9 resultados para mutant protein

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Factor H (FH) is one of the most important regulatory proteins of the alternative pathway of the complement system. Patients with FH deficiency have a higher risk for development of infections and kidney diseases because of the uncontrolled activation and subsequent depletion of the central regulatory component C3 of the complement system. In this study, we investigated the consequences of the Arg(127)His mutation in FH (FHR127H) previously described in an FH-deficient patient, on the secretion of this protein by skin fibroblasts in vitro. We observed that, although the patient cells stimulated with IFN-gamma were able to synthesize FHR127H, the mutant protein was largely retained within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), whereas normal human fibroblasts stimulated with IFN-gamma secrete FH without retention in the ER. Moreover, the retention of FHR127H provoked enlargement of ER cisterns after treatment with IFN-gamma. A similar ER retention was observed in Cos-7 cells expressing the mutant FHR127H protein. Despite this deficiency in secretion, we show that the FHR127H mutant is capable of functioning as a cofactor in the Factor I-mediated cleavage of C3. We then evaluated whether a treatment could increase the secretion of FH, and observed that the patient's fibroblasts treated with the chemical chaperones 4-phenylbutiric acid or curcumin increased the secretion rate of FH. We propose that these chemical chaperones could be used as alternative therapeutic agents to increase FH plasma levels in FH-deficient patients caused by secretion delay of this regulatory protein. The Journal of Immunology, 2012, 189: 3242-3248.


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Transthyretin (TTR) is a carrier protein involved in human amyloidosis. The development of small molecules that may act as TTR amyloid inhibitors is a promising strategy to treat these pathologies. Here we selected and characterized the interaction of flavonoids with the wild type and the V30M amyloidogenic mutant TTR. TTR acid aggregation was evaluated in vitro in the presence of the different flavonoids. The best TTR aggregation inhibitors were studied by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) in order to reveal their thermodynamic signature of binding to TTRwt. Crystal structures of TTRwt in complex with the top binders were also obtained, enabling us to in depth inspect TTR interactions with these flavonoids. The results indicate that changing the number and position of hydroxyl groups attached to the flavonoid core strongly influence flavonoid recognition by TTR, either by changing ligand affinity or its mechanism of interaction with the two sites of TTR. We also compared the results obtained for ITRwt with the V30M mutant structure in the apo form, allowing us to pinpoint structural features that may facilitate or hamper ligand binding to the V30M mutant. Our data show that the TTRwt binding site is labile and, in particular, the central region of the cavity is sensible for the small differences in the ligands tested and can be influenced by the Met30 amyloidogenic mutation, therefore playing important roles in flavonoid binding affinity, mechanism and mutant protein ligand binding specificities. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aim: To investigate LIN28B gene variants in children with idiopathic central precocious puberty (CPP). Patients and Methods: We studied 178 Brazilian children with CPP (171 girls, 16.8% familial cases). A large multiethnic group (1,599 subjects; Multiethnic Cohort, MEC) was used as control. DNA analysis and biochemical in vitro studies were performed. Results: A heterozygous LIN28B variant, p. H199R, was identified in a girl who developed CPP at 5.2 years. This variant was absent in 310 Brazilian control individuals, but it was found in the same allele frequency in women from the MEC cohort, independent of the age of menarche. Functional studies revealed that when ectopically expressed in cells, the mutant protein was capable of binding pre-let-7 microRNA and inhibiting let-7 expression to the same extent as wild-type Lin28B protein. Other rare LIN28B variants (p.P173P, c.198+32_33delCT, g.9575731A>C and c.-11C>T) were identified in CPP patients and controls. Therefore, no functional mutation was identified. Conclusion: In vitro studies revealed that the rare LIN28B p.H199R variant identified in a girl with CPP does not affect the Lin28B function in the regulation of let-7 expression. Although LIN28B SNPs were associated with normal pubertal timing, rare variations in this gene do not seem to be commonly involved in the molecular pathogenesis of CPP. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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procera (pro) is a tall tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) mutant carrying a point mutation in the GRAS region of the gene encoding SlDELLA, a repressor in the gibberellin (GA) signaling pathway. Consistent with the SlDELLA loss of function, pro plants display a GA-constitutive response phenotype, mimicking wild-type plants treated with GA(3). The ovaries from both nonemasculated and emasculated pro flowers had very strong parthenocarpic capacity, associated with enhanced growth of preanthesis ovaries due to more and larger cells. pro parthenocarpy is facultative because seeded fruits were obtained by manual pollination. Most pro pistils had exserted stigmas, thus preventing self-pollination, similar to wild-type pistils treated with GA(3) or auxins. However, Style2.1, a gene responsible for long styles in noncultivated tomato, may not control the enhanced style elongation of pro pistils, because its expression was not higher in pro styles and did not increase upon GA(3) application. Interestingly, a high percentage of pro flowers had meristic alterations, with one additional petal, sepal, stamen, and carpel at each of the four whorls, respectively, thus unveiling a role of SlDELLA in flower organ development. Microarray analysis showed significant changes in the transcriptome of preanthesis pro ovaries compared with the wild type, indicating that the molecular mechanism underlying the parthenocarpic capacity of pro is complex and that it is mainly associated with changes in the expression of genes involved in GA and auxin pathways. Interestingly, it was found that GA activity modulates the expression of cell division and expansion genes and an auxin signaling gene (tomato AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR7) during fruit-set.


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Larval tissues undergo programmed cell death (PCD) during Drosophila metamorphosis. PCD is triggered in a stage and tissue-specific fashion in response to ecdysone pulses. The understanding of how ecdysone induces the stage and tissue-specificity of cell death remains obscure. Several steroid-regulated primary response genes have been shown to act as key regulators of cellular responses to ecdysone by inducing a cascade of transcriptional regulation of late responsive genes. In this article, the authors identify Fhos as a gene that is required for Drosophila larval salivary gland destruction. Animals with a P-element mutation in Fhos possess persistent larval salivary glands, and precise excisions of this P-element insertion resulted in reversion of this salivary gland mutant phenotype. Fhos encodes the Drosophila homolog of mammalian Formin Fhos. Fhos is differentially transcribed during development and responds to ecdysone in a method that is similar to other cell death genes. Similarly to what has been shown for its mammalian counterpart, FHOS protein is translocated to the nucleus at later stages of cell death. Fhos mutants posses disrupted actin cytoskeleton dynamics in persistent salivary glands. Together, our data indicate that Fhos is a new ecdysone-regulated gene that is crucial for changes in the actin cytoskeleton during salivary gland elimination in Drosophila. genesis 50:672684, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans has been used as a fungal model system to study the regulation of xylanase production. These genes are activated at transcriptional level by the master regulator the transcriptional factor XInR and repressed by carbon catabolite repression (CCR) mediated by the wide-domain repressor CreA. Here, we screened a collection of 42 A. nidulans F-box deletion mutants grown either in xylose or xylan as the single carbon source in the presence of the glucose analog 2-deoxy-D-glucose, aiming to identify mutants that have deregulated xylanase induction. We were able to recognize a null mutant in a gene (fbxA) that has decreased xylanase activity and reduced xInA and xInD mRNA accumulation. The Delta fbxA mutant interacts genetically with creAd-30, creB15, and creC27 mutants. FbxA is a novel protein containing a functional F-box domain that binds to Skp1 from the SCF-type ligase. Blastp analysis suggested that FbxA is a protein exclusive from fungi, without any apparent homologs in higher eukaryotes. Our work emphasizes the importance of the ubiquitination in the A. nidulans xylanase induction and CCR. The identification of FbxA provides another layer of complexity to xylanase induction and CCR phenomena in filamentous fungi. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (hG-CSF) plays an important role in hematopoietic cell proliferation/differentiation and has been widely used as a therapeutic agent for treating neutropenias. Nartograstim is a commercial G-CSF that presents amino acid changes in specific positions when compared to the wildtype form, which potentially increase its activity and stability. The aim of this work was to develop an expression system in Escherichia coli that leads to the production of large amounts of a recombinant hG-CSF (rhG-CSF) biosimilar to Nartograstim. The nucleotide sequence of hg-csf was codon-optimized for expression in E. coli. As a result, high yields of the recombinant protein were obtained with adequate purity, structural integrity and biological activity. This protein has also been successfully used for the production of specific polyclonal antibodies in mice, which could be used in the control of the expression and purification in an industrial production process of this recombinant protein. These results will allow the planning of large-scale production of this mutant version of hG-CSF (Nartograstim), as a potential new biosimilar in the market.


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Abstract Background Despite recent advances in the understanding of lignocellulolytic enzyme regulation, less is known about how different carbon sources are sensed and the signaling cascades that result in the adaptation of cellular metabolism and hydrolase secretion. Therefore, the role played by non-essential protein kinases (NPK) and phosphatases (NPP) in the sensing of carbon and/or energetic status was investigated in the model filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Results Eleven NPKs and seven NPPs were identified as being involved in cellulase, and in some cases also hemicellulase, production in A. nidulans. The regulation of CreA-mediated carbon catabolite repression (CCR) in the parental strain was determined by fluorescence microscopy, utilising a CreA: GFP fusion protein. The sensing of phosphorylated glucose, via the RAS signalling pathway induced CreA repression, while carbon starvation resulted in derepression. Growth on cellulose represented carbon starvation and derepressing conditions. The involvement of the identified NPKs in the regulation of cellulose-induced responses and CreA derepression was assessed by genome-wide transcriptomics (GEO accession 47810). CreA:GFP localisation and the restoration of endocellulase activity via the introduction of the ∆creA mutation, was assessed in the NPK-deficient backgrounds. The absence of either the schA or snfA kinase dramatically reduced cellulose-induced transcriptional responses, including the expression of hydrolytic enzymes and transporters. The mechanism by which these two NPKs controlled gene transcription was identified, as the NPK-deficient mutants were not able to unlock CreA-mediated carbon catabolite repression under derepressing conditions, such as carbon starvation or growth on cellulose. Conclusions Collectively, this study identified multiple kinases and phosphatases involved in the sensing of carbon and/or energetic status, while demonstrating the overlapping, synergistic roles of schA and snfA in the regulation of CreA derepression and hydrolytic enzyme production in A. nidulans. The importance of a carbon starvation-induced signal for CreA derepression, permitting transcriptional activator binding, appeared paramount for hydrolase secretion.


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Bacterial GatCAB amidotransferases are responsible for the transamidation of mischarged glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) into glutaminyl-tRNA(Gln). Mitochondria matrix also has a multienzymatic complex necessary for the transamidation of glutamyl-tRNA(Gln). Gtf1p, Her2p and Pet112p are the constituents of mitochondrial GatFAB amidotransferase complex. Her2p is subunit A of GatFAB complex, while Gtf1p is subunit F, a connector protein between Pet112p (subunit B) and Her2p. Here we evaluate through molecular modeling and amino acid correlation analysis the HER2 protein family. Localization studies indicated that Her2p is predominantly localized in the mitochondrial outer membrane, but it is also located in the mitochondrial matrix where together with Pet112p and Gtf1p constitutes the GatFAB complex. Finally, HER2 random mutagenesis unveiled important residues that provide thermo stability for the complex and are differently suppressed by overexpression of GTF1 or PET112. For instance, her2/ts11 mutant showed its fermentative growth impaired, and poorly rescued by GTF1 indicating that Her2p unknown function in the mitochondria outer membrane affects cell viability.