15 resultados para immune monitoring
em Aberystwyth University Repository - Reino Unido
M. Neal, An Artificial Immune System for Continuous Analysis of Time-Varying Data, in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS), 2002, eds J Timmis and P J Bentley, volume 1, pages 76-85,
Neal, M., Meta-stable memory in an artificial immune network, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems {ICARIS}, Springer, 168-180, 2003,LNCS 2787/2003
Hardy, N. W., Barnes, D. P., Lee, M. (1987). Declarative sensor knowledge in a robot monitoring system. In: Languages for Sensor-Based Control in Robotics, Ulrich Rembold and Klaus H?rmann (eds), Springer-Verlag, p. 169-188.
Barnes, D. P., Lee, M. H., Hardy, N. W. (1983). A control and monitoring system for multiple-sensor industrial robots. In Proc. 3rd. Int. Conf. Robot Vision and Sensory Controls, Cambridge, MA. USA., 471-479.
Timmis J Neal M J and Hunt J. Augmenting an artificial immune network using ordering, self-recognition and histo-compatibility operators. In Proceedings of IEEE international conference of systems, man and cybernetics, pages 3821-3826, San Diego, 1998. IEEE.
Neal M J Timmis J and Hunt J. Data analysis with artificial immune systems, cluster analysis and kohonen networks: some comparisons. In Proceedings of IEEE international conference of systems, man and cybernetics, pages 922-927, Tokyo, 1999. IEEE.
Timmis J and Neal M J. An artificial immune system for data analysis. In Proceedings of 3rd international workshop on information processing in cells and tissues (IPCAT), Indianapolis, U.S.A., 1999.
Timmis J and Neal M J. A resource limited artificial immune system for data analysis. In Proceedings of ES2000 - Research and Development of Intelligent Systems, pages 19-32, Cambrige, U.K., 2000. Springer.
Timmis J and Neal M J. Investigating the evolution and stability of a resource limited artificial immune system. In Proceedings of GECCO - special workshop on artificial immune systems, pages 40-41. AAAI press, 2000.
Rowley, J.& Urquhart, C. (2007). Understanding student information behavior in relation to electronic information services: lessons from longitudinal monitoring and evaluation Part 1. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(8), 1162-1174. Sponsorship: JISC
Urquhart, C. & Rowley, J. (2007). Understanding student information behavior in relation to electronic information services: lessons from longitudinal monitoring and evaluation Part 2. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(8), 1188-1197. Sponsorship: JISC
Schierz, A. (2007). Monitoring knowledge: a text-based approach. Terminology, 13 (2), 125-154. Sponsorship: EPSRC DTG Project IQ, EU IST-FET FP6-516169
Q. Shen and R. Jensen, 'Selecting Informative Features with Fuzzy-Rough Sets and its Application for Complex Systems Monitoring,' Pattern Recognition, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 1351-1363, 2004.
Davison, G. and Gleeson, M. (2005). Influence of Acute Vitamin C and/or Carbohydrate Ingestion on Hormonal, Cytokine, and Immune Responses to Prolonged Exercise. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 15(5), pp.465-479 RAE2008