27 resultados para solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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High intake of saturated fat from meats has been associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and others diseases. In this paper, we are introducing a simple, high-throughput, and non-destructive low-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance method that has the potential to analyze the intramuscular fat content (IMF) in more than 1,000 beef portions per hour. The results can be used in nutritional fact labels, replacing the currently used average value. The method is based on longitudinal (T(1)) and transverse (T(2)) relaxation time information obtained by a continuous wave-free precession (CWFP) sequence. CWFP yields a higher correlation coefficient (r=0.9) than the conventional Carr-Purcell-Meiboom- Gill (CPMG) method (r=-0.25) for IMF in beef and is just as fast and a simpler pulse sequence than CPMG. The method can also be applied to other meat products.


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The Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) pulse sequence has been used in many applications of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and low-resolution NMR (LRNMR) spectroscopy. Recently. CPMG was used in online LRNMR measurements that use long RF pulse trains, causing an increase in probe temperature and, therefore, tuning and matching maladjustments. To minimize this problem, the use of a low-power CPMG sequence based on low refocusing pulse flip angles (LRFA) was studied experimentally and theoretically. This approach has been used in several MRI protocols to reduce incident RF power and meet the specific absorption rate. The results for CPMG with LRFA of 3 pi/4 (CPMG(135)), pi/2 (CPMG(90)) and pi/4 (CPMG(45)) were compared with conventional CPMG with refocusing pi pulses. For a homogeneous field, with linewidth equal to Delta nu = 15 Hz, the refocusing flip angles can be as low as pi/4 to obtain the transverse relaxation time (T(2)) value with errors below 5%. For a less homogeneous magnetic field. Delta nu = 100 Hz, the choice of the LRFA has to take into account the reduction in the intensity of the CPMG signal and the increase in the time constant of the CPMG decay that also becomes dependent on longitudinal relaxation time (T(1)). We have compared the T(2) values measured by conventional CPMG and CPMG(90) for 30 oilseed species, and a good correlation coefficient, r = 0.98, was obtained. Therefore, for oilseeds, the T(2) measurements performed with pi/2 refocusing pulses (CPMG(90)), with the same pulse width of conventional CPMG, use only 25% of the RF power. This reduces the heating problem in the probe and reduces the power deposition in the samples. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was successfully employed to test several protocols and ideas in quantum information science. In most of these implementations, the existence of entanglement was ruled out. This fact introduced concerns and questions about the quantum nature of such bench tests. In this paper, we address some issues related to the non-classical aspects of NMR systems. We discuss some experiments where the quantum aspects of this system are supported by quantum correlations of separable states. Such quantumness, beyond the entanglement-separability paradigm, is revealed via a departure between the quantum and the classical versions of information theory. In this scenario, the concept of quantum discord seems to play an important role. We also present an experimental implementation of an analogue of the single-photon Mach-Zehnder interferometer employing two nuclear spins to encode the interferometric paths. This experiment illustrates how non-classical correlations of separable states may be used to simulate quantum dynamics. The results obtained are completely equivalent to the optical scenario, where entanglement (between two field modes) may be present.


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Two structural properties in mixed alkali metal phosphate glasses that seem to be crucial to the development of the mixed ion effect in dc conductivity were systematically analyzed in Na mixed metaphosphates: the local order around the mobile species, and their distribution and mixing in the glass network. The set of glasses considered here, Na1-xMxPO3 with M = Li, Ag, K, Rb, and Cs and 0 <= x <= 1, encompass a broad degree of size mismatch between the mixed cation species. A comprehensive solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance study was carried out using P-31 MAS, Na-23 triple quantum MAS, Rb-87 QCPMG, P-31-Na-23 REDOR, Na-23-Li-7 and Li-7-Li-6 SEDOR, and Na-23 spin echo decay. It was observed that the arrangement of P atoms around Na in the mixed glasses was indistinguishable from that observed in the NaPO3 glass. However, systematic distortions in the local structure of the 0 environments around Na were observed, related to the presence of the second cation. The average Na-O distances show an expansion/compression When Na+ ions are replaced by cations with respectively smaller/bigger radii. The behavior of the nuclear electric quadrupole coupling. constants indicates that this expansion reduces the local symmetry, while the compression produces the opposite effect These effects become marginally small when the site mismatch between the cations is small, as in Na-Ag mixed glasses. The present study confirms the intimate mixing of cation species at the atomic scale, but clear deviations from random mixing were detected in systems with larger alkali metal ions (Cs-Na, K-Na, Rb-Na). In contrast, no deviations from the statistical ion mixture were found in the systems Ag-Na and Li-Na, where mixed cations are either of radii comparable to (Ag+) or smaller than (Li+) Na+. The set of results supports two fundamental structural features of the models proposed to explain the mixed ion effect: the. structural specificity of the sites occupied by each cation species and their mixing at the atomic scale.


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Abstract Background In recent years, biorefining of lignocellulosic biomass to produce multi-products such as ethanol and other biomaterials has become a dynamic research area. Pretreatment technologies that fractionate sugarcane bagasse are essential for the successful use of this feedstock in ethanol production. In this paper, we investigate modifications in the morphology and chemical composition of sugarcane bagasse submitted to a two-step treatment, using diluted acid followed by a delignification process with increasing sodium hydroxide concentrations. Detailed chemical and morphological characterization of the samples after each pretreatment condition, studied by high performance liquid chromatography, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, diffuse reflectance Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, is reported, together with sample crystallinity and enzymatic digestibility. Results Chemical composition analysis performed on samples obtained after different pretreatment conditions showed that up to 96% and 85% of hemicellulose and lignin fractions, respectively, were removed by this two-step method when sodium hydroxide concentrations of 1% (m/v) or higher were used. The efficient lignin removal resulted in an enhanced hydrolysis yield reaching values around 100%. Considering the cellulose loss due to the pretreatment (maximum of 30%, depending on the process), the total cellulose conversion increases significantly from 22.0% (value for the untreated bagasse) to 72.4%. The delignification process, with consequent increase in the cellulose to lignin ratio, is also clearly observed by nuclear magnetic resonance and diffuse reflectance Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy experiments. We also demonstrated that the morphological changes contributing to this remarkable improvement occur as a consequence of lignin removal from the sample. Bagasse unstructuring is favored by the loss of cohesion between neighboring cell walls, as well as by changes in the inner cell wall structure, such as damaging, hole formation and loss of mechanical resistance, facilitating liquid and enzyme access to crystalline cellulose. Conclusions The results presented herewith show the efficiency of the proposed method for improving the enzymatic digestibility of sugarcane bagasse and provide understanding of the pretreatment action mechanism. Combining the different techniques applied in this work warranted thorough information about the undergoing morphological and chemical changes and was an efficient approach to understand the morphological effects resulting from sample delignification and its influence on the enhanced hydrolysis results.


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Abstract Background In recent years, the growing demand for biofuels has encouraged the search for different sources of underutilized lignocellulosic feedstocks that are available in sufficient abundance to be used for sustainable biofuel production. Much attention has been focused on biomass from grass. However, large amounts of timber residues such as eucalyptus bark are available and represent a potential source for conversion to bioethanol. In the present paper, we investigate the effects of a delignification process with increasing sodium hydroxide concentrations, preceded or not by diluted acid, on the bark of two eucalyptus clones: Eucalyptus grandis (EG) and the hybrid, E. grandis x urophylla (HGU). The enzymatic digestibility and total cellulose conversion were measured, along with the effect on the composition of the solid and the liquor fractions. Barks were also assessed using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), X-Ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results Compositional analysis revealed an increase in the cellulose content, reaching around 81% and 76% of glucose for HGU and EG, respectively, using a two-step treatment with HCl 1%, followed by 4% NaOH. Lignin removal was 84% (HGU) and 79% (EG), while the hemicellulose removal was 95% and 97% for HGU and EG, respectively. However, when we applied a one-step treatment, with 4% NaOH, higher hydrolysis efficiencies were found after 48 h for both clones, reaching almost 100% for HGU and 80% for EG, in spite of the lower lignin and hemicellulose removal. Total cellulose conversion increased from 5% and 7% to around 65% for HGU and 59% for EG. NMR and FTIR provided important insight into the lignin and hemicellulose removal and SEM studies shed light on the cell-wall unstructuring after pretreatment and lignin migration and precipitation on the fibers surface, which explain the different hydrolysis rates found for the clones. Conclusion Our results show that the single step alkaline pretreatment improves the enzymatic digestibility of Eucalyptus bark. Furthermore, the chemical and physical methods combined in this study provide a better comprehension of the pretreatment effects on cell-wall and the factors that influence enzymatic digestibility of this forest residue.


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The comprehensive control of morphology and structure is of extreme importance in semiconducting polymers when used as active layers in optoelectronic devices. In the work reported here, a systematic investigation of the structural and dynamical properties of poly(9,9-di-n-octyl-fluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole), known as F8BT, and their correlation with electrical properties is presented when the material is used as an active layer in optoelectronic devices. By means of X-ray diffraction, one observes that in thick layer films (thickness of about 4 μm) grown by drop-cast deposition, a solvent induced crystalline phase exists which evolves to a stable phase as the temperature is raised. This was not observed in thin films (thickness of about 250 nm) prepared by spin-coating within the investigated temperature range. By modeling the current-voltages characteristics of both thick and thin film devices, important information on the influence of crystallization on the trapping states could be drawn. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of the charge carrier mobility was found to be closely related to that of the molecular relaxation processes. The understanding of the nature of such molecular relaxations, measured by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance methods, allows one to understand the importance of molecular relaxations and microstructure changes on the trap states of the system.


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Fluorene-based systems have shown great potential as components in organic electronics and optoelectronics (organic photovoltaics, OPVs, organic light emitting diodes, OLEDs, and organic transistors, OTFTs). These systems have drawn attention primarily because they exhibit strong blue emission associated with relatively good thermal stability. It is well-known that the electronic properties of polymers are directly related to the molecular conformations and chain packing of polymers. Here, we used three oligofluorenes (trimer, pentamer, and heptamer) as model systems to theoretically investigate the conformational properties of fluorene molecules, starting with the identification of preferred conformations. The hybrid exchange correlation functional, OPBE, and ZINDO/S-CI showed that each oligomer exhibits a tendency to adopt a specific chain arrangement, which could be distinguished by comparing their UV/vis electronic absorption and C-13 NMR spectra. This feature was used to identify the preferred conformation of the oligomer chains in chloroform-cast films by comparing experimental and theoretical UV/vis and C-13 NMR spectra. Moreover, the oligomer chain packing and dynamics in the films were studied by DSC and several solid state NMR techniques, which indicated that the phase behavior of the films may be influenced by the tendency that each oligomeric chain has to adopt a given conformation.


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A series of heavy metal oxide (HMO) glasses with composition 26.66B(2)O(3)-16GeO(2)-4 Bi2O3-(53.33-x)PbO-xPbF2 (0 <= x <= 40) were prepared and characterized with respect to their bulk (glass transition and crystallization temperatures, densities, molar volumes) and spectroscopic properties. Homogeneous glasses are formed up to x = 30, while crystallization of beta-PbF2 takes place at higher contents. Substitution of PbO by PbF2 shifts the optical band gap toward higher energies, thereby extending the UV transmission window significantly toward higher frequencies. Raman and infrared absorption spectra can be interpreted in conjunction with published reference data. Using B-11 and F-19 high-resolution solid state NMR as well as B-11/F-19 double resonance methodologies, we develop a quantitative structural description of this material. The fraction of four-coordinate boron is found to be moderately higher compared to that in glasses with the same PbO/B2O3 ratios, suggesting some participation of PbF2 in the network transformation process. This suggestion is confirmed by the F-19 NMR spectra. While the majority of the fluoride ions is present as ionic fluoride, similar to 20% of the fluorine inventory acts as a network modifier, resulting in the formation of four-coordinate BO3/2F- units. These units can be identified by F-19{B-11} rotational echo double resonance and B-11{F-19} cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) data. These results provide the first unambiguous evidence of B-F bonding in a PbF2-modified glass system. The majority of the fluoride ions are found in a lead-dominated environment. F-19-F-19 homonuclear dipolar second moments measured by spin echo decay spectroscopy are quantitatively consistent with a model in which these ions are randomly distributed within the network modifier subdomain consisting of PbO, Bi2O3, and PbF2. This model, which implies both the features of atomic scale mixing with the network former borate species and some degree of fluoride ion clustering is consistent with all of the experimental data obtained on these glasses.


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A comparative study of the primary properties of six cocoa butter samples, representative of industrial blends and cocoa butter extracted from fruits cultivated in different geographical areas in Brazil is presented. The samples were evaluated according to fatty acid composition, triacylglycerol composition, regiospecific distribution, melting point, solid fat content and consistency. The results allowed for differentiating the samples according to their chemical compositions, thermal resistance properties, hardness characteristics, as well as technological adequacies and potential use in regions with tropical climates.


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Large-scale soil application of biochar may enhance soil fertility, increasing crop production for the growing human population, while also sequestering atmospheric carbon. But reaching these beneficial outcomes requires an understanding of the relationships among biochar's structure, stability, and contribution to soil fertility. Using quantitative C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, we show that Terra Preta soils (fertile anthropogenic dark earths in Amazonia that were enriched with char >800 years ago) consist predominantly of char residues composed of similar to 6 fused aromatic rings substituted by COO- groups that significantly increase the soils' cation-exchange capacity and thus the retention of plant nutrients. We also show that highly productive, grassland-derived soils in the U.S, (Mollisols) contain char (generated by presettlement fires) that is structurally comparable to char in the Terra Preta soils and much more abundant than previously thought (similar to 40-50% of organic C). Our findings indicate that these oxidized char residues represent a particularly stable, abundant, and fertility-enhancing form of soil organic matter.


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In this work, we present an implementation of quantum logic gates and algorithms in a three effective qubits system, represented by a (I = 7/2) NMR quadrupolar nuclei. To implement these protocols we have used the strong modulating pulses (SMP) and the various stages of each implementation were verified by quantum state tomography (QST). The results for the computational base states, Toffolli logic gates, and Deutsch-Jozsa and Grover algorithms are presented here. Also, we discuss the difficulties and advantages of implementing such protocols using the SMP technique in quadrupolar systems.


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This paper uses Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) techniques to study the molecular relaxations and phase transitions in poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole) (F8BT), which has been extensively studied as the active thin film in organic devices. Besides the identification of the glass transition, beta relaxation and crystal-to-crystal phase transition, we correlate such phenomena with dielectric and transport mechanisms in diodes with F8BT as the active layer. The beta relaxation has been assigned to a transition at about 210 K measured by H-1 and C-13 solid state NMR, and can be attributed to local motions in the side chains. The glass transition has been detected by DSC and H-1 NMR. Dielectric spectroscopy (DS) carried out at low frequencies on diodes made from F8BT show two peaks which are coincident with the above transitions. This allowed us to correlate the electrical changes in the film with the onset of specific molecular motions. In addition, DS indicates a third peak related with a crystal-to-crystal phase transition. Finally, these transitions were correlated with changes in the carrier mobility recorded in thin films and published recently.


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Purpose: To assess the correlation between MRI findings of the pancreas with those of the heart and liver in patients with beta thalassemia; to compare the pancreas T2* MRI results with glucose and ferritin levels and labile plasma iron (LPI). Materials and methods: We retrospectively evaluated chronically transfused patients, testing glucose with enzymatic tests, serum ferritin with chemiluminescence, LPI with cellular fluorescence, and T2* MRI to assess iron content in the heart, liver, and pancreas. MRI results were compared with one another and with serum glucose, ferritin, and LPI. Liver iron concentration (LIC) was determined in 11 patients' liver biopsies by atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: 289 MRI studies were available from 115 patients during the period studied. 9.4% of patients had overt diabetes and an additional 16% of patients had impaired fasting glucose. Both pancreatic and cardiac R2* had predictive power (p < 0.0001) for identifying diabetes. Cardiac and pancreatic R2* were modestly correlated with one another (r(2) = 0.20, p < 0.0001). Both were weakly correlated with LIC (r(2) = 0.09, p < 0.0001 for both) and serum ferritin (r(2) = 0.14, p < 0.0001 and r(2) = 0.03, p < 0.02, respectively). None of the three served as a screening tool for single observations. There is a strong log-log, or power-law, relationship between ratio of signal intensity (SIR) values and pancreas R2* with an r(2) of 0.91. Conclusions: Pancreatic iron overload can be assessed by MRI, but siderosis in other organs did not correlate significantly with pancreatic hemosiderosis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.