37 resultados para Artèries coronàries-Malalties, Sistema cardiovascular-Malalties


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The cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) in the lower pan of the right atrium, between the inferior caval vein and the tricuspid valve, is considered crucial in producing a conduction delay and. hence, favoring the perpetuation of a reentrant circuit. Non-uniform wall thickness, muscle fiber orientation and the marked variability in muscular architecture in the CTI should be taken into consideration from the perspective of anisotropic conduction, thus producing an electrophysiologic isthmus. The purpose of this article is to review the anatomy and electrophysiology of the CTI in human hearts to provide useful information to plan CTI radio frequency ablation for the patients with atrial flutter.


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The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of infective endocarditis (IE) after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). This study was performed using the GAMES database, a national prospective registry of consecutive patients with IE in 26 Spanish hospitals. Of the 739 cases of IE diagnosed during the study, 1.3% were post-TAVI IE, and these 10 cases, contributed by five centres, represented 1.1% of the 952 TAVIs performed. Mean age was 80 years. All valves were implanted transfemorally. IE appeared a median of 139 days after implantation. The mean age-adjusted Charlson comorbidity index was 5.45. Chronic kidney disease was frequent (five patients), as were atrial fibrillation (five patients), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (four patients), and ischaemic heart disease (four patients). Six patients presented aortic valve involvement, and four only mitral valve involvement; the latter group had a higher percentage of prosthetic mitral valves (0% vs. 50%). Vegetations were found in seven cases, and four presented embolism. One patient underwent surgery. Five patients died during follow-up: two of these patients died during the admission in which the valve was implanted. Conclusions: IE is a rare but severe complication after TAVI which affects about 1% of patients and entails a relatively high mortality rate. IE occurred during the first year in nine of the 10 patients.


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Early discharge protocols have been proposed for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) low risk patients despite the existence of few but significant cardiovascular events during mid-term follow-up. We aimed to identify a subgroup of patients among those considered low-risk in which prognosis would be particularly good. We analyzed 30-day outcomes and long-term follow-up among 1.111 STEMI patients treated with reperfusion therapy. Multivariate analysis identified seven variables as predictors of 30-day outcomes: Femoral approach; age > 65; systolic dysfunction; postprocedural TIMI flow < 3; elevated creatinine level > 1.5 mg/dL; stenosis of left-main coronary artery; and two or higher Killip class (FASTEST). A total of 228 patients (20.5%), defined as very low-risk (VLR), had none of these variables on admission. VLR group of patients compared to non-VLR patients had lower in-hospital (0% vs. 5.9%; p < 0.001) and 30-day mortality (0% vs. 6.25%: p < 0.001). They also presented fewer in-hospital complications (6.6% vs. 39.7%; p < 0.001) and 30-day major adverse events (0.9% vs. 4.5%; p = 0.01). Significant mortality differences during a mean follow-up of 23.8 ± 19.4 months were also observed (2.2% vs. 15.2%; p < 0.001). The first VLR subject died 11 months after hospital discharge. No cardiovascular deaths were identified in this subgroup of patients during follow-up. About a fifth of STEMI patients have VLR and can be easily identified. They have an excellent prognosis suggesting that 24–48 h in-hospital stay could be a feasible alternative in these patients.


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The purpose of this study was to quantify the metabolic equivalents (METs) of resistance exercise in obese patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and healthy young subjects and to evaluate whether there were differences between sessions executed at low- versus high-intensity resistance exercise. Twenty obese patients with T2DM (62.9±6.1 years) and 22 young subjects (22.6±1.9 years) performed two training sessions: one at vigorous intensity (80% of 1-repetition maximum (1RM)) and one at moderate intensity (60% of 1RM). Both groups carried out three strength exercises with a 2-day recovery between sessions. Oxygen consumption was continuously measured 15 min before, during and after each training session. Obese T2DM patients showed lower METs values compared with young healthy participants at the baseline phase (F= 2043.86; P<0.01), during training (F=1140.59; P<0.01) and in the post-exercise phase (F=1012.71; P<0.01). No effects were detected in the group x intensity analysis of covariance. In this study, at both light-moderate and vigorous resistance exercise intensities, the METs value that best represented both sessions was 3 METs for the obese elderly T2DM patients and 5 METs for young subjects.


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Background Edoxaban, an oral factor Xa inhibitor, is non-inferior for prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with atrial fibrillation and is associated with less bleeding than well controlled warfarin therapy. Few safety data about edoxaban in patients undergoing electrical cardioversion are available. Methods We did a multicentre, prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoint evaluation trial in 19 countries with 239 sites comparing edoxaban 60 mg per day with enoxaparin–warfarin in patients undergoing electrical cardioversion of non-valvular atrial fibrillation. The dose of edoxaban was reduced to 30 mg per day if one or more factors (creatinine clearance 15–50 mL/min, low bodyweight [≤60 kg], or concomitant use of P-glycoprotein inhibitors) were present. Block randomisation (block size four)—stratified by cardioversion approach (transoesophageal echocardiography [TEE] or not), anticoagulant experience, selected edoxaban dose, and region—was done through a voice-web system. The primary efficacy endpoint was a composite of stroke, systemic embolic event, myocardial infarction, and cardiovascular mortality, analysed by intention to treat. The primary safety endpoint was major and clinically relevant non-major (CRNM) bleeding in patients who received at least one dose of study drug. Follow-up was 28 days on study drug after cardioversion plus 30 days to assess safety. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02072434. Findings Between March 25, 2014, and Oct 28, 2015, 2199 patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive edoxaban (n=1095) or enoxaparin–warfarin (n=1104). The mean age was 64 years (SD 10·54) and mean CHA2DS2-VASc score was 2·6 (SD 1·4). Mean time in therapeutic range on warfarin was 70·8% (SD 27·4). The primary efficacy endpoint occurred in five (<1%) patients in the edoxaban group versus 11 (1%) in the enoxaparin–warfarin group (odds ratio [OR] 0·46, 95% CI 0·12–1·43). The primary safety endpoint occurred in 16 (1%) of 1067 patients given edoxaban versus 11 (1%) of 1082 patients given enoxaparin–warfarin (OR 1·48, 95% CI 0·64–3·55). The results were independent of the TEE-guided strategy and anticoagulation status. Interpretation ENSURE-AF is the largest prospective randomised clinical trial of anticoagulation for cardioversion of patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Rates of major and CRNM bleeding and thromboembolism were low in the two treatment groups. Funding Daiichi Sankyo provided financial support for the study. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd


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Se desconocen los efectos del entrenamiento interválico de alta intesidad (HIIT) sobre el flujo sanguíneo cerebral (FSC) y la oxigenación cerebral. Por ello reclutamos a 20 voluntarios que realizaron una sesión de HIIT (4 test de Wingate con recuperaciones de 4 minutos). Se midió la oxigenación del lóbulo frontal (OLF) y el Vastus lateralis (VL) a través de espectrofotometría cercana a los infrarrojos (NIRS). También se registró la velocidad de la sangre en las arterias cerebrales medias (vACM) mediante Doppler. La vACM disminuyó entre un 5 y 10 % en el primer esprint. En los siguientes esprints se redujo aún más. La vACM descendió en cada esprint coincidiendo con la disminución de la presión tele-espiratoria de dióxido de carbono (PETCO2) y con valores superiores de ventilación pulmonar (VE). Al interrumpirse el pedaleo se redujo bruscamente la vACM. Sin embargo, la OLF se mantuvo estable en el primer esprint sólo reduciéndose ligeramente durante el segundo y tercer Wingate (el cuarto fue similar al tercero). Este estudio muestra que la vACM disminuye durante los ejercicios de esprint, posiblemente debido a la hipocapnia. La reducción de la vACM no ejerce efectos funcionales ni relevantes sobre la oxigenación cerebral, gracias al ajuste de la conductancia vascular a través de los mecanismos de autoregulación, sin que parezca afectar negativamente al rendimiento.


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Melatonin, an endocrine product of the pineal gland, is formed predominantly during the nighttime. Light has an inhibitory effect on pineal melatonin secretion. Pineal melatonin release is synchronised by this daily light-dark cycle via a multisynaptic pathway between the eyes and the pineal gland. Light stimulates the retina to modulate the activity of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the master biological clock.1 The suprachiasmatic nucleus controls pineal melatonin synthesis and the concentrations of melatonin in the sera of healthy subjects, which reach values of 10−10 to 10−9 mol/L during the night, with much lower concentrations being present during the day. Many publications have shown that melatonin has an important role in a variety of cardiovascular pathophysiologic processes: the indoleamine has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antihypertensive, antithrombotic and antilipaemic properties.