2 resultados para Electric field intensity (EFI)

em KUPS-Datenbank - Universität zu Köln - Kölner UniversitätsPublikationsServer


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In this thesis, the magnetic properties of four transition-metal oxides are presented. Their multiferroic and magnetoelectric phases have been investigated by means of different neutron scattering techniques. The materials TbMnO3 and MnWO4 belong to the group of spin-induced multiferroics. Their ferroelectric polarization can be explained by the inverse DzyaloshinskiiMoriya interaction. Another common feature of both materials is the presence of subsequent magnetic transitions from a spin-density wave to a spin spiral. The features of the phase transitions have been studied in both materials and it could be shown that diffuse magnetic scattering from the spin spiral is present even in the ordered spin-density wave phase. The excitation spectrum in the multiferroic phase of TbMnO3 was investigated in detail and a comprehensive dataset was obtained using time-of-flight spectroscopy. A spin-wave model could be obtained which can quantitatively describe the full dispersion. Furthermore, the polarization of the zone-center excitations could be derived which fit well to data from inelastic neutron spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. With the combination of spherical neutron polarimetry and a poling of the sample by an electric field, it was possible to observe the chiral magnetic component of the magnetic excitations in TbMnO3 and MnWO4. The spin-wave model for TbMnO3 obtained in this thesis is able to correctly describe the dispersion of this component. The double tungstate NaFe(WO4)2 is isostructural to the multiferroic MnWO4 and develops a complex magnetic phase diagram. By the use of neutron diffraction techniques, the zero-field structure and high-field structures in magnetic field applied along the b-axis could be determined. The data reveal a direct transition into an incommensurate spin-spiral structure. The value of the incommensurability is driven by anharmonic modulations and shows strong hysteresis effects. The static and dynamic properties in the magnetoelectric spin-glass phase of Ni0.42Mn0.58TiO3 were studied in detail. The spin-glass phase is composed of short-ranged MnTiO3 and NiTiO3-type order. The antiferromagnetic domains could be controlled by crossed magnetic and electric fields, which was visualized using spherical neutron polarimetry. A comprehensive dataset of the magnetic excitations in the spin-glass phase was collected. The dataset revealed correlations in the hexagonal plane which are only weakly coupled along the c-axis. The excitation spectra could be simulated by taking into account the MnTiO3-type order.


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Due to their intriguing dielectric, pyroelectric, elasto-electric, or opto-electric properties, oxide ferroelectrics are vital candidates for the fabrication of most electronics. However, these extraordinary properties exist mainly in the temperature regime around the ferroelectric phase transition, which is usually several hundreds of K away from room temperature. Therefore, the manipulation of oxide ferroelectrics, especially moving the ferroelectric transition towards room temperature, is of great interest for application and also basic research. In this thesis, we demonstrate this using examples of NaNbO3 films. We show that the transition temperature of these films can be modified via plastic strain caused by epitaxial film growth on a structurally mismatched substrate, and this strain can be fixed by controlling the stoichiometry. The structural and electronic properties of Na1+xNbO3+δ thin films are carefully examined by among others XRD (e.g. RSM) and TEM and cryoelectronic measurements. Especially the electronic features are carefully analyzed via specially developed interdigitated electrodes in combination with integrated temperature sensor and heater. The electronic data are interpreted using existing as well as novel theories and models, they are proved to be closely correlated to the structural characteristics. The major results are: -Na1+xNbO3+δ thin films can be grown epitaxially on (110)NdGaO3 with a thickness up to 140 nm (thicker films have not been studied). Plastic relaxation of the compressive strain sets in when the thickness of the film exceeds approximately 10 – 15 nm. Films with excess Na are mainly composed of NaNbO3 with minor contribution of Na3NbO4. The latter phase seems to form nanoprecipitates that are homogeneously distributed in the NaNbO3 film which helps to stabilize the film and reduce the relaxation of the strain. -For the nominally stoichiometric films, the compressive strain leads to a broad and frequency-dispersive phase transition at lower temperature (125 – 147 K). This could be either a new transition or a shift in temperature of a known transition. Considering the broadness and frequency dispersion of the transition, this is actually a transition from the dielectric state at high temperature to a relaxor-type ferroelectric state at low temperature. The latter is based on the formation of polar nano-regions (PNRs). Using the electric field dependence of the freezing temperature, allows a direct estimation of the volume (70 to 270 nm3) and diameter (5.2 to 8 nm, spherical approximation) of the PNRs. The values confirm with literature values which were measured by other technologies. -In case of the off-stoichiometric samples, we observe again the classical ferroelectric behavior. However, the thermally hysteretic phase transition which is observed around 620 – 660 K for unstrained material is shifted to room temperature due to the compressive strain. Beside to the temperature shift, the temperature dependence of the permittivity is nearly identical for strained and unstrained materials. -The last but not least, in all cases, a significant anisotropy in the electronic and structural properties is observed which arises automatically from the anisotropic strain caused by the orthorhombic structure of the substrate. However, this anisotropy cannot be explained by the classical model which tries to fit an orthorhombic film onto an orthorhombic substrate. A novel “square lattice” model in which the films adapt a “square” shaped lattice in the plane of the film during the epitaxial growth at elevated temperature (~1000 K) nicely explains the experimental results. In this thesis we sketch a way to manipulate the ferroelectricity of NaNbO3 films via strain and stoichiometry. The results indicate that compressive strain which is generated by the epitaxial growth of the film on mismatched substrate is able to reduce the ferroelectric transition temperature or induce a phase transition at low temperature. Moreover, by adding Na in the NaNbO3 film a secondary phase Na3NbO4 is formed which seems to stabilize the main phase NaNbO3 and the strain and, thus, is able to engineer the ferroelectric behavior from the expected classical ferroelectric for perfect stoichiometry to relaxor-type ferroelectric for slightly off-stoichiometry, back to classical ferroelectric for larger off-stoichiometry. Both strain and stoichiometry are proven as perfect methods to optimize the ferroelectric properties of oxide films.