21 resultados para radiopharmaceutical sceince, nuclear chemistry

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Twenty six bottom sediment samples were collected from the Cananeia estuary in summer and winter of 2005. Multielemental analysis was carried out by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Total mercury was determined by cold vapor atomic absorption. As, Cr, Hg and Zn concentrations were compared to the Canadian oriented values (TEL and PEL). Sample points 4 and 9 presented higher concentration for most elements and As and Cr exceeded the TEL values. Organic matter (>10%) associated with siltic and clay sediments was observed. Climatic conditions, hydrodynamic and biogeochemical processes promote differences in seasonal concentrations of elements at some points, which contribute to special distributions.


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So Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and South America with about 20 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area, more than nine million motor vehicles and intense industrial activity, which are responsible for increasing pollution in the region. Nevertheless, little is known concerning metal and semi-metal content in the soils of this metropolitan region. This type of information could be extremely useful as a fingerprint of environmental pollution. The present study determined the elements As, Ba, Co, Cr, Sb, and Zn concentrations in soils adjacent to avenues of highly dense traffic in So Paulo city to assess their levels and possible sources. The analytical technique employed was Instrumental neutron activation analysis. The results showed, except for Co, concentration levels higher than the reference values for soils of So Paulo, according to the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of So Paulo guidelines. When compared to similar studies in other cities around the world, So Paulo soils presented higher levels, probably due to its high density traffic and industrial activity. The concentrations obtained for As and Cr indicate anthropogenic origin. The high levels of the traffic-related elements Ba, Sb, and Zn in soils nearby high density traffic avenues indicate they may originate from vehicular exhausts.


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Phosphorus is an essential element for plants and animals, playing a fundamental role in the production of biochemical energy. Despite its relevance, phosphorus is not commonly determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), because (32)P does not emit gamma-rays in its decay. There are alternative methods for the determination of phosphorus by INAA, such as the use of beta counting or the measurement of bremsstrahlung originated from the high energy beta particle from (32)P. Here the determination of phosphorus in plant materials by measuring the bremsstrahlung production was further investigated, to optimize an analytical protocol for minimizing interferences and overcoming the poor specificity. Eight certified reference materials of plant matrices with phosphorus ranging between 171 and 5,180 mg kg(-1) were irradiated at a thermal neutron flux of 9.5 x 10(12) cm(-2) s(-1) and measured with a HPGe detector at decay times varying from 7 to 60 days. Phosphorus solutions added to a certified reference material at three levels were used for calibration. Counts accumulated in the baseline at four different regions of the gamma-ray spectra were tested for the determination of phosphorus, with better results for the 100 keV region. The Compton scattering contribution in the selected range was discounted using an experimental peak-to-Compton factor and the net areas of all peaks in the spectra with energies higher than 218 keV, i.e. Compton edge above 100 keV. Amongst the interferences investigated, the production of (32)P from sulfur, and the contribution of Compton scattering should be considered for producing good results.


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The availability of chemical elements for plants is mainly dependent on the nature of the soil and characteristics of each species. The transfer factors of lanthanides from the soil to the tree leaves of the Atlantic Forest, Brazil, were calculated for one fern species (Alsophila sternbergii-Pteridophyta division) and four magnoliophytes species (Bathysa australis, Euterpe edulis, Garcinia gardneriana and Guapira opposita-Magnoliophyta division) obtained in two areas of Serra do Mar State Park and collected in two different seasons. Samples were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The soil-to-plant transfer factor (TF = C(plant):C(soil)) in magnoliophytes species was correlated to the mass fraction of lanthanides in the soil, described by a exponential model (TF = a.C (soil) (-b) ). Despite the tree fern Alsophila sternbergii presented a hyperaccumulation of lanthanides, this species did not have a significant relationship between TF and mass fraction in soil. Results indicated that plants of Magnoliophyta division selected the input of lanthanides from the soil, while the same was not observed in Alsophila sternbergii.


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The marine environment is constantly affected by anthropic actions, with causes consequent degradation of the waters and marine biota by various discharges of xenobiotics. In the present study, the focus was the study of a region of the marine coast of the State of So Paulo (city of Santos), which is one of the most industrialized parts of Brazil and suffers also from a strong impact of domestic effluents. The mussel Perna perna, very abundant in the coast of the State of So Paulo, Brazil, was selected as the biomonitoring organism for the determination of inorganic elements and a passive biomonitoring was performed. The organisms were collected at two sites in So Paulo State coast: Cocanha beach in Caraguatatuba (mussel farm) and Santos Bay (Itaipu and Palmas). Seasonally, the Perna perna were collected between September/08 and July/09 in each study sites. After removal and sample preparation, the elements As, Co, Cr, Fe, Se and Zn were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and Cd, Pb and Hg were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) in this organism.


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The mixed ruthenium(II) complexes trans-[RuCl(2)(PPh(3))(2)(bipy)] (1), trans-[RuCl(2)(PPh(3))(2)(Me(2)bipy)](2), cis-[RuCl(2)(dcype)(bipy)](3), cis-[RuCl(2)(dcype)(Me(2)bipy)](4) (PPh(3) = triphenylphosphine, dcype = 1,2-bis(dicyclohexylphosphino)ethane, bipy = 2,2'-bipyridine, Me(2)bipy = 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine) were used as precursors to synthesize the associated vinylidene complexes. The complexes [RuCl(=C=CHPh)(PPh(3))(2)(bipy)]PF(6) (5), [RuCl(=C=CHPh)(PPh(3))(2)(Me(2)bipy)]PF(6) (6), [RuCl(=C=CHPh)(dcype)(bipy)]PF(6) (7), [RuCl(=C=CHPh)(dcype)(bipy)]PF(6) (8) were characterized and their spectral, electrochemical, photochemical and photophysical properties were examined. The emission assigned to the pi-pi* excited state from the vinylidene ligand is irradiation wavelength (340, 400, 430 nm) and solvent (CH(2)Cl(2), CH(3)CN, EtOH/MeOH) dependent. The cyclic voltammograms of (6) and (7) show a reversible metal oxidation peak and two successive ligand reductions in the +1.5-(-0.64) V range. The reduction of the vinylidene leads to the formation of the acetylide complex, but due the hydrogen abstraction the process is irreversible. The studies described here suggest that for practical applications such as functional materials, nonlinear optics, building blocks and supramolecular photochemistry. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The kinetic resolution of chiral beta-borylated carboxylic esters via lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis and transesterification reactions was studied. The enantioselective hydrolysis catalyzed by CAL-B furnished the beta-borylated carboxylic acid with reasonable enantiomeric excess (62% ee), while both methyl and ethyl beta-borylated carboxylic esters were recovered with excellent ee (>99%). Meanwhile, the transesterification reaction of beta-borylated carboxylic esters and several alcohols, catalyzed by CAL-B, only indicated a high selectivity when ethanol and methyl-(beta-pinacolylboronate)-butanoate were used as substrates, which gave ethyl-(beta-pinacolylboronate)-butanoate with >99% ee. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The title compound [Ni(C20H15N2OS)(2)] is prepared by the reaction of metal acetate with the corresponding acylthiourea derivative. The complex is characterized by elemental analysis, IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR, and its structure is determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The Ni(II) ion is coordinated by the S and O atoms of two N-benzoyl-N',N'-diphenylthiourea ligands in a slightly distorted square-planar coordination geometry. The two O and two S atoms are mutually cis to each other. The substance crystallizes triclinic (P-1 space group) with cell dimensions a = 10.7262(9) , b = 12.938(3) , c = 14.2085(12) , alpha = 74.650(4)A degrees, beta = 78.398(4)A degrees, gamma = 68.200(5)A degrees, and two formula units in the unit cell. The structure is very close to the related N-(2-furoyl) Ni complex reported previously.


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The kinetic resolution of racemic alpha-bromophenylacetamides 1 was achieved in the presence of benzenethiolate and Cinchona alkaloid salts as phase-transfer catalysts or benzenethiol and quinine, yielding (S)-enantioenriched alpha-sulfanylated products. The observed stereoselection was rationalized on the basis of the best fitting of 1 and the resolving agent in the ternary complexes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, Canoparmelia texana lichenized fungi species was used as a passive biomonitor of the atmospheric pollution from the industrial city of So Mateus do Sul, PR, Brazil. Lichen samples collected from tree barks were cleaned, freeze-dried and analyzed by neutron activation analysis. Comparisons were made between the element concentrations obtained in lichens from this city and that from a clean area of Atlantic Forest in Intervales Park, SP. The high concentrations of elements As, Ca, Co, Cr, Fe, Hf, Sb, and Th found in lichens could be attributed to the emissions from a ceramic and an oil shale plants.


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In this work, 50 ceramic fragments from the Lago Grande and 30 from the Osvaldo archaeological site were compared to assess elemental similarities. The aim is to perform a preliminary comparison between the sites, which are located in the central Amazon, Brazil. The analytical technique employed to obtain the ceramics elemental composition was instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The data set obtained was explored by the multivariate statistical techniques of cluster, principal component and discriminant analysis. The analyzed elements were: Na, Lu, U, Yb, La, Th, Cr, Cs, Sc, Fe, Eu, Ce and Hf. The results showed the existence of at least two compositional groups for Lago Grande and Osvaldo. Each compositional group of Osvaldo archaeological site matches with one group of Lago Grande. Correlated with the archaeological background, the results suggest commercial or cultural exchange in the region, which is an indicative of socio-cultural interactions between those sites.


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The increased pollution in the aquatic ecosystem has led to the investigation of toxic elements in sea water by using marine organisms to assess marine pollution from human activities. Among these organisms, the mollusks bivalves have been used as biomonitors since they can accumulate trace elements and other substances, without the occurrence of their death. In this study, Perna perna mussels were transplanted from a mussel farm (reference region) to four sites located in coastal regions of So Paulo State, Brazil, close to anthropic discharge areas. Vanadium was determined in mussel tissues by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Quality control of V analysis was checked by analyzing biological reference materials and the results obtained were precise and in good agreement with the certified values. Comparisons between the V concentrations obtained in transplanted mussels indicated that those from So Sebastio region, close to an oil terminal presented the highest concentration of this element, during spring.


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The enantioselective carbon-boron bond oxidation of several chiral boron-containing compounds by Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenases was evaluated. PAMO and M446G PAMO conveniently oxidized 1-phenylethyl boronate into the corresponding 1-(phenyl)ethanol (ee = 82-91%). Cyclopropyl boronic esters were also oxidized but with no enantioselectivity. beta-Boryl carboxylic esters were not oxidized by any BVMOs. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Pb1-xLaxZryTi1-yO3 system is a perovskite ABO(3) structured material which presents ferroelectric properties and has been used as capacitors, actuators, transducers and electro-optic devices. In this paper, we describe the synthesis and the characterization of Pb0.89La0.11Zr0.40Ti0.60O3 (PLZT11) nanostructured material. The precursor polymeric method and the spark plasma sintering technique were respectively used to prepare ceramic samples. In order to compare the effect of grain size, microcrystalline PLZT11 ceramic samples were also prepared. PLZT11 samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction technique which results show a reduction on the degree of tetragonality as the average grain size decreases. Moreover, the grain size decrease to a nanometer range induces a diffuse behavior on the dielectric permittivity curves as a function of the temperature and a reduction on the dielectric permittivity magnitude. Furthermore, the large number of grain boundaries due to the nanometer size gives rise to a dielectric anomaly. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Samples of 40SiO(2)center dot 30Na(2)O center dot 1Al(2)O(3)center dot(29 - x)B2O3 center dot xFe(2)O(3) (mol%), with 0.0 <= x <= 17.5, were prepared by the fusion method and investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), optical absorption (OA) and Mossbauer spectroscopy (MS). The EPR spectra of the as-synthesized samples exhibit two well-defined EPR signals around g = 4.27 and g = 2.01 and a visible EPR shoulder around g = 6.4, assigned to isolated Fe3+ ion complexes (g = 4.27 and g = 6.4) and Fe3+-based clusters (g = 2.01). Analyses of both EPR line intensity and line width support the model picture of Fe3+-based clusters built in from two sources of isolated ions, namely Fe2+ and Fe3+; the ferrous ion being used to build in iron-based clusters at lower x-content (below about x = 2.5%) whereas the ferric ion is used to build in iron-based clusters at higher x-content (above about x = 2.5%). The presence of Fe2+ ions incorporated within the glass template is supported by OA data with a strong band around 1100 nm due to the spin-allowed E-5(g)-T-5(2g) transition in an octahedral coordination with oxygen. Additionally, Mossbauer data (isomer shift and quadrupole splitting) confirm incorporation of both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions within the template, more likely in tetrahedral-like environments. We hypothesize that ferrous ions are incorporated within the glass template as FeO4 complex resulting from replacing silicon in non-bridging oxygen (SiO3O-) sites whereas ferric ions are incorporated as FeO4 complex resulting from replacing silicon in bridging-like oxygen silicate groups (SiO4). (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.