19 resultados para host species

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Antagonistic interactions between host plants and mistletoes often form complex networks of interacting species. Adequate characterization of network organization requires a combination of qualitative and quantitative data. Therefore, we assessed the distribution of interactions between mistletoes and hosts in the Brazilian Pantanal and characterized the network structure in relation to nestedness and modularity. Interactions were highly asymmetric, with mistletoes presenting low host specificity (i.e., weak dependence) and with hosts being highly susceptible to mistletoe-specific infections. We found a non-nested and modular pattern of interactions, wherein each mistletoe species interacted with a particular set of host species. Psittacanthus spp. infected more species and individuals and also caused a high number of infections per individual, whereas the other mistletoes showed a more specialized pattern of infection. For this reason, Psittacanthus spp. were regarded as module hubs while the other mistletoe species showed a peripheral role. We hypothesize that this pattern is primarily the result of different seed dispersal systems. Although all mistletoe species in our study are bird dispersed, the frugivorous assemblage of Psittacanthus spp. is composed of a larger suite of birds, whereas Phoradendron are mainly dispersed by Euphonia species. The larger assemblage of bird species dispersing Psittacanthus seeds may also increase the number of hosts colonized and, consequently, its dominance in the study area. Nevertheless, other restrictions on the interactions among species, such as the differential capacity of mistletoe infections, defense strategies of hosts and habitat types, can also generate or enhance the observed pattern.


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Mistletoes constitute an important food resource for animals in many ecosystems. However, these plants are considered pests in urban areas because of deleterious effects they have on the host trees. Studies in urban areas were mostly focused on listing host species or procedures to control the "pest". In this sense, broader studies including several aspects of mistletoes ecology in urban ecosystems are still missing. We studied the interaction of the mistletoe, Phoradendron affine, with its dispersers and hosts in two urban sites in Uberlandia, Brazil. Phoradendron affine fruits were consumed almost exclusively by Euphonia chlorotica, which was crucial for seed germination. Parasitism was recorded in five hosts, two native (Handroanthus chrysotrichus and Tabebuia roseoalba) and three exotic species (Spathodea campanulata, Ligustrum lucidum and Melia azedarach). Mistletoes were found parasitizing larger host trees, a trend commonly reported for mistletoe-host interaction. Mistletoe seed germination was not affected by the trees species, whether host or non-host, but the radicle of germinated seeds could not penetrate the bark and seedlings invariably died in non-host species. We found a high prevalence of parasitism in our study, in comparison to what previous studies reported for natural areas. The spatial distribution of the hosts and high light incidence on isolated host trees may lead to this high prevalence in urban areas. Rather than eradicated, mistletoes in urban areas should be ecologically managed and their importance for bird species conservation must be considered. More studies to determine which bird species are favoured by mistletoe presence in urban areas will be essential for, this purpose. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Birds that remove ectoparasites and other food material from their hosts are iconic illustrations of mutualistic-commensalistic cleaning associations. To assess the complex pattern of food resource use embedded in cleaning interactions of an assemblage of birds and their herbivorous mammal hosts in open habitats in Brazil, we used a network approach that characterized their patterns of association. Cleaning interactions showed a distinctly nested pattern, related to the number of interactions of cleaners and hosts and to the range of food types that each host species provided. Hosts that provided a wide range of food types (flies, ticks, tissue and blood, and organic debris) were attended by more species of cleaners and formed the core of the web. On the other hand, core cleaner species did not exploit the full range of available food resources, but used a variety of host species to exploit these resources instead. The structure that we found indicates that cleaners rely on cleaning interactions to obtain food types that would not be available otherwise (e.g., blood-engorged ticks or horseflies, wounded tissue). Additionally, a nested organization for the cleaner bird mammalian herbivore association means that both generalist and selective species take part in the interactions and that partners of selective species form an ordered subset of the partners of generalist species. The availability of predictable protein-rich food sources for birds provided by cleaning interactions may lead to an evolutionary pathway favoring their increased use by birds that forage opportunistically. Received 30 June 2011, accepted 10 November 2011.


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Between December 2007 and March 2009, small mammals were captured in 6 Atlantic Forest patches in Brazil. We assessed tick-host associations and whether they differ among forest strata, sites, seasons, and host age classes or between sexes. Moreover, we assessed the exposure of animals to Rickettsia spp. In total, 432 animals were captured and 808 ticks were found on 32-9% of them. Significant differences were found among host species, collection sites, and forest strata; microhabitat preference was a strong risk factor for tick infestation. The highest tick density rates were recorded in forest fragments settled in rural areas; 91.3% of the ticks were collected from animals trapped in these forest fragments. A high prevalence (68.8%) of antibodies to Rickettsia spp. was detected among animals. This study suggests that disturbed Atlantic Forest fragments provide an environment for ticks and small mammals, which are highly exposed to rickettsiae. It also indicates that forest patches settled in rural areas are usually associated with higher small mammal diversity as well as with higher tick density rates.


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Abstract Background Little is known about the diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and biogeography of trypanosomes infecting non-mammalian hosts. In this study, we investigated the influence of host species and biogeography on shaping the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationship, and distribution of trypanosomes from South American alligatorids and African crocodilids. Methods Small Subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) and glycosomal Glyceraldehyde Phosphate Dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) genes were employed for phylogenetic inferences. Trypanosomes from crocodilians were obtained by haemoculturing. Growth behaviour, morphology, and ultrastructural features complement the molecular description of two new species strongly supported by phylogenetic analyses. Results The inferred phylogenies disclosed a strongly supported crocodilian-restricted clade comprising three subclades. The subclade T. grayi comprised the African Trypanosoma grayi from Crocodylus niloticus and tsetse flies. The subclade T. ralphi comprised alligatorid trypanosomes represented by Trypanosoma ralphi n. sp. from Melanosuchus niger, Caiman crocodilus and Caiman yacare from Brazilian river basins. T. grayi and T. ralphi were sister subclades. The basal subclade T. terena comprised alligatorid trypanosomes represented by Trypanosoma terena n. sp. from Ca. yacare sharing hosts and basins with the distantly genetic related T. ralphi. This subclade also included the trypanosome from Ca. crocodilus from the Orinoco basin in Venezuela and, unexpectedly, a trypanosome from the African crocodilian Osteolaemus tetraspis. Conclusion The close relationship between South American and African trypanosomes is consistent with paleontological evidence of recent transoceanic dispersal of Crocodylus at the Miocene/Pliocene boundaries (4–5 mya), and host-switching of trypanosomes throughout the geological configuration of South American hydrographical basins shaping the evolutionary histories of the crocodilians and their trypanosomes.


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Background: Little is known about the diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and biogeography of trypanosomes infecting non-mammalian hosts. In this study, we investigated the influence of host species and biogeography on shaping the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationship, and distribution of trypanosomes from South American alligatorids and African crocodilids. Methods: Small Subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) and glycosomal Glyceraldehyde Phosphate Dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) genes were employed for phylogenetic inferences. Trypanosomes from crocodilians were obtained by haemoculturing. Growth behaviour, morphology, and ultrastructural features complement the molecular description of two new species strongly supported by phylogenetic analyses. Results: The inferred phylogenies disclosed a strongly supported crocodilian-restricted clade comprising three subclades. The subclade T. grayi comprised the African Trypanosoma grayi from Crocodylus niloticus and tsetse flies. The subclade T. ralphi comprised alligatorid trypanosomes represented by Trypanosoma ralphi n. sp. From Melanosuchus niger, Caiman crocodilus and Caiman yacare from Brazilian river basins. T. grayi and T. ralphi were sister subclades. The basal subclade T. terena comprised alligatorid trypanosomes represented by Trypanosoma terena n. sp. from Ca. yacare sharing hosts and basins with the distantly genetic related T. ralphi. This subclade also included the trypanosome from Ca. crocodilus from the Orinoco basin in Venezuela and, unexpectedly, a trypanosome from the African crocodilian Osteolaemus tetraspis. Conclusion: The close relationship between South American and African trypanosomes is consistent with paleontological evidence of recent transoceanic dispersal of Crocodylus at the Miocene/Pliocene boundaries (4–5 mya), and host-switching of trypanosomes throughout the geological configuration of South American hydrographical basins shaping the evolutionary histories of the crocodilians and their trypanosomes.


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Among the organisms acting in the natural biological control of tephritids, members of the family Braconidae are the most active form of natural parasite, and in Neotropical regions, members of Opiinae are the main control agents of Anastrepha. The objective of this work was to discover the percentage of parasitism and the species of braconid associated with fruit trees growing in cities on the southern coast of Bahia. During the period of August, 2005 to March, 2008, hosts fruits of fruit flies from several plant species were collected and from the fruits the following species of Anastrepha were obtained: A. fraterculus, A. obliqua, A. bahiensis, A. serpentina, A. sororcula and A. zenildae. Of the total of 838 specimens of braconids, 21.36% were of the species Utetes anastrephae (Viereck), obtained from yellow mombin, carambola, guava, mango and pitanga; 4.42% were of the species Asobara anastrephae (Muesebeck) obtained from the fruits of the yellow mombin, carambola and guava, and only one example of Opius bellus Gahan (0.12%) that came from a guava sample. The species Doryctobracon areolatus (Szepligeti) (74.10%) was predominant and emerged from puparia from all the host fruits collected, probably due to the greater efficiency of this species in locating tephritid larvae. The mean percentage of parasitism by Anastrepha spp. was 4.45%.


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Plant mines are structures with the form of a cavity caused by consumption of host plant tissue by the insect's miner larvae. Plant mines are more common in leaves, but in Cipocereus minensis, a species in which the leaves are modified spines, the miner activity is restricted to the stem. The aim of this paper was to document the morphological and anatomical differences in the infected and uninfected stems of C. minensis due to the feeding habit of the mining agent. Fresh tissue samples of non-mined and mined young stem of C minensis were collected and examined in transverse sections. We hypothesize that the infection begins following mating when the females scratch the surface of the stem or while they feed on fruits and lay eggs, which subsequently develop into larvae, invading the cactus stem. The insect's miner larvae had mostly consumed the parenchyma tissue towards the center of the stem, and periderm formed along the entire path of the insect. This meristematic tissue or "wound periderm" is a common response for compartmentalization to isolate the damaged tissue, in this case the incubating chamber, in which the eggs will be placed. There were no signs of consumption of vascular tissue in the infested samples, further suggesting a compartmentalized infestation. The nest chamber was found in the stem pith region, with periderm surrounding an insect's miner pupa inside identified as a member of the Cerambycidae. The mining insect depends on a host plant to complete the life cycle; however, the nature of this partnership and the long-term effects of the insect on the plant tissue are unknown. The complex mechanisms by which herbivorous insects control the morphogenesis of the plant host are discussed. We propose that C. minensis has a recognition system to identify insect attack and evaluate the effectiveness of early response triggering compartmentalized defense mechanisms by protecting the injured area with a new layer of periderm.


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Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease, is a complex of genetically diverse isolates highly phylogenetically related to T. cruzi-like species, Trypanosoma cruzi marinkellei and Trypanosoma dionisii, all sharing morphology of blood and culture forms and development within cells. However, they differ in hosts, vectors and pathogenicity: T. cruzi is a human pathogen infective to virtually all mammals whilst the other two species are non-pathogenic and bat restricted. Previous studies suggest that variations in expression levels and genetic diversity of cruzipain, the major isoform of cathepsin L-like (CATL) enzymes of T. cruzi, correlate with levels of cellular invasion, differentiation, virulence and pathogenicity of distinct strains. In this study, we compared 80 sequences of genes encoding cruzipain from 25 T. cruzi isolates representative of all discrete typing units (DTUs TcI-TcVI) and the new genotype Tcbat and 10 sequences of homologous genes from other species. The catalytic domain repertoires diverged according to DTUs and trypanosome species. Relatively homogeneous sequences are found within and among isolates of the same DTU except TcV and TcVI, which displayed sequences unique or identical to those of TcII and TcIII, supporting their origin from the hybridization between these two DTUs. In network genealogies, sequences from T. cruzi clustered tightly together and closer to T. c. marinkellei than to T. dionisii and largely differed from homologues of T. rangeli and T. b. brucei. Here, analysis of isolates representative of the overall biological and genetic diversity of T. cruzi and closest T. cruzi-like species evidenced DTU- and species-specific polymorphisms corroborating phylogenetic relationships inferred with other genes. Comparison of both phylogenetically close and distant trypanosomes is valuable to understand host-parasite interactions, virulence and pathogenicity. Our findings corroborate cruzipain as valuable target for drugs, vaccine, diagnostic and genotyping approaches.


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Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV) causes major diseases in cowpea and passion flower plants in Brazil and also in other countries. CABMV has also been isolated from leguminous species including, Cassia hoffmannseggii, Canavalia rosea, Crotalaria juncea and Arachis hypogaea in Brazil. The virus seems to be adapted to two distinct families, the Passifloraceae and Fabaceae. Aiming to identify CABMV and elucidate a possible host adaptation of this virus species, isolates from cowpea, passion flower and C.hoffmannseggii collected in the states of Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte were analysed by sequencing the complete coat protein genes. A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the obtained sequences and those available in public databases. Major Brazilian isolates from passion flower, independently of the geographical distances among them, were grouped in three different clusters. The possible host adaptation was also observed in fabaceous-infecting CABMV Brazilian isolates. These host adaptations possibly occurred independently within Brazil, so all these clusters belong to a bigger Brazilian cluster. Nevertheless, African passion flower or cowpea-infecting isolates formed totally different clusters. These results showed that host adaptation could be one factor for CABMV evolution, although geographical isolation is a stronger factor.


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A new species of the genus Henneguya (Henneguya multiplasmodialis n. sp.) was found infecting the gills of three of 89 specimens (3.3%) of Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and two of 79 specimens (2.6%) of Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum from rivers in the Pantanal wetland, Brazil. Partial sequencing of the 18S rDNA gene of the spores obtained from one plasmodium from the gills of P. corruscans and other one from the gills of P. reticulatum, respectively, resulted in a total of 1560 and 1147 base pairs. As the spores of H. multiplasmodialis n. sp. resemble those of Henneguya corruscans, which is also a parasite of P. corruscans, sequencing of the 18S rDNA gene of the spores of H. corruscans found on P. corruscans caught in the Brazilian Pantanal wetland was also provided to avoid any taxonomic pendency between these two species, resulting in 1913 base pairs. The sequences of H. multiplasmodialis n. sp. parasite of P. corruscans and P. reticulatum and H. corruscans did not match any of the Myxozoa available in the GenBank. The similarity of H. multiplasmodialis n. sp. obtained from P. corruscans to that from P. reticulatum was of 99.7%. Phylogeny revealed a strong tendency among Henneguya species to form clades based on the order and/or family of the host fish. H. multiplasmodialis n. sp. clustered in a clade with Henneguya eirasi and H. corruscans, which are also parasites of siluriforms of the family Pimelodidae and, together with the clade composed of Henneguya spp. parasites of siluriforms of the family Ictaluridae, formed a monophyletic clade of parasites of siluriform hosts. The histological study revealed that the wall of the plasmodia of H. multiplasmodialis n. sp. were covered with a stratified epithelium rich in club cells and supported by a layer of connective tissue. The interior of the plasmodia had a network of septa that divided the plasmodia into numerous compartments. The septa were composed of connective tissue also covered on both sides with a stratified epithelium rich in club cells. Inflammatory infiltrate was found in the tissue surrounding the plasmodia as well as in the septa. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tropiduridae (Squamata: Iguania) is a lizard taxon widely distributed in the neotropics. Among its representatives, some species are classified as generalists regarding habitat usage. Others exhibit a very restricted and probably relict distribution, and are strongly associated with predominantly sandy and dry habitats. Within this rather ecologically similar than phylogenetically closely related group we examined specimens of Eurolophosaurus amathites, E. divaricatus, Tropidurus hygomi, T. psammonastes for endoparasites. In all four species examined we recorded parasitic nematodes (Nemathelminthes: Nematoda). At least three nematode species were recovered: Parapharyngodon sp., Physaloptera lutzi and Strongyluris oscari, with Ph. lutzi being the most abundant parasite encountered in all lizard species examined. In spite of the hosts' habitat specialization, these parasites are also found frequently in non-psammophilous tropidurid species as well as in other squamates. Individual species richness per lizard was low, with usually just one species parasitizing at a time. These are the first parasites registered for these tropidurids and constitute a total of six new host records.


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This paper presents a survey of the insects that feed on fruits of Psittacanthus Martius (Santalales: Loranthaceae), a hemiparasitic mistletoe genus that infects trees in Brazil and other neotropical countries. The aim of the study was to identify candidate insects for biological control of Psittacanthus mistletoes. Unripe and mature fruits were collected in several localities of Cerrado, bordering South Pantanal, Southwestern Brazil, from 29 Apr 1998 to 30 Jul 2000. A total of 24,710 fruits (54 samples) of Psittacanthus acinarius infecting 15 species from 10 plant families were evaluated. Psittacanthus acinarius (Mart.) was the most abundant and frequent species of mistletoe parasitizing trees in the ecotonal Cerrado-Pantanal. From 24,710 fruits of Psittacanthus acinarius were obtained 1,812 insect larvae including 1,806 Neosilba McAlpine (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) species and 6 Thepytus echelta (Hewitson) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). From these emerged 1,550 Neosilba spp. adults and 6 T. echelta. Neosilba pantanense Strikis was described from this research. Larvae of T. echelta occurred in fruits of P. acinarius parasitizing Cecropia pachystachya Trecul (Urticaceae) and Anadenanthera colubrina (Vellozo) Brenan (Fabaceae). Larvae of Neosilba caused no adverse effects on the germination of infected fruits of Psittacanthus, because they do not eat the embryo or viscin tissues. This differs from the larvae of T. echelta that interrupted the germination of seeds by feeding on those tissues. Thepytus echelta may be a promising insect for the biological control of P. acinarius in the ecotonal Cerrado-Pantanal, although its abundance and frequency were low throughout the sampling period.


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The biological characteristics of Telenomus remus Nixon, 1937 (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) on eggs of Spodoptera albula (Walker, 1857); S. cosmioides Walker 1858, S. eridania (Cramer, 1782); and S. frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were evaluated under different temperatures (19, 22, 25, 28, 31, and 34 degrees C +/- 1 degrees C). The duration of the T remus egg-to-adult period on eggs of all four Spodoptera species and the longevity of adults of T. remus were both inversely proportional to the increase in temperature. Parasitoid emergence was higher than 80% at temperatures from 19 to 28 degrees C when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of S. eridania and S. frugiperda. Differently, when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of S. albula and S. cosmioides, T. remus emergence at rates of 80% or higher just occurred from 22 to 25 degrees C and at 22 degrees C, respectively. At 34 degrees C, this parameter was lower than 30% for T reams reared in all hosts. The sex ratio was 64-86% females, except for T. remus in S. cosmioides eggs at 34 C, in which temperature it was 39%. The estimated thermal requirements of T. remus, for the thermal constant (K) and the base temperature (T(base)), were: 125.39 DD and 15.139 degrees C; 125.56 DD and 14.912 degrees C; 142.98 DD and 14.197 degrees C; and 149.16 DD and 13.846 degrees C, for S. cosmioides, S. frugiperda, S. albula, and S. eridania, respectively. In general, T. remus showed good parasitism potential on all the hosts, although eggs of S. frugiperda, S. eridania, and S. albula proved to be the most suitable for mass rearing of T reams in the laboratory. Eggs of S. cosmioides are less suitable because of the lower parasitoid emergence observed at most of the temperatures with exception of 22 degrees C.


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Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) melophagium is a parasite of sheep transmitted by sheep keds, the sheep-restricted ectoparasite Melophagus ovinus (Diptera: Hippoboscidae). Sheep keds were 100% prevalent in sheep from five organic farms in Croatia, Southeastern Europe, whereas trypanosomes morphologically compatible with T. melophagium were 86% prevalent in the guts of the sheep keds. Multilocus phylogenetic analyses using sequences of small subunit rRNA, glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, spliced leader, and internal transcribed spacer 1 of the rDNA distinguished T. melophagium from all allied trypanosomes from other ruminant species and placed the trypanosome in the subgenus Megatrypanum. Trypanosomes from sheep keds from Croatia and Scotland, the only available isolates for comparison, shared identical sequences. All biologic and phylogenetic inferences support the restriction of T. melophagium to sheep and, especially, to the sheep keds. The comparison of trypanosomes from sheep, cattle, and deer from the same country, which was never achieved before this work, strongly supported the host-restricted specificity of trypanosomes of the subgenus Megatrypanum. Our findings indicate that with the expansion of organic farms, both sheep keds and T. melophagium may re-emerge as parasitic infections of sheep.