20 resultados para Radikalfänger, Isoselenazole, Hydroxylradikale, Cox, Lox
Essery, R L H, Best, M J, Betts, R A, Cox, P M & Taylor, C M, Explicit representation of subgrid heterogeneity in a GCM land-surface scheme. Journal of Hydrometeorology 4, pp 530-543 (2003).
Cox, S.J. and Whittick, E.L. (2006) Shear modulus of two-dimensional foams: The effect of area dispersity and disorder. Euro. Phys. J. E 21:49-56 Sponsorship: EPSRC
Cox, S.J. (2006) The mixing of bubbles in two-dimensional bidisperse foams under extensional shear. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics . 137:39-45.
Cox, S.J. (2006) Calculations of the minimal perimeter for N deformable cells of equal area confined in a circle. Philosophical Magazine Letters. 86:569-578.
Cox, S.J., Vaz, M.F. and Weaire, D. (2003) Topological changes in a two-dimensional foam cluster. The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter . 11:29-35.
Cox, S.J., and Graner, F. (2004) Three-dimensional bubble clusters: shape, packing and growth-rate. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics . 69:031409.
Hutzler, S., Weaire, D., Cox, S.J., Van der Net, A. and Janiaud, E. (2007) Pre-empting Plateau: the nature of topological transitions in foam. Europhys. Lett. 77: 28002 Sponsorship: EPSRC / ESA / ESTEC / Science Foundation Ireland/ Gulbenkian Foundation
M.A. Fortes et al., Instabilities in two-dimensional flower and chain clusters of bubbles, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Volume 309, Issues 1-3, 1 November 2007, Pages 64-70 A Collection of Papers Presented at the 6th Eufoam Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 2-6 July, 2006
Hutzler, S., Cox, S.J., Janiaud, E. and Weaire, D. (2007) Drainage induced convection rolls in foams. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Volume 309, Issues 1-3, 1 November 2007, Pages 33-37 A Collection of Papers Presented at the 6th Eufoam Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 2-6 July, 2006 Sponsorship: European Space Agency (14914/02/NL/SH, 14308/00/NL/SG) (AO-99-031) CCN 002 MAP Project AO-99-075); Science Foundation Ireland (RFP 05/RFP/PHY0016); Royal Society; UWA Learned Societies.
Peron, N., Cox, S.J., Hutzler, S. and Weaire, D. (2007) Steady drainage in emulsions: corrections for surface Plateau borders and a model for high aqueous volume fraction. The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter. 22: 341-351. Sponsorship: This research was supported by the European Space Agency (14914/02/NL/SH, 14308/00/NL/SG) (AO-99-031) CCN 002 MAP Project AO-99-075) and Science Foundation Ireland (RFP 05/RFP/PHY0016). SJC acknowledges support from EPSRC (EP/D071127/1).
Spink, S., Urquhart, C., Cox, A. & Higher Education Academy - Information and Computer Sciences Subject Centre. (2007). Procurement of electronic content across the UK National Health Service and Higher Education sectors. Report to JISC executive and LKDN executive. Sponsorship: JISC/LKDN
Raufaste, C., Dollet, B., Cox, S., Jiang, Y. and Graner, F. (2007). Yield drag in a two-dimensional foam flow around a circular obstacle: Effect of liquid fraction. European Physical Journal E, 23 (2), 217?228 Sponsorship: Y.J. is supported by US DOE under contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396. S.C. is supported by EPSRC (EP/D071127/1)
Cox, S.J. (2005) A Viscous Froth Model for Dry Foams in the Surface Evolver. Coll. Surf. A 263:81-89. Sponsorship: Partial support from both the Ulysses France?Ireland Exchange Scheme and the European Space Agency, Contract 14308/00/NL/SH (AO-99-031) CCN 002 MAP Project AO-99-075.
Cox, S.J., Bradley, G. and Weaire, D. (2001) Metallic foam processing from the liquid state: the competition between solidification and drainage. Eur. Phys. J. AP 14:87-97. Sponsorship: This research was supported by the Prodex programme of ESA, and is a contribution to ESA contract C14308/AO-075-99. SJC was supported by Enterprise Ireland and a Marie Curie fellowship. GB was supported by the HPC Programme of TCD.
null Sponsorship: Financial support is acknowledged from the University of Wales Aberystwyth Senate Fund, the Ulysses France-Ireland Exchange Scheme and EPSRC (EP/D014956/1, EP/D048397/1, EP/D071127/1).