11 resultados para spindle

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Objective: To compare the polymerization status of mouse oocyte spindles exposed to various temperatures at various stages of meiosis. Design: Experimental animal study. Setting: University animal laboratory. Animal(s): CF1 mice. Intervention(s): Immature oocytes matured to metaphase I (MI), telophase I (TI), and metaphase II (MII) were incubated at 37 degrees C (control), room temperature (RT), or 4 degrees C for 0, 10, 30, and 60 minutes. Spindle analysis subsequently was performed using polarized field microscopy and immunocytochemistry. Spindles of TI and MII oocytes that underwent vitrification and warming were analyzed also by immunocytochemistry. Main Outcome Measure(s): Detection of polymerized meiotic spindles. Result(s): At RT, and after 60 minutes at 4 degrees C, a significant time-dependent decrease in the percentage of polymerized meiotic spindles was observed in MI and MII oocytes, but not in TI oocytes. The polymerization of TI spindles at 4 degrees C was similar to that of TI spindles at 4 degrees C that underwent vitrification and warming. Conclusion(s): Significant differences in the microtubule dynamics of MI, TI, and MII oocytes incubated at different temperatures were observed. In particular, meiotic spindles in TI oocytes exhibited less depolymerization than did metaphase spindles. (Fertil Steril (R) 2012; 97: 714-9. (C) 2012 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)


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Germline and early embryo development constitute ideal model systems to study the establishment of polarity, cell identity, and asymmetric cell divisions (ACDs) in plants. We describe here the function of the MATH-BTB domain protein MAB1 that is exclusively expressed in the germ lineages and the zygote of maize (Zea mays). mab1 (RNA interference [RNAi]) mutant plants display chromosome segregation defects and short spindles during meiosis that cause insufficient separation and migration of nuclei. After the meiosis-to-mitosis transition, two attached nuclei of similar identity are formed in mab1 (RNAi) mutants leading to an arrest of further germline development. Transient expression studies of MAB1 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright Yellow-2 cells revealed a cell cycle-dependent nuclear localization pattern but no direct colocalization with the spindle apparatus. MAB1 is able to form homodimers and interacts with the E3 ubiquitin ligase component Cullin 3a (CUL3a) in the cytoplasm, likely as a substrate-specific adapter protein. The microtubule-severing subunit p60 of katanin was identified as a candidate substrate for MAB1, suggesting that MAB1 resembles the animal key ACD regulator Maternal Effect Lethal 26 (MEL-26). In summary, our findings provide further evidence for the importance of posttranslational regulation for asymmetric divisions and germline progression in plants and identified an unstable key protein that seems to be involved in regulating the stability of a spindle apparatus regulator(s).


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A mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma (MTSCC) is a rare and recently described kidney neoplasm with distal nephron differentiation. It can affect patients of all ages and is more prevalent among women. In this case report, we present a 50-year-old woman who had a renal mass, which was accidently discovered during an investigation for chronic anemia. The final diagnosis of MTSCC was made after the lesion was removed and a pathology work-up was performed. The clinical, pathological and imaging findings of this rare neoplasm are described in this report.


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To prevent rejection of kidney transplants, patients must be kept in immunosuppressive therapy for a long time, which includes the use of drugs such as cyclosporine, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, and prednisone. The action of these drugs reduces the general immune response of transplant patients and thus increases their susceptibility to infections. Moreover, these drugs increase the potential of developing lesions. Therefore, oral hygiene in kidney transplant recipients contributes to maintenance of the transplanted organ and its function. Thus, an investigation of oral lesions could be counted as a notable work. The aim of this study was to investigate oral lesions in a group of 21 kidney transplant patients under immunosuppressive therapy attended during a 1-year period in the Nephrology Department of the Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil. Data related to sex, age, etiology of renal disease, types of renal transplant, time elapsed after transplantation, immunosuppressive treatment, use of concomitant agents, and presence of oral lesions were obtained. All patients received a kidney transplant from a living donor, and the mean posttransplantation follow-up time was 31.6 months; 71.5% used triple immunosuppressive therapy with cyclosporine A, azathioprine, and prednisone. Ten patients were also treated with calcium-channel blockers. Of the 21 transplant patients, 17 (81%) presented oral lesions. Gingival overgrowth was the most common alteration, followed by candidiasis and superficial ulcers. One case of spindle cell carcinoma of the lower lip was observed. Oral cavity can harbor a variety of manifestations related to renal transplantation under immunosuppressive therapy.


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Objective. The purposes of this study were to assess clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical features of 22 oral neurofibromas (NFs) and discuss with previously described literature, addressing the main aspects regarding the differential diagnosis. Materials and methods. Immunohistochemical reactions included S-100, CD34, GLUT-1, EMA, Ki-67, p53 and Collagen IV and histochemical reactions for Alcian blue. Results. Clinically, the preferential location was the maxillary bones, tongue and buccal mucosa. Microscopically, widely spread spindle-shaped cells with scant cytoplasm and elongated nuclei were observed. Immunostaining revealed that the tumor cells weakly expressed GLUT-1, Collagen IV, Ki-67 and p53. They were variably positive for CD34, S-100 protein and membrane epithelial antigen (EMA). Conclusions. The different types of nerve sheath cells observed in the present series reinforce the presence of heterogeneous population in NFs. The strong positivity for S-100 suggests that the lesions were more composed by S-100-positive Schwann cells than other cells. Besides, the high number of CD34-positive cells suggests that this marker can be useful for the differential diagnosis of NFs against PEN, traumatic neuromas and Schwannomas. Finally, the low immunostaining for p53 and Ki-67 may indicate that NFs massively composed by S-100-positive Schwann cells present low potential of aggressiveness and malignant transformation.


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An adult female common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) had a mass on the plantar surface of the right forelimb that was removed surgically. Microscopical examination revealed many spindle cells with mild anisocytosis and anisokaryosis and a surrounding collagenous stroma. There were no mitoses. Immunohistochemistry showed that the spindle cells expressed vimentin, but not desmin. A diagnosis of cutaneous fibroma was made. Tumours are reported uncommonly in chelonian species. Cutaneous fibroma has been diagnosed in an alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii), but not previously in a common snapping turtle. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: There is clinical evidence that very low and safe levels of amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields administered via an intrabuccal spoon-shaped probe may elicit therapeutic responses in patients with cancer. However, there is no known mechanism explaining the anti-proliferative effect of very low intensity electromagnetic fields. METHODS: To understand the mechanism of this novel approach, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells were exposed to 27.12 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields using in vitro exposure systems designed to replicate in vivo conditions. Cancer cells were exposed to tumour-specific modulation frequencies, previously identified by biofeedback methods in patients with a diagnosis of cancer. Control modulation frequencies consisted of randomly chosen modulation frequencies within the same 100 Hz-21 kHz range as cancer-specific frequencies. RESULTS: The growth of HCC and breast cancer cells was significantly decreased by HCC-specific and breast cancer-specific modulation frequencies, respectively. However, the same frequencies did not affect proliferation of nonmalignant hepatocytes or breast epithelial cells. Inhibition of HCC cell proliferation was associated with downregulation of XCL2 and PLP2. Furthermore, HCC-specific modulation frequencies disrupted the mitotic spindle. CONCLUSION: These findings uncover a novel mechanism controlling the growth of cancer cells at specific modulation frequencies without affecting normal tissues, which may have broad implications in oncology. British Journal of Cancer (2012) 106, 307-313. doi:10.1038/bjc.2011.523 www.bjcancer.com Published online 1 December 2011 (C) 2012 Cancer Research UK


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The current study examined the role of PLD2 in the maintenance of mast cell structure. Phospholipase D (PLD) catalyzes hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine to produce choline and phosphatidic acid (PA). PLD has two isoforms, PLD1 and PLD2, which vary in expression and localization depending on the cell type. The mast cell line RBL-2H3 was transfected to overexpress catalytically active (PLD2CA) and inactive (PLD2CI) forms of PLD2. The results of this study show that PLD2CI cells have a distinct star-shaped morphology, whereas PLD2CA and RBL-2H3 cells are spindle shaped. In PLD2CI cells, the Golgi complex was also disorganized with dilated cisternae, and more Golgi-associated vesicles were present as compared with the PLD2CA and RBL-2H3 cells. Treatment with exogenous PA led to the restoration of the wild-type Golgi complex phenotype in PLD2CI cells. Conversely, treatment of RBL-2H3 and PLD2CA cells with 1% 1-Butanol led to a disruption of the Golgi complex. The distribution of acidic compartments, including secretory granules and lysosomes, was also modified in PLD2CI cells, where they concentrated in the perinuclear region. These results suggest that the PA produced by PLD2 plays an important role in regulating cell morphology in mast cells. (J Histochem Cytochem 60:386-396, 2012)


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Barium praseodymium tungstate (Ba1-xPr2x/3)WO4 crystals with (x = 0, 0.01, and 0.02) were prepared by the coprecipitation method. These crystals were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinements, Fourier-transform Raman (FT-Raman) and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopies. The shape and size of these crystals were observed by field emission scanning electron microcopy (FE-SEM). Their optical properties were investigated by ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) absorption and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. Moreover, we have studied the photocatalytic (PC) activity of crystals for degradation of rhodamine B (RhB) dye. XRD patterns, Rietveld refinements data, FT-Raman and FT-IR spectroscopies indicate that all crystals exhibit a tetragonal structure without deleterious phases. FT-Raman spectra exhibited 13 Raman-active modes in a range from 50 to 1000 cm(-1), while FT-IR spectra have 8 infrared active modes in a range from 200 to 1050 cm(-1). FE-SEM images showed different shapes (bonbon-, spindle-, rice-and flake-like) as well as a reduction in the crystal size with an increase in Pr3+ ions. A possible growth process was proposed for these crystals. UV-vis absorption measurements revealed a decrease in optical band gap values with an increase of Pr3+ into the matrix. An intense green PL emission was noted for (Ba1-xPr2x/3)WO4 crystals (x = 0), while crystals with (x = 0.01 and 0.02) produced a reduction in the wide band PL emission and the narrow band PL emission which is related to f-f transitions from Pr3+ ions. High photocatalytic efficiency was verified for the bonbon-like BaWO4 crystals as a catalyst in the degradation of the RhB dye after 25 min under UV-light. Finally, we discuss possible mechanisms for PL and PC properties of these crystals.


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Os autores relatam um caso de nevo de Reed, lesão que apresenta aspecto histológico de malignidade, mas tem evolução benigna. Paciente de 48 anos, masculino, cor parda, apresentava pterígio nasal no olho direito, associado a uma lesão pequena e pouco pigmentada localizada na cabeça do mesmo. Realizou-se exérese de ambos, sem intercorrências, sem sinais de recidiva. O exame histopatológico revelou lesão com bordas definidas, restrita ao epitélio, constituída por células fusiformes perpendiculares à superfície, com pigmentação melânica esparsa. O diagnóstico inicial foi nevo de Spitz, mas, posteriormente, chegou-se à conclusão que se tratava do nevo de células fusiformes de Reed. O presente relato é o segundo na literatura mundial e o primeiro no Brasil.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a concordância entre as técnicas de microscopia de polarização e microscopia confocal na avaliação do fuso meiótico de oócitos humanos maturados in vivo. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo que avaliou oócitos com o primeiro corpúsculo polar extruído obtidos de mulheres inférteis submetidas à estimulação ovariana para realização de injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozoide. Os oócitos com o primeiro corpúsculo polar extruído foram avaliados por meio da microscopia de polarização e, imediatamente após, foram fixados e corados para avaliação dos microtúbulos e cromatina pela microscopia confocal de alto desempenho. Foram comparadas as técnicas de microscopia de polarização e confocal, de acordo com a visualização ou não do fuso meiótico pela microscopia de polarização e a presença ou não de anomalias meióticas à análise pela microscopia confocal. Foram calculados os intervalos de confiança, o índice de Kappa e a concordância entre as metodologias, considerando a análise da microscopia de imunofluorescência como padrão-ouro para avaliação de normalidade do fuso e distribuição cromossômica oocitária. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que 72,7% dos oócitos em metáfase II com fuso celular não visível à polarização apresentaram anormalidades meióticas à análise confocal e que 55,6% dos oócitos em metáfase II com fuso celular visível à polarização apresentaram-se como oócitos anormais à análise confocal. Somente 44,4% dos oócitos com fuso celular visível à polarização apresentaram-se como normais à análise confocal. A concordância entre os métodos foi de 51,1% (Kappa: 0,11; IC95% -0,0958 - 0,319). CONCLUSÕES: A baixa concordância entre a microscopia de polarização e a confocal na avaliação do fuso meiótico oocitário sugere que a visualização do fuso meiótico de oócitos humanos em metáfase II pela microscopia de polarização tem limitado o valor preditivo de normalidade meiótica oocitária.