11 resultados para Washington, DC

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Objective: To evaluate cases of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 at multiple sites in Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of missed opportunities for prevention. Methods: Pregnant women infected with HIV-1 were eligible for inclusion if they were enrolled in either the NISDI Perinatal or LILAC protocols by October 20, 2009, and had delivered a live infant with known HIV-1 infection status after March 1, 2006. Results: Of 711 eligible mothers, 10 delivered infants infected with HIV-1. The transmission rate was 1.4% (95% CI, 0.7-2.6). Timing of transmission was in utero or intrapartum (n = 5), intrapartum (n = 2), intrapartum or early postnatal (n = 1), and unknown (n = 2). Possible missed opportunities for prevention included poor control of maternal viral load during pregnancy; late initiation of antiretrovirals during pregnancy; lack of cesarean delivery before labor and before rupture of membranes; late diagnosis of HIV-1 infection; lack of intrapartum antiretrovirals; and incomplete avoidance of breastfeeding. Conclusion: Early knowledge of HIV-1 infection status (ideally before or in early pregnancy) would aid timely initiation of antiretroviral treatment and strategies designed to prevent mother-to-child transmission. Use of antiretrovirals must be appropriately monitored in terms of adherence and drug resistance. If feasible, breastfeeding should be completely avoided. Presented in part at the XIX International AIDS Conference (Washington, DC; July 22-27, 2012); abstract WEPE163. (c) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. on behalf of International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.


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Intense phytoplankton blooms were observed along the Patagonian shelf-break with satellite ocean color data, but few in situ optical observations were made in that region. We examine the variability of phytoplankton absorption and particulate scattering coefficients during such blooms on the basis of field data. The chlorophyll-a concentration, [Chla], ranged from 0.1 to 22.3 mg m−3 in surface waters. The size fractionation of [Chla] showed that 80% of samples were dominated by nanophytoplankton (N-group) and 20% by microphytoplankton (M-group). Chlorophyll-specific phytoplankton absorption coefficients at 440 and 676 nm, a*ph(440) and a*ph(676), and particulate scattering coefficient at 660 nm, b*p(660), ranged from 0.018 to 0.173, 0.009 to 0.046, and 0.031 to 2.37 m2 (mg Chla)−1, respectively. Both a*ph(440) and a*ph(676) were statistically higher for the N-group than M-group and also considerably higher than expected from global trends as a function of [Chla]. This result suggests that size of phytoplankton cells in Patagonian waters tends to be smaller than in other regions at similar [Chla]. The phytoplankton cell size parameter, Sf, derived from phytoplankton absorption spectra, proved to be useful for interpreting the variability in the data around the general inverse dependence of a*ph(440), a*ph(676), and b*p(660) on [Chla]. Sf also showed a pattern along the increasing trend of a*ph(440) and a*ph(676) as a function of the ratios of some accessory pigments to [Chla]. Our results suggest that the variability in phytoplankton absorption and scattering coefficients in Patagonian waters is caused primarily by changes in the dominant phytoplankton cell size accompanied by covariation in the concentrations of accessory pigments.


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Introdução: A Faculdade de Saúde Pública, assim como a Universidade de São Paulo, tem, na sua produção intelectual, literatura científica de relevância para a área da saúde, que sempre está a frente no desenvolvimento de tecnologia e na organização da informação. É importante que essa produção esteja acessível à sua comunidade, técnicos e profissionais da saúde, além da população em geral. A Biblioteca da FSP/USP, por ser uma das curadoras desse conhecimento, constitui-se, além de memória bibliográfica institucional de importância para a história da saúde pública brasileira, em uma fonte de informação valiosa, cujo acesso deve ser garantido. Objetivo: Apresentar o desenvolvimento de um repositório digital em uma biblioteca acadêmica. Métodos: A oportunidade da criação do repositório surgiu como parte de um projeto de infraestrutura de pesquisa da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo. Na sua concepção foi previsto o uso da plataforma DSpace e o padrão de metadados Dublin Core, com adaptações. para sua implantação foram adquiridos: dois servidores e respectivos no-breaks, um “storage” com capacidade de 8 terabytes e dois escâneres com design especial para acomodação de lombadas. Uma equipe de informática responsabilizou-se pela instalação e configuração dos softwares, e a de marketing desenvolveu o design gráfico. Resultado e discussão: O repositório dispõe de cerca de 600 registros, com os devidos níveis de possibilidade de acesso – aberto, restrito ou embargado –, em fase de inauguração (prevista para 2012). A equipe do projeto é formada por profissionais com experiência e conhecimento em diversas áreas: metadados, preservação digital, usabilidade, design gráfico, marketing, direitos autorais, arquivamento de dados, backups, sistemas de autenticação e firewalls, entre outros. Parte da digitalização dos documentos foi executada por empresa especializada, que também treinou a equipe da Biblioteca, tendo sido digitalizadas, até o momento, 205.000 páginas. A Biblioteca instalou uma Oficina de Digitalização para dar continuidade ao repositório, que é atrelado à área de Desenvolvimento de Coleções. Além da produção intelectual da Faculdade, esse repositório conterá documentos da história do Estado de São Paulo e a do Brasil, no que se refere à informação científica em saúde publica. Entre sua concepção e implantação foram dois anos de trabalho da equipe da Biblioteca. Conclusões e comentários: O Repositório Digital da Biblioteca da FSP/USP foi desafiante desde sua concepção até o financiamento, capacitação e manutenção de equipes, entre eles a customização do DSpace. Da mesma forma, foi uma oportunidade para a equipe ampliar seu “know-how”. Os impactos positivos de um projeto desse porte incidem sobre o acesso ao conhecimento muito mais facilitado, de forma gratuita e universal, agregando maior valor aos registros das bases bibliográficas à medida que disponibiliza links para os textos completos, áudios, vídeos e imagens, para a divulgação da ciência.


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IgG avidity tests are used to discriminate acute from chronic infections. There are few reports on the IgG avidity profile of patients with visceral leishmaniasis (VL). This study investigated the anti-Leishmania IgG avidity in patients with classic VL (n = 10), patients showing clinical cure after treatment (n = 18), and asymptomatic subjects with at least one positive Leishmania test (n = 20). All subjects were from areas in Brazil where VL is endemic. Serum samples were collected from each subject on two different occasions. IgG avidity was evaluated by Western blotting. The proportion of high-avidity antibodies was higher in all samples from patients with classic VL. In contrast, low-avidity antibodies predominated in subjects with a history of VL, including 13 cases (72.2%) in the first assessment and 14 (77.8%) in the second. Fifteen (75%) of the asymptomatic subjects presented a predominance of low-avidity antibodies in the first assessment, and the frequency of high-avidity antibodies increased over time in seven subjects (35%) of this group. Antibodies against the 14- and/or 16-kDa antigen fraction were detected in the first assessment in all patients with classic VL, in 10 (55.5%) treated patients, and in 10 (50%) asymptomatic subjects. These were high-avidity antibodies in most cases. In the asymptomatic group, an increase in IgG avidity against the 14- and/or 16-kDa antigen fraction was observed in three cases (15%). The results indicate distinct responses in infected and asymptomatic subjects, probably associated with the length of time after infection. In this respect, IgG avidity tests represent a new approach to better characterize asymptomatic VL.


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Discotic molecules comprising a rigid aromatic core and flexible side chains have been promisingly applied in OLEDs as self-organizing organic semiconductors. Due to their potentially high charge carrier mobility along the columns, device performance can be readily improved by proper alignment of columns throughout the bulk. In the present work, the charge mobility was increased by 5 orders of magnitude due to homeotropic columnar ordering induced by the boundary interfaces during thermal annealing in the mesophase. State-of-the-art diodes were fabricated using spin-coated films whose homeotropic alignment with formation of hexagonal germs was observed by polarizing optical microscopy. The photophysical properties showed drastic changes at the mesophase-isotropic transition, which is supported by the gain of order observed by X-ray diffraction. The electrical properties were investigated by modeling the current−voltage characteristics by a space-charge-limited current transport with a field dependent mobility.


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Energy transfer (ET) and heat generation processes in Yb3+/Ho3+-codoped low-silica calcium aluminosilicate glasses were investigated using thermal lens (TL) and photoluminescence measurements looking for the emission around 2.0 μm. Stepwise ET processes from Yb3+ to Ho3+, upon excitation at 0.976 μm, produced highly efficient emission in the mid-infrared range at around 2.0 μm, with high fluorescence quantum efficiency (η1 ∼ 0.85 and independent of Ho3+ concentration) and relatively very low thermal loading (<0.4) for concentration up to 1.5% of Ho2O3. An equation was deduced for the description of the TL results that provided the absolute value of η1 and the number of emitted photons at 2.0 μm per absorbed pump photon by the Yb3+ ions, the latter reaching 60% for the highest Ho3+ concentration. These results suggest that the studied codoped system would be a promising candidate for the construction of photonic devices, especially for medical applications.


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The comprehensive control of morphology and structure is of extreme importance in semiconducting polymers when used as active layers in optoelectronic devices. In the work reported here, a systematic investigation of the structural and dynamical properties of poly(9,9-di-n-octyl-fluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole), known as F8BT, and their correlation with electrical properties is presented when the material is used as an active layer in optoelectronic devices. By means of X-ray diffraction, one observes that in thick layer films (thickness of about 4 μm) grown by drop-cast deposition, a solvent induced crystalline phase exists which evolves to a stable phase as the temperature is raised. This was not observed in thin films (thickness of about 250 nm) prepared by spin-coating within the investigated temperature range. By modeling the current-voltages characteristics of both thick and thin film devices, important information on the influence of crystallization on the trapping states could be drawn. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of the charge carrier mobility was found to be closely related to that of the molecular relaxation processes. The understanding of the nature of such molecular relaxations, measured by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance methods, allows one to understand the importance of molecular relaxations and microstructure changes on the trap states of the system.


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Bromodomains are epigenetic reader domains that have recently become popular targets. In contrast to BET bromodomains, which have proven druggable, bromodomains from other regions of the phylogenetic tree have shallower pockets. We describe successful targeting of the challenging BAZ2B bromodomain using biophysical fragment screening and structure-based optimization of high ligand-efficiency fragments into a novel series of low-micromolar inhibitors. Our results provide attractive leads for development of BAZ2B chemical probes and indicate the whole family may be tractable.


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Electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions govern most of the properties of supramolecular systems, which is the reason determining the degree of ionization of macromolecules has become crucial for many applications. In this paper, we show that highresolution ultraviolet spectroscopy (VUV) can be used to determine the degree of ionization and its effect on the electronic excitation energies of layer-by-layer (LbL) films of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and poly[1-[4-(3-carboxy-4 hydroxyphenylazo)- benzene sulfonamido]-1,2-ethanediyl, sodium salt] (PAZO). A full assignment of the VUV peaks of these polyelectrolytes in solution and in cast or LbL films could be made, with their pH dependence allowing us to determine the p'K IND. a' using the Henderson-Hasselbach equation. The p'K IND. a' for PAZO increased from ca. 6 in solution to ca. 7.3 in LbL films owing to the charge transfer from PAH. Significantly, even using solutions at a fixed pH for PAH, the amount adsorbed on the LbL films still varied with the pH of the PAZO solutions due to these molecular-level interactions. Therefore, the procedure based on a comparison of VUV spectra from solutions and films obtained under distinct conditions is useful to determine the degree of dissociation of macromolecules, in addition to permitting interrogation of interface effects in multilayer films.


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Calcium tantalite (CaTa2O6) single crystal fibers were obtained by the laser-heated pedestal growth method (LHPG). At room temperature, this material can present three polymorphic modifications. The rapid crystallization inherent to the LHPG method produced samples within the Pm3 space group, with some chemical disorder. In order to check for polymorphic-induced transformations, the CaTa2O6 fibers have been submitted to different thermal treatments and investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopy. For short annealing times (15 min) at 1200 °C, the cubic modification was maintained, though with an improved crystalline quality, as evidenced by the enhanced inelastic scattered intensity (by ca. 250%) and narrowing of Raman bands. The polarized Raman spectra respected very well the predicted symmetries and the selection rules for this cubic modification. On the other hand, long annealing times (24 h) at 1200 °C led to a complete (irreversible) polymorphic transformation. The Raman bands became still more intense (ca. 15 times larger than for the as-grown fibers), narrower, and several new modes appeared. Also, the spectra became unpolarized, demonstrating a polycrystalline nature of the transformed crystals. The observed Raman modes could be fully assigned to an orthorhombic modification of CaTa2O6 belonging to the Pnma space group.


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This work reports on the construction and spectroscopic analyses of optical micro-cavities (OMCs) that efficiently emit at ~1535 nm. The emission wavelength matches the third transmission window of commercial optical fibers and the OMCs were entirely based on silicon. The sputtering deposition method was adopted in the preparation of the OMCs, which comprised two Bragg reflectors and one spacer layer made of either Er- or ErYb-doped amorphous silicon nitride. The luminescence signal extracted from the OMCs originated from the 4I13/2→4I15/2 transition (due to Er3+ ions) and its intensity showed to be highly dependent on the presence of Yb3+ ions.According to the results, the Er3+-related light emission was improved by a factor of 48 when combined with Yb3+ ions and inserted in the spacer layer of the OMC. The results also showed the effectiveness of the present experimental approach in producing Si-based light-emitting structures in which the main characteristics are: (a) compatibility with the actual microelectronics industry, (b) the deposition of optical quality layers with accurate composition control, and (c) no need of uncommon elements-compounds nor extensive thermal treatments. Along with the fundamental characteristics of the OMCs, this work also discusses the impact of the Er3+-Yb3+ ion interaction on the emission intensity as well as the potential of the present findings.