3 resultados para Postnatal distress
em ABACUS. Repositorio de Producción Científica - Universidad Europea
Expression patterns of group I (mGluR1α and mGluR5)and group II (mGluR2/3) metabotropic glutamate receptor subtypes were examined immunocytochemically in the trigeminal system of mice during the first 3 weeks of postnatal development, when somatotopic whisker representations are sequentially established from brainstem through thalamus to cerebral cortex. Immunostaining for all three epitopes formed whisker-related patterns in the trigeminal nuclei from postnatal day (P) 0, in the ventral posterior thalamic nucleus from P2, and in the posteromedial barrel subfield of somatosensory cortex (SI) from P4. The appearance of whisker-related patterns was preceded by increased levels of immunostaining of the neuropil, which subsequently declined from the trigeminal nuclei upward. In SI, mGluR1α-positive neurons were observed in all cortical layers from P2. mGluR5 was localized in neurons, glial cells, and neuropil from P2. mGluR2/3 immunostaining was distributed only in the neuropil at all ages. The three receptor subtypes showed moderate to high expression in deep layer V throughout development. Transient expression peaked in the hollows of layer IV barrels from P4 to P9, and then fell off as expression increased in supragranular layers from P14 to P21. The deep aspect of the cortical subplate (layer VIb) showed dense mGluR5 and less dense mGluR1α immunostaining throughout development. Up-regulation of expression of group I and II mGluRs is correlated with the growth and refinement of connectivity and the establishment of somatotopic patterns in the three main relay stations of the trigeminal system. This finding suggests roles for mGluRs in the early processing of sensory information and in developmental plasticity.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a complex disease associated with high morbidity and mortality. Biomarkers and specific pharmacologic treatment of the syndrome are lacking. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small (∼19–22 nucleotides) noncoding RNA molecules whose function is the regulation of gene expression. Their uncommon biochemical characteristics (eg, their resistance to degradation because of extreme temperature and pH fluctuations, freeze-thaw cycles, long storage times in frozen conditions, and RNAse digestion) and their presence in a wide range of different biological fluids and the relatively low number of individual miRNAs make these molecules good biomarkers in different clinical conditions. In addition, miRNAs are suitable therapeutic targets as their expression can be modulated by different available strategies. The aim of the present review is to offer clinicians a global perspective of miRNA, covering their structure and nomenclature, biogenesis, effects on gene expression, regulation of expression, and features as disease biomarkers and therapeutic targets, with special attention to ARDS. Because of the early stage of research on miRNAs applied to ARDS, attention has been focused on how knowledge sourced from basic and translational research could inspire future clinical studies.
Kao et al. have reported in Critical Care the histological findings of 101 patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) undergoing open lung biopsy. Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD), the histological hallmark of ARDS, was present in only 56.4 % of cases. The presence of DAD was associated with higher mortality. Evidence from this and other studies indicates that the clinical criteria for the diagnosis of ARDS identify DAD in only about half of the cases. On the contrary, there is evidence that the clinical course and outcome of ARDS differs in patients with DAD and in patients without DAD. The discovery of biomarkers for the physiological (increased alveolocapillary permeability) or histological (DAD) hallmarks of ARDS is thus of paramount importance.