their historical pasts. The study explores 219 narratives of 73 Ugandan upper secondary students. Narratives elicited through written responses to three assignments. Designed to capture different approaches to history: either to start from the beginning and narrate history prospectively or to depart from the present narrating retrospectively. The colonial experience of Uganda affected the sampling in the way that students were chosen from two different regions, Central and Northern Uganda. The comparison was a way to handle the concept of ‘nation’ as a presupposed category. Narrative analysis has been used as a method to explore what the students regarded as historically significant and what patterns among the narratives that point towards particular historical orientations. The empirical results show how different approaches to history, a prospective or a retrospective approach, influence the student narratives. For instance, valued judgments on past developments were more common with the retrospective approach. The results also show differences in evaluating past developments according to regional origin. Students from northern Uganda were generally more inclined to tell a story of decline. Also, it is argued that the student narratives were informed by a meta-narrative of Africa. It was as common to identify oneself as African as it was to identify as Ugandan.
This thesis explores perceptions and preferences on regional action in EU-related frameworks among regional actors in Western Sweden. Building upon the literature on Europeanisation and the Fusion approach, three dimensions of Europeanisation are clarified and explored– download, upload and crossload – and together with a set of five variables that constitute the Micro Fusion Framework; a comprehensive analytical tool is developed. The thesis analyses the intense debate among the members of West Sweden that took place from 2011 to 2013 that focused on how to functionally organise the regional office in Brussels in order to meet future challenges. Surprisingly, the members eventually decided to terminate their cooperation and close the jointly owned office in Brussels in spite of the fact that it has been widely regarded as successful and effective. Diverging perceptions and preferences is understood in terms of three positions on regional action; a download-, upload- and a coherent oriented position. Finally, the thesis presents the empirical findings and discusses in relation to three fusion scenarios, infusion, defusion and clustered fusion. In terms of Micro Fusion Framework, the dynamics shaping why West Sweden was finally regarded as a dysfunctional arena for regional action are explained by a shift of attention and action among regional actors in Western Sweden that led to pressure for further institutional adaptation in order to meet the demand of how ‘to get the best out of the EU’. Further, this redefinition of how to handle EU-affairs within the upload-oriented position was accompanied by positive attitudes towards the potential to bypass the state and thereby pursue regional priorities directly in Brussels given the compound nature of the EU. In contrast, those regional actors that are found to be more download-oriented often question the benefits of uploading activities in practice and advocate close relations to the state. A coherent oriented position recognises the importance of activities related to both of the vertical dimensions of Europeanisation.