7 resultados para spine radiography
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Objective: A morphological analysis of the bone structure of 02 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in order to enhance the security of the stabilization procedures for this vertebra. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 20 CT scans of the cervical spine performed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis; the following parameters were measured: spinolaminar angle, thickness and length of C2 lamina. Results: The mean values are: 5.92mm and 5.87mm for thickness of right and left laminae retrospectively, 27.75mm for right lamina length and 27.94mm for left lamina length, and 44.7 degrees for spinolaminar angle. Conclusion: The values obtained are consistent with studies in normal subjects published by other groups, with no apparent need for change in the screw placement technique. Level of Evidence IV, Case Series.
Background: Several parameters are associated with high bone mineral density (BMD), such as overweight, black background, intense physical activity (PA), greater calcium intake and some medications. The objectives are to evaluate the prevalence and the main aspects associated with high BMD in healthy women. Methods: After reviewing the database of approximately 21,500 BMD scans performed in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from June 2005 to October 2010, high BMD (over 1400 g/cm(2) at lumbar spine and/or above 1200 g/cm2 at femoral neck) was found in 421 exams. Exclusion criteria were age below 30 or above 60 years, black ethnicity, pregnant or obese women, disease and/or medications known to interfere with bone metabolism. A total of 40 women with high BMD were included and matched with 40 healthy women with normal BMD, paired to weight, age, skin color and menopausal status. Medical history, food intake and PA were assessed through validated questionnaires. Body composition was evaluated through a GE-Lunar DPX MD + bone densitometer. Radiography of the thoracic and lumbar spine was carried out to exclude degenerative alterations or fractures. Biochemical parameters included both lipid and hormonal profiles, along with mineral and bone metabolism. Statistical analysis included parametric and nonparametric tests and linear regression models. P < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The mean age was 50.9 (8.3) years. There was no significant difference between groups in relation to PA, smoking, intake of calcium and vitamin D, as well as laboratory tests, except serum C-telopeptide of type I collagen (s-CTX), which was lower in the high BMD group (p = 0.04). In the final model of multivariate regression, a lower fat intake and body fatness as well a better profile of LDL-cholesterol predicted almost 35% of high BMD in women. (adjusted R2 = 0.347; p < 0.001). In addition, greater amounts of lean mass and higher IGF-1 serum concentrations played a protective role, regardless age and weight. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate the potential deleterious effect of lipid metabolism-related components, including fat intake and body fatness and worse lipid profile, on bone mass and metabolism in healthy women.
The authors present a prospective study on the coexistence of spinal injury (SI) and severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in patients who were involved in traffic accidents and arrived at the Emergency Department of Hospital das Clinicas of the University of Sao Paulo between September 1, 2003 and December 31, 2009. A whole-body computed tomography was the diagnostic method employed in all cases. Both lesions were observed simultaneously in 69 cases (19.4%), predominantly in males (57 individuals, 82.6%). Cranial injuries included epidural hematoma, acute subdural hematoma, brain contusion, ventricular hemorrhage and traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. The transverse processes were the most fragile portion of the vertebrae and were more susceptible to fractures. The seventh cervical vertebra was the most commonly affected segment, with 24 cases (34.78%). The distribution of fractures was similar among the other cervical vertebrae, the first four thoracic vertebrae and the lumbar spine. Neurological deficit secondary to SI was detected in eight individuals (11.59%) and two individuals (2.89%) died. Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage was the most common intracranial finding (82.6%). Spinal surgery was necessary in 24 patients (34.78%) and brain surgery in 18 (26%). Four patients (5.79%) underwent cranial and spinal surgeries. The authors conclude that it is necessary a judicious assessment of the entire spine of individuals who presented in coma after suffering a brain injury associated to multisystemic trauma and whole-body CT scan may play a major role in this scenario.
The capuchin monkey is widespread both north and south of the Legal Amazon and in the Brazilian cerrado. Ten clinically healthy capuchin monkeys were submitted to an anatomical and radiographic study of their thoracic cavities. The radiographic evaluation allowed the description of biometric values associated with the cardiac silhouette and thoracic structures. Application of the VHS (vertebral heart size) method showed positive correlation (P<0.05) with depth of the thoracic cavity, as well as between the body length of vertebrae T 3, T 4, T 5 and T 6 and the cardiac length and width. The lung fields showed a diffuse interstitial pattern, more visible in the caudal lung lobes and a bronchial pattern in the middle and cranial lung lobes. The radiographic examination allowed preliminary inferences to be made concerning the syntopy of the thoracic structures and modifiication of the pulmonary patterns and cardiac anatomy for the capuchin monkey.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a posição das estruturas anatômicas em risco durante a inserção de parafusos pediculares na coluna torácica e sua relação com a variação do ângulo de Cobb. MÉTODOS: Os parâmetros estudados foram: a medida do ângulo de Cobb nas radiografias e a posição da medula espinhal, da cavidade pleural e aorta na ressonância nuclear magnética em relação a uma linha de 40mm criada para simular o parafuso pedicular nas cinco vértebras apicais. RESULTADOS: A distância da aorta ao corpo vertebral e o ângulo de segurança do lado convexo apresentaram diferença estatística quando relacionados com a variação do ângulo de Cobb medido. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados apresentados sugerem maior risco de lesão da artéria aorta com o aumento do ângulo de Cobb e aumento do risco na inserção de parafusos pediculares no lado convexo da curvatura, quando se considera o ângulo de segurança.
In the northeast of Brazil, caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) is one of the key reasons for herd productivity decreasing that result in considerable economic losses. A comparative study was carried out using computed radiography (CR), histological analysis (HA), and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) of the joints of CAE infected and normal goats. Humerus head surface of positive animals presented reduced joint space, increased bone density, and signs of degenerative joint disease (DJD). The carpal joint presented no morphological alterations in CR in any of the animals studied. Tarsus joint was the most affected, characterized by severe DJD, absence of joint space, increased periarticular soft tissue density, edema, and bone sclerosis. Histological analysis showed chronic tissue lesions, complete loss of the surface zone, absence of proteoglycans in the transition and radial zones and destruction of the cartilage surface in the CAE positive animals. Analysis by SEM showed ulcerated lesions with irregular and folded patterns on the joint surface that distinguished the limits between areas of normal and affected cartilage. The morphological study of the joints of normal and CAE positive goats deepened understanding of the alteration in the tissue bioarchitecture of the most affected joints. The SEM finding sustained previous histological reports, similar to those found for rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting that the goat infected with CAE can be considered as a potential model for research in this area.