4 resultados para Wattenberg, Martin P
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Reactions initiated by collisions with low-energy secondary electrons has been found to be the prominent mechanism toward the radiation damage on living tissues through DNA strand breaks. Now it is widely accepted that during the interaction with these secondary species the selective breaking of chemical bonds is triggered by dissociative electron attachment (DEA), that is, the capture of the incident electron and the formation of temporary negative ion states [1,2,3]. One of the approaches largely used toward a deeper understanding of the radiation damage to DNA is through modeling of DEA with its basic constituents (nucleotide bases, sugar and other subunits). We have tried to simplify this approach and attempt to make it comprehensible at a more fundamental level by looking at even simple molecules. Studies involving organic systems such as carboxylic acids, alcohols and simple ¯ve-membered heterocyclic compounds are taken as starting points for these understanding. In the present study we investigate the role played by elastic scattering and electronic excitation of molecules on electron-driven chemical processes. Special attention is focused on the analysis of the in°uence of polarization and multichannel coupling e®ects on the magnitude of elastic and electronically inelastic cross-sections. Our aim is also to investigate the existence of resonances in the elastic and electronically inelastic channels as well as to characterize them with respect to its type (shape, core-excited or Feshbach), symmetry and position. The relevance of these issues is evaluated within the context of possible applications for the modeling of discharge environments and implications in the understanding of mutagenic rupture of DNA chains. The scattering calculations were carried out with the Schwinger multichannel method (SMC) [4] and its implementation with pseudopotentials (SMCPP) [5] at di®erent levels of approximation for impact energies ranging from 0.5 eV to 30 eV. References [1] B. Boudai®a, P. Cloutier, D. Hunting, M. A. Huels and L. Sanche, Science 287, 1658 (2000). [2] X. Pan, P. Cloutier, D. Hunting and L. Sanche, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 208102 (2003). [3] F. Martin, P. D. Burrow, Z. Cai, P. Cloutier, D. Hunting and L. Sanche, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 068101 (2004). [4] K. Takatsuka and V. McKoy, Phys. Rev. A 24, 2437 (1981); ibid. Phys. Rev. A 30, 1734 (1984). [5] M. H. F. Bettega, L. G. Ferreira and M. A. P. Lima, Phys. Rev. A 47, 1111 (1993).
A pesquisa latino-americana de comunicação lembra uma ilha isolada, indiferente aos grandes debates filosófico- comunicacionais do século 20. Martín-Barbero ainda pensa segundo o modelo das totalidades e das hegemonias. Estudar a comunicação, para ele, é intervir, agir socialmente, e o processo comunicacional não está no ato de se assistir a TV, mas nas trocas que o receptor faz, lá fora, com sua comunidade. Néstor Canclini, trabalhando com arte e cultura popular, é mais realista, vê o consumo como feito da cumplicidade entre a sociedade civil e o Estado. Critica os que enaltecem os objetos da arte popular e se esquecem dos homens e de seus processos. Guillermo Orozco segue Martín-Barbero e critica as pesquisas que se ocupam do ato comunicacional específico. É alguém que busca a ressurreição dos agentes que vão esclarecer as pessoas como assistir “corretamente” à TV
We show that if p is a selective ultrafilter, then for each cardinal alpha <= omega(1), there exists a topological group G such that G(beta) is almost p-compact (in particular, countably compact), for beta < alpha, but G(alpha) is not countably compact. If in addition, we assume Martin's Axiom, then the result above holds for every alpha < c. (C) 2012 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.