3 resultados para exhaustion
em Aberystwyth University Repository - Reino Unido
Thatcher, Rhys, et al., 'Influence of blood donation on O-2 uptake on-kinetics, peak O-2 uptake and time to exhaustion during severe-intensity cycle exercise in humans', Experimental Physiology (2006) 91(3) pp.499-509 RAE2008
Thatcher, Rhys, et al., 'A modified TRIMP to quantify the in-season training load of team sport players', Journal of Sport Sciences, (2007) 25(6) pp.629-634 RAE2008
Burnley, M., Doust, J., Vanhatalo, A., A 3-min all-out test to determine peak oxygen uptake and the maximal steady state, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 38(11):1995-2003, November 2006. RAE2008