3 resultados para estimativa de produção
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Four crossbred geldings were used in a randomized blocks experimental design. The objective was to study the use of the internal markers indigestible cellulose (iCEL) and indigestible lignin (iLIG), obtained in situ (cattle) or in vivo (equine) to predict nutrient apparent digestibility in horses. Treatments consisted of different methodologies to determine digestibility: direct method with total feces collection (TC), and indirect method using internal markers iCEL and iLIG obtained either by in situ incubation in bovine rumen or in vivo (IV) using the mobile nylon bag (MNB) technique in horses. Feces production was 2.80 kg in DM, and average recovery rate (p > 0.05) was 101%. Nutrient digestibility coefficient (p > 0.05) estimates were adequately predicted by iCEL and iLIG, obtained in situ or in vivo, with average values of 52.63, 54.17, 64.90, 43.73 and 98.28% for dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and starch, respectively. It can be concluded that iCEL and iLIG may be obtained in vivo by MNB in horses consuming a forage-concentrate diet, to predict nutrient digestibility coefficients.
Yield mapping represents the spatial variability concerning the features of a productive area and allows intervening on the next year production, for example, on a site-specific input application. The trial aimed at verifying the influence of a sampling density and the type of interpolator on yield mapping precision to be produced by a manual sampling of grains. This solution is usually adopted when a combine with yield monitor can not be used. An yield map was developed using data obtained from a combine equipped with yield monitor during corn harvesting. From this map, 84 sample grids were established and through three interpolators: inverse of square distance, inverse of distance and ordinary kriging, 252 yield maps were created. Then they were compared with the original one using the coefficient of relative deviation (CRD) and the kappa index. The loss regarding yield mapping information increased as the sampling density decreased. Besides, it was also dependent on the interpolation method used. A multiple regression model was adjusted to the variable CRD, according to the following variables: spatial variability index and sampling density. This model aimed at aiding the farmer to define the sampling density, thus, allowing to obtain the manual yield mapping, during eventual problems in the yield monitor.
Eficiência agrícola (EA) é utilizada como indicador do nível de desenvolvimento agrícola regional, expressando, por meio da relação entre as produtividades real e atingível, o nível tecnológico empregado nas culturas. Com base nisso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a EA das culturas da soja, do milho e do trigo para o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 1980 e 2008, identificando os principais fatores que as condicionaram. A EA foi obtida pela relação entre a produtividade atingível (PA) e a real (PR). A PR foi obtida junto ao banco de dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). A PA foi obtida pela estimativa da produtividade potencial (PPf), pelo método de Zona Agroecológica da FAO, deflacionada pelo déficit hídrico em cada uma das fases da cultura. Verificou-se que as EAs médias para as culturas do milho, da soja e do trigo para o RS foram iguais a 54, 61 e 43%, respectivamente. Nas localidades de Santa Rosa, São Borja e Veranópolis, a EA para a soja foi, ao contrário das demais localidades, negativa. Os principais fatores que contribuíram para o aumento da EA, na maioria das localidades, foram: mudanças no uso e fertilidade do solo; uso de mecanização agrícola; preços pagos pelas commodities; investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento; adoção do zoneamento de risco climático; e melhoramento genético.