2 resultados para Bioingegneria, Modelli matematici, Volume del liquido interstiziale

em University of Cagliari UniCA Eprints


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The identification of subject-specific traits extracted from patterns of brain activity still represents an important challenge. The need to detect distinctive brain features, which is relevant for biometric and brain computer interface systems, has been also emphasized in monitoring the effect of clinical treatments and in evaluating the progression of brain disorders. Graph theory and network science tools have revealed fundamental mechanisms of functional brain organization in resting-state M/EEG analysis. Nevertheless, it is still not clearly understood how several methodological aspects may bias the topology of the reconstructed functional networks. In this context, the literature shows inconsistency in the chosen length of the selected epochs, impeding a meaningful comparison between results from different studies. In this study we propose an approach which aims to investigate the existence of a distinctive functional core (sub-network) using an unbiased reconstruction of network topology. Brain signals from a public and freely available EEG dataset were analyzed using a phase synchronization based measure, minimum spanning tree and k-core decomposition. The analysis was performed for each classical brain rhythm separately. Furthermore, we aim to provide a network approach insensitive to the effects that epoch length has on functional connectivity (FC) and network reconstruction. Two different measures, the phase lag index (PLI) and the Amplitude Envelope Correlation (AEC), were applied to EEG resting-state recordings for a group of eighteen healthy volunteers. Weighted clustering coefficient (CCw), weighted characteristic path length (Lw) and minimum spanning tree (MST) parameters were computed to evaluate the network topology. The analysis was performed on both scalp and source-space data. Results about distinctive functional core, show highest classification rates from k-core decomposition in gamma (EER=0.130, AUC=0.943) and high beta (EER=0.172, AUC=0.905) frequency bands. Results from scalp analysis concerning the influence of epoch length, show a decrease in both mean PLI and AEC values with an increase in epoch length, with a tendency to stabilize at a length of 12 seconds for PLI and 6 seconds for AEC. Moreover, CCw and Lw show very similar behaviour, with metrics based on AEC more reliable in terms of stability. In general, MST parameters stabilize at short epoch lengths, particularly for MSTs based on PLI (1-6 seconds versus 4-8 seconds for AEC). At the source-level the results were even more reliable, with stability already at 1 second duration for PLI-based MSTs. Our results confirm that EEG analysis may represent an effective tool to identify subject-specific characteristics that may be of great impact for several bioengineering applications. Regarding epoch length, the present work suggests that both PLI and AEC depend on epoch length and that this has an impact on the reconstructed network topology, particularly at the scalp-level. Source-level MST topology is less sensitive to differences in epoch length, therefore enabling the comparison of brain network topology between different studies.


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The High Grade Metamorphic Complex (HGMC) of Variscan basement of north Sardinia is characterized by the widespread of migmatites. This study is focused on two localities of NE Sardinia (Porto Ottiolu and Punta Sirenella) where ortho- and para-derivates migmatites outcrop. A geological and structural survey was carried out, leading to the realization of a geological schematic map of Punta Sirenella area. Several samples of different rocks were collected for petrographic, micro-structural minero-chemical and geochemical analyses. In the Porto Ottiolu area three main deformation phases have been identified; D1, characterized by tight folds with sub-horizontal axes, rarely preserved in paragneisses; D2, that produce a pervasive foliation oriented N100° 45°SW marked by biotite and sillimanite blastesis and locally transposed by shear zone oriented N170°; D3, late deformation phase caused symmetric folds with sub-horizontal axes with no axial plane schistosity. Leucosomes form pods and layers along S2 schistosity but also leucosomes along shear zones have been observed. In the Punta Sirenella area, three main deformation phases have been identified; D1, is manifested by the transposition of centimeter-sized leucosomes and is rarely observed in paragneisses were produce open folds with sub-vertical axes; D2, NW-SE oriented on whose XY plane three mineralogical lineation (quartz+plagioclase, fibrolite+quarz and muscovite) lie; D3, a ductile-brittle deformation phase that produce a mylonitc S3 foliation that locally become the most evident schistosity in the field oriented N140° steeply dipping toward NE. In both areas, leucosomes of sedimentary-derived migmatites are generally trondhjemitic pointing out for a H2O fluxed melting reaction, but also granitic leucosomes have been found, produced by muscovite dehydration melting. Leucosomes of migmatitic orthogneiss instead, have granitic compositions. Migmatization started early, during the compressional and crustal thickening (sin-D1, pre-D2) and was still active during exhumation stage. For each studied outcrop of migmatite pseudosections for the average mesosome composition have been calculated; these pseudosections have been used to model the P-T conditions of anatexis on the basis of the melt volume (%) of melt, Si/Al and Na/K molar ratios, modal content of garnet and Si content in metamorphic white mica. Further pseudosections have been calculated for the average composition of leucosomes in order to define the P-T conditions of the end of the crystallization through intersection of solidus curve and isopleths of Si content in white mica and/or XMg ratio in biotite. Thermodynamic modeling on ortho- and sedimentary-derived migmatites of Punta Sirenella yield P-T conditions of 1.1-1.3 GPa - 670-740°C for migmatitic event and 0.75-0.90 GPa - 660-730°C for the end of crystallization. These conditions are fit well with previous studies on adjacent rocks. Modeling of Porto Ottiolu ortho- and sedimentary-derived migmatites yield P-T conditions of 0.85-1.05 GPa - 690-730°C for migmatitic event and 0.35-0.55 GPa - 630-690°C strongly affected by re-equilibration during exhumation, expecially for crystallization conditions. Geochemical analyses of samples belonging to Porto Ottiolu and Punta Sirenella orthogneisses show a strong link with those of other orthogneisses outcropping in NE Sardinia (for instance, Lode-Mamone and Golfo Aranci) that are considered the intrusive counterparts of middle-Ordovician metavolcanics rocks outcropping in the Nappe Zone. Thus, the studied ortogneiss bodies, even lacking radiometric data, can be considered as belonging to the same magmatic cycle.