3 resultados para GC-MS analysis
em Aberystwyth University Repository - Reino Unido
Jenkins, H., Beckmann, M., Draper, J., & Hardy, N. (2007). GC-MS Peak Labeling Under ArMet. Nikolau, B. J., & Wurtele, E. S. (Eds.), In: Concepts in Plant Metabolomics. (pp. 19-28). Dordrecht: Springer. Sponsorship: The authors gratefully acknowledge the United Kingdom Food Standards Agency (under the G02006 project) for support of their work in metabolomics.
Douglas B. Murray, Manfred Beckmann, and Hiroaki Kitano. (2007). Regulation of yeast oscillatory dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 104 (7), 2241-2246 Sponsorship: Solution-Oriented Research for Science and Technology Agency to the Systems Biology Institute /21st Century Center of Excellence Program and Special Coordination Program of the Ministry of Education, Sports, Culture, Science, and Technology to Keio University RAE2008
Manfred Beckmann, David P. Enot, David P. Overy, and John Draper (2007). Representation, comparison, and interpretation of metabolome fingerprint data for total composition analysis and quality trait investigation in potato cultivars. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55 (9) pp.3444-3451 RAE2008