11 resultados para WHOQOL-BREF

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Domestic cats (Fells catus) are widely believed to be highly sensitive to the effects of social stress, especially when living in high density populations. Cats are capable of adapting to living in a group, but this will often require opportunities for escaping and hiding. In this pilot study, adrenocortical activity, as a valuable physiological indicator of arousal underpinning potential emotional stress, was evaluated through the measurement of mean faecal glucocorticoid metabolites (mGCM) in fourteen singly and sixteen group-housed cats. Living conditions and ratings of the owners' quality of life (evaluated from self-reported questionnaires) were used as factors associated with faecal glucocorticoid levels of the cats. A direct association between the scores of owners' social dimension of quality of life and the cats' mGCM was found for single cats only, with higher owner social scores associated with higher cat mGCM. No significant differences in mGCM were found between singly versus group-living cats. This suggests that the under-explored factor of owner lifestyle could play an important role in domestic cats' day-to-day levels of arousal, especially when kept as single pets.


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Presbycusis is a common disorder in the elderly, which causes hearing loss and may contribute to the development of some psychiatric disorders, leading to isolation clue to communication difficulties in the social environment. Objective: To identify through the WHOQOL (World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire), the quality of life of hearing impaired individuals before and after hearing aid fittings. Method: We had 30 individuals with hearing loss, all over 60 years of age - patients from a Speech Therapy Clinic. The patients answered the WHOQOL questions without the use of hearing aids; and after the effective use of a sound amplification device for a period of three months they answered it again. The WHOQOL - Bref consists of 26 questions, two general quality-of-life questions and 24 associated with four aspects: physical, psychological, environmental and social relations. Results: There was a significant improvement in quality of life in general, as far as leisure activities were concerned, there were no major changes regarding the frequency of negative feelings; even after the hearing aid fitting, the patients continue to have such feelings. Conclusion: The use of hearing aids favored the overall quality of life of the individuals evaluated.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar em gestantes saudáveis no segundo trimestre a associação entre função sexual e qualidade de vida, e função sexual e satisfação sexual. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 51 gestantes em acompanhamento em ambulatório de pré-natal de baixo risco. A função sexual foi aferida por meio do Quociente Sexual - Versão Feminina (QS-F). A qualidade de vida e a satisfação sexual foram avaliadas pelo Instrumento Abreviado de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida da Organização Mundial da Saúde (WHOQOL-bref). Os critérios de inclusão foram idade gestacional entre a 15ª e a 26ª semana, idade materna igual ou superior a 20 anos, mínimo de 5 anos de educação escolar, ter parceiro fixo há pelo menos 6 meses, ter tido relação sexual com penetração vaginal nos últimos 15 dias. Foram excluídas mulheres vítimas de violência sexual, com história pregressa ou atual de depressão, antecedente de aborto habitual ou complicações na gestação atual (amniorrexe prematura, trabalho de parto prematuro ou hemorragia). Para a análise dos dados foram utilizados os testes do χ² e exato de Fisher e p<0,05 foi considerado significante. A análise estatística foi realizada com o Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). RESULTADOS: A maioria das gestantes (64,8%) obteve o QS-F de "regular a excelente" e 58,8% classificaram sua qualidade de vida como "boa". Assinalaram que estavam satisfeitas com a vida sexual 35,3% das gestantes, e 15,7% estavam muito satisfeitas. O estudo mostrou que existe associação entre QS-F "nulo a ruim" com qualidade de vida "ruim" (p=0,002) e que QS-F "regular a bom" e "bom a excelente" estão associados com "satisfação" e "muita satisfação" sexual (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A função sexual está associada à qualidade de vida e à satisfação sexual em gestantes saudáveis, no segundo trimestre da gestação.


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The purpose of the present study was to assess quality of life (QoL) in Brazilian women living with HIV/AIDS, according to the World Health Organization Quality of Life HIV-BREF (WHOQoL-HIV-BREF) domains. A quantitative-based, cross-sectional, analytical study was carried out in healthcare centers specialized in assisting people living with HIV/AIDS, located in a municipality of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. One hundred and six women of age 18 years or more, users of the public healthcare system, participated in the study. Socio-demographic and clinical variables were collected using a specific questionnaire. Quality of life related variables were collected by means of the WHOQoL-HIV-BREF instrument. As per the QoL domains, study results show that the Spirituality domain reached a standardized mean score of 65.7, followed by the Physical (64.7), Psychological (60.6), Social Relationships (59.5), Independence (58.6), and Environment (54.5) domains. Results of the multiple regression analysis indicate that the women's employment or retirement, income greater than the minimum wage, and higher educational level were associated with a higher standardized mean score of QoL. However, recent HIV/AIDS diagnosis and exposure to antiretroviral agents for a period shorter than two years were negatively associated with QoL. It is critical that public policies favor an all-embracing social inclusion of these women, thus promoting better social conditions. Counseling, clinical follow-up immediately after the infection diagnosis, and initiation of antiretroviral treatment are crucial moments in the lives of these individuals.


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Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV coinfection adversely affects the lives of individuals in both the biological and psychosocial aspects. Aiming to describe the quality of life of individuals with HIV/TB coinfection, this descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Ribeirao Preto-SP. Participants were HIV-seropositive individuals with and without TB, using the WHOQOL HIV BREF. 115 individuals who were HIV-positive participated: 57 were coinfected and 58 were not; most were male heterosexuals, predominantly aged 40-49 years. Of those coinfected, most had lower education and income. In assessing the quality of life the coinfected individuals showed lower results in all areas, with significant differences in the Physical, Psychological, Level of Independence and Social Relations areas. TB and HIV / AIDS are stigmatized diseases, and overlap of the two may have severe consequences on the physical and psychosocial health of the individual.


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A coinfecção tuberculose (TB) e HIV afeta negativamente a vida dos indivíduos, tanto nos aspectos biológicos como nos psicossociais. Com o objetivo de descrever a qualidade de vida de indivíduos com coinfecção HIV/TB, foi realizado este estudo descritivo, de corte transversal, no município de Ribeirão Preto-SP. Foram entrevistados indivíduos soropositivos para o HIV, com e sem TB, por meio do instrumento WHOQOL-HIV bref. Participaram 115 indivíduos soropositivos para o HIV - 57 coinfectados e 58 não coinfectados; a maioria do sexo masculino, heterossexuais, faixa etária predominante de 40-49 anos, com os coinfectados apresentando baixas escolaridade e renda; na avaliação da qualidade de vida os coinfectados apresentaram resultados mais baixos em todos os domínios, com diferença importante no Físico, Psicológico, Nível de Independência e Relações Sociais. TB e HIV/aids são doenças estigmatizadas historicamente e a sobreposição das duas pode ter consequências graves na saúde física e psicossocial do indivíduo.


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Introduction: At the same time that there are increased demands we have become more sedentary, increasing risk factors for new diseases. All this reflects on our quality of life with special emphasis upon a particular syndrome called Burnout. Aviation is no exception and packed into its processes each day more expeditious, promotes a perfect environment for the development and spread of the syndrome. Aim: To evaluate the quality of life, organizational climate, and the level of physical activity among employees of a Brazilian airline. Methods: A cross-sectional design was conducted with 8 subjects. Results: Total score on the WHOQOL quality of life questionnaire was 64.7 (SD 10.8), and the environmental field showed the lowest score. Nevertheless, the sedentary risk factor was performed in 25% of the sample. About the organizational climate, it can be seen that 6.12% of the sample was framed in "Professional Exhaustive", 29.60% in the condition of "Warning", and 64.37% in the condition of "Professional Efficiency". Conclusion: the study found a low quality of life, especially in the environmental category, sedentary people and a large proportion of employees in this Brazilian airline with negative scores on the Organizational Climate.


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The objective of this study was to identify the professional factors affecting the quality of life of nurses working in the family health teams in the Macro Health Region, referred to as the South Triangle, in the State of Minas Gerais. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study. The participants were 90 nurses, who answered a questionnaire containing the professional variables and the Quality of Life assessment instrument - WHOQOL-100. The results showed a negative impact regarding the number of jobs, unstable jobs, excessive workload and job dissatisfaction in the nurses' Quality of Life domains. There is a need to (re)define the public policies that control the working conditions of these professionals. Actions that contribute towards improving nurses' Quality of Life are important, considering their strong influence on the quality of the healthcare that is delivered.


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Abstract Background Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a chronic, recurrent and highly prevalent illness. Despite the need for correct diagnosis to allow proper treatment, studies have shown that reaching a diagnosis can take up to ten years due to the lack of recognition of the broader presentations of BD. Frequent comorbidities with other psychiatric disorders are a major cause of misdiagnosis and warrant thorough evaluation. Methods/Design ESPECTRA (Occurrence of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in Eating Disorder Patients) is a single-site cross-sectional study involving a comparison group, designed to evaluate the prevalence of bipolar spectrum in an eating disorder sample. Women aged 18-45 years will be evaluated using the SCID-P and Zurich criteria for diagnosis and the HAM-D, YOUNG, SCI-MOODS, HCL-32, BIS-11, BSQ, WHOQoL and EAS instruments for rating symptoms and measuring clinical correlates. Discussion The classificatory systems in psychiatry are based on categorical models that have been criticized for simplifying the diagnosis and leading to an increase in comorbidities. Some dimensional approaches have been proposed aimed at improving the validity and reliability of psychiatric disorder assessments, especially in conditions with high rates of comorbidity such as BD and Eating Disorder (ED). The Bipolar Spectrum (BS) remains under-recognized in clinical practice and its definition is not well established in current diagnostic guidelines. Broader evaluation of psychiatric disorders combining categorical and dimensional views could contribute to a more realistic understanding of comorbidities and help toward establishing a prognosis.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer os aspectos profissionais relacionados à Qualidade de Vida dos enfermeiros das equipes saúde da família da Macrorregião de Saúde do Triângulo Sul. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e transversal. Os 90 enfermeiros sujeitos da pesquisa responderam a um questionário contendo as variáveis profissionais e o instrumento para avaliação da Qualidade de Vida WHOQOL-100. Os resultados mostram o impacto negativo do número de vínculos, do vínculo empregatício inseguro, da excessiva carga horária de trabalho e da insatisfação com o trabalho nos domínios da Qualidade de Vida dos enfermeiros. Considera-se necessária a (re)definição de políticas públicas voltadas para as condições de trabalho desses profissionais. Ações que contribuam no desenvolvimento da Qualidade de Vida dos enfermeiros são importantes considerando sua forte influência na qualidade da assistência prestada.


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The HAM/TSP caused by HTLV-1 infection usually affects patients to disabling states, and sometimes can lead them to paraplegia presenting symptoms of depression and anxiety, impacting on quality of life. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of depression and anxiety and its impact on quality of life in HTLV-1-infected TSP/HAM patients. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study including 67 asymptomatic (control group) and 63 with TSP/HAM subjects. The instruments used were a demographic questionnaire, scales for anxiety and depression diagnosis (BDI and BAI), questionnaire for the assessment of Quality of Life of the World Health Organization (WHOQOL-Brief) and neurological scale to measure the disability level (Osame’s Disability Status Scale). All patients had HTLV-I diagnosis by serological and molecular approaches, monitored at Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas from May 2008 to July 2009. Data were analyzed statistically by frequencies, the Mann-Whitney test and the Spearman correlation test. Data among groups were analyzed and correlated with functional and severity aspects. Results: The results showed that patients with HAM/TSP compared to asymptomatic carriers had higher rates of depression (p < 0.001) and anxiety (p < 0.001), and impairment on quality of life in the areas of: dissatisfaction with health (p < 0.001), physical (p < 0.001) and the environment (p = 0.003). The main factors that correlated with levels of depression and anxiety and the domains of the WHOQOL-brief were: education, family income and social class. Conclusion: A well conducted evaluation and counseling may help in treatment, for a better quality of life of these patients.