15 resultados para lattice organs

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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We use an infinite-range Maier-Saupe model, with two sets of local quadrupolar variables and restricted orientations, to investigate the global phase diagram of a coupled system of two nematic subsystems. The free energy and the equations of state are exactly calculated by standard techniques of statistical mechanics. The nematic-isotropic transition temperature of system A increases with both the interaction energy among mesogens of system B, and the two-subsystem coupling J. This enhancement of the nematic phase is manifested in a global phase diagram in terms of the interaction parameters and the temperature T. We make some comments on the connections of these results with experimental findings for a system of diluted ferroelectric nanoparticles embedded in a nematic liquid-crystalline environment.


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We consider general d-dimensional lattice ferromagnetic spin systems with nearest neighbor interactions in the high temperature region ('beta' << 1). Each model is characterized by a single site apriori spin distribution taken to be even. We also take the parameter 'alfa' = ('S POT.4') - 3 '(S POT.2') POT.2' > 0, i.e. in the region which we call Gaussian subjugation, where ('S POT.K') denotes the kth moment of the apriori distribution. Associated with the model is a lattice quantum field theory known to contain a particle of asymptotic mass -ln 'beta' and a bound state below the two-particle threshold. We develop a 'beta' analytic perturbation theory for the binding energy of this bound state. As a key ingredient in obtaining our result we show that the Fourier transform of the two-point function is a meromorphic function, with a simple pole, in a suitable complex spectral parameter and the coefficients of its Laurent expansion are analytic in 'beta'.


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Although the occurrence of glandular trichomes is frequently reported for aerial vegetative organs, many questions still remain opened about the presence of such trichomes in underground systems. Here, we present, for the first time, a comparative study concerning the structure, ultrastructure and chemical aspects of both, the aerial and underground glandular trichomes of two different Chrysolaena species, C obovata and C platensis. Glandular trichomes (GTs) were examined using LM, SEM, and TEM and also analyzed by GC-MS and HPLC coupled to UV/DAD and HR-ESI-MS (HPLC-UV-MS). In both aerial (leaf and bud) and underground (rhizophore) organs, the GTs are multicellular, biseriate and formed by five pairs of cells: a pair of support cells, a pair of basal cells, and three pairs of secreting cells. These secreting cells have, at the beginning of secretory process, abundance of smooth ER. The same classes of secondary metabolites are biosynthesized and stored in both aerial and underground GTs of C platensis and C obovata. These GTs from aerial and underground organs have similar cellular and sub-cellular anatomy, however the belowground trichomes show a higher diversity of compounds when compared to those from the leaves. We also demonstrate by means of HPLC-UV-DAD that the sesquiterpene lactones are located inside the trichomes and that hirsutinolides are not artifacts. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The classical magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional electron gas constrained to non-planar topographies, in antidot lattices, and under the influence of tilted magnetic field in arbitrary direction is numerically studied. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The role of innate immune response in protection against leptospirosis is poorly understood. We examined the expression of the chemokine CXCL2/MIP-2 and the cytokine TNF-alpha. in experimental resistant and susceptible mice models, C3H/HeJ, C3H/HePas and BALB/c strains, using a virulent strain of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni. Animals were infected intraperitoneally with 107 cells and the development of the disease was followed. Mortality of C3H/HeJ mice was observed whereas C3H/HePas presented jaundice and BALB/c mice remained asymptomatic. The infection was confirmed by the presence of leptospiral DNA in the organs of the animals, demonstrated by PCR. Sections of the organs were analyzed, after H&E stain. The relative expression of mRNA of chemokine CXCL2/MIP-2 and cytokine TNF-alpha was measured in lung, kidney and liver of the mice by qPCR. The concentrations of these proteins were measured in extracts of tissues and in serum of the animals, by ELISA. Increasing levels of transcripts and protein CXCL2/MIP-2 were detected since the first day of infection. The highest expression was observed at third day of infection in kidney, liver and lung of BALB/c mice. In C3H/HeJ the expression of CXCL2/MIP-2 was delayed, showing highest protein concentration in lung and kidney at the 5th day. Increasing in TNF-alpha transcripts were detected after infection, in kidney and liver of animals from the three mice strains. The expression of TNF-alpha protein in C3H/HeJ was also delayed, being detected in kidney and lung. Our data demonstrated that Leptospira infection stimulates early expression of CXCL2/MIP-2 and TNF-alpha in the resistant strain of mice. Histological analysis suggests that the expression of those molecules may be related to the influx of distinct immune cells and plays a role in the naturally acquired protective immunity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present an analytic description of numerical results for the Landau-gauge SU(2) gluon propagator D(p(2)), obtained from lattice simulations (in the scaling region) for the largest lattice sizes to date, in d = 2, 3 and 4 space-time dimensions. Fits to the gluon data in 3d and in 4d show very good agreement with the tree-level prediction of the refined Gribov-Zwanziger (RGZ) framework, supporting a massive behavior for D(p(2)) in the infrared limit. In particular, we investigate the propagator's pole structure and provide estimates of the dynamical mass scales that can be associated with dimension-two condensates in the theory. In the 2d case, fitting the data requires a noninteger power of the momentum p in the numerator of the expression for D(p(2)). In this case, an infinite-volume-limit extrapolation gives D(0) = 0. Our analysis suggests that this result is related to a particular symmetry in the complex-pole structure of the propagator and not to purely imaginary poles, as would be expected in the original Gribov-Zwanziger scenario.


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In this paper we investigate the solubility of a hard-sphere gas in a solvent modeled as an associating lattice gas. The solution phase diagram for solute at 5% is compared with the phase diagram of the original solute free model. Model properties are investigated both through Monte Carlo simulations and a cluster approximation. The model solubility is computed via simulations and is shown to exhibit a minimum as a function of temperature. The line of minimum solubility (TmS) coincides with the line of maximum density (TMD) for different solvent chemical potentials, in accordance with the literature on continuous realistic models and on the "cavity" picture. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4743635]


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Recently, molecular analysis caused the South American Viguiera Kunth species to be transferred to Aldama La Llave. However, the circumscription has not been established for certain of the South American species, including Aldama filifolia (Sch. Bip. ex Baker) E. E. Schill. & Panero, A. linearifolia (Chodat) E. E. Schill. & Panero and A. trichophylla (Dusen) Magenta (comb. nov.), which had previously been treated as synonyms because of their high similarity. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the anatomy of the aerial organs, and the yield and chemical composition of the essential oils from these three species, to determine the differences among them and thereby assist in species distinction. The anatomical analysis identified characteristics unique to each species, which are primarily related to the position and occurrence of secretory structures. Histochemical analysis demonstrated that the glandular trichomes and the canals secrete lipophilic substances, which are characterised by the presence of essential oils. The analysis of these essential oils identified monoterpenes as their major constituent and allowed for the recognition of chemical markers for each species. The anatomical and chemical characteristics identified by the present study confirmed that the studied samples belong to three distinct taxa.


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We have conducted magnetoresistance measurements rho(T,H) in applied magnetic fields up to 18 T in Bi1.65Pb0.35Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta ceramic samples which were subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressures. The anisotropic upper critical fields H (c2)(T) were extracted from the rho(T,H) data, yielding and the out-of-plane superconducting coherence length xi (c) (0)similar to 3 . We have also estimated and xi (ab) (0) similar to 90 . In addition to this, a flux-line-lattice (FLL) melting temperature T (m) has been identified as a second peak in the derivative of the magnetoresistance d rho/dT data close to the superconducting transition temperature. An H (m) vs. T phase diagram was constructed and the FLL boundary lines were found to obey a temperature dependence H (m) ae(T (c) /T-1) (alpha) , where alpha similar to 2 for the sample subjected to the higher compacting pressure. A reasonable value of the Lindemann parameter c (L) similar to 0.29 has been found for all samples studied.


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We present the first numerical implementation of the minimal Landau background gauge for Yang-Mills theory on the lattice. Our approach is a simple generalization of the usual minimal Landau gauge and is formulated for the general SU(N) gauge group. We also report on preliminary tests of the method in the four-dimensional SU(2) case, using different background fields. Our tests show that the convergence of the numerical minimization process is comparable to the case of a null background. The uniqueness of the minimizing functional employed is briefly discussed.


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This study investigated the in vivo genotoxicity of piquia pulp (Caryocar villosum) and its potential antigenotoxicity on doxorubicin (DXR)-induced DNA damage by comet assay and micronucleus test. In addition, the phytochemicals present in piquia pulp were determined. Piquia fruit pulp (75, 150 or 300 mg/kg b.w.) was administered by gavage to Wistar rats for 14 days, and the animals received an injection of saline or DXR (15 mg/kg b.w., i.p.) 24 h before they were euthanized. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of carotenoids; phenolic compounds, including flavonoids; tannins and alpha-tocopherol in piquia pulp. No statistically significant differences were observed in the evaluated parameters, demonstrating the absence of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of piquia pulp at all tested doses. In liver, kidney, cardiac and bone marrow cells, piquia significantly reduced the DNA damage induced by DXR. Our results showed that the lowest piquia dose caused the largest decrease in DNA damage and the highest dose caused the smallest decrease, demonstrating an inverse dose-response of piquia pulp. Furthermore, we observed a difference in the potential antigenotoxic effects in several tissues. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that piquia pulp was not genotoxic and inhibited the genotoxicity induced by DXR, but some of the protective effects that were observed depended on the doses and experimental conditions. Therefore, further investigations are needed to clarify how piquia pulp positively affects human health.


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We consider a two-parameter family of Z(2) gauge theories on a lattice discretization T(M) of a three-manifold M and its relation to topological field theories. Familiar models such as the spin-gauge model are curves on a parameter space Gamma. We show that there is a region Gamma(0) subset of Gamma where the partition function and the expectation value h < W-R(gamma)> i of the Wilson loop can be exactly computed. Depending on the point of Gamma(0), the model behaves as topological or quasi-topological. The partition function is, up to a scaling factor, a topological number of M. The Wilson loop on the other hand, does not depend on the topology of gamma. However, for a subset of Gamma(0), < W-R(gamma)> depends on the size of gamma and follows a discrete version of an area law. At the zero temperature limit, the spin-gauge model approaches the topological and the quasi-topological regions depending on the sign of the coupling constant.


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FAPESP (Center for Cell-based Therapy Research), Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia- Redoxoma and UICC-Yamagiwa Yoshida Grant.


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We employ the approach of stochastic dynamics to describe the dissemination of vector-borne diseases such as dengue, and we focus our attention on the characterization of the threshold of the epidemic. The coexistence space comprises two representative spatial structures for both human and mosquito populations. The human population has its evolution described by a process that is similar to the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) dynamics. The population of mosquitoes follows a dynamic of the type of the Susceptible Infected-Susceptible (SIS) model. The coexistence space is a bipartite lattice constituted by two structures representing the human and mosquito populations. We develop a truncation scheme to solve the evolution equations for the densities and the two-site correlations from which we get the threshold of the disease and the reproductive ratio. We present a precise deØnition of the reproductive ratio which reveals the importance of the correlations developed in the early stage of the disease. According to our deØnition, the reproductive rate is directed related to the conditional probability of the occurrence of a susceptible human (mosquito) given the presence in the neighborhood of an infected mosquito (human). The threshold of the epidemic as well as the phase transition between the epidemic and the non-epidemic states are also obtained by performing Monte Carlo simulations. References: [1] David R. de Souza, T^ania Tom∂e, , Suani R. T. Pinho, Florisneide R. Barreto and M∂ario J. de Oliveira, Phys. Rev. E 87, 012709 (2013). [2] D. R. de Souza, T. Tom∂e and R. M. ZiÆ, J. Stat. Mech. P03006 (2011).


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The pulmonary crackling and the formation of liquid bridges are problems that for centuries have been attracting the attention of scientists. In order to study these phenomena, it was developed a canonical cubic lattice-gas­ like model to explain the rupture of liquid bridges in lung airways [A. Alencar et al., 2006, PRE]. Here, we further develop this model and add entropy analysis to study thermodynamic properties, such as free energy and force. The simulations were performed using the Monte Carlo method with Metropolis algorithm. The exchange between gas and liquid particles were performed randomly according to the Kawasaki dynamics and weighted by the Boltzmann factor. Each particle, which can be solid (s), liquid (l) or gas (g), has 26 neighbors: 6 + 12 + 8, with distances 1, √2 and √3, respectively. The energy of a lattice's site m is calculated by the following expression: Em = ∑k=126 Ji(m)j(k) in witch (i, j) = g, l or s. Specifically, it was studied the surface free energy of the liquid bridge, trapped between two planes, when its height is changed. For that, was considered two methods. First, just the internal energy was calculated. Then was considered the entropy. It was fond no difference in the surface free energy between this two methods. We calculate the liquid bridge force between the two planes using the numerical surface free energy. This force is strong for small height, and decreases as the distance between the two planes, height, is increased. The liquid-gas system was also characterized studying the variation of internal energy and heat capacity with the temperature. For that, was performed simulation with the same proportion of liquid and gas particle, but different lattice size. The scale of the liquid-gas system was also studied, for low temperature, using different values to the interaction Jij.