7 resultados para ureter
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Purpose: Duplex system is one of the most common anomalies of upper urinary tract. Anatomical and clinical presentation determine its treatment. Usually, the upper moiety has a poor function and requires resection, but when it is not significantly impaired, preservation is recommended. Laparoscopic reconstruction with upper pole preservation is presented as an alternative treatment. Materials and Methods: Four female patients with duplex system, one presenting with recurrent urinary tract infection and the others with urinary incontinence associated to infrasphincteric ectopic ureter, were treated. Surgical procedure envolved a laparoscopic ureteropyeloanastomosis of the upper pole ureter to the pelvis of the lower moiety, with prior insertion of a double J stent. Results: Surgical time varied from 120 to 150 minutes, with minimal blood loss in all cases. Follow-up varied from 15 to 30 months, with resolution of the clinical symptoms and preservation of the upper moiety function. Conclusion: Laparoscopic ureteropyeloanatomosis is a feasible and safe minimally invasive option in the treatment of duplex system.
Sarmento C. A. P., Ferreira A. O., Rodrigues E. A. F., Lesnau G. G., Rici R. E. G., Abreu D. K., Biasi C. & Miglino M. A. 2012. [Kidney of Minke Whale (Baleanoptera acutorostrata): Architecture and structure.] Rins de Baleia Minke (Baleanoptera acutorostrata): arquitetura e estrutura. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(8): 807-811. Departamento de Cirurgia, Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domesticos e Silvestres, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: sarmento@usp.br Among marine mammals, whale is one of the most attention-arousing animals, especially concerning its urinary tract. This system follows the pattern of mammals with regard to its constitution, however, it differs in renal morphology and number of lobes, which, in turn, form complete reniculi, agglutinated in hundreds. This structure is supported by fibrous connective tissue, but highly capable of maintaining electrolyte balance. Six pairs of kidneys of Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), collected in 1982, in Cabedelo, Paraiba, Brazil, in the last fishing allowed, were dissected. These kidneys were preserved in 10% formaldehyde and they presented a very large histologic layer of collagen surrounding the medullary wall. The urinary collecting duct form papillary glasses, that reach a single collecting center which discharges in the ureter. It was found that the kidney of Minke whale has a lobe characteristic, with, on average, 700 reniculi; each reniculus has anatomical and functional characteristics of a unipyramidal kidney, with an inner layer (medulla), and an outer layer (cortex), and independent irrigation, with formation of individually arcuate arteries, as observed in unipyramidal terrestrial mammals. However, the set gathering all these reniculi constitutes, in the end, a multilobular and polipyramidal kidney, contrary to the morphology of most terrestrial mammals. It was not possible to distinguish the renicular cortex structures of the Minke whale in the level of light microscopy. Through scanning electron microscopy, it was possible to visualize a cortical layer located between two fibrous capsules. This joint, in turn, consists of connective tissue, which, along with a layer of collagen and elastic fibers, separates the cortex from the medulla; the kidney glomeruli were visualized, completely taken by the glomerular vessels and arranged into several layers. One notices that the glomerular cavity is almost a virtual space into which the glomerular filtrate is drained, and it does not present a globular shape. Vascularization is increased in the medullary region. The difference between the kidneys of terrestrial and marine mammals consists in the arrangement of morphological components, favoring the organ's physiology.
Background. Renal transplantation remains the optimal treatment of patients with end-stage renal disease. Urinary lithiasis represents an unusual urologic complication in renal transplantation, with an incidence of <1%. Today, recipients of kidneys from deceased donors are more likely to receive grafts with undiagnosed lithiasis, which does not occur in patients from living donors, owing to screening with computerized tomography. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence, diagnosis, and therapeutic management of renal lithiasis in transplanted kidneys at a single institution. Methods. We reviewed the medical records for 1,313 patients who underwent kidney transplantation from February 1968 to February 2011. Results. Among the grafts, 17 patients (1.29%) had nephrolithiasis: 9 women and 8 men. Ages ranged from 32 to 63 years (mean = 45.6 years). Fifteen patients received kidneys from cadaveric and only 2 from living related donors. Two stones, both located inside the ureter, were identified during transplant surgery (11.7%). Three instances of lithiasis were incidentally diagnosed by ultrasound during graft evaluation, within 7 days after surgery (17.6%); all 3 were in the calyces. The 12 remaining patients had the stones diagnosed later (70.58%): 6 in the calyces, 3 in the renal pelvis, and 3 inside the ureter. Conclusions. Urinary lithiasis is a rare complication in renal transplantation. In most patients the condition occurs without pain. The diagnosis and treatment options for graft urolithiasis are similar to those patients with nephrofithiasis in the general population. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) was the most common treatment method.
Introduction: Cell adhesion molecules (CAM) are required for maintaining a normal epithelial phenotype, and abnormalities in CAM expression have been related to cancer progression, including bladder urothelial carcinomas. There is only one study that correlates E-cadherin and alpha-, beta- and gamma-catenin expression with prognosis of upper tract urothelial carcinomas. Our aim is to study the pattern of immune expression of these CAMs in urothelial carcinomas from the renal pelvis and ureter in patients who have been treated surgically. Our goal is to correlate these expression levels and characteristics with well-known prognostic parameters for disease-free survival. Materials and Methods: We evaluated specimens from 20 patients with urothelial carcinomas of the renal pelvis and ureter who were treated with nephroureterectomy or ureterectomy between June 1997 and January 2007. CAM expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in a tissue microarray and correlated with histopathological characteristics and patient outcomes after a mean follow-up of 55 months. Results: We observed a relationship between E-cadherin expression and disease recurrence. Disease recurrence occurred in 87.5% of patients with strong E-cadherin expression. Only 50.0% of patients with moderate expression and 0% of patients with weak or no expression of E-cadherin had disease recurrence (p = 0.014). There was also a difference in disease-free survival. Patients with strong E-cadherin expression had a mean disease-free survival rate of 49.1 months, compared to 83.9 months for patients with moderate expression (p = 0.011). Additionally, an absence of a-catenin expression was associated with tumors that were larger than 3 cm (p = 0.003). Conclusions: We demonstrated for the first time that immune expression of E-cadherin is related to tumor recurrence and disease-free survival rates, and the absence of a-catenin expression is related to tumor size in upper tract urothelial carcinomas.
Purpose: Dynamic near infrared fluorescence imaging of the urinary tract provides a promising way to diagnose ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Initial studies demonstrated the ability to visualize urine flow and peristalsis in great detail. We analyzed the efficacy of near infrared imaging in evaluating ureteropelvic junction obstruction, renal involvement and the anatomical detail provided compared to conventional imaging modalities. Materials and Methods: Ten swine underwent partial or complete unilateral ureteral obstruction. Groups were survived for the short or the long term. Imaging was performed with mercaptoacetyltriglycine diuretic renogram, magnetic resonance urogram, excretory urogram, ultrasound and near infrared imaging. Scoring systems for ureteropelvic junction obstruction were developed for magnetic resonance urogram and near infrared imaging. Physicians and medical students graded ureteropelvic junction obstruction based on magnetic resonance urogram and near infrared imaging results. Results: Markers of vascular and urinary dynamics were quantitatively consistent among control renal units. The same markers were abnormal in obstructed renal units with significantly different times of renal phase peak, start of pelvic phase and start of renal uptake. Such parameters were consistent with those obtained with mercaptoacetyltriglycine diuretic renography. Near infrared imaging provided live imaging of urinary flow, which was helpful in identifying the area of obstruction for surgical planning. Physicians and medical students categorized the degree of obstruction appropriately for fluorescence imaging and magnetic resonance urogram. Conclusions: Near infrared imaging offers a feasible way to obtain live, dynamic images of urine flow and ureteral peristalsis. Qualitative and quantitative parameters were comparable to those of conventional imaging. Findings support fluorescence imaging as an accurate, easy to use method of diagnosing ureteropelvic junction obstruction.
Abstract Introduction Pelvicalyceal cysts are common findings in autopsies and can manifest with a variety of patterns. These cystic lesions are usually a benign entity with no clinical significance unless they enlarge enough to cause compression of the adjacent collecting system and consequently obstructive uropathy. Few cases of the spontaneous rupture of pelvicalyceal renal cysts have been published and to the best of our knowledge there is no report of a combined rupture to collector system and retroperitoneal space documented during a multiphase computed tomography. Case presentation We report a case of a ‘real-time’ spontaneous rupture of a pelvicalyceal cyst into the collecting system with fistulization into the retroperitoneum. The patient was a 78-year-old Caucasian man with a previous history of renal stones and a large pelvicalyceal renal cyst who was admitted to our Emergency department with acute right flank pain. A multiphase computed tomography was performed and the pre-contrast images demonstrated a right pelvicalyceal renal cyst measuring 12.0 × 6.1cm in the lower pole causing moderate dilation of the upper right renal collection system. In addition, a partially obstructive stone on the left distal ureter with mild left hydronephrosis was noted. The nephrographic phase did not add any new information. The excretory phase (10-minute delay) demonstrated a spontaneous rupture of the cyst into the pelvicalyceal system with posterior fistulization into the retroperitoneal space. Conclusion In this case study we present time-related changes of a rare pelvicalyceal cyst complication, which to the best of our knowledge has fortunately not been previously documented. Analysis of the sequential images and comparison with an earlier scan allowed us to better understand the physiopathological process of the rupture, the clinical presentation and to elaborate hypotheses for its etiopathogenesis.
Entre os mamíferos marinhos, a baleia é um dos animais que mais desperta atenção, especialmente no atinente ao seu sistema urinário. Este sistema segue o padrão entre os mamíferos quanto a sua constituição, entretanto, difere na morfologia renal, em número de lobos, que por sua vez, forma renículos completos, aglutinados às centenas. Esta estrutura é sustentada por tecido conjuntivo fibroso, mas altamente capaz de manter o equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico. Foram dissecados 6 pares de rins de baleia Minke (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), colhidos em 1982, Cabedelo, Estado da Paraíba, Brasil, na última pesca autorizada. Estes rins estavam conservados em formol 10% e apresentaram uma camada histológica de colágeno muito grande circundando a parede medular. O duto coletor urinário forma cálices papilares, desembocando num único centro coletor que desemboca no ureter. Verificou-se que o rim da baleia Minke apresenta característica lobulada possuindo em média 700 renículos, cada renículo possui características anatômicas e funcionais de um rim unipiramidal, com uma camada interna (medula), e uma camada externa (córtex), e irrigação independente, com formação das artérias arqueadas individualmente, como observadas em mamíferos terrestres unipiramidais. Entretanto, o conjunto destes renículos constitui ao final um rim multilobular e polipiramidal, contrariando a morfologia da maioria dos mamíferos terrestres. Não foi possível distinguir ao nível de microscopia de luz as estruturas do córtex renicular da baleia Minke. Na microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi possível visualizar uma camada cortical que fica localizada entre duas cápsulas fibrosas. Esta junção por sua vez é feita por tecido conjuntivo o qual juntamente com uma camada de colágeno e fibras elásticas, separa o córtex da medula , foram visualizados os glomérulos renais, completamente tomados pelos vasos glomerulares e dispostos em várias camadas. Percebe-se que a cavidade glomerular é praticamente um espaço virtual para onde o filtrado glomerular é drenado, não apresentando o formato globular. A vascularização intensifica-se ao chegar à região medular. A diferença entre rins de mamíferos terrestres e marinhos está na disposição dos componentes morfológicos, favorecendo a fisiologia do órgão.