2 resultados para assessment instrument

em Academic Archive On-line (Jönköping University


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Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur arbetslösa personer i tjänsten Stöd och matchning upplever delaktighet i aktivitet. Författaren använde kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen genomfördes genom intervjuer med bedömningsinstrumentet OCAIRS-S som grund. Fem deltagare rekryterades med bekvämlighetsurval på en mindre ort i Sverige. Författaren spelade in intervjuerna för att sedan transkribera och bearbeta dem genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med stöd av komponenter i ICF. Resultatet visade bland annat att deltagarna hade lätt att ge upp och saknade rutiner i sitt vardagsliv. Alla upplevde även att de klarar sig bra på sin inkomst och hade möjlighet att utföra alla aktiviteter de ville och behövde göra. De spenderade mycket tid ensamma och hade några få nära relationer. De flesta trivdes i arbetslösheten och alla såg positivt på framtiden. Ingen av dem letade aktivt efter möjligheter till arbete och de var inte heller initiativtagande. Slutsatserna som gjordes var att deltagarna saknar proaktivitet och motivation till att skaffa arbete. De skulle ha nytta av arbetsterapi för aktivitetsträning och/eller anpassning av aktiviteten ”att söka arbete”. Vidare forskning med större underlag behövs för en djupare förståelse.


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BACKGROUND: The Life-Space Assessment (LSA), developed in the USA, is an instrument focusing on mobility with respect to reaching different areas defined as life-spaces, extending from the room where the person sleeps to mobility outside one's hometown. A newly translated Swedish version of the LSA (LSA-S) has been tested for test-retest reliability, but the validity remains to be tested. The purpose of the present study was to examine the concurrent validity of the LSA-S, by comparing and correlating the LSA scores to other measures of mobility. METHOD: The LSA was included in a population-based study of health, functioning and mobility among older persons in Sweden, and the present analysis comprised 312 community-dwelling participants. To test the concurrent validity, the LSA scores were compared to a number of other mobility-related variables, including the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) as well as "stair climbing", "transfers", "transportation", "food shopping", "travel for pleasure" and "community activities". The LSA total mean scores for different levels of the other mobility-related variables, and measures of correlation were calculated. RESULTS: Higher LSA total mean scores were observed with higher levels of all the other mobility related variables. Most of the correlations between the LSA and the other mobility variables were large (r = 0.5-1.0) and significant at the 0.01 level. The LSA total score, as well as independent life-space and assistive life-space correlated with transportation (0.63, 0.66, 0.64) and food shopping (0.55, 0.58, 0.55). Assistive life-space also correlated with SPPB (0.47). With respect to maximal life-space, the correlations with the mobility-related variables were generally lower (below 0.5), probably since this aspect of life-space mobility is highly influenced by social support and is not so dependent on the individual's own physical function. CONCLUSION: LSA was shown to be a valid measure of mobility when using the LSA total, independent LS or assistive LSA.