17 resultados para duplicação gênica

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos de uma dieta de alto nível de energia e proteína combinada com a aplicação de bST no perfil de expressão dos genes da leptina e de seu receptor Ob-Rb no parênquima mamário de novilhas leiteiras. Foram utilizadas amostras de parênquima mamário de 32 novilhas holandesas distribuídas aleatoriamente em quatro tratamentos (n=8): dieta com alto ou baixo teor de energia e proteína combinada ou não com a aplicação de bST. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com arranjo de tratamentos em esquema fatorial 2 × 2. A extração do RNA total das amostras de tecido foi feita e o nível de expressão gênica foi analisado por qRT-PCR utilizando-se o gene da glicuronidase β como controle, pelo método 2-ΔΔCt. Animais que receberam a dieta com alto conteúdo de energia e proteína apresentaram maior expressão de mRNA de leptina, com aumento de 56%, e menor expressão de mRNA do receptor Ob-Rb, com redução de 18%. Por outro lado, a aplicação de bST resultou em diminuição da expressão do mRNA de leptina e do receptor Ob-Rb em 74% e 23%, respectivamente. Não houve interação entre dieta e aplicação de bST. O aumento na expressão de leptina pode explicar, ao menos em parte, os efeitos negativos da dieta de alta energia e proteína, oferecida no período pré-púbere, sobre a produção de leite de novilhas leiteiras.


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No ciclo estral de cadelas a fase luteínica, denominada diestro, compreende um período que varia de 60 a 100 dias em animais não-prenhes, caracterizado pela elevação plasmática de progesterona nos primeiros 20 dias pós ovulação (p.o). A adiponectina é a mais abundante proteína secretada pelo tecido adiposo, porém sua concentração plasmática diminui significativamente em alterações metabólicas como resistência insulínica e Diabetes mellitus tipo2, alterações descritas como relacionadas em algumas cadelas com o período de diestro. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a expressão e imunolocalização do sistema adiponectina (adiponectina e seus receptores, adipoR1 e adipoR2) no corpo lúteo de cadelas ao longo do diestro, correlacionando-o ao perfil hormonal de 17β-estradiol e progesterona, assim como à expressão de um dos genes alvo do sistema, o PPAR-γ. Para realização do estudo foram coletados corpos lúteos de 28 cadelas durante ovariosalpingohisterectomia de eleição nos dias 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 e 70 pós ovulação (o dia zero da ovulação foi considerado aquele no qual a concentração plasmática de progesterona atingiu 5ng/mL). Os corpos lúteos foram avaliados por imunohistoquímica para adiponectina e seus receptores e a expressão do RNAm do PPAR-γ por PCR em tempo real. A análise estatística da avaliação gênica foi realizada com o teste ANOVA, seguido por comparação múltipla Newman-Keuls. O sinal da adiponectina apresentou-se mais intenso até os primeiros 20 dias p.o, momento de regência da progesterona; houve queda gradativa após este período, coincidindo com a ascensão do 17β-estradiol, cujo pico foi notado próximo do dia 40 p.o. A queda marcante da adiponectina ocorreu após 50 dias p.o. O sinal do adipoR1 mostrou-se bem evidente até os 40 dias p.o e o do adipoR2 até os 50 dias p. o, decaindo posteriormente. Foi observada maior expressão do gene PPAR-γ aos 10, 30 e 70 dias p.o. Estes resultados mostram que a expressão protéica da adiponectina e de seus receptores se altera ao longo do diestro e que estas alterações podem estar relacionados às alterações hormonais e expressão do PPAR- γ, participando do mecanismo fisiológico de desenvolvimento, manutenção, atividade e regressão luteínica em cadelas.


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The objective of this work was to identify genes that could be used as suitable markers for molecular recognition of phenological stages during coffee (Coffea arabica) fruit development. Four cultivars were evaluated as to their differential expression of genes associated to fruit development and maturation processes. Gene expression was characterized by both semi-quantitative and quantitative RT-PCR, in fruit harvested at seven different developmental stages, during three different seasons. No size polymorphisms or differential expression were observed among the cultivars for the evaluated genes; however, distinct expression profiles along fruit development were determined for each gene. Four out of the 28 evaluated genes exhibited a regular expression profile in all cultivars and harvest seasons, and, therefore, they were validated as candidate phenological markers of coffee fruit. The gene a-galactosidase can be used as a marker of green stage, caffeine synthase as a marker of transition to green and yellowish-green stages, and isocitrate lyase and ethylene receptor 3 as markers of late maturation.


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Background: This study has evaluated the effect of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) used in conjunction with non-surgical and surgical periodontal treatment (PT) in modulating gene expression during periodontal wound healing. Methods: Fifteen patients with chronic periodontitis, presenting bilaterally lower molars with class III furcation lesions and scheduled for extraction, were selected. In initial therapy, scaling and root planing (SRP) was performed in the Control Group (CG), while SRP + aPDT were performed in the Test Group (TG). 45 days later, flap surgery plus SRP, and flap surgery plus SRP + aPDT were performed in the CG and TG, respectively. At 21 days post-surgery, the newly formed granulation tissue was collected, and Real-time PCR evaluated the expression of the genes: tumor necrosis factor-?, interleukin-1?, interleukin-4, interleukin-10, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2), osteoprotegerin (OPG), receptor activator of nuclear factor- ?B ligand (RANKL), type I collagen, alkaline phosphatase, osteopontin, osteocalcin, and bone sialoprotein. Results: There were statistically significant differences between the groups in relation to mRNA levels for MMP-2 (TG = 3.26 ± 0.89; CG = 4.23 ± 0.97; p = 0.01), TIMP-2/MMP-2 ratio (TG = 0.91 ± 0.34; CG = 0.73 ± 0.32; p = 0.04), OPG (TG = 0.84 ± 0.45; CG = 0.30 ± 0.26; p = 0.001), and OPG/RANKL ratio (TG = 0.60 ± 0.86; CG = 0.23 ± 0.16; p = 0.04), favoring the TG. Conclusion: The present data suggest that the aPDT associated to nonsurgical and surgical periodontal therapy may modulate the extracellular matrix and bone remodeling by up regulating the TIMP- 2/MMP-2 and OPG/RANKL mRNA ratio, but the clinical relevance needs to be evaluated in further studies.


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Introduction: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and the tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are strongly associated with tissue destruction because of inflammation. In this study, we investigated the expression of MMPs and TIMPs messenger RNA and protein levels in apical periodontitis lesions. Methods: Tissue samples from patients presenting clinical signs of chronic apical abscess (CAA) or asymptomatic apical periodontitis (AAP) were collected postoperatively and used for gene expression analysis of MMP-2, -3, -7, -9, -14, -16, and -25; TIMP-1; and TIMP-2 in real-time polymerase chain reaction. Immunohistochemistry was also performed to detect the expression of MMP-7 and TIMP-1 proteins. Lastly, U-937 cells were induced to terminal differentiation into macrophages, infected with purified Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide, and assessed for the expression of MMP-7 and TIMP-1 using immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. Results: Significantly higher messenger RNA levels were found for all genes in AAP and CAA samples when compared with healthy control samples (P < .001). AAP cases exhibited significantly higher TIMP-1 when compared with CAA cases, whereas CAA cases showed higher MMP-2, MMP-7, and MMP-9 messenger RNA levels (P < .05). We also detected positive the expression of MMP-7 and TIMP-1 proteins in the tissue samples. The expression of both MMP-7 and TIMP-1 were increased in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cells compared with nonstimulated cells and appear to colocalize in the Golgi apparatus. Conclusions: MMPs appear to have an influential role in CAA cases in which ongoing tissue destruction is observed. TIMPs are preferentially associated with AAP, perhaps as a subsequent defense mechanism against excessive destruction. Taken together, our findings implicate MMP and TIMP molecules in the dynamics of inflammatory periapical lesion development


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OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho objetiva compreender a possível relação do nível de expressão gênica do mRNA da proteína S100β em adipócitos com o diabetes melito do tipo 2, pela comparação de dados de portadores dessa doença com os de indivíduos normoglicêmicos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas amostras de tecido adiposo de oito pacientes da Seção de Coronárias do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia (IDPC), sendo quatro do grupo diabetes e quatro do grupo de normoglicêmicos. Essas amostras foram submetidas à técnica de RT-PCR em tempo real. RESULTADOS: Por meio do Test-t de Student para os valores de diferença entre os ciclos threshold (ΔCt), observou-se que houve aumento de aproximadamente 15 vezes (p = 0,015) da expressão do mRNA da proteína S100β nos adipócitos dos indivíduos do grupo diabetes quando comparado aos do grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados evidenciam, de forma inédita, coexistência entre o aumento da expressão do gene S100β e a patologia do diabetes melito do tipo 2.


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Variedades ou híbridos de tomateiro utilizados para produção de molhos e ketchups costumam ter hábito determinado, enquanto a maioria dos genótipos utilizados na produção para mesa (consumo in natura) possuem hábito indeterminado. Além de influenciar no manejo da cultura, o hábito de crescimento pode alterar parâmetros de produtividade, como o teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST) nos frutos. O hábito de crescimento é controlado principalmente pelo gene SELF-PRUNING (SP), que é um dos componentes de uma pequena família gênica da qual faz parte também o gene SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS (SFT), atualmente considerado um dos componentes do tão buscado "florígeno". O entendimento da função bioquímica e o efeito fisiológico de tais genes em interação com o ambiente e outros genes (epistasia) possibilita a manipulação de parâmetros como precocidade e SST. Além disso, fornece subsídios para compreender a base genética do crescimento semideterminado, que combina vantagens do hábito determinado e indeterminado, podendo ser usado pelos melhoristas de plantas para o desenvolvimento de novas cultivares.


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Studies addressing the estimation of genetic parameters in soybean have not emphasized the epistatic effects. The purpose of this study was to estimate the significance of these effects on soybean grain yield, based on the Modified Triple Test Cross design. Thirty-two inbred lines derived from a cross between two contrasting lines were used, which were crossed with two testers (L1 and L2). The experiments were carried out at two locations, in 10 x 10 triple lattice designs with 9 replications, containing 32 lines (Pi ), 64 crosses (32 Pi x L1 and 32 Pi x L2 ) and controls. The variation between ( ͞L1i + ͞L2i - ͞Pi ) revealed the presence of epistasis, as well as an interaction of epistasis x environment. Since the predominant component of epistasis in autogamous species is additive x additive (i type), we suggest postponing the selection for grain yield to later generations of inbreeding in order to exploit the beneficial effects of additive x additive epistasis.


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The control of gene expression by miRNAs has been widely investigated in different species and cell types. Following a probabilistic rather than a deterministic regimen, the action of these short nucleotide sequences on specific genes depends on intracellular concentration,which in turn reflects the balance between biosynthesis and degradation. Recent studies have described the involvement of XRN2, an exoribonuclease, in miRNA degradation and PAPD4, an atypical poly(A) polymerase, in miRNA stability. Herein, we examined the expression of XRN2 and PAPD4 in developing and adult rat hippocampi. Combining bioinformatics and real-time PCR,we demonstrated that XRN2 and PAPD4 expression is regulated by the uncorrelated action of transcription factors, resulting in distinct gene expression profiles during development. Analyses of nuclei position and nestin labeling revealed that both proteins progressively accumulated during neuronal differentiation, and that they are weakly expressed in immature neurons and absent in glial and endothelial cells. Despite the differences in subcellular localization, both genes were concurrently identified within identical neuronal subpopulations, including specific inhibitory interneurons. Thus, we cope with a singular circumstance in biology: an almost complete intersected expression of functional-opposed genes, reinforcing that their antagonistically driven actions on miRNAs “make sense” if simultaneously present at the same cells. Considering that the transcriptome in the nervous system is finely tuned to physiological processes, it was remarkable that miRNA stability-related genes were oncurrently identified in neurons that play essential roles in cognitive functions such as memory and learning. In summary, this study reveals a possible new mechanism for the control of miRNA expression.


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Background: Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotypes are clearly associated with periodontitis or health, which suggests distinct strategies for survival within the host. Objective: We investigated the transcription profile of virulence-associated genes in A. actinomycetemcomitans serotype b (JP2 and SUNY 465) strains associated with disease and serotype a (ATCC 29523) strain associated with health. Design: Bacteria were co-cultured with immortalized gingival epithelial cells (OBA-9). The adhesion efficiency after 2 hours and the relative transcription of 13 genes were evaluated after 2 and 24 hours of interaction. Results: All strains were able to adhere to OBA-9, and this contact induced transcription of pgA for polysaccharide biosynthesis in all tested strains. Genes encoding virulence factors as Omp29, Omp100, leukotoxin, and CagE (apoptotic protein) were more transcribed by serotype b strains than by serotype a. ltxA and omp29, encoding the leukotoxin and the highly antigenic Omp29, were induced in serotype b by interaction with epithelial cells. Factors related to colonization (aae, flp, apaH, and pgA) and cdtB were upregulated in serotype a strain after prolonged interaction with OBA-9. Conclusion: Genes relevant for surface colonization and interaction with the immune system are regulated differently among the strains, which may help explaining their differences in association with disease.


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Background and Objective: Periodontopathogens experience several challenges in the oral cavity that may influence their transcription profile and resulting phenotype. This study evaluated the effect of environmental changes on phenotype and gene expression in a serotype b Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans isolate. Material and Methods: Cultures in early exponential phase and at the start of stationary growth phase in microaerophilic and anaerobic atmospheres were evaluated. Cell hydrophobic properties were measured by adherence to n-hexadecane; in addition, adhesion to, and the ability to invade, KB cells was evaluated. Relative transcription of 12 virulence-associated genes was determined by real-time reverse transcritption quantitative PCR. Results: The culture conditions tested in this study were found to influence the phenotypic and genotypic traits of A. actinomycetemcomitans. Cells cultured in microaerophilic conditions were the most hydrophobic, reached the highest adhesion efficiency and showed up-regulation of omp100 (which encodes an adhesion) and pga (related to polysaccharide synthesis). Cells grown anaerobically were more invasive to epithelial cells and showed up-regulation of genes involved in host-cell invasion or apoptosis induction (such as apaH, omp29, cagE and cdtB) and in adhesion to extracellular matrix protein (emaA). Conclusion: Environmental conditions of different oral habitats may influence the expression of factors involved in the binding of A. actinomycetemcomitans to host tissues and the damage resulting thereby, and thus should be considered in in-vitro studies assessing its pathogenic potential.


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Erros médicos preveníveis(EMP) em hospitais excedem às mortes causadas por acidentes automobilísticos, câncer de mama e AIDS. O Institute of Medicine estima até 98.000 mortes causadas por EMP. O risco é aumentado quando os EMPs ocorrem em pacientes criticamente enfermos ou com medicações que variam com o peso do paciente. A demora da primeira prescrição é uma preocupação em UTI. Fadiga e sobrecarga podem comprometer a segurança numa UTI pediátrica. Objetivos: Comparar a funcionalidade de um Sistema Especialista(SE) experimental com a prescrição médica convencional Materiais/Métodos: Após termo de consentimento, pediatras de um hospital universitário são convidados a fazer a prescrição de 10 itens medicamentosos completos(soro de manutenção, adenosina, adrenalina, atropina, difenilhidantoína, vancomicina , ceftadizima, anfotericina_B, dobutamina, fentanil) para uma criança hipotética. Comparou-se a prescrição convencional com a prescrição feita no SE, após um treinamento prévio de 2 minutos. Uma equipe(médicos, enfermeiras e farmacêuticas) avaliaram os EMPs. Comparações feitas pelo X2, teste exato de fisher, teste t-student pareado ou Wilconson, quando aplicáveis. Significância considerada: p<0.05. Resultados:13 médicos residentes e 7 assistentes participaram do estudo com tempo médio de formação de 10,1+/-9 anos . Constatados 57 casos de EMP (9 ilegibilidades, 23 omissões, 6 erros de dose, 14 erros de diluição e 5 erros de velocidade de infusão) pela prescrição convencional comparado com 1 duplicação de medicação na prescrição por SE(p<0,001). O tempo médio de prescrição dos 10 medicamentos utilizando a abordagem ONE TOUCH do SE foi de 22,4 +/- 5,6 segundos_[13-36 segundos] e estava significantemente abaixo do tempo de prescrição convencional (média:557 +/- 164 segundos; p=0,00088). O tempo médio de prescrição com SE foi 27 vezes(IC95% 21,5- 32,5)) mais rápido que a convencional com economia de 89,1 minutos em uma UTI de 10 leitos. Conclusão:Embora não infalível, o uso de SE requer pouco tempo de treinamento e resulta em significante diminuição de erros e sobrecarga de trabalho.


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One of the challenges of the postgenomic era is characterizing the function and regulation of specific genes. For various reasons, the early chick embryo can easily be adopted as an in vivo assay of gene function and regulation. The embryos are robust, accessible, easily manipulated, and maintained in the laboratory. Genomic resources centered on vertebrate organisms increase daily. As a consequence of optimization of gene transfer protocols by electroporation, the chick embryo will probably become increasingly popular for reverse genetic analysis. The challenge of establishing chick embryonic electroporation might seem insurmountable to those who are unfamiliar with experimental embryological methods. To minimize the cost, time, and effort required to establish a chick electroporation assay method, we describe and illustrate in great detail the procedures involved in building a low-cost electroporation setup and the basic steps of electroporation


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The down-regulation of the tumor-suppressor gene RASSF1A has been shown to increase cell proliferation in several tumors. RASSF1A expression is regulated through epigenetic events involving the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2); however, the molecular mechanisms modulating the recruitment of this epigenetic modifier to the RASSF1 locus remain largely unknown. Here, we identify and characterize ANRASSF1, an endogenous unspliced long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) that is transcribed from the opposite strand on the RASSF1 gene locus in several cell lines and tissues and binds PRC2. ANRASSF1 is transcribed through RNA polymerase II and is 5'-capped and polyadenylated; it exhibits nuclear localization and has a shorter half-life compared with other lncRNAs that bind PRC2. ANRASSF1 endogenous expression is higher in breast and prostate tumor cell lines compared with non-tumor, and an opposite pattern is observed for RASSF1A. ANRASSF1 ectopic overexpression reduces RASSF1A abundance and increases the proliferation of HeLa cells, whereas ANRASSF1 silencing causes the opposite effects. These changes in ANRASSF1 levels do not affect the RASSF1C isoform abundance. ANRASSF1 overexpression causes a marked increase in both PRC2 occupancy and histone H3K27me3 repressive marks, specifically at the RASSF1A promoter region. No effect of ANRASSF1 overexpression was detected on PRC2 occupancy and histone H3K27me3 at the promoter regions of RASSF1C and the four other neighboring genes, including two well-characterized tumor suppressor genes. Additionally, we demonstrated that ANRASSF1 forms an RNA/DNA hybrid and recruits PRC2 to the RASSF1A promoter. Together, these results demonstrate a novel mechanism of epigenetic repression of the RASSF1A tumor suppressor gene involving antisense unspliced lncRNA, in which ANRASSF1 selectively represses the expression of the RASSF1 isoform overlapping the antisense transcript in a location-specific manner. In a broader perspective, our findings suggest that other non-characterized unspliced intronic lncRNAs transcribed in the human genome might contribute to a location-specific epigenetic modulation of genes.


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We explored the impact of Nox-2 in modulating inflammatory-mediated microglial responses in the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced Parkinson’s disease (PD) model. Nox1 and Nox2 gene expression were found to increase in striatum, whereas a marked increase of Nox2 expression was observed in substantia nigra (SN) of wild-type (wt) mice after PD induction. Gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA-lesioned mice exhibited a significant reduction in the apomorphine-induced rotational behavior, when compared to wt mice. Immunolabeling assays indicated that striatal 6-OHDA injections reduced the number of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the SN of wt mice. In gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA-lesioned mice the DA degeneration was negligible, suggesting an involvement of Nox in 6-OHDA-mediated SN degeneration. Gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA-lesioned mice treated with minocycline, a tetracycline derivative that exerts multiple anti-inflammatory effects, including microglial inhibition, exhibited increased apomorphine-induced rotational behavior and degeneration of DA neurons after 6-OHDA injections. The same treatment also increased TNF-α release and potentiated NF-κB activation in the SN of gp91phox-/--lesioned mice. Our results demonstrate for the first time that inhibition of microglial cells increases the susceptibility of gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA lesioned mice to develop PD. Blockade of microglia leads to NF-κB activation and TNF-α release into the SN of gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA lesioned mice, a likely mechanism whereby gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA lesioned mice may be more susceptible to develop PD after microglial cell inhibition. Nox2 adds an essential level of regulation to signaling pathways underlying the inflammatory response after PD induction