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This short essay deals with literary representations of identity and of social reality, especially in relation to the novelistic works published by the Spanish writer Juan José Millás. The article is divided into three parts. The first section is dedicated to a general overview of the new perspectives brought by the contemporary ‘linguistic turn’ in culture, which is currently considered as the product of different discourses and not as an ontological datum. The postmodern condition, on the other hand, is described as the age in which it has become radically difficult to rely on such ideas as “nation” and “people” for the construction of personal identity. The second part of the article identifies Millás’ poetics as an excellent example of describing the neurotic symptoms produced by the urban way of life in Western communities. Millás recognizes the separateness between language and material reality as the origin of the subject's isolation, especially in contemporary life. Finally, the third part handles with Lo que sé de los hombrecillos, the last novel by Millás, in which we witness a significant switch from neurosis to psychosis in the mind of the protagonist who offers us a distorted realisation of his idea of community and plenitude.