11 resultados para particle-size distribution

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The centrifuge technique was used to investigate the influence of particle size, applied compression, and substrate material (stainless steel, glass, Teflon, and poly(vinyl chloride)) on particle-surface adhesion force. For this purpose, phosphatic rock (rho(p) = 3090 kg/m(3)) and manioc starch particles (rho(p) = 1480 kg/m(3)) were used as test particles. A microcentrifuge that reached a maximum rotation speed of 14 000 rpm and which contained specially designed centrifuge tubes was used in the adhesion force measurements. The curves showed that the adhesion force profile followed a normal log distribution. The adhesion force increased linearly with particle size and with the increase of each increment of compression force. The manioc starch particles presented greater adhesion forces than the phosphatic rock particles for all particle sizes studied. The glass substrate showed a higher adherence than the other materials, probably due to its smoother topographic surface roughness in relation to the other substrata.


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Silver/alanine nanocomposites with varying mass percentage of silver have been produced. The size of the silver nanoparticles seems to drive the formation of the nanocomposite, yielding a homogeneous dispersion of the silver nanoparticles in the alanine matrix or flocs of silver nanoparticles segregated from the alanine crystals. The alanine crystalline orientation is modified according to the particle size of the silver nanoparticles. Concerning a mass percentage of silver below 0.1%, the nanocomposites are homogeneous, and there is no particle aggregation. As the mass percentage of silver is increased, the system becomes unstable, and there is particle flocculation with subsequent segregation of the alanine crystals. The nanocomposites have been analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and they have been tested as radiation detectors by means of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy in order to detect the paramagnetic centers created by the radiation. In fact, the sensitivity of the radiation detectors is optimized in the case of systems containing small particles (30 nm) that are well dispersed in the alanine matrix. As the agglomeration increases, particle growth (up to 1.5 mu m) and segregation diminish the sensitivity. In conclusion, nanostructured materials can be used for optimization of alanine sensitivity, by taking into account the influence of the particles size of the silver nanoparticles on the detection properties of the alanine radiation detectors, thus contributing to the construction of small-sized detectors.


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The effect of the relationship between particle size (d), inter-particle distance (x(i)), and metal loading (y) of carbon supported fuel cell Pt or PtRu catalysts on their catalytic activity, based on the optimum d (2.5-3 nm) and x(i)/d (>5) values, was evaluated. It was found that for y < 30 wt%, the optimum values of both d and x(i)/d can be always obtained. For y >= 30 wt%, instead, the positive effect of a thinner catalyst layer of the fuel cell electrode than that using catalysts with y < 30 wt% is concomitant to a decrease of the effective catalyst surface area due to an increase of d and/or a decrease of x(i)/d compared to their optimum values, with in turns gives rise to a decrease in the catalytic activity. The effect of the x(i)/d ratio has been successfully verified by experimental results on ethanol oxidation on PtRu/C catalysts with same particle size and same degree of alloying but different metal loading. Tests in direct ethanol fuel cells showed that, compared to 20 wt% PtRu/C, the negative effect of the lower x(i)/d on the catalytic activity of 30 and 40 wt% PtRu/C catalysts was superior to the positive effect of the thinner catalyst layer.


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In this study, the measurement of the concentration and size of particles and the identification of their sources were carried out at five orthopedic surgeries. The aerosol concentration and particle size distribution, ranging from 0.3 mu m 10 mu m, were measured and related to the type of indoor activity. The handling of surgical linen and gowns, handling of the patient, use of electrosurgical apparatus, use of a bone saw, handling of equipment, and cleaning of the room were identified as the most important sources of particles, with each of these activities posing different risks to the health of the patients and workers. The results showed that most of the particles were above 0.5 mu m and that there was a strong correlation among all particles of sizes above 1 mu m. Particles with diameters in the range of 0.3 mu m-0.5 mu m had a good correlation only with particles in the ranges of 0.5 mu m-1.0 mu m and 1.0 mu m-3.0 mu m in three of the surgeries analyzed. Findings led to the conclusion that most of the events responsible for generating aerosol particles in an orthopedic surgery room are brief, intermittent, and highly variable, thus requiring the use of specific instrumentation for their continuous identification and characterization.


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This work evaluates the spatial distribution of normalised rates of droplet breakage and droplet coalescence in liquidliquid dispersions maintained in agitated tanks at operation conditions normally used to perform suspension polymerisation reactions. Particularly, simulations are performed with multiphase computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models to represent the flow field in liquidliquid styrene suspension polymerisation reactors for the first time. CFD tools are used first to compute the spatial distribution of the turbulent energy dissipation rates (e) inside the reaction vessel; afterwards, normalised rates of droplet breakage and particle coalescence are computed as functions of e. Surprisingly, multiphase simulations showed that the rates of energy dissipation can be very high near the free vortex surfaces, which has been completely neglected in previous works. The obtained results indicate the existence of extremely large energy dissipation gradients inside the vessel, so that particle breakage occurs primarily in very small regions that surround the impeller and the free vortex surface, while particle coalescence takes place in the liquid bulk. As a consequence, particle breakage should be regarded as an independent source term or a boundary phenomenon. Based on the obtained results, it can be very difficult to justify the use of isotropic assumptions to formulate particle population balances in similar systems, even when multiple compartment models are used to describe the fluid dynamic behaviour of the agitated vessel. (C) 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering


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Despite the efficacy of topical retinoic acid, skin reactions have limited its acceptance by patients. Other retinoids, like Retinyl Palmitate (RP), are considerably less irritating, but they are also less effective. In order to enhance the performance of retinoids, in this work RP has been added to cosmetic formulations such as nanoemulsions, which can provide better penetration of this active substance. Because the vehicle can directly influence the skin penetration and the effectiveness of RP, two skin care products containing 5000 UI RP have been developed and investigated, namely a nanoemulsifying system and a classic gel cream. In vitro penetration tests were conducted by using Franz diffusion cells and placing porcine ear skin and iso-propanol in the receptor compartment. The RP concentration in the skin layers was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography, and a Zeta-Sizer system was employed for measurement of the the particle size distribution. The penetration tests revealed a large difference between the vehicles in terms of the RP concentrations in each skin layer. The classic gel cream furnished better RP penetration in both the stratum corneum and the epidermis without stratum corneum + dermis, as compared to the self-nanoemulsifying system. The two vehicles displayed the same particle size (between 100 and 200 nm). Better understanding of RP skin delivery using different vehicles has been acquired, and the importance of evaluating the efficacy of nanocosmetics. Results from the present study should also contribute to the assessment of commercial self-nanoemulsifying systems with potential application in the facile production of nanoemulsions.


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The role of different types of emulsifying saltssodium citrate (TSC), sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) and tetrasodium pyrophosphate (TSPP)on microstructure and rheology of requeijao cremoso processed cheese was determined. The cheeses manufactured with TSC, TSPP, and STPP behaved like concentrated solutions, while the cheese manufactured with SHMP exhibited weak gel behavior and the lowest values for the phase angle (G/G). This means that SHMP cheese had the protein network with the largest amount of molecular interactions, which can be explained by its highest degree of fat emulsification. Rotational viscometry indicated that all the spreadable cheeses behaved like pseudoplastic fluids. The cheeses made with SHMP and TSPP presented low values for the flow behavior index, meaning that viscosity was more dependent on shear rate. Regarding the consistency index, TSPP cheese showed the highest value, which could be attributed to the combined effect of its high pH and homogeneous fat particle size distribution.


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Active pharmaceutical ingredients have very strict quality requirements; minor changes in the physical and chemical properties of pharmaceuticals can adversely affect the dissolution rate and therefore the bioavailability of a given drug. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of spray drying on the physical and in vitro dissolution properties of four different active pharmaceutical ingredients, namely carbamazepine, indomethacin, piroxicam, and nifedipine. Each drug was dispersed in a solution of ethanol and water (70:30) and subjected to single-step spray drying using similar operational conditions. A complete characterization of the spray-dried drugs was performed via differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), particle size distribution analysis, solubility analysis, and an in vitro dissolution study. The results from the thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction showed that, except for carbamazepine, no chemical modifications occurred as a result of spray drying. Moreover, the particle size distribution of all the spray-dried drugs significantly decreased. In addition, SEM images showed that most of the particles had an irregular shape. There was no significant improvement in the solubility of the spray-dried drugs compared with the unprocessed compounds; however, in general, the dissolution rates of the spray-dried drugs showed a remarkable improvement over their non-spray-dried counterparts. Therefore, the results from this study demonstrate that a single spray-drying step may lead to changes in the physical properties and dissolution characteristics of drugs and thus improve their therapeutic action.


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Leaching of nitrate (NO3-) can increase the groundwater concentration of this anion and reduce the agronomical effectiveness of nitrogen fertilizers. The main soil property inversely related to NO3- leaching is the anion exchange capacity (AEC), whose determination is however too time-consuming for being carried out in soil testing laboratories. For this reason, this study evaluated if more easily measurable soil properties could be used to estimate the resistance of subsoils to NO3- leaching. Samples from the subsurface layer (20-40 cm) of 24 representative soils of São Paulo State were characterized for particle-size distribution and for chemical and electrochemical properties. The subsoil content of adsorbed NO3- was calculated from the difference between the NO3- contents extracted with 1 mol L-1 KCl and with water; furthermore, NO3- leaching was studied in miscible displacement experiments. The results of both adsorption and leaching experiments were consistent with the well-known role exerted by AEC on the nitrate behavior in weathered soils. Multiple regression analysis indicated that in subsoils with (i) low values of remaining phosphorus (Prem), (ii) low soil pH values measured in water (pH H2O), and (iii) high pH values measured in 1 moL L-1 KCl (pH KCl), the amounts of surface positive charges tend to be greater. For this reason, NO3- leaching tends to be slower in these subsoils, even under saturated flow condition.


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The deep bedding is a swine alternative production, especially in the finishing phase, whose byproduct can be recycled, reducing the environmental impact. The objectives of this study were to characterize the ash coming from the controlled burning of the swine deep bedding (SDBA) based on rice husk, and to evaluate their performance in composites as a partial substitute for Portland cement (PC). To measure the differences between SDBA and rice husk ash (RHA) as a reference, we have characterized: particle size distribution, real specific density, x-ray diffraction, electrical conductivity, scanning electron microscopy, chemical analysis and loss on ignition. Samples were prepared for two experimental series: control, and another one with the partial replacement of 30% of SDBA in relation to the mass of the Portland cement. According to the results obtained for physical and mechanical characterization, the composites with SDBA can be used as a constructive element in the rural construction.


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The synthesis of zirconia-based ordered mesoporous structures for catalytic applications is a research area under development. These systems are also potential candidates as anodes in intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (it-SOFC) due to an enhancement on their surface area [1-4]. The structural features of mesoporous zirconia-ceria materials in combination with oxygen storage/release capacity (OSC) are crucial for various catalytic reactions. The direct use of hydrocarbons as fuel for the SOFC (instead of pure H2), without the necessity of reforming and purification reactors can improve global efficiency of these systems [4]. The X-ray diffraction data showed that ZrO2-x%CeO2 samples with x>50 are formed by a larger fraction of the cubic phase (spatial group Fm3m), while for x<50 the major crystalline structure is the tetragonal phase (spatial group P42/nmc). The crystallite size of the cubic phase increases with increase in ceria content. The tetragonal crystallite size decreases when ceria content increases. After impregnation, the Rietveld analysis showed a NiO content around 60wt.% for all samples. The lattice parameters for the ZrO2 tetragonal phase are lower for higher ZrO2 contents, while for all samples the cubic NiO and CeO2 parameters do not present changes. The calculated densities are higher for higher ceria content, as expected. The crystallite size of NiO are similar (~20nm) for all samples and 55nm for the NiO standard. Nitrogen adsorption experiments revealed a broader particle size distribution for higher CeO2 content. The superficial area values were around 35m2/g for all samples, the average pore diameter and pore volumes were higher when increasing ceria content. After NiO impregnation the particle size distribution was the same for all samples, with two pore sizes, the first around 3nm and a broader peak around 10nm. The superficial area increased to approximately 45m2/g for all samples, and the pore volume was also higher after impregnation and increased when ceria content increased. These results point up that the impregnation of NiO improves the textural characteristics of the pristine material. The complementary TEM/EDS images present a homogeneous coating of NiO particles over the ZrO2-x%CeO2 support, showing that these samples are excellent for catalysis applications. [1] D. Y. Zhao, J. Feng, Q. Huo, N. Melosh, G. H. Fredrickson, B. F. Chmelka, G. D. Stucky, Science 279, 548-552 (1998). [2] C. Yu, Y. Yu, D. Zhao, Chem. Comm. 575-576 (2000). [3] A. Trovarelli, M. Boaro, E. Rocchini, C. de Leitenburg, G. Dolcetti, J. Alloys Compd. 323-324 (2001) 584-591. [4] S. Larrondo, M. A. Vidal, B. Irigoyen, A. F. Craievich, D. G. Lamas, I. O. Fábregas, et al. Catal. Today 107–108 (2005) 53-59.