5 resultados para stadskärna hållbart samhälle

em Academic Archive On-line (Jönköping University


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Purpose: To determine the progress in Umeå concerning the furtherance of bicycle traffic in the city and to investigate the possibility of a similar progress in Jönköping. Method: Semi structured interviews with officials, politicians and enthusiasts in Umeå and Jönköping, document analysis of documents provided by the municipalities and observations of Umeå city center. Findings: Umeå’s mindset around a sustainable society have been identified and the vast difference between the two cities is the time that they’ve actively worked with the bike issue and how public officials prioritize while planning. Umeå’s large advantage in their decision making is that officials and politicians are working towards the same goal and are united in the bike issue. This makes decisions regarding bicycle promotion easier to make. Due to the difference in conditions between the cities, the writers states that Umeå’s way of planning their traffic not necessarily is the right way for Jönköping to plan theirs. Implications: In order to develop it’s bicycle network, Jönköping must dare to let go of their old way of thinking. Instead of thinking that car traffic is necessary in a city, they should have the courage to take difficult decisions that benefit bicycle promotion and thus develop a sustainable transport system. Limitations: The study does not address the economic aspects that are involved in the development of an attractive bicycle network. Also the environmental issues are only dealt with in a thorough level, as it’s necessary to fulfill the study’s objectives. The study’s purpose is considered to be achieved but the result could have been even more developed if more parties were interviewed. Keywords: Bicycle path, bicycle, sustainable transport planning, sustainable society, sustainability, Umeå, Jönköping 


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More than half a million people in Sweden are affected by some sort of disability. During recreational activities in nature areas, these people might encounter difficulties such as inadequate accessibility. The Swedish society requires that all citizens should have the same possibilities. The purpose of this thesis is to improve the accessibility for people with disabilities. The aim is to examine occurring flaws in accessible nature reserves and suggest possible improvements.The questions that will be answered are as follows:• What flaws do accessible nature reserves have, and how do they affect the visitors?• What improvements can be made in nature reserves to increase accessibility?To answer the questions, a case study was done, where five different nature areas were visited. During the case study, various flaws in the accessibility were observed and analysed. Prior to the case study, requirements and scientific research regarding accessibility was studied. Using this, suggestions for improving the accessibility were made. . Most of the improvements that could be made in the studied nature reserves were presumed to be applicable in other nature reserves in Sweden.With the case study in mind, the accessibility was considered in need of various improvements. The accessibility was studied from three out of four of the Swedish disability association’s categories; physical, communicative, and informative accessibility. The flaws that were encountered in the studied areas were due to incorrect design, or insufficient maintenance. Most of the flaws could be corrected in simple ways, but the flaws that were due to incorrect design or planning would require more work. After the case study it was discovered that supposedly “accessible” trails, according to different websites, had varying levels of accessibility. An accessible recreational area will benefit all types of visitors, not only people with disabilities. It will be more convenient and enables visits with strollers. An area cannot be made accessible for all types of visitors, but can be made accessible for as many visitors as possible.


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Det rapporteras flitigt i media om att sjukskrivningar pga. av utbrändhet fortsätter att öka under 2000-talet, att människor i Sverige har svårt att få ihop sin tillvaro på ett långsiktigt hållbart sätt. Målet med denna uppsats är att genom en fallstudie undersöka om en reduktion av arbetstiden påverkat arbetstagarens psykiska hälsa positivt. Studien bygger på en enkätundersökning och två uppföljande djupintervjuer riktade mot ett enda företag. Efter att ha sammanställt materialet har uppsatsens författare kunnat dra vissa slutsatser om kopplingen mellan arbetstidsförkortning och förbättrat psykiskt mående.   Resultatet visade att alla respondenter i studien upplevt en betydande positiv förbättring av sin psykiska hälsa och sitt välbefinnande.


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Vad vilja ungdomen? undersöker hur ungdomar ser på inflytande och delaktighet inom samhällsfrågor, om demokratiutredningens förslag följer detta synsätt samt försöker förklara varför det ser ut på detta sätt. Detta görs genom en enkätundersökning som besvarats av 140 ungdomar mellan 15-18 år. Ungdomarnas svar har analyserats med hjälp av en tematisk analysmetod där fyra framstående tema utkristalliserades. Dessa teman analyserades med hjälp av individualiseringsteorier som byggts upp av Roland Inglehart (1997) och Robert D. Putnam (1995, 2006). Dessa teorier utökas med hjälp av Robert A. Dahls (1996) teori angående demokrati. Undersökningen visar att ungdomar har en vilja att påverka sin omgivning och sitt samhälle. De gör detta på ett mindre kollektivistiskt sätt än tidigare generationer och det leder till att påverkansformerna tenderar att bli, att gilla och dela saker på sociala medier och att bojkotta vissa varor. Detta är en förlängning av den individualiseringstrend som varit stark i västvärlden under de senaste decennierna. Detta kan leda till att inflytelserika eliter får mer makt och tillåts få mer makt inom de former för representativ demokrati som arbetas efter i Sverige. Vi kan också se att vuxenvärlden har ett ansvar att låta ungdomar ta plats och utnyttja deras kompetens och vilja till förändring. Ungdomar vill påverka samhället, det gäller för vuxenvärlden att ta vara på denna energi. Resultaten verifierar det mesta av den tidigare forskningen på området gällande inflytande och påverkan, men de ger oss möjligheter att förstå ungdomars syn på demokratiutredningens förslag där det står klart att ungdomarna vill ha tydliga påverkansmöjligheter genom exempelvis ungdomsråd, folkmotioner och sänkt rösträttsålder.


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This article presents a phenomenological analysis of interview material, in which 12 care professionals in elderly care reflect on the elderly's well-being within the frame of special housing accommodation. The perspective of the care professionals is of special interest. The findings show that the well-being is characterized as the elderly's feelings of being existentially touched. The well-being is an existential experience of being acknowledged as a human being and is an approach that classifies the elderly's needs as those of having, loving, and being. The meaning of the phenomenon is elucidated by the constituents: (1) to feel the freedom of choice, (2) to feel pleasure, and (3) to feel closeness to someone or something. The findings contribute new understanding of well-being in the elderly care by its existential dimension of the well-being as "just being'' and of doing things in order to experience meaningfulness. Accordingly, the well-being of the elderly as it is seen from the perspective of the care professionals involves both carers' subjectivity and intersubjectivity between the care professional and the elderly. An implication for promoting elderly's well-being is to develop awareness of these existential dimensions.