3 resultados para MIG welding
em Academic Archive On-line (Jönköping University
Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur arbetslösa personer i tjänsten Stöd och matchning upplever delaktighet i aktivitet. Författaren använde kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen genomfördes genom intervjuer med bedömningsinstrumentet OCAIRS-S som grund. Fem deltagare rekryterades med bekvämlighetsurval på en mindre ort i Sverige. Författaren spelade in intervjuerna för att sedan transkribera och bearbeta dem genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med stöd av komponenter i ICF. Resultatet visade bland annat att deltagarna hade lätt att ge upp och saknade rutiner i sitt vardagsliv. Alla upplevde även att de klarar sig bra på sin inkomst och hade möjlighet att utföra alla aktiviteter de ville och behövde göra. De spenderade mycket tid ensamma och hade några få nära relationer. De flesta trivdes i arbetslösheten och alla såg positivt på framtiden. Ingen av dem letade aktivt efter möjligheter till arbete och de var inte heller initiativtagande. Slutsatserna som gjordes var att deltagarna saknar proaktivitet och motivation till att skaffa arbete. De skulle ha nytta av arbetsterapi för aktivitetsträning och/eller anpassning av aktiviteten ”att söka arbete”. Vidare forskning med större underlag behövs för en djupare förståelse.
The mechanical behaviour and performance of a ductile iron component is highly dependent on the local variations in solidification conditions during the casting process. Here we show a framework which combine a previously developed closed chain of simulations for cast components with a micro-scale Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation of the behaviour and performance of the microstructure. A casting process simulation, including modelling of solidification and mechanical material characterization, provides the basis for a macro-scale FEM analysis of the component. A critical region is identified to which the micro-scale FEM simulation of a representative microstructure, generated using X-ray tomography, is applied. The mechanical behaviour of the different microstructural phases are determined using a surrogate model based optimisation routine and experimental data. It is discussed that the approach enables a link between solidification- and microstructure-models and simulations of as well component as microstructural behaviour, and can contribute with new understanding regarding the behaviour and performance of different microstructural phases and morphologies in industrial ductile iron components in service.
This paper proposes a method to indicate potential problems when planning dye penetrant and x-ray inspection of welded components. Inspection has been found to be an important part of the manufacturability evaluation made in a large CAD-based parametric environment for making multidisciplinary design simulations in early stages of design at an aircraft component manufacturer. The paper explains how the proposed method is to be included in the design platform at the company. It predicts the expected probability of detection of cracks (POD) in situations where the geometry of the parts is unfavourable for inspection so that potential problems can be discovered and solved in early stages. It is based on automatically extracting information from CAD-models and making a rule-based evaluation. It also provides a scale for how favourable the geometry is for inspection. In the paper it is also shown that the manufacturability evaluation need to take into consideration the expected stresses in the structures, highlighting the importance of multi-disciplinary simulations.