13 resultados para mitral valve
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
FUNDAMENTO: pacientes com valvopatia mitral podem evoluir com congestão pulmonar, que aumenta o trabalho dos músculos respiratórios; essa sobrecarga pode alterar o padrão respiratório com predomínio do deslocamento torácico ou presença de movimentos paradoxais. OBJETIVO: a) estudar o padrão respiratório e movimento toracoabdominal (MTA) em pacientes com doença mitral b) estudar o efeito do posicionamento nos parâmetros respiratórios c) correlacionar hipertensão pulmonar com presença de incoordenação do MTA. MÉTODOS: o padrão respiratório e o MTA de pacientes com doença mitral foram avaliados por pletismografia respiratória por indutância, nas posições dorsal e sentada, durante dois minutos de respiração tranquila. Analisou-se volume corrente (Vc) e tempos respiratórios e as variáveis do MTA. RESULTADOS: de 65 pacientes incluídos, 10 foram retirados, 29 participaram do grupo estenose mitral e 26 do grupo insuficiência mitral. O Vc, a ventilação pulmonar e o fluxo inspiratório médio aumentaram significantemente na posição sentada, sem diferenças entre os grupos. O MTA manteve-se coordenado entre os grupos e as posições; no entanto, cinco pacientes na posição dorsal apresentaram incoordenação (três no grupo estenose mitral; dois no grupo insuficiência mitral) com correlação significante com valores de pressão de artéria pulmonar (r = 0,992, p = 0,007). CONCLUSÃO: o padrão respiratório e o MTA não apresentam diferenças entre pacientes com estenose ou insuficiência mitral. A posição sentada aumenta o Vc sem alterar os tempos respiratórios. A presença de incoordenação toracoabdominal na posição dorsal esteve associação à hipertensão pulmonar.
FUNDAMENTO: pacientes com valvopatia mitral podem evoluir com congestão pulmonar, que aumenta o trabalho dos músculos respiratórios; essa sobrecarga pode alterar o padrão respiratório com predomínio do deslocamento torácico ou presença de movimentos paradoxais. OBJETIVO: a) estudar o padrão respiratório e movimento toracoabdominal (MTA) em pacientes com doença mitral b) estudar o efeito do posicionamento nos parâmetros respiratórios c) correlacionar hipertensão pulmonar com presença de incoordenação do MTA. MÉTODOS: o padrão respiratório e o MTA de pacientes com doença mitral foram avaliados por pletismografia respiratória por indutância, nas posições dorsal e sentada, durante dois minutos de respiração tranquila. Analisou-se volume corrente (Vc) e tempos respiratórios e as variáveis do MTA. RESULTADOS: de 65 pacientes incluídos, 10 foram retirados, 29 participaram do grupo estenose mitral e 26 do grupo insuficiência mitral. O Vc, a ventilação pulmonar e o fluxo inspiratório médio aumentaram significantemente na posição sentada, sem diferenças entre os grupos. O MTA manteve-se coordenado entre os grupos e as posições; no entanto, cinco pacientes na posição dorsal apresentaram incoordenação (três no grupo estenose mitral; dois no grupo insuficiência mitral) com correlação significante com valores de pressão de artéria pulmonar (r = 0,992, p = 0,007). CONCLUSÃO: o padrão respiratório e o MTA não apresentam diferenças entre pacientes com estenose ou insuficiência mitral. A posição sentada aumenta o Vc sem alterar os tempos respiratórios. A presença de incoordenação toracoabdominal na posição dorsal esteve associação à hipertensão pulmonar.
Introduction: The most common indication for surgical correction of giant left atrium is associated with mitral valve insufficiency with or without atrial fibrillation. Several techniques for this purpose are already described with varying results. Objective: To present the initial experience with the tangential triangular resection technique (Pomerantzeff). Methods: From 2002 to 2010, four patients underwent mitral valve operation with reduction of left atrial volume by the technique of triangular resection tangential in our service. Three patients were female. The age ranged from 21 to 51 years old. The four patients presented with atrial fibrillation. Ejection fraction of left ventricle preoperatively ranged from 38% to 62%. The left atrial diameter ranged from 78mm to 140mm. After treatment of mitral dysfunction, the left atrium was reduced by resecting triangular tangential posterior wall between the pulmonary veins to avoid anatomic distortion of the mitral valve or pulmonary veins, reducing tension in the suture line. Results: Average hospital stay was 21.5 +/- 6.5 days. The mean cardiopulmonary bypass time was 130 +/- 30 minutes. There was no surgical bleeding or mortality in the postoperative period. All patients had sinus rhythm restored in the output of cardiopulmonary bypass, maintaining this rate postoperatively. The average diameter of the left atrium was reduced by 50.5% +/- 19.5%. The left ventricular ejection fraction improved in all patients. Conclusion: Initial results with this technique have shown effective reduction of the left atrium.
Abstract Background Hand-carried ultrasound (HCU) devices have been demonstrated to improve the diagnosis of cardiac diseases over physical examination, and have the potential to broaden the versatility in ultrasound application. The role of these devices in the assessment of hospitalized patients is not completely established. In this study we sought to perform a direct comparison between bedside evaluation using HCU and comprehensive echocardiography (CE), in cardiology inpatient setting. Methods We studied 44 consecutive patients (mean age 54 ± 18 years, 25 men) who underwent bedside echocardiography using HCU and CE. HCU was performed by a cardiologist with level-2 training in the performance and interpretation of echocardiography, using two-dimensional imaging, color Doppler, and simple calliper measurements. CE was performed by an experienced echocardiographer (level-3 training) and considered as the gold standard. Results There were no significant differences in cardiac chamber dimensions and left ventricular ejection fraction determined by the two techniques. The agreement between HCU and CE for the detection of segmental wall motion abnormalities was 83% (Kappa = 0.58). There was good agreement for detecting significant mitral valve regurgitation (Kappa = 0.85), aortic regurgitation (kappa = 0.89), and tricuspid regurgitation (Kappa = 0.74). A complete evaluation of patients with stenotic and prosthetic dysfunctional valves, as well as pulmonary hypertension, was not possible using HCU due to its technical limitations in determining hemodynamic parameters. Conclusion Bedside evaluation using HCU is helpful for assessing cardiac chamber dimensions, left ventricular global and segmental function, and significant valvular regurgitation. However, it has limitations regarding hemodynamic assessment, an important issue in the cardiology inpatient setting.
Trata-se de um caso de uma paciente de 30 anos do sexo feminino, com prótese biológica valvar mitral em razão de estenose mitral sintomática e antecedentes de infarto agudo do miocárdio, episódios de convulsões tônico-clônicas generalizadas, alucinações visuais, eventos tromboembólicos cerebrais, apresentando no momento coreia e cardite aguda. Foram diagnosticados na paciente febre reumática em atividade, lúpus eritematoso sistêmico e síndrome do anticorpo antifosfolipídeo. A combinação de três diagnósticos incomuns em um mesmo paciente torna esse caso único, modificando o tratamento e seu prognóstico.
INTRODUÇÃO: A mais comum indicação de correção cirúrgica de átrio esquerdo gigante está associada à insuficiência da valva mitral, com ou sem fibrilação atrial. Diversas técnicas para este fim já estão descritas com resultados variáveis. OBJETIVO: Apresentar a experiência inicial com a técnica da ressecção triangular tangencial (Pomerantzeff). MÉTODOS: De 2002 a 2010, quatro pacientes foram submetidos a operação da valva mitral com redução do volume do átrio esquerdo pela técnica da ressecção triangular tangencial em nosso serviço. Três pacientes eram do sexo feminino. A idade variou de 21 a 51 anos. Os quatro pacientes encontravam-se com fibrilação atrial. A fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo no pré-operatório variava de 38% a 62%. O diâmetro do átrio esquerdo variou de 78 a 140 mm. Após o tratamento da disfunção mitral, o átrio esquerdo foi reduzido por meio de ressecção triangular tangencial da sua parede posterior, entre as veias pulmonares, para evitar distorções anatômicas do anel mitral ou veias pulmonares, reduzindo a tensão na linha de sutura. RESULTADOS: Tempo médio de internação hospitalar foi de 21,5 ± 6,5 dias. O tempo de circulação extracorpórea médio foi de 130 ± 30 minutos. Não houve sangramento cirúrgico ou mortalidade no período pós-operatório. Todos os pacientes tiveram o ritmo sinusal restabelecido na saída de circulação extracorpórea, mantendo esse ritmo no pós-operatório. O diâmetro médio do átrio esquerdo foi reduzido em 50,5 ± 19,5%. A fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo melhorou em todas as pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados iniciais com essa técnica têm demonstrado redução efetiva do átrio esquerdo.
Early Diagnosis of Miocardial Dysfunction in Patients with Hematological Malignancies Submitted to Chemotherapy. Preliminary Background: Considering the current diagnostic improvements and tl1erapeutic approaches, patients witl 1 cancer can now be healed or keep the disease under control, still, the chemotherapy may cause heart damage, evolving to Congestive Heart Failure. Recognition of those changes increases the chances of control the endpoints; hence, new parameters of cardiac and fluid mechanics analysis have been used to assess the myocardial function, pursuing an earlier diagnosis of the cardiac alterations. This study aimed to detect early cardiac dysfunction consequently to chemotherapy in patients with hematological malignancies (HM). Methods: Patients with leukemia and lymphoma, submitted to chemotherapy, without knowing heart diseases were studied. Healthy volunteers served as the control group. Conventional 2DE parameters of myocardial function were analyzed. The peak global longitudinal, circumferential and radial left ventricular (LV) strain were deternined by 2D and 3D speckle tracking (STE); peak area strain measured by 3D STE and LV torsionn, twisting rate, recoil / recoil rate assessed by 2D STE. The LV vortex formation time (VFT) during the rapid diastolic filling was estimated by the 2D mitral valve (MV) planimetry and Pulsed Doppler LV inflow by: VFT- 4(1-β) / π x α3 x LVEF Where 1- β is the E wave contribution to the LV stroke volume and α3 is a volumetric variable related to the MV area. The statistical level was settled on 5%. Results: See Table. Conclusion: Despite the differences between the two groups concerning the LVESV, LVEF and E´, those parameters still are in the normal range when considering the patients submitted to chemotherapy; thus, in the clinical setting, they are not so noticeable. The 3D GLS was smaller among the patients, oppositely to the 2D GLS, suggesting that the former variable is more accurate to assess tlhe LV systolic function. The VFT is a dimensionless measure of the optimal vortex development inside the LV chamber; reflecting the efficiency of the diastolic filling and, consequently, blood ejection. This index showed to be diminished in patients with HM submitted to chemotherapy, indicating an impairment of the in1pulse and thrust, hence appearing to be a very early marker of diastolic and systolic dysfunction in this group.
Objective: To compare the agreement of multiplanar and rendering modes in the assessment fetal atrioventricular valves (mitral and tricuspid) areas by three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonography using the software spatio-temporal image correlation (STIC). Methods: We conducted a prospective cross-sectional study with normal pregnant women, with single fetuses, between 18-33 weeks. To measure the areas, we used the plan of four-chamber view. In the case of multiplanar, the plane was rotated on the axis "Z" form the heart to position at 9h. For rendering, the green line (region of interest - ROI) was placed from the atria of the heart perpendicular to the crux. The agreement was assessed by a Bland-Altman (limits of agreement) using the relative difference between the measures: ((rendering mode) - (multiplanar mode)) / (average). Results: 328 fetuses were evaluated. We have not identified the occurrence of systematic error between methods: the average relative difference was 1.62% (-2.07% to 5.32%, confidence interval 95%) in the mitral and 1.77% (- 1.08% to 4.62%) in the tricuspid valve. The limits of agreement between methods were -65.26% to 68.51% for the mitral and -49.91% to 53.45% for the tricuspid. Conclusions: There was no systematic error between modes and thus the observed values for the area of fetal atrioventricular valves can be used for comparisons needs to be corrected. However, relatively large variations may be observed when repeating the measurement area by different modes.
Objective: To ascertain incidence and predictors of new permanent pacemaker (PPM) following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) with the self-expanding aortic bioprosthesis. Background: TAVI with the Medtronic Corevalve (MCV) Revalving System (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) has been associated with important post-procedural conduction abnormalities and frequent need for PPM. Methods: Overall, 73 consecutive patients with severe symptomatic AS underwent TAVI with the MCV at two institutions; 10 patients with previous pacemaker and 3 patients with previous aortic valve replacement were excluded for this analysis. Clinical, echocardiographic, and procedural data were collected prospectively in a dedicated database. A standard 12-lead ECG was recorded in all patients at baseline, after the procedure and predischarge. Decision to implant PPM was taken according to current guidelines. Logistic multivariable modeling was applied to identify independent predictors of PPM at discharge. Results: Patients exhibited high-risk features as evidenced by advanced age (mean = 82.1 +/- 6.2 years) and high surgical scores (logistic EuroSCORE 23.0 +/- 12.8%, STS score 9.4 +/- 6.9%). The incidence of new PPM was 28.3%. Interventricular septum thickness and logistic Euroscore were the baseline independent predictors of PPM. When procedural variables were included, the independent predictors of PPM were interventricular septum thickness (OR 0.52; 95% CI 0.320.85) and the distance between noncoronary cusp and the distal edge of the prosthesis (OR 1.37; 95% CI 1.031.83). Conclusions: Conduction abnormalities are frequently observed after TAVI with self-expandable bioprosthesis and definitive pacing is required in about a third of the patients, with a clear association with depth of implant and small interventricular septum thickness. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Introduction. Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) is the most commonly valvular dysfunction found after heart transplantation (HTx). It may be related to endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) performed for allograft rejection surveillance. Objective. This investigation evaluated the presence of tricuspid valve tissue fragments obtained during routine EMB performed after HTx and its possible effect on short-term and long-term hemodynamic status. Method. This single-center review included prospectively collected and retrospectively analyzed data. From 1985 to 2010, 417 patients underwent 3550 EMB after HTx. All myocardial specimens were reviewed to identify the presence of tricuspid valve tissue by 2 observers initially and in doubtful cases by a third observer. The echocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters were only considered for valvular functional damage analysis in cases of tricuspid tissue inadvertently removed during EMB. Results. The 417 HTx patients to 3550 EMB, including 17,550 myocardial specimens. Tricuspid valve tissue was observed in 12 (2.9%) patients corresponding to 0.07% of the removed fragments. The echocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters of these patients before versus after the biopsy showed increased TR in 2 cases (2/12; 16.7%) quantified as moderate without progression in the long term. Only the right atrial pressure showed a significant increase (P = .0420) after tricuspid injury; however, the worsening of the functional class was not significant enough in any of the subjects. Thus, surgical intervention was not required. Conclusions. Histological evidence of chordal tissue in EMB specimens is a real-world problem of relatively low frequency. Traumatic tricuspid valve injury due to EMB rarely leads to severe valvular regurgitation; only a minority of patients develop significant clinical symptoms. Hemodynamic and echocardiographic alterations are also less often observed in most patients.
Patients with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage may be submitted to ventricular shunt (VS) implant with antisiphon device. The objective of this study was to prospectively evaluate for two years the clinical and tomographic results of the implant of fixed-pressure valves with antisiphon device SPHERA (R) in 35 adult patients, with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage. Of these, 3 had congenital hydrocephalus in adult patients with very dilated ventricles (Evans index >50%), 3 had symptomatic overdrainage after previous VS implant (subdural hematoma, hygroma or slit ventricle syndrome), 1 had previous chronic subdural hematoma, 15 had normal pressure hydrocephalus with final lumbar pressure <5 cm H2O after tap test (40 mL), 6 had pseudotumor cerebri, and 7 had hydrocephalus due to other causes. Clinical improvement was observed and sustained in 94.3% of the patients during the two-year period with no computed tomography (CT) evidence of hypo or overdrainage, and no immediate early or late significant complications.
Patients with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage may be submitted to ventricular shunt (VS) implant with antisiphon device. The objective of this study was to prospectively evaluate for two years the clinical and tomographic results of the implant of fixed-pressure valves with antisiphon device SPHERA® in 35 adult patients, with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage. Of these, 3 had congenital hydrocephalus in adult patients with very dilated ventricles (Evans index >50%), 3 had symptomatic overdrainage after previous VS implant (subdural hematoma, hygroma or slit ventricle syndrome), 1 had previous chronic subdural hematoma, 15 had normal pressure hydrocephalus with final lumbar pressure <5 cm H2O after tap test (40 mL), 6 had pseudotumor cerebri, and 7 had hydrocephalus due to other causes. Clinical improvement was observed and sustained in 94.3% of the patients during the two-year period with no computed tomography (CT) evidence of hypo or overdrainage, and no immediate early or late significant complications.