4 resultados para nsuficiencia renal crónica

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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INTRODUÇÃO: Hipovitaminose D é bem documentada em pacientes portadores de doença renal crônica (DRC). Espera-se níveis inferiores em habitantes de regiões não tropicais em relação aos habitantes de regiões tropicais, pela inferição de uma maior exposição solar e maior produção de vitamina D. OBJETIVO: Analisar os níveis séricos de vitamina D, como 25-hidroxivitamina D - 25(OH)D, de 125 pacientes brasileiros portadores de DRC em fase pré-dialítica. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 125 pacientes (57,4 ± 16,2 anos, 78 brancos e 55,2% homens), com creatinina de 2,67 ± 1,73 mg/dL e o clearance estimado 43,7 ± 34,5 mL/min. O índice de massa corporal era de 27,4 ± 4,7 kg/m² e a circunferência abdominal de 95,0 ± 14,0 cm. O cálcio era de 9,3 ± 0,6 mg/dL, o paratormônio intacto (PTHi) 212,6 ± 221,2 pg/mL e a albumina sérica 4,2 ± 0,6 g/dL. A média de 25(OH)D era de 23,9 ± 10,7 ng/mL. RESULTADOS: Dos 125 pacientes, 92 (72,6%) apresentavam níveis de 25(OH)D < 30 ng/mL, sendo que 65 (52%) apresentavam insuficiência (15-29 ng/mL); 27 (21,5%) apresentavam deficiência (5-14 ng/mL) e apenas um paciente apresentava deficiência severa < 5 ng/mL. Não foram observadas diferenças entre os níveis de 25(OH)D nos pacientes estratificados quanto ao estágio de DRC. Os níveis de 25(OH)D foram maiores nos homens (38,1 ± 20,6 versus 22,4 ± 9,7 ng/ml; p < 0,0001), havendo também uma correlação inversa entre os níveis de 25(OH)D e de PTHi, proteinúria e circunferência abdominal, e uma correlação positiva entre 25(OH)D e cálcio total e albumina sérica. Na análise multivariada, encontrou-se apenas correlação inversa entre 25(OH)D e circunferência abdominal e PTHi. CONCLUSÃO: A despeito de a população do Brasil estar em um clima tropical, a maioria dos pacientes analisados apresentou níveis séricos subótimos de vitamina D, podendo este achado estar relacionado ao desenvolvimento de hiperparatireoidismo.


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PURPOSE: Chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) is the last stage of a chronic renal condition in which the kidney loses its filtration and endocrine functions. Chronic endocrine hypofunction causes generalized damage to the body known as Uremic Syndrome, which affects the central nervous system as well as the cardiovascular, hematologic, dermatologic, ophthalmic, endocrine, respiratory, gastrointestinal and skeletal systems. The present study reports the case of a female patient with CRI who presented facial osteodystrophy of the osteitis fibrosa type, and highlights the main features of this condition. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 24-year old, female, Caucasian patient presented chronic glomerulonephritis recurrence and lost the transplanted kidney five years before, undergoing arteriovenous fistula hemodialysis three times a week. She presented swelling of the left masseter area with a hard consistency on palpation, covered by intact skin, swelling at the bottom of the left atrium, with a hard consistency on palpation, a mucosa-like color and absence of inflammation signs, suggesting expansive bone lesions on the face. These features were compatible with hyperparathyroidism brown tumor and/or osteodystrophy. The CT scan showed expansive bone lesions of heterogeneous appearance on the left jaw, maxilla/nasal floor, and right frontotemporal suture areas. The clinical and histopathological characteristics of the lesion, in association with PHT hormone high serum levels led to renal osteodystrophy diagnosis. The patient was referred to the nephrology services. CONCLUSION: Osteodystrophic bone alterations have a high prevalence in renal disease patients, and the dentist must take these alterations into consideration in bone lesion diagnosis for this specific group of patients.


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Purpose: This study has described and analysed the functional independence of the patients served in the haemodialysis services of a countryside town in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Method: The population considered was that of 214 patients being treated with haemodialysis, assessed in 2011, by means of a social, demographic and clinical report, a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and also the FIM. Results: The mean age of the population under study was 58.01 years, while the mean FIM point score was 118.38 points, showing a level of complete or modified independence within this population. Even though the level of dependence found has been low, this can be highlighted, within the locomotion domain, in the activity of going up and down stairs (10.28%). Age, complications arising from haemodialysis, and comorbidities show a negative correlation with FIM. Conclusion: Awareness of the level of functional independence of the patients being subjected to treatment with haemodialysis is essential in order to back up intervention for the improvement of nursing assistance provided to this population.


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PURPOSE: This study has described and analysed the functional independence of the patients served in the haemodialysis services of a countryside town in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). METHOD: The population considered was that of 214 patients being treated with haemodialysis, assessed in 2011, by means of a social, demographic and clinical report, a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and also the FIM. RESULTS: The mean age of the population under study was 58.01 years, while the mean FIM point score was 118.38 points, showing a level of complete or modified independence within this population. Even though the level of dependence found has been low, this can be highlighted, within the locomotion domain, in the activity of going up and down stairs (10.28%). Age, complications arising from haemodialysis, and comorbidities show a negative correlation with FIM. CONCLUSION: Awareness of the level of functional independence of the patients being subjected to treatment with haemodialysis is essential in order to back up intervention for the improvement of nursing assistance provided to this population.