8 resultados para galaxies: abundances

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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We present a photometric catalogue of compact groups of galaxies (p2MCGs) automatically extracted from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) extended source catalogue. A total of 262 p2MCGs are identified, following the criteria defined by Hickson, of which 230 survive visual inspection (given occasional galaxy fragmentation and blends in the 2MASS parent catalogue). Only one quarter of these 230 groups were previously known compact groups (CGs). Among the 144 p2MCGs that have all their galaxies with known redshifts, 85 (59?per cent) have four or more accordant galaxies. This v2MCG sample of velocity-filtered p2MCGs constitutes the largest sample of CGs (with N = 4) catalogued to date, with both well-defined selection criteria and velocity filtering, and is the first CG sample selected by stellar mass. It is fairly complete up to Kgroup similar to 9 and radial velocity of similar to 6000?km?s-1. We compared the properties of the 78 v2MCGs with median velocities greater than 3000?km?s-1 with the properties of other CG samples, as well as those (mvCGs) extracted from the semi-analytical model (SAM) of Guo et al. run on the high-resolution Millennium-II simulation. This mvCG sample is similar (i.e. with 2/3 of physically dense CGs) to those we had previously extracted on three other SAMs run on the Millennium simulation with 125 times worse spatial and mass resolutions. The space density of v2MCGs within 6000?km?s-1 is 8.0 X 10-5?h3?Mpc-3, i.e. four times that of the Hickson sample [Hickson Compact Group (HCG)] up to the same distance and with the same criteria used in this work, but still 40?per cent less than that of mvCGs. The v2MCG constitutes the first group catalogue to show a statistically large firstsecond ranked galaxy magnitude gap according to TremaineRichstone statistics, as expected if the first ranked group members tend to be the products of galaxy mergers, and as confirmed in the mvCGs. The v2MCG is also the first observed sample to show that first-ranked galaxies tend to be centrally located, again consistent with the predictions obtained from mvCGs. We found no significant correlation of group apparent elongation and velocity dispersion in the quartets among the v2MCGs, and the velocity dispersions of apparently round quartets are not significantly larger than those of chain-like ones, in contrast to what has been previously reported in HCGs. By virtue of its automatic selection with the popular Hickson criteria, its size, its selection on stellar mass, and its statistical signs of mergers and centrally located brightest galaxies, the v2MCG catalogue appears to be the laboratory of choice to study physically dense groups of four or more galaxies of comparable luminosity.


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We present a new method to quantify substructures in clusters of galaxies, based on the analysis of the intensity of structures. This analysis is done in a residual image that is the result of the subtraction of a surface brightness model, obtained by fitting a two-dimensional analytical model (beta-model or Sersic profile) with elliptical symmetry, from the X-ray image. Our method is applied to 34 clusters observed by the Chandra Space Telescope that are in the redshift range z is an element of [0.02, 0.2] and have a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) greater than 100. We present the calibration of the method and the relations between the substructure level with physical quantities, such as the mass, X-ray luminosity, temperature, and cluster redshift. We use our method to separate the clusters in two sub-samples of high-and low-substructure levels. We conclude, using Monte Carlo simulations, that the method recuperates very well the true amount of substructure for small angular core radii clusters (with respect to the whole image size) and good S/N observations. We find no evidence of correlation between the substructure level and physical properties of the clusters such as gas temperature, X-ray luminosity, and redshift; however, analysis suggest a trend between the substructure level and cluster mass. The scaling relations for the two sub-samples (high-and low-substructure level clusters) are different (they present an offset, i. e., given a fixed mass or temperature, low-substructure clusters tend to be more X-ray luminous), which is an important result for cosmological tests using the mass-luminosity relation to obtain the cluster mass function, since they rely on the assumption that clusters do not present different scaling relations according to their dynamical state.


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We revisit the issue of the constancy of the dark matter (DM) and baryonic Newtonian acceleration scales within the DM scale radius by considering a large sample of late-type galaxies. We rely on a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to estimate the parameters of the halo model and the stellar mass-to-light ratio and then propagate the uncertainties from the rotation curve data to the estimate of the acceleration scales. This procedure allows us to compile a catalogue of 58 objects with estimated values of the B-band absolute magnitude M-B, the virial mass M-vir, and the DM and baryonic Newtonian accelerations (denoted as g(DM)(r(0)) and g(bar)(r(0)), respectively) within the scale radius r(0) which we use to investigate whether it is possible to define a universal acceleration scale. We find a weak but statistically meaningful correlation with M-vir thus making us argue against the universality of the acceleration scales. However, the results somewhat depend on the sample adopted so that a careful analysis of selection effects should be carried out before any definitive conclusion can be drawn.


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VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) is an ESO variability survey that is performing observations in near-infrared bands (ZY JHK(s)) toward the Galactic bulge and part of the disk with the completeness limits at least 3 mag deeper than Two Micron All Sky Survey. In the present work, we searched in the VVV survey data for background galaxies near the Galactic plane using ZY JHK(s) photometry that covers 1.636 deg(2). We identified 204 new galaxy candidates by analyzing colors, sizes, and visual inspection of multi-band (ZY JHK(s)) images. The galaxy candidate colors were also compared with the predicted ones by star count models considering a more realistic extinction model at the same completeness limits observed by VVV. A comparison of the galaxy candidates with the expected one by Millennium simulations is also presented. Our results increase the number density of known galaxies behind the Milky Way by more than one order of magnitude. A catalog with galaxy properties including ellipticity, Petrosian radii, and ZY JHK(s) magnitudes is provided, as well as comparisons of the results with other surveys of galaxies toward the Galactic plane.


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Context. Recent studies have confirmed the long standing suspicion that M 22 shares a metallicity spread and complex chemical enrichment history similar to that observed in omega Cen. M 22 is among the most massive Galactic globular clusters and its color-magnitude diagram and chemical abundances reveal the existence of sub-populations. Aims. To further constrain the chemical diversity of M 22, necessary to interpret its nucleosynthetic history, we seek to measure relative abundance ratios of key elements (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine) best studied, or only available, using high-resolution spectra at infrared wavelengths. Methods. High-resolution (R = 50 000) and high S/N infrared spectra were acquired of nine red giant stars with Phoenix at the Gemini-South telescope. Chemical abundances were calculated through a standard 1D local thermodynamic equilibrium analysis using Kurucz model atmospheres. Results. We derive [Fe/H] = -1.87 to -1.44, confirming at infrared wavelengths that M 22 does present a [Fe/H] spread. We also find large C and N abundance spreads, which confirm previous results in the literature but based on a smaller sample. Our results show a spread in A(C+N+O) of similar to 0.7 dex. Similar to mono-metallic globular clusters, M 22 presents a strong [Na/Fe]-[O/Fe] anticorrelation as derived from Na and CO lines in the K band. For the first time we recover F abundances in M 22 and find that it exhibits a 0.6 dex variation. We find tentative evidence for a flatter A(F)-A(O) relation compared to higher metallicity globular clusters. Conclusions. Our study confirms and expands upon the chemical diversity seen in this complex stellar system. All elements studied to date show large abundance spreads which require contributions from both massive and low mass stars.


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We present a detailed study of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars, based on high-resolution spectroscopic observations of a sample of 18 stars. The stellar spectra for this sample were obtained at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope in 2001 and 2002, using the Utrecht Echelle Spectrograph, at a resolving power R similar to 52 000 and S/N similar to 40, covering the wavelength range lambda lambda 3700-5700 angstrom. The atmospheric parameters determined for this sample indicate temperatures ranging from 4750 K to 7100 K, log g from 1.5 to 4.3, and metallicities -3.0 <= [Fe/H]<=-1.7. Elemental abundances for C, Na, Mg, Sc, Ti, Cr, Cu, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy are determined. Abundances for an additional 109 stars were taken from the literature and combined with the data of our sample. The literature sample reveals a lack of reliable abundance estimates for species that might be associated with the r-process elements for about 67% of CEMP stars, preventing a complete understanding of this class of stars, since [Ba/Eu] ratios are used to classify them. Although eight stars in our observed sample are also found in the literature sample, Eu abundances or limits are determined for four of these stars for the first time. From the observed correlations between C, Ba, and Eu, we argue that the CEMP-r/s class has the same astronomical origin as CEMP-s stars, highlighting the need for a more complete understanding of Eu production.


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Oxygen abundances of 67 dwarf stars in the metallicity range -1.6 < [Fe/H] < -0.4 are derived from a non-LTE analysis of the 777 nm O I triplet lines. These stars have precise atmospheric parameters measured by Nissen and Schuster, who find that they separate into three groups based on their kinematics and alpha-element (Mg, Si, Ca, Ti) abundances: thick disk, high-alpha halo, and low-alpha halo. We find the oxygen abundance trends of thick-disk and high-alpha halo stars very similar. The low-alpha stars show a larger star-to-star scatter in [O/Fe] at a given [Fe/H] and have systematically lower oxygen abundances compared to the other two groups. Thus, we find the behavior of oxygen abundances in these groups of stars similar to that of the a elements. We use previously published oxygen abundance data of disk and very metal-poor halo stars to present an overall view (-2.3 < [Fe/H] < +0.3) of oxygen abundance trends of stars in the solar neighborhood. Two field halo dwarf stars stand out in their O and Na abundances. Both G53-41 and G150-40 have very low oxygen and very high sodium abundances, which are key signatures of the abundance anomalies observed in globular cluster (GC) stars. Therefore, they are likely field halo stars born in GCs. If true, we estimate that at least 3% +/- 2% of the local field metal-poor star population was born in GCs.


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We investigate the nature of extremely red galaxies (ERGs), objects whose colours are redder than those found in the red sequence present in colour–magnitude diagrams of galaxies. We selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 a volume-limited sample of such galaxies in the redshift interval 0.010 < z < 0.030, brighter than Mr = −17.8 (magnitudes dereddened, corrected for the Milky Way extinction) and with (g − r) colours larger than those of galaxies in the red sequence. This sample contains 416 ERGs, which were classified visually. Our classification was cross-checked with other classifications available in the literature. We found from our visual classification that the majority of objects in our sample are edge-on spirals (73 per cent). Other spirals correspond to 13 per cent, whereas elliptical galaxies comprise only 11 per cent of the objects. After comparing the morphological mix and the distributions of Hα/Hβ and axial ratios of ERGs and objects in the red sequence, we suggest that dust, more than stellar population effects, is the driver of the red colours found in these extremely red galaxies.