11 resultados para deformed austenite
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
The Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) technique can evaluate both micro- and macro-residual stresses, and provides indication about the relevance of contribution of these different stress components. MBN measurements were performed in AISI 1070 steel sheet samples, where different strains were applied. The Barkhausen emission is also analyzed when two different sheets, deformed and non-deformed, are evaluated together. This study is useful to understand the effect of a deformed region near the surface on MBN. The low permeability of the deformed region affects MBN, and if the deformed region is below the surface the magnetic Barkhausen signal increases. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Abstract (2,250 Maximum Characters): Several theories of tidal evolution, since the theory developed by Darwin in the XIX century, are based on the figure of equilibrium of the tidally deformed body. Frequently the adopted figure is a Jeans prolate spheroid. In some case, however, the rotation is important and Roche ellipsoids are used. The main limitations of these models are (a) they refer to homogeneous bodies; (b) the rotation axis is perpendicular to the plane of the orbit. This communication aims at presenting several results in which these hypotheses are not done. In what concerns the non-homogeneity, the presented results concerns initially bodies formed by N homogeneous layers and we study the non sphericity of each layer and relate them to the density distribution. The result is similar to the Clairaut figure of equilibrium, often used in planetary sciences, but taking into full account the tidal deformation. The case of the rotation axis non perpendicular to the orbital plane is much more complex and the study has been restricted for the moment to the case of homogeneous bodies.
The basement rock of the Pampean flat-slab (Sierras Pampeanas) in the Central Andes was uplifted and rotated in the Cenozoic era. The Western Sierras Pampeanas are characterised by meta-igneous rocks of Grenvillian Mesoproterozoic age and metasedimentary units metamorphosed in the Ordovician period. These rocks, known as the northern Cuyania composite terrane, were derived from Laurentia and accreted toward Western Gondwana during the Early Paleozoic. The Sierra de Umango is the westernmost range of the Western Sierras Pampeanas.This range is bounded by the Devonian sedimentary rocks of the Precordillera on the western side and Tertiary rocks from the Sierra de Maz and Sierra del Espinal on the eastern side and contains igneous and sedimentary rocks outcroppings from the Famatina System on the far eastern side. The Sierra de Umango evolved during a period of polyphase tectonic activity, including an Ordovician collisional event, a Devonian compressional deformation, Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic extensional faulting and sedimentation (Paganzo and Ischigualasto basins) and compressional deformation of the Andean foreland during the Cenozoic. A Nappe System and an important shear zone, La Puntilla-La Falda Shear Zone (PFSZ), characterise the Ordovician collisional event, which was related to the accretion of Cuyania Terrane to the proto-Andean margin of Gondwana. Three continuous deformational phases are recognised for this event: the D1 phase is distinguished by relics of 51 preserved as internal foliation within interkinematic staurolite por-phyroblasts and likely represents the progressive metamorphic stage; the D2 phase exhibits P-T conditions close to the metamorphic peak that were recorded in an 52 transposition or a mylonitic foliation and determine the main structure of Umango; and the D3 phase is described as a set of tight to recumbent folds with S3 axial plane foliation, often related to thrust faults, indicating the retrogressive metamorphic stage. The Nappe System shows a top-to-the S/SW sense direction of movement, and the PFSZ served as a right lateral ramp in the exhumation process. This structural pattern is indicative of an oblique collision, with the Cuyania Terrane subducting under the proto-Andean margin of Gondwana in the NE direction. This continental subduction and exhumation lasted at least 30 million years, nearly the entire Ordovician period, and produced metamorphic conditions of upper amphibolite-to-granulite facies in medium- to high-pressure regimes. At least two later events deformed the earlier structures: D4 and D5 deformational phases. The D4 deformational phase corresponds to upright folding, with wavelengths of approximately 10 km and a general N-S orientation. These folds modified the S2 surface in an approximately cylindrical manner and are associated with exposed, discrete shear zones in the Silurian Guandacolinos Granite. The cylindrical pattern and subhorizontal axis of the D4 folds indicates that the S2 surface was originally flat-lying. The D4 folds are responsible for preserving the basement unit Juchi Orthogneiss synformal klippen. This deformation corresponds to the Chanica Tectonic during the interval between the Devonian and Carboniferous periods. The D5 deformational phase comprehends cuspate-lobate shaped open plunging folds with E W high-angle axes (D5 folds) and sub-vertical spaced cleavage. The D5 folds and related spaced cleavage deformed the previous structures and could be associated with uplifting during the Andean Cycle. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The microstructure, microhardness, texture and corrosion resistance of cold-swaged and cold-wiredrawn copper rods were evaluated. Elongated grains along the deformation direction were observed for both materials and the width of these grains decreased with the increase of reduction in area. Wiredrawn copper rods have higher microhardness than the swaged rods for the same reduction in area. The copper grains in both cold-worked rods presented a preferential orientation in the [1 1 0] crystallographic direction but this trend was more pronounced for swaged rods. The corrosion resistance of wiredrawn copper rods investigated in H(2)SO(4) solutions was lower than that of swaged rods, and for both deformed materials the corrosion resistance decreased with the deformation degree. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Inthispaperwestudygermsofpolynomialsformedbytheproductofsemi-weighted homogeneous polynomials of the same type, which we call semi-weighted homogeneous arrangements. It is shown how the L numbers of such polynomials are computed using only their weights and degree of homogeneity. A key point of the main theorem is to find the number called polar ratio of this polynomial class. An important consequence is the description of the Euler characteristic of the Milnor fibre of such arrangements only depending on their weights and degree of homogeneity. The constancy of the L numbers in families formed by such arrangements is shown, with the deformed terms having weighted degree greater than the weighted degree of the initial germ. Moreover, using the results of Massey applied to families of function germs, we obtain the constancy of the homology of the Milnor fibre in this family of semi-weighted homogeneous arrangements.
We study the spin Hall conductance fluctuations in ballistic mesoscopic systems. We obtain universal expressions for the spin and charge current fluctuations, cast in terms of current-current autocorrelation functions. We show that the latter are conveniently parametrized as deformed Lorentzian shape lines, functions of an external applied magnetic field and the Fermi energy. We find that the charge current fluctuations show quite unique statistical features at the symplectic-unitary crossover regime. Our findings are based on an evaluation of the generalized transmission coefficients correlation functions within the stub model and are amenable to experimental test. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.235112
The Tamboril-Santa Quiteria Complex is an important Neoproterozoic granitic-migmatitic unit from the Ceara Central Domain that developed from ca. 650 to 610 Ma. In general the granitoids range in composition from diorite to granite with predominance (up to 85%) of granitic to monzogranitic composition with biotite as the main mafic AFM phase. Geochemical and Pb-207/Pb-206 evaporation zircon geochronology studies were applied in a group of these abundant monzogranitic rocks from the region of Novo Oriente in the southern portion of the Ceara Central Domain. In this area the granitoids are weakly peraluminous biotite granitoids and deformed biotite granitoids of high-K calc-alkaline and ferroan composition, which we interpreted as primary magmas (segregated diatexites) derived from the partial melting of crustal material. The close temporal relation of this magmatism with local eclogitic and regional high temperature metamorphism in Ceara Central Domain point out to an orogenic setting, arguably emplaced during the collisional stage. Subordinate coeval juvenile mantle incursions are also present. This crustally derived magmatism is the primary product of the continental thickening that resulted from the collision between the rocks represented by the Amazonian-West African craton (Sao Luiz cratonic fragment) to the northwest and the Paleoproterozoic-Archean basement of the Borborema Province to the southeast along the Transbrasiliano tectonic corridor. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two steel sheets, one with 5% Ni and another with 10% Ni, were submitted to carburization and quenching, obtaining a microstructure with martensite and retained austenite. These steels were characterized with magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN). The Barkhausen signal is distinctively different for the carburized and quenched samples. The carburized and quenched samples present higher coercive field than the annealed samples. X-ray diffraction data indicated that the carburized and quenched samples have high density of dislocations, a consequence of the martensitic transformation.
The Paraguay Belt in central South America is part of a larger chain of orogenic belts, including the Araguaia Belt to the northeast and potentially the Pampean Belt to the south, which are believed to mark the suture zone of the Clymene Ocean - interpreted amongst the youngest of the Gondwana amalgamation orogens. The post-orogenic Sao Vicente Granite crops out in the northern Paraguay Belt and cuts the basal unit of the deformed and metamorphosed Cuiaba Group. The age of this granite therefore provides a long sort after minimum age for orogenesis within the belt. Dating crystallisation of this important intrusion is challenging due to the presence of considerable common-Pb. However, based on LA-ICPMS dating of more than 100 zircons from three separate samples we interpret a robust crystallisation age for the Sao Vicente batholith at 518 +/- 4 Ma. This age constrains the termination of deformation within the Paraguay Belt and the final accretion of the supercontinent Gondwana. (C) 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In a previous paper, we connected the phenomenological noncommutative inflation of Alexander, Brandenberger and Magueijo [ Phys. Rev. D 67 081301 (2003)] and Koh and Brandenberger [ J. Cosmol. Astropart Phys. 2007 21 ()] with the formal representation theory of groups and algebras and analyzed minimal conditions that the deformed dispersion relation should satisfy in order to lead to a successful inflation. In that paper, we showed that elementary tools of algebra allow a group-like procedure in which even Hopf algebras (roughly the symmetries of noncommutative spaces) could lead to the equation of state of inflationary radiation. Nevertheless, in this paper, we show that there exists a conceptual problem with the kind of representation that leads to the fundamental equations of the model. The problem comes from an incompatibility between one of the minimal conditions for successful inflation (the momentum of individual photons being bounded from above) and the Fock-space structure of the representation which leads to the fundamental inflationary equations of state. We show that the Fock structure, although mathematically allowed, would lead to problems with the overall consistency of physics, like leading to a problematic scattering theory, for example. We suggest replacing the Fock space by one of two possible structures that we propose. One of them relates to the general theory of Hopf algebras (here explained at an elementary level) while the other is based on a representation theorem of von Neumann algebras (a generalization of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients), a proposal already suggested by us to take into account interactions in the inflationary equation of state.
The most important property of austenitic stainless steels is corrosion resistance. In these steels, the transition between paramagnetic and ferromagnetic conditions occurs at low temperatures. Therefore, the use of austenitic stainless steels in conditions in which ferromagnetism absence is important can be considered. On the other hand, the formation of strain-induced martensite is detected when austenitic stainless steels are deformed as well as machined. The strain-induced martensite formed especially in the machining process is not uniform through the chip and its formation can also be related to the Md temperature. Therefore, both the temperature distribution and the gradient during the cutting and chip formation are important to identify regions in which martensite formation is propitiated. The main objective here is evaluate the strain-induced martensite formation throughout machining by observing microstructural features and comparing these to thermal results obtained through finite element method analysis. Results show that thermal analysis can give support to the martensite identified in the microstructural analysis.