28 resultados para Davidson, Donald
David P. Enot and Ross D. King (2002) The use of Inductive Logic Programming in drug design. Proceedings of the 14th EuroQSAR Symposium (EuroQSAR 2002). Blackwell Publishing, p247-250
Janet Taylor, Ross D King, Thomas Altmann and Oliver Fiehn (2002). Application of metabolomics to plant genotype discrimination using statistics and machine learning. 1st European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB). (published as a journal supplement in Bioinformatics 18: S241-S248).
Clare, A. and King R.D. (2002) How well do we understand the clusters found in microarray data? In In Silico Biol. 2, 0046
Clare, A. and King R.D. (2002) Machine learning of functional class from phenotype data. Bioinformatics 18(1) 160-166
G. M. Coghill, S. M. Garrett and R. D. King (2002), Learning Qualitative Models in the Presence of Noise, QR'02 Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning
Karwath, A. King, R. Homology induction: the use of machine learning to improve sequence similarity searches. BMC Bioinformatics. 23rd April 2002. 3:11 Additional File Describes the title organims species declaration in one string [http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/supplementary/1471- 2105-3-11-S1.doc] Sponsorship: Andreas Karwath and Ross D. King were supported by the EPSRC grant GR/L62849.
Soldatova, L., Clare, A., Sparkes, A. and King, R. D. (2006) An ontology for a robot scientist. Bioinformatics 2006 22: 464-471
To be presented at SIG/ISMB07 ontology workshop: http://bio-ontologies.org.uk/index.php To be published in BMC Bioinformatics. Sponsorship: JISC
Schierz, A.C., L. Soldatova, R.D. King. Overhauling the PDB. Nature Biotechnology, 25, No. 4, April 2007, pp 437 - 442. Sponsorship: Project IQ, EU IST-FET FP6-516169 BBSRC Project 2/BEP17028
Schierz,A.C., L. Soldatova, R.D. King. Realism about PDB. Nature Biotechnology, 25, No. 8, August 2007, p846. Sponsorship: Project IQ, EU IST-FET FP6-516169 BBSRC Project 2/BEP17028
Whelan, K. E. and King, R. D. Using a logical model to predict the growth of yeast. BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:97
Riley, M. C., Clare, A., King, R. D. (2007). Locational distribution of gene functional classes in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Bioinformatics 8, Article No: 112 Sponsorship: EPSRC / RAEng
Soldatova, L. N., Aubrey, W., King, R. D., Clare, A. J. (2008). The EXACT description of biomedical protocols. Bioinformatics, 24 (13), i295-i303 Sponsorship: BBSRC / RAEng / EPSRC specialissue: ISMB