4 resultados para Continuum
em Aberystwyth University Repository - Reino Unido
Wilson, M.S. and Neal, M.J., 'Diminishing Returns of Engineering Effort in Telerobotic Systems', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A:Systems and Humans, 2001, September, volume 31, number 5, pp 459-465, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, ed. Dautenhahn,K., Special Issue on Socially Intelligent Agents - The Human in the Loop
Scott, Len, The Cuban Missile Crisis And The Threat Of Nuclear War: Lessons From History (London: Continuum, 2007), pp.xii+222 RAE2008
Jasimuddin, Sajjad, Klein, Jonathan, and Connell, Con, 'The paradox of using tacit and explicit knowledge: Strategies to face dilemnas', Management Decision (2005) 43(1) pp.102-112 RAE2008
Pint?r, B.; Erd?lyi, R.; Goossens, M., Global oscillations in a magnetic solar model. II. Oblique propagation, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 466, Issue 1, April IV 2007, pp.377-388 Pint?r, B.; Erd?lyi, R.; Goossens, M., (2007) 'Global oscillations in a magnetic solar model II. Oblique propagation', Astronomy and Astrophysics 466(1) pp.377-388 RAE2008