71 resultados para foundations of mathematics
S.J. Cox and E. Janiaud (2008) On the structure of quasi-two-dimensional foams. Phil. Mag. Letts. 88:693-701 Philosophical Magazine Letters Volume 88, Issue 9-10, 2008 Special Issue: Solid and Liquid Foams. In commemoration of Manuel Amaral Fortes The full text will be available 12 months after publication Sponsorship: We thank K. Brakke for his development and maintenance of the Surface Evolver code, I. Cantat, N. Denkov and F. Graner for their insightful comments on this work, and the participants in the Grenoble Foam Mechanics Workshop (2008) for their suggestions. EJ thanks D. Weaire and S. Hutzler for support, and ESA (MAP AO-99-108:C14914/02/NL/SH, MAP AO-99-075:C14308/00/NL/SH) for funding. SJC thanks the British Council Alliance programme, CNRS and EPSRC (EP/D048397/1, EP/D071127/1) for financial support.
Sponsorship: EPSRC, STFC
Williams, Mike, 'Why ideas matter in International Relations: Hans Morgenthau, Classical Realism, and the Moral Construction of Power Politics', International Organization (2004) 58(4) pp.633-665 RAE2008
Hill, Joe M., Lloyd, Noel G., Pearson, Jane M., 'Algorithmic derivation of isochronicity conditions', Nonlinear Analysis (2007) 67, 52-69.
Hill, Joe M., Lloyd, Noel G., Pearson, Jane M., 'Limit cycles of a predator-prey model with intratrophic predation', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Volume 349, Issue 2, 15 January 2009, Pages 544-555
Lloyd, Noel G., and Pearson, Jane M., 'Space saving calculation of symbolic resultants', Mathematics in Computer Science, 1 (2007), 267-290.
Gough, John; Van Handel, R., (2007) 'Singular perturbation of quantum stochastic differential equations with coupling through an oscillator mode', Journal of Statistical Physics 127(3) pp.575-607 RAE2008
Gough, John, (2004) 'Quantum Flows as Markovian Limit of Emission, Absorption and Scattering Interactions', Communications in Mathematical Physics 254 pp.498-512 RAE2008
Mavron, Vassili; Jungnickel, D.; McDonough, T.P., (2001) 'The Geometry of Frequency Squares', Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 96, pp.376-387 RAE2008
Plakhov, A.Y., (2004) 'Precise solutions of the one-dimensional Monge-Kantorovich problem', Sbornik: Mathematics 195(9) pp.1291-1307 RAE2008
Plakhov, A.Y.; Torres, D., (2005) 'Newton's aerodynamic problem in media of chaotically moving particles', Sbornik: Mathematics 196(6) pp.885-933 RAE2008
Iantchenko, A.; Jakuba?a-Amundsen, D.H., (2003) 'On the positivity of the Jansen-He? operator for arbitrary mass', Annales of the Institute Henri Poincar? 4 pp.1083-1099 RAE2008
Gohm, Rolf; Skeide, M., (2005) 'Constructing extensions of CP-maps via tensor dilations with rhe help of von Neumann modules', Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 8(2) pp.291-305 RAE2008
Plakhov, A.Y.; Gouveia, P.D.F., (2007) 'Problems of maximal mean resistance on the plane', Nonlinearity 20(9) pp.2271-2287 RAE2008
Mishuris, G; Kuhn, G., (2001) 'Asymptotic behaviour of the elastic solution near the tip of a crack situated at a nonideal interface', Zeitschrift f?r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 81(12) pp.811-826 RAE2008