21 resultados para spiral bevel gear
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
We revisit the issue of the constancy of the dark matter (DM) and baryonic Newtonian acceleration scales within the DM scale radius by considering a large sample of late-type galaxies. We rely on a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to estimate the parameters of the halo model and the stellar mass-to-light ratio and then propagate the uncertainties from the rotation curve data to the estimate of the acceleration scales. This procedure allows us to compile a catalogue of 58 objects with estimated values of the B-band absolute magnitude M-B, the virial mass M-vir, and the DM and baryonic Newtonian accelerations (denoted as g(DM)(r(0)) and g(bar)(r(0)), respectively) within the scale radius r(0) which we use to investigate whether it is possible to define a universal acceleration scale. We find a weak but statistically meaningful correlation with M-vir thus making us argue against the universality of the acceleration scales. However, the results somewhat depend on the sample adopted so that a careful analysis of selection effects should be carried out before any definitive conclusion can be drawn.
This work aimed to evaluate the influence of specific operational conditions on the performance of a spiral-wound ultrafiltration pilot plant for direct drinking water treatment, installed at the Guarapiranga's reservoir, in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region. Results from operational tests showed that the volume of permeate produced in the combination of periodic relaxation with flushing and chlorine dosage procedures was 49% higher than the volume obtained when these procedures were not used. Two years of continuous operation demonstrated that the ultrafiltration pilot plant performed better during fall and winter seasons, higher permeate flow production and reduced chemical cleanings frequency. Observed behavior seems to be associated with the algae bloom events in the reservoir, which are more frequent during spring and summer seasons, confirmed by chlorophyll-a analysis results. Concentrate clarification using ferric chloride was quite effective in removing NOM and turbidity, allowing its recirculation to the ultrafiltration feed tank. This procedure made it possible to reach almost 99% water recovery considering a single 54-hour recirculation cycle. Water quality monitoring demonstrated that the ultrafiltration pilot plant was quite efficient, and that potential pathogenic organisms, Escherichia coil and total coliforms, turbidity and apparent color removals were 100%, 95.1%, and 91.5%, respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Most museums, libraries, and archives throughout the world have to deal with paper damaged by iron gall ink. For more than a decade international research has been devoted to the topic in an attempt to provide practical treatments for objects and formulate guidelines for the preservation of iron gall ink collections. A working group of conservators in South and Central America and the Caribbean have developed a program to disseminate research findings, collect data about the condition of iron gall ink collections in their countries and identify imminent training needs. The goal of this project is to combine the latest research with existing and acceptable conservation practices and share information about risk management, proper housing, examination and treatment of iron gall ink inscribed artefacts-at risk. Communications among colleagues were established to learn more about the current resources available in collections from various countries.
Information on marine and estuarine capture fishery activity in northern Todos os Santos Bay, northeastern Brazil, based on daily data collected between September 2003 and June 2005 is presented. Small-scale artisanal fishery in this area includes the use of traditional vessels both non-motorized and motorized for locomotion, being carried out mainly by canoe or on foot, and involves many different kinds of gear, including gillnet, hook and line, seine nets, and traps. A total of 113 taxa were grouped into 77 resources, including 88 fish, 10 crustaceans, and 15 mollusks. Data on nominal catches of fish, crustaceans and mollusks are presented by month and location. A total of 345.2 tonnes of fishery resources were produced (285.4 tonnes of fish, 39.2 tonnes of fresh invertebrates, and 20.6 tonnes of processed invertebrates). Temporal variation in the fish catch was associated with the life cycle of the species or with the hydrographic conditions. The first-sale value of this catch amounted to around US$ 615,000.00, fishes representing 71.3% of it. A table of the average price of each fishery resource is presented. The results produced in this study may be considered a reference for future monitoring programs of fishery resources in the area.
The community structure and dynamics as well as some biological parameters of selected species of the ichthyofauna of the Mataripe estuarine region affected by the Landulfo Alves Oil Refinery (RLAM) were analyzed. Twenty stations were sampled with a gillnet in five different periods: August and December 2003, March and July/August 2004 and January 2005. Thirty-five actinopterygian species and one elasmobranch species were recorded, Oligoplites saurus, Diapterus rhombeus, Lutjanus synagris and Scomberomorus brasiliensis among them, on all the campaigns. A total of 1368 specimens, weighing 36.10 kg, were caught. The ichthyofauna total biomass was greater, in weight, on the eastern side of the study region, especially at the stations close to the shoals/reefs and the rocky bottom. A similar pattern was also observed for the diversity values. In general, low evenness and diversity were observed in the area studied, possibly as a result of the fishing gear used. D. rhombeus juveniles dominated in all but one of the samplings (July 2004), in which latter Cyclichthys spinosus was dominant. Carangids and species associated with consolidated bottoms were observed, although in small numbers, throughout the study period. In spite of the limitations imposed by the gear used for sampling, the estuarine area influenced by the RLAM was seen to play a role as a growth area for the great majority of species, especially the mojarra (D. rhombeus), but it offers no fishing potential due to the prevalence of young and small individuals. Evidence of imminent spawning was recorded for Pomadasys corvinaeformis in August 2003, and recent spawning in March 2004 for Oligoplites saurus. Further, mature individuals occurred in insufficient numbers to permit population level evaluation.
A revision of the deep-water verticordiid genus Spinosipella is provided, based on conchological and anatomical characters. The genus is considered distinct from Verticordia (of which it was considered a subgenus) based on the strong ribs, prickly surface, reduction of lunula, relative large size, weakly spiral valve shape, and other characters. The following species are considered in the genus: (1) Spinosipella agnes new species, ranging from Florida, USA, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and also including the Porcupine Abyssal Plain in the North Atlantic; (2) S. tinga new species, occurring from Rio de Janeiro to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; (3) S. acuticostata (Philippi, 1844), a Pliocene fossil from southern Italy; (4) S. deshayesiana (Fischer, 1862), from south and central Indo-Pacific (S. ericia Hedley, 1911, the type species of the genus, was revealed to be a new synonym of S. deshayesiana); and (5) S. costeminens (Poutiers, 1981), from the tropical west Pacific. The five species differ mainly in conchological details of the number and size of ribs, of the prickly sculpture, shape of the shell, of the hinge and the degree of convexity. Anatomical description is also provided for the two Pacific species, which differ among themselves mainly by the size of the pair of renal folds. From the standpoint of anatomical characters, the more significant are: the wide lithodesma; the elongation of the auricles, crossing the roof of pallial cavity; a tall digital fold in posterior region of supraseptal chamber; the low but wide palps; the muscular, gizzard-like stomach; the complete separation of both constituents of the hermaphroditic gonad (a ventro-posterior testicle and a centro-dorsal ovary), and a complete fusion of the visceral ganglia.
Calliostoma tupinamba is a new species from Southeastern Brazil, ranging from southern Rio de Janeiro to northern Sao Paulo, and found only on coastal islands, on rocks and sessile invertebrates at 3 to 5 meters of depth. Shell and soft part morphology is described here in detail. Calliostoma tupinamba is mainly characterized by a depressed trochoid shell; eight slightly convex whorls; a sharply suprasutural carina starting on the third whorl and forming a peripheral rounded keel; and a whitish, funnel-shaped and deep umbilicus, measuring about 5%-10% of maximum shell width. Calliostoma tupinamba resembles C. bullisi Clench & Turner, 1960 in shape, but differs from it in being taller and wider, having a smaller umbilicus and lacking a strong and large innermost spiral cord at its base. Finally, an identification key of Brazilian Calliostoma species is presented.
During copulation, spermatophores produced by male coleoid cephalopods undergo the spermatophoric reaction, a complex process of evagination that culminates in the attachment of the spermatangium (everted spermatophore containing the sperm mass) on the female's body. To better understand this complicated phenomenon, the present study investigated the functional morphology of the spermatophore of the squid Doryteuthis plei applying in vitro analysis of the reaction, as well as light and electron microscopy investigation of spermatangia obtained either in vitro, or naturally attached on females. Hitherto unnoticed functional features of the loliginid spermatophore require a reappraisal of some important processes involved in the spermatophoric reaction. The most striking findings concern the attachment mechanism, which is not carried out solely by cement adhesive material, as previously believed, but rather by an autonomous, complex process performed by multiple structures during the spermatophoric reaction. During evagination, the ejaculatory apparatus provides anchorage on the targeted tissue, presumably due to the minute stellate particles present in the exposed spiral filament. Consequently, the ejaculatory apparatus maintains the attachment of the tip of the evaginating spermatophore until the cement body is extruded. Subsequently, the cement body passes through a complex structural rearrangement, which leads to the injection of both its viscid contents and pointed oral region onto the targeted tissue. The inner membrane at the oral region of the cement body contains numerous stellate particles attached at its inner side; eversion of this membrane exposes these sharp structures, which presumably adhere to the tissue and augment attachment. Several naturally attached spermatangia were found with their bases implanted at the deposition sites, and the possible mechanisms of perforation are discussed based on present evidence. The function of the complex squid spermatophore and its spermatophoric reaction is revisited in light of these findings. J. Morphol. 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Risers are flexible multilayered pipes formed by an inner flexible metal structure surrounded by polymer layers and spiral wound steel ligaments, also known as armor wires. Since these risers are used to link subsea pipelines to floating oil and gas production installations, and their failure could produce catastrophic consequences, some methods have been proposed to monitor the armor integrity. However, until now there is no practical method that allows the automatic non-destructive detection of individual armor wire rupture. In this work we show a method using magnetic Barkhausen noise that has shown high efficiency in the detection of armor wire rupture. The results are examined under the cyclic and static load conditions of the riser. This work also analyzes the theory behind the singular dependence of the magnetic Barkhausen noise on the applied tension in riser armor wires.
Marian, J.E.A.R. and Domaneschi, O. 2012. Unraveling the structure of squids spermatophores: a combined approach based on Doryteuthis plei (Blainville, 1823) (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae). Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93: 281307. Male coleoid cephalopods produce elaborate spermatophores, which function autonomously outside the male body during copulation, undergoing a complicated process of evagination. In order to contribute to the understanding of this unique structure, this study investigated the morphology of the spermatophore of Doryteuthis plei applying several microscopy techniques. A hitherto unreported, much more complex structural arrangement was revealed for the loliginid spermatophore, the most striking findings being: (1) the complex, layered structure of the middle membrane, which bears an additional, chemically distinct segment surrounding part of the cement body; (2) the presence of a space between the inner tunic and middle membrane filled with a fine reticulated material; (3) the presence of stellate particles not only embedded in the spiral filament, but also closely applied to the inner membrane at the level of the cement body; (4) the presence of a pre-oral chamber in the cap region; and (5) the complex organization of the cement body, formed by two distinct layers encompassing contents of different chemical and textural properties. Careful literature reassessment suggests several of these features are common to loliginids, and to some extent to other squids. Their possible functional implications are discussed in light of our knowledge of the spermatophoric reaction mechanics.
Two new species of shallow water Tornidae are found in Espirito Santo state, Brazil, formally described herein. They belong to a complex group of tiny gastropods, in such the taxonomy is very confused. Cyclostremiscus mohicanus sp. n. is characterized by three well-developed spiral, equidistant carinas, working as base of three series of tall, aligned periostracal rods. Episcinia itanhuna sp. n. has as single sculpture a series of pustules in periphery, but the periostracum bears three series of peripheral fringes with irregular rods. The new species are compared with the allies, showing a close relation with Caribbean fauna, but possessing worthy differences. These similarities have raised misidentifications.
Male coleoid cephalopods produce spermatophores that can attach autonomously on the female's body during a complex process of evagination called the spermatophoric reaction, during which the ejaculatory apparatus and spiral filament of the spermatophore are everted and exposed to the external milieu. In some deepwater cephalopods, the reaction leads to the intradermal implantation of the spermatophore, a hitherto enigmatic phenomenon. The present study builds upon several lines of evidence to propose that spermatophore implantation is probably achieved through the combination of (1) an evaginating-tube mechanism performed by the everting ejaculatory apparatus and (2) the anchorage provided by the spiral filament's stellate particles. The proposed theoretical model assumes that, as it is exposed to the external milieu, each whorl of the spiral filament anchors to the surrounding tissue by means of its sharp stellate particles. As the ejaculatory apparatus tip continues evaginating, it grows in diameter and stretches lengthwise, enlarging the diameter of the whorl and propelling it, consequently tearing and pushing the anchored tissue outward and backward, and opening space for the next whorl to attach. After the ejaculatory apparatus has been everted and has perforated tissue, the cement body is extruded, possibly aiding in final attachment, and the sperm mass comes to lie inside the female tissue, encompassed by the everted ejaculatory apparatus tube. It is proposed that this unique, efficient spermatophore attachment mechanism possibly evolved in intimate relationship with the adoption of an active mode of life by coleoids. The possible roles of predation pressure and sperm competition in the evolution of this mechanism are also discussed. (c) 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105, 711726.
The magnetic properties of Mn nanostructures on the Fe(001) surface have been studied using the noncollinear first-principles real space-linear muffin-tin orbital-atomic sphere approximation method within density-functional theory. We have considered a variety of nanostructures such as adsorbed wires, pyramids, and flat and intermixed clusters of sizes varying from two to nine atoms. Our calculations of interatomic exchange interactions reveal the long-range nature of exchange interactions between Mn-Mn and Mn-Fe atoms. We have found that the strong dependence of these interactions on the local environment, the magnetic frustration, and the effect of spin-orbit coupling lead to the possibility of realizing complex noncollinear magnetic structures such as helical spin spiral and half-skyrmion.
The magnetic field in the local interstellar medium (ISM) provides a key indicator of the galactic environment of the Sun and influences the shape of the heliosphere. We have studied the interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) in the solar vicinity using polarized starlight for stars within 40 pc of the Sun and 90 degrees of the heliosphere nose. In Frisch et al. (Paper I), we developed a method for determining the local ISMF direction by finding the best match to a group of interstellar polarization position angles obtained toward nearby stars, based on the assumption that the polarization is parallel to the ISMF. In this paper, we extend the analysis by utilizing weighted fits to the position angles and by including new observations acquired for this study. We find that the local ISMF is pointed toward the galactic coordinates l, b = 47 degrees +/- 20 degrees, 25 degrees +/- 20 degrees. This direction is close to the direction of the ISMF that shapes the heliosphere, l, b = 33 degrees +/- 4 degrees, 55 degrees +/- 4 degrees, as traced by the center of the "Ribbon" of energetic neutral atoms discovered by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission. Both the magnetic field direction and the kinematics of the local ISM are consistent with a scenario where the local ISM is a fragment of the Loop I superbubble. A nearby ordered component of the local ISMF has been identified in the region l approximate to 0 degrees -> 80 degrees and b approximate to 0 degrees -> 30 degrees, where PlanetPol data show a distance-dependent increase of polarization strength. The ordered component extends to within 8 pc of the Sun and implies a weak curvature in the nearby ISMF of +/- 0 degrees.25 pc(-1). This conclusion is conditioned on the small sample of stars available for defining this rotation. Variations from the ordered component suggest a turbulent component of +/- 23 degrees. The ordered component and standard relations between polarization, color excess, and H-o column density predict a reasonable increase of N(H) with distance in the local ISM. The similarity of the ISMF directions traced by the polarizations, the IBEX Ribbon, and pulsars inside the Local Bubble in the third galactic quadrant suggest that the ISMF is relatively uniform over spatial scales of 8-200 pc and is more similar to interarm than spiral-arm magnetic fields. The ISMF direction from the polarization data is also consistent with small-scale spatial asymmetries detected in GeV-TeV cosmic rays with a galactic origin. The peculiar geometrical relation found earlier between the cosmic microwave background dipole moment, the heliosphere nose, and the ISMF direction is supported by this study. The interstellar radiation field at +/- 975 angstrom does not appear to play a role in grain alignment for the low-density ISM studied here.
OBJECTIVE: Urinary lithiasis is a common disease. The aim of the present study is to assess the knowledge regarding the diagnosis, treatment and recommendations given to patients with ureteral colic by professionals of an academic hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-five physicians were interviewed about previous experience with guidelines regarding ureteral colic and how they manage patients with ureteral colic in regards to diagnosis, treatment and the information provided to the patients. RESULTS: Thirty-six percent of the interviewed physicians were surgeons, and 64% were clinicians. Forty-one percent of the physicians reported experience with ureterolithiasis guidelines. Seventy-two percent indicated that they use noncontrast CT scans for the diagnosis of lithiasis. All of the respondents prescribe hydration, primarily for the improvement of stone elimination (39.3%). The average number of drugs used was 3.5. The combination of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids was reported by 54% of the physicians (i. e., 59% of surgeons and 25.6% of clinicians used this combination of drugs) (p = 0.014). Only 21.3% prescribe alpha blockers. CONCLUSION: Reported experience with guidelines had little impact on several habitual practices. For example, only 21.3% of the respondents indicated that they prescribed alpha blockers; however, alpha blockers may increase stone elimination by up to 54%. Furthermore, although a meta-analysis demonstrated that hydration had no effect on the transit time of the stone or on the pain, the majority of the physicians reported that they prescribed more than 500 ml of fluid. Dipyrone, hyoscine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and opioids were identified as the most frequently prescribed drug combination. The information regarding the time for the passage of urinary stones was inconsistent. The development of continuing education programs regarding ureteral colic in the emergency room is necessary.