37 resultados para coupled chaotic oscillators

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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We analyze the transport of heat along a chain of particles interacting through anharmonic potentials consisting of quartic terms in addition to harmonic quadratic terms and subject to heat reservoirs at its ends. Each particle is also subject to an impulsive shot noise with exponentially distributed waiting times whose effect is to change the sign of its velocity, thus conserving the energy of the chain. We show that the introduction of this energy conserving stochastic noise leads to Fourier's law. That is for large system size L the heat current J behaves as J ‘approximately’ 1/L, which amounts to say that the conductivity k is constant. The conductivity is related to the current by J = kΔT/L, where ΔT is the difference in the temperatures of the reservoirs. The behavior of heat conductivity k for small intensities¸ of the shot noise and large system sizes L are obtained by assuming a scaling behavior of the type k = ‘L POT a Psi’(L’lambda POT a/b’) where a and b are scaling exponents. For the pure harmonic case a = b = 1, characterizing a ballistic conduction of heat when the shot noise is absent. For the anharmonic case we found values for the exponents a and b smaller then 1 and thus consistent with a superdiffusive conduction of heat without the shot noise. We also show that the heat conductivity is not constant but is an increasing function of temperature.


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This paper deals with the emergence of explosive synchronization in scale-free networks by considering the Kuramoto model of coupled phase oscillators. The natural frequencies of oscillators are assumed to be correlated with their degrees, and a time delay is included in the system. This assumption allows enhancing the explosive transition to reach a synchronous state. We provide an analytical treatment developed in a star graph, which reproduces results obtained in scale-free networks. Our findings have important implications in understanding the synchronization of complex networks since the time delay is present in most real-world complex systems due to the finite speed of the signal transmission over a distance.


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We studied locomotor activity rhythms of C57/Bl6 mice under a chronic jet lag (CJL) protocol (ChrA(6/2)), which consisted of 6-hour phase advances of the light-dark schedule (LD) every 2 days. Through periodogram analysis, we found 2 components of the activity rhythm: a short-period component (21.01 +/- 0.04 h) that was entrained by the LD schedule and a long-period component (24.68 +/- 0.26 h). We developed a mathematical model comprising 2 coupled circadian oscillators that was tested experimentally with different CJL schedules. Our simulations suggested that under CJL, the system behaves as if it were under a zeitgeber with a period determined by (24 -[phase shift size/days between shifts]). Desynchronization within the system arises according to whether this effective zeitgeber is inside or outside the range of entrainment of the oscillators. In this sense, ChrA(6/2) is interpreted as a (24 - 6/2 = 21 h) zeitgeber, and simulations predicted the behavior of mice under other CJL schedules with an effective 21-hour zeitgeber. Animals studied under an asymmetric T = 21 h zeitgeber (carried out by a 3-hour shortening of every dark phase) showed 2 activity components as observed under ChrA(6/2): an entrained short-period (21.01 +/- 0.03 h) and a long-period component (23.93 +/- 0.31 h). Internal desynchronization was lost when mice were subjected to 9-hour advances every 3 days, a possibility also contemplated by the simulations. Simulations also predicted that desynchronization should be less prevalent under delaying than under advancing CJL. Indeed, most mice subjected to 6-hour delay shifts every 2 days (an effective 27-hour zeitgeber) displayed a single entrained activity component (26.92 +/- 0.11 h). Our results demonstrate that the disruption provoked by CJL schedules is not dependent on the phase-shift magnitude or the frequency of the shifts separately but on the combination of both, through its ratio and additionally on their absolute values. In this study, we present a novel model of forced desynchronization in mice under a specific CJL schedule; in addition, our model provides theoretical tools for the evaluation of circadian disruption under CJL conditions that are currently used in circadian research.


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We consider the Shannon mutual information of subsystems of critical quantum chains in their ground states. Our results indicate a universal leading behavior for large subsystem sizes. Moreover, as happens with the entanglement entropy, its finite-size behavior yields the conformal anomaly c of the underlying conformal field theory governing the long-distance physics of the quantum chain. We study analytically a chain of coupled harmonic oscillators and numerically the Q-state Potts models (Q = 2, 3, and 4), the XXZ quantum chain, and the spin-1 Fateev-Zamolodchikov model. The Shannon mutual information is a quantity easily computed, and our results indicate that for relatively small lattice sizes, its finite-size behavior already detects the universality class of quantum critical behavior.


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Reproducing Fourier's law of heat conduction from a microscopic stochastic model is a long standing challenge in statistical physics. As was shown by Rieder, Lebowitz and Lieb many years ago, a chain of harmonically coupled oscillators connected to two heat baths at different temperatures does not reproduce the diffusive behaviour of Fourier's law, but instead a ballistic one with an infinite thermal conductivity. Since then, there has been a substantial effort from the scientific community in identifying the key mechanism necessary to reproduce such diffusivity, which usually revolved around anharmonicity and the effect of impurities. Recently, it was shown by Dhar, Venkateshan and Lebowitz that Fourier's law can be recovered by introducing an energy conserving noise, whose role is to simulate the elastic collisions between the atoms and other microscopic degrees of freedom, which one would expect to be present in a real solid. For a one-dimensional chain this is accomplished numerically by randomly flipping - under the framework of a Poisson process with a variable “rate of collisions" - the sign of the velocity of an oscillator. In this poster we present Langevin simulations of a one-dimensional chain of oscillators coupled to two heat baths at different temperatures. We consider both harmonic and anharmonic (quartic) interactions, which are studied with and without the energy conserving noise. With these results we are able to map in detail how the heat conductivity k is influenced by both anharmonicity and the energy conserving noise. We also present a detailed analysis of the behaviour of k as a function of the size of the system and the rate of collisions, which includes a finite-size scaling method that enables us to extract the relevant critical exponents. Finally, we show that for harmonic chains, k is independent of temperature, both with and without the noise. Conversely, for anharmonic chains we find that k increases roughly linearly with the temperature of a given reservoir, while keeping the temperature difference fixed.


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A methodology to analyze organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in water samples has been accomplished by using headspace stir bar sorptive extraction (HS-SBSE). The bars were in house coated with a thick film of PDMS in order to properly work in the headspace mode. Sampling was done by a novel HS-SBSE system whereas the analysis was performed by capillary GC coupled mass spectrometric detection (HS-SBSE-GC-MS). The extraction optimization, using different experimental parameters has been established by a standard equilibrium time of 120 min at 85 degrees C. A mixture of ACN/toluene as back extraction solvent promoted a good performance to remove the OCPs sorbed in the bar. Reproducibility between 2.1 and 14.8% and linearity between 0.96 and 1.0 were obtained for pesticides spiked in a linear range between 5 and 17 ng/g in water samples during the bar evaluation.


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In this paper we use a coupled ocean-atmosphere model to investigate the impact of the interruption of Agulhas leakage of Indian ocean water on the tropical Atlantic, a region where strong coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions occur. The effect of a shut down of leakage of Indian ocean water is isolated from the effect of a collapse of the MOC. In our experiments, the ocean model is forced with boundary conditions in the southeastern corner of the domain that correspond to no interocean exchange of Indian ocean water into the Atlantic. The southern boundary condition is taken from the Levitus data and ensures an MOC in the Atlantic. Within this configuration, instead of warm and salty Indian ocean water temperature (cold) and salinity (fresh) anomalies of southern ocean origin propagate into the South Atlantic and eventually reach the equatorial region, mainly in the thermocline. This set up mimics the closure of the ""warm water path"" in favor of the ""cold water path"". As part of the atmospheric response, there is a northward shift of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). The changes in trade winds lead to reduced Ekman pumping in the equatorial region. This leads to a freshening and warming of the surface waters along the equator. Especially in the Cold Tongue region, the cold and fresh subsurface anomalies do not reach the surface due to the reduced upwelling. The anomaly signals are transported by the equatorial undercurrent and spread away from the equator within the thermocline. Part of the anomaly eventually reaches the Tropical North Atlantic, where it affects the Guinea Dome. Surprisingly, the main effect at the surface is small on the equator and relatively large at the Guinea Dome. In the atmosphere, the northward shift of the ITCZ is associated with a band of negative precipitation anomalies and higher salinities over the Tropical South Atlantic. An important implication of these results is that the modified water characteristics due to a shut down of the Agulhas leakage remain largely unaffected when crossing the equatorial Atlantic and therefore can affect the deepwater formation in the North Atlantic. This supports the hypothesis that the Agulhas leakage is an important source region for climate change and decadal variability of the Atlantic.


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Objective: Based on evidence showing that electrical stimulation of the nervous system is an effective method to decrease chronic neurogenic pain, we aimed to investigate whether the combination of 2 methods of electrical stimulation-a method of peripheral stimulation [transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)] and a method of noninvasive brain stimulation (transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)]-induces greater pain reduction as compared with tDCS alone and sham stimulation. Methods: We performed a preliminary, randomized, sham-controlled, crossover, clinical study in which 8 patients were randomized to receive active tDCS/active TENS (""tDCS/TENS"" group), active tDCS/sham TENS (""tDCS"" group), and sham tDCS/sham TENS (""sham"" group) stimulation. Assessments were performed immediately before and after each condition by a blinded rater. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference in pain reduction across the conditions Of stimulation (P = 0.006). Post hoc tests showed significant pain reduction as compared with baseline after the tDCS/TENS condition [reduction by 36.5% (+/- 10.7), P = 0.004] and the tDCS condition [reduction by 15.5% (+/- 4.9), P = 0.014], but not after sham stimulation (P = 0.35). In addition, tDCS/TENS induced greater pain reduction than tDCS (P = 0.02). Conclusions: The results of this pilot study suggest that the combination of TENS with tDCS has a superior effect compared with tDCS alone.


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The class of electrochemical oscillators characterized by a partially hidden negative differential resistance in an N-shaped current potential curve encompasses a myriad of experimental examples. We present a comprehensive methodological analysis of the oscillation frequency of this class of systems and discuss its dependence on electrical and kinetic parameters. The analysis is developed from a skeleton ordinary differential equation model, and an equation for the oscillation frequency is obtained. Simulations are carried out for a model system, namely, the nickel electrodissolution, and the numerical results are confirmed by experimental data on this system. In addition, the treatment is further applied to the electro-oxidation of ethylene glycol where unusually large oscillation frequencies have been reported. Despite the distinct chemistry underlying the oscillatory dynamics of these systems, a very good agreement between experiments and theoretical predictions is observed. The application of the developed theory is suggested as an important step for primary kinetic characterization.


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Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) is a powerful technique that provides excellent separation and identification of analytes in highly complex samples with considerable increase in GC peak capacities. However, since second dimension analyses are very fast, detectors with a rapid acquisition rate are required. Over the last years, quite a number of studies have discussed the potential and limitations of the combination GC x GC with a variety of quadrupole mass spectrometers. The present research focuses on the evaluation of qMS effectiveness at a 10,000-amu/s scan speed and 20-Hz scan frequency for the identification (full scan mode acquisition-TIC) and quantification (extracted ion chromatogram) of target pesticide residues in tomato samples. The following MS parameters have been evaluated: number of data points per peak, mass spectrum quality, peak skewing, and sensitivity. The validated proposed GC x GC/qMS method presented satisfactory results in terms of repeatability (coefficient of variation lower than 15%), accuracy (84-117%), and linearity (ranging from 25 to 500 ng/g), while significant enhancement in sensitivity was observed (a factor of around 10) under scan conditions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We use an infinite-range Maier-Saupe model, with two sets of local quadrupolar variables and restricted orientations, to investigate the global phase diagram of a coupled system of two nematic subsystems. The free energy and the equations of state are exactly calculated by standard techniques of statistical mechanics. The nematic-isotropic transition temperature of system A increases with both the interaction energy among mesogens of system B, and the two-subsystem coupling J. This enhancement of the nematic phase is manifested in a global phase diagram in terms of the interaction parameters and the temperature T. We make some comments on the connections of these results with experimental findings for a system of diluted ferroelectric nanoparticles embedded in a nematic liquid-crystalline environment.


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We calculate the relic abundance of mixed axion/neutralino cold dark matter which arises in R-parity conserving supersymmetric (SUSY) models wherein the strong CP problem is solved by the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism with a concommitant axion/saxion/axino supermultiplet. By numerically solving the coupled Boltzmann equations, we include the combined effects of 1. thermal axino production with cascade decays to a neutralino LSP, 2. thermal saxion production and production via coherent oscillations along with cascade decays and entropy injection, 3. thermal neutralino production and re-annihilation after both axino and saxion decays, 4. gravitino production and decay and 5. axion production both thermally and via oscillations. For SUSY models with too high a standard neutralino thermal abundance, we find the combined effect of SUSY PQ particles is not enough to lower the neutralino abundance down to its measured value, while at the same time respecting bounds on late-decaying neutral particles from BBN. However, models with a standard neutralino underabundance can now be allowed with either neutralino or axion domination of dark matter, and furthermore, these models can allow the PQ breaking scale f(a) to be pushed up into the 10(14) - 10(15) GeV range, which is where it is typically expected to be in string theory models.


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A comparative proteomic approach was performed to identify differentially expressed proteins in plastids at three stages of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit ripening (mature-green, breaker, red). Stringent curation and processing of the data from three independent replicates identified 1,932 proteins among which 1,529 were quantified by spectral counting. The quantification procedures have been subsequently validated by immunoblot analysis of six proteins representative of distinct metabolic or regulatory pathways. Among the main features of the chloroplast-to-chromoplast transition revealed by the study, chromoplastogenesis appears to be associated with major metabolic shifts: (1) strong decrease in abundance of proteins of light reactions (photosynthesis, Calvin cycle, photorespiration) and carbohydrate metabolism (starch synthesis/degradation), mostly between breaker and red stages and (2) increase in terpenoid biosynthesis (including carotenoids) and stress-response proteins (ascorbate-glutathione cycle, abiotic stress, redox, heat shock). These metabolic shifts are preceded by the accumulation of plastid-encoded acetyl Coenzyme A carboxylase D proteins accounting for the generation of a storage matrix that will accumulate carotenoids. Of particular note is the high abundance of proteins involved in providing energy and in metabolites import. Structural differentiation of the chromoplast is characterized by a sharp and continuous decrease of thylakoid proteins whereas envelope and stroma proteins remain remarkably stable. This is coincident with the disruption of the machinery for thylakoids and photosystem biogenesis (vesicular trafficking, provision of material for thylakoid biosynthesis, photosystems assembly) and the loss of the plastid division machinery. Altogether, the data provide new insights on the chromoplast differentiation process while enriching our knowledge of the plant plastid proteome.


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The diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique has shown enormous potential for labile metal monitoring in fresh water due to the preconcentration, time-integrated, matrix interference removal and speciation analytical features. In this work, the coupling of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) with paper-based DGT devices was evaluated for the direct determination of Mn, Co. Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb in fresh water. The DGT samplers were assembled with cellulose (Whatman 3 MM chromatography paper) as the diffusion layer and a cellulose phosphate ion exchange membrane (Whatman P 81 paper) as the binding agent. The diffusion coefficients of the analytes on 3 MM chromatography paper were calculated by deploying the DGT samplers in synthetic solutions containing 500 mu g L-1 of Mn. Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb (4 L at pH 5.5 and ionic strength at 0.05 mol L-1). After retrieval, the DGT units were disassembled and the P81 papers were dried and analysed by EDXRF directly. The 3 MM chromatographic paper diffusion coefficients of the analytes ranged from 1.67 to 1.87 x 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1). The metal retention and phosphate group homogeneities on the P81 membrane was studied by a spot analysis with a diameter of 1 mm. The proposed approach (DGT-EDXRF coupling) was applied to determine the analytes at five sampling sites (48 h in situ deployment) on the Piracicaba river basin, and the results (labile fraction) were compared with 0.45 mu m dissolved fractions determined by synchrotron radiation-excited total reflection X-ray fluorescence (SR-TXRF). The limits of detection of DGT-EDXRF coupling for the analytes (from 7.5 to 26 mu g L-1) were similar to those obtained by the sensitive SR-TXRF technique (3.8 to 9.1 mu g L-1). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We calculate the drag force experienced by an in finitely massive quark propagating at constant velocity through an anisotropic, strongly coupled N = 4 plasma by means of its gravity dual. We find that the gluon cloud trailing behind the quark is generally misaligned with the quark velocity, and that the latter is also misaligned with the force. The drag coefficient mu can be larger or smaller than the corresponding isotropic value depending on the velocity and the direction of motion. In the ultra-relativistic limit we find that generically mu proportional to p. We discuss the conditions under which this behaviour may extend to more general situations.