10 resultados para field effects transistor

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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We investigate the canonical equilibrium of systems with long-range forces in competition. These forces create a modulation in the interaction potential and modulated phases appear at the system scale. The structure of these phases differentiate this system from monotonic potentials, where only the mean-field and disordered phases exist. With increasing temperature, the system switches from one ordered phase to another through a first-order phase transition. Both mean-field and modulated phases may be stable, even at zero temperature, and the long-range nature of the interaction will lead to metastability characterized by extremely long time scales.


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We report new archeointensity data obtained from the analyses of baked clay elements (architectural and kiln brick fragments) sampled in Southeast Brazil and historically and/or archeologically dated between the end of the XVIth century and the beginning of the XXth century AD. The results were determined using the classical Thellier and Thellier protocol as modified by Coe, including partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) and pTRM-tail checks, and the Triaxe protocol, which involves continuous high-temperature magnetization measurements. In both protocols, TRM anisotropy and cooling rate TRM dependence effects were taken into account for intensity determinations which were successfully performed for 150 specimens from 43 fragments, with a good agreement between intensity results obtained from the two procedures. Nine site-mean intensity values were derived from three to eight fragments and defined with standard deviations of less than 8%. The site-mean values vary from similar to 25 mu T to similar to 42 mu T and describe in Southeast Brazil a continuous decreasing trend by similar to 5 mu T per century between similar to 1600 AD and similar to 1900 AD. Their comparison with recent archeointensity results obtained from Northeast Brazil and reduced at a same latitude shows that: (1) the geocentric axial dipole approximation is not valid between these southeastern and northeastern regions of Brazil, whose latitudes differ by similar to 10 degrees, and (2) the available global geomagnetic field models (gufm1 models, their recalibrated versions and the CALSK3 models) are not sufficiently precise to reliably reproduce the non-dipole field effects which prevailed in Brazil for at least the 1600-1750 period. The large non-dipole contribution thus highlighted is most probably linked to the evolution of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) during that period. Furthermore, although our dataset is limited, the Brazilian archeointensity data appear to support the view of a rather oscillatory behavior of the axial dipole moment during the past three centuries that would have been marked in particular by a moderate increase between the end of the XVIIIth century and the middle of the XIXth century followed by the well-known decrease from 1840 AD attested by direct measurements. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The application of one-dimensional (1D) V2O5 center dot nH(2)O nanostructures as pH sensing material was evaluated. 1D V2O5 center dot nH(2)O nanostructures were obtained by a hydrothermal method with systematic control of morphology forming different nanostructures: nanoribbons, nanowires and nanorods. Deposited onto Au-covered substrates, 1D V2O5 center dot nH(2)O nanostructures were employed as gate material in pH sensors based on separative extended gate FET as an alternative to provide FET isolation from the chemical environment. 1D V2O5 center dot nH(2)O nanostructures showed pH sensitivity around the expected theoretical value. Due to high pH sensing properties, flexibility and low cost, further applications of 1D V2O5 center dot nH(2)O nanostructures comprise enzyme FET-based biosensors using immobilized enzymes.


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We have investigated optical and transport properties of the molecular structure 2,3,4,5-tetraphenyl-1-phenylethynyl-cyclopenta-2,4-dienol experimentally and theoretically. The optical spectrum was calculated using Hartree-Fock-intermediate neglect of differential overlap-configuration interaction model. The experimental photoluminescence spectrum showed a peak around 470nm which was very well described by the modeling. Electronic transport measurements showed a diode-like effect with a strong current rectification. A phenomenological microscopic model based on non-equilibrium Green's function technique was proposed and a very good description electronic transport was obtained. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4767457]


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Vanadium/titanium mixed oxide films were produced using the sol-gel route. The structural investigation revealed that increased TiO2 molar ratio in the mixed oxide disturbs the V2O5 crystalline structure and makes it amorphous. This blocks the TiO2 phase transformation, so TiO2 stabilizes in the anatase phase. In addition the surface of the sample always presents larger amounts of TiO2 than expected, revealing a concentration gradient along the growth direction. For increased TiO2 molar ratios the roughness of the surface is reduced. Ion sensors were fabricated using the extended gate field effect transistor configuration. The obtained sensitivities varied in the range of 58 mV/pH down to 15 mV/pH according to the composition and morphology of the surface of the samples. Low TiO2 amounts presented better sensing properties that might be related to the cracked and inhomogeneous surfaces. Rising the TiO2 quantity in the films produces homogeneous surfaces but diminishes their sensitivities. Thus, the present paper reveals that the compositional and structural aspects change the surface morphology and electrical properties accounting for the final ion sensing properties of the V2O5/TiO2 films. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.053206jes] All rights reserved.


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The layer-by-layer (LbL) technique combined with field-effect transistor (FET) based sensors has enabled the production of pH-sensitive platforms with potential application in biosensors. A variation of the FET architecture, so called separative extended gate FET (SEGFET) devices, are promise as an alternative to conventional ion sensitive FET (ISFET). SEGFET configuration exhibits the advantage of combining the field-effect concept with organic and inorganic materials directly adsorbed on the extended gate, allowing the test of new pH-sensitive materials in a simple and low cost way. In this communication, poly(propylene imine) dendrimer (PPI) and TiO2 nanoparticles (TiO2-np) were assembled onto gold-covered substrates via layer-by-layer technique to produce a low cost SEGFET pH sensor. The sensor presented good pH sensitivity, ca. 57 mV pH(-1), showing that our strategy has potential advantages to fabricate low cost pH-sensing membranes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study aimed to evaluate the interactions of the pesticide Vertimec (R) 18EC in aquatic ecosystems. In this respect, soil plots were contaminated with Vertimec (R) 18EC at the concentration indicated for strawberry crops (0.125 L of solution m(-2)). After the contamination, torrential rainfall was simulated and the surface runoff was collected and transferred to mesocosm tanks in five treatments, run in triplicate: (1) control-C; (2) runoff from an uncontaminated plot-UR; (3) runoff from the plot contaminated with Vertimec (R) 18EC-CR; (4) direct application of Vertimec (R) 18EC in the water-V and (5) water samples gathered randomly to verify whether there was contamination between the mesocosms-RS. Water samples from these tanks were also submitted to ecotoxicological tests with Daphnia similis and analyses to evaluate the limnological characteristics, in five collection periods over 10 days (240 h). Physical and chemical differences were observed in the water samples, mainly related to increased turbidity, suspended solids and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphate forms). Acute toxicity was observed for the direct application treatment for the entire experimental period, and in some periods for the CR treatment (from 48 h to 168 h). The results obtained suggest that the pesticide did not fully degrade during the study period (10 days) in the direct application treatment, demonstrating that the presence of other substances in the commercial formulation contribute to the maintenance of toxicity. This represents a potential risk for aquatic ecosystems in areas adjacent to where the chemical is applied. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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One-transistor floating-body random access memory retention time distribution is investigated on silicon-on-insulator UTBOX devices. It is shown that the average retention time can be improved by two to three orders of magnitude by reducing the body-junction electric field. However, the retention time distribution, which is mainly caused by the generation-recombination center density variation, remains similar.


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The chemical and physical properties of a Brazilian heavy oil submitted to plasma treatment were investigated by H-1 low-and high-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) combined to the characterization of rheological properties, thermogravimetry and measurement of basic sediments and water (BSW) content. The crude oil was treated in a dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor, using natural gas, CO2 or H-2 as working gas. The results indicated a large drop in the water content of the plasma-treated samples as compared to the crude oil, giving rise to a reduction in the viscosity. No significant chemical change was produced in the oil portion itself, as observed by H-1 NMR. The water contents determined by H-1 low-field NMR analyses agreed well with those obtained by BSW, indicating the low-field NMR methods as a useful tool for following the effects of plasma treatments on heavy oils, allowing the separation of the effects caused on the water and oil fractions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study the effects of Ohmic, super-Ohmic, and sub-Ohmic dissipation on the zero-temperature quantum phase transition in the random transverse-field Ising chain by means of an (asymptotically exact) analytical strong-disorder renormalization-group approach. We find that Ohmic damping destabilizes the infinite-randomness critical point and the associated quantum Griffiths singularities of the dissipationless system. The quantum dynamics of large magnetic clusters freezes completely, which destroys the sharp phase transition by smearing. The effects of sub-Ohmic dissipation are similar and also lead to a smeared transition. In contrast, super-Ohmic damping is an irrelevant perturbation; the critical behavior is thus identical to that of the dissipationless system. We discuss the resulting phase diagrams, the behavior of various observables, and the implications to higher dimensions and experiments.