11 resultados para Viti-vinifera wines

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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BACKGROUND: It is widely accepted that red wines constitute one of the most important sources of dietary polyphenolic antioxidants. However, it is still not known how some variables such as variety, vintage, country of origin, and retail price are associated with the antioxidant activity and sensory profile of South American red wines. In this regard, 80 samples produced in Brazil, Chile and Argentina were assessed in relation to their sensory properties, color and in vitro antioxidant activity, and results were subjected to multivariate statistical techniques. RESULTS: Samples were grouped in clusters, characterized by high, intermediate and low in vitro antioxidant activity, sensory properties and prices. It was possible to observe that wines with high antioxidant activity were associated to high retail prices and overall perception of sensory quality. CONCLUSION: South American wines produced from Vitis vinifera such as Syrah, Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon had higher in vitro antioxidant activity and also higher sensory quality than wines produced from Vitis labrusca. This result was independent of vintage (2002-2010), corroborating the idea that the same grape varietal, even when produced in different years, displays similar sensory characteristics and antioxidant activity. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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The occurrence of ochratoxin A (OTA) in wine from 2002 to 2008 harvest, traded in Rio de Janeiro State, was evaluated by analysing 43 national and 37 imported wines from Argentina (32) and Chile (5), adding up to 80 samples in total. OTA determination was performed using immunoaffinity columns and high-performance liquid chromatography. In 80 wine samples analysed, 25 (31.3%) were positive, presenting levels greater than 0.020 ng OTA mL(-1). It was not detected in imported wines. Within national wines, 58.1% of the samples were contaminated, with levels ranging from 0.020 to 0.050 ng mL(-1). The toxin was detected in 18 (69.2%) of 26 samples analysed of red table wine. Wines from 2008 harvest presented 84.6% of samples contaminated in 13 samples analysed. Despite the levels found in this study, they are below Brazilian tolerance limits. Nevertheless, the presence of OTA as found contributes to the human exposure to this toxin.


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Endogenous levels of IAA, ABA and four types of CKs were analyzed in zygotic and indirect (ISE) and direct somatic embryogenesis of Acca sellowiana. Zygotic and somatic embryos at different developmental stages were sampled for morphological and hormonal analysis. Both embryo types showed substantial asymmetry in hormone levels. Zygotic embryos displayed a conspicuous peak of IAA in early developmental stages. The results outlined the hormonal variations occurring during zygotic and somatic embryogenesis regarding the timing, nature and hormonal status involved in both processes. The short transient pulse of IAA observed on the 3rd day in culture was suggested to be involved with the signaling for the induction of somatic embryogenesis. Fertilized ovule development was associated with increased IAA levels 21-24 days after pollination, followed by a sharp decrease in the cotyledonary stage, both in zygotic and somatic embryos. There was a prominent increase in ABA levels in cultures which generated ISE 24-30 days after pollination, a period that corresponds to the heart and torpedo stages. The levels of total CKs (Z, [9R]Z, iP and [9R]iP) were also always higher in zygotic than in somatic embryogenesis. While zygotic embryogenesis was dominated by the presence of zeatin, the somatic process, contrarily, was characterized by a large variation of the other cytokinin forms and amounts studied. The above results, when taken together, could be related to the previously observed high frequency formation of anomalous somatic embryos formed in A. sellowiana, as well as to their low germination ability.


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The behavioral inhibitory effect of methanol extracts from neem leaves (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) at different concentrations (0, 10,000, 18,000, 32,000 and 56,000 ppm) was evaluated using naive and experienced medflies (Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)) ovipositing on the fruits of grape cv. 'Italia'. The grapes were immersed in the specific treatments and were exposed for 24 h to 3 pairs of female and male medflies, both nave and experienced, in a choice test. At concentrations >= 18,000 ppm, the extract that was applied to the grapes inhibited oviposition. The previous experience with treated grapes did not affect the response of the medflies. This study is the first step toward the application of the behavior control of the medflies as a tool in grape vineyards. The potential for using oviposition inhibitory in behavioral control of C. capitata are discussed.


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The content of isoorientin in passion fruit rinds (Passiflora Mulls fo. flavicarpa O. Degener) was determined by HPTLC (high performance thin layer chromatography) with densitometric analysis. The results revealed a higher amount of isoorientin in healthy rinds of P edulis (92.275 +/- 0.610 mg L-1) than in rinds with typical symptoms of PWV (Passion fruit Woodiness Virus) infection (28.931 +/- 0.346 mg L-1). The HPTLC data, allied to assays of radical scavenging activity, suggest the potential of P Mulls rinds as a natural source of flavonoids or as a possible functional food.


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CHEMICAL PROFILE COMPARISON OF SUGARCANE SPIRITS FROM THE SAME WINE DISTILLED IN ALEMBICS AND COLUMNS. Six wines were distilled in two different distillation apparatus (alembic and column) producing 24 distillates (6 for each alembic fraction - head, heart and tail; 6 column distillates). The chemical composition of distillates from the same wine was determined using chromatographic techniques. Analytical data were subjected to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) allowing discrimination of four clusters according to chemical profiles. Both distillation processes influenced the sugarcane spirits chemical quality since two types of distillates with different quantitative chemical profiles were produced after the elimination of fermentation step influence.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate rootstock influence on agronomical, ecophysiological and qualitative characteristics of 'Syrah' vines managed by double pruning. Grapevines were grafted onto 'SO4', '110 Richter' and '1103 Paulsen' rootstocks and trained in vertical shoot position, with no irrigation. Ecophysiological characteristics, yield and composition of ripe grapes were evaluated in three crop seasons (2007, 2008 and 2010). Rootstocks did not affect pre-dawn water potential, with values close to -0.2 MPa, indicating that there was no soil water deficit at the end of ripening (June). There was also no significant effect of rootstocks on yield. The rootstock '1103 Paulsen' induced lower vegetative growth, lower photosynthetic rate and the best results for berry maturation for crop seasons with lower amount of rainfall. The rootstocks '110 Richter' and 'SO4' showed higher vigor under the meteorological conditions of 2010 and the greatest photosynthetic rates in the same period. Meteorological conditions significantly affected technological and phenolic ripeness, with best results observed in drought years. The '1103 Paulsen' rootstock provides better balance between vigor and yield, increasing grape quality.


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The phenolic composition of heartwood extracts from Fraxinus excelsior L. and F. americana L., both before and after toasting in cooperage, was studied using LC-DAD/ESI-MS/MS. Low-molecular weight (LMW) phenolic compounds, secoiridoids, phenylethanoid glycosides, dilignols and oligolignols compounds were detected, and 48 were identified, or tentatively characterized, on the basis of their retention time, UV/Vis and MS spectra, and MS fragmentation patterns. Some LMW phenolic compounds like protocatechuic acid and aldehyde, hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol, were unlike to those for oak wood, while ellagic and gallic acid were not found. The toasting of wood resulted in a progressive increase in lignin degradation products with regard to toasting intensity. The levels of some of these compounds in medium-toasted ash woods were much higher than those normally detected in toasted oak, highlighting vanillin levels, thus a more pronounced vanilla character can be expected when using toasted ash wood in the aging wines. Moreover, in seasoned wood, we found a great variety of phenolic compounds which had not been found in oak wood, especially oleuropein, ligstroside and olivil, along with verbascoside and isoverbascoside in F. excelsior, and oleoside in F. americana. Toasting mainly provoked their degradation, thus in medium-toasted wood, only four of them were detected. This resulted in a minor differentiation between toasted ash and oak woods. The absence of tannins in ash wood, which are very important in oak wood, is another peculiar characteristic that should be taken into account when considering its use in cooperage. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We investigated the diversity of endophytic fungi found on grape (Vitis labrusca cv. Niagara Rosada) leaves collected from Salesopolis, SP, Brazil. The fungi were isolated and characterized by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis, followed by sequencing of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA. In addition, the ability of these endophytic fungi to inhibit the grapevine pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp herbemontis was determined in vitro. We also observed that the climatic factors, such as temperature and rainfall, have no effect on the frequency of infection by endophytic fungi. The endophytic fungal community that was identified included Aporospora terricola, Aureobasidium pullulans, Bjerkandera adusta, Colletotrichum boninense, C. gloeosporioides, Diaporthe helianthi, D. phaseolorum, Epicoccum nigrum, Flavodon flavus, Fusarium subglutinans, F. sacchari, Guignardia mangiferae, Lenzites elegans, Paraphaeosphaeria pilleata, Phanerochaete sordida, Phyllosticta sp, Pleurotus nebrodensis, Preussia africana, Tinctoporellus epiniltinus, and Xylaria berteri. Among these isolates, two, C. gloeosporioides and F. flavus, showed potential antagonistic activity against F. oxysporum f. sp herbemontis. We suggest the involvement of the fungal endophyte community of V. labrusca in protecting the host plant against pathogenic Fusarium species. Possibly, some endophytic isolates could be selected for the development of biological control agents for grape fungal disease; alternatively, management strategies could be tailored to increase these beneficial fungi.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de porta-enxertos sobre as características agronômicas, ecofisiológicas e qualitativas da videira 'Syrah' manejada por meio da técnica da dupla poda. As videiras foram enxertadas nos porta-enxertos 'SO4', '110 Richter' e '1103 Paulsen', e sustentadas em sistema espaldeira sem irrigação. Foram avaliadas as características ecofisiológicas, de produção e de composição físico-química das bagas maduras em três safras (2007, 2008 e 2010). Os porta-enxertos não exerceram influência sobre o potencial hídrico de base, que apresentou valores próximos a -0,2 MPa, o que indica que não houve restrição hídrica no solo ao final da maturação (junho). Também não houve diferença significativa quanto à produção. O porta-enxerto '1103 Paulsen' conferiu menor vigor, menor taxa fotossintética e melhores resultados de maturação, para as safras com menores precipitações. Os porta-enxertos '110 Richter' e 'SO4' apresentaram maior vigor nas condições meteorológicas de 2010 e as maiores taxas fotossintéticas para o mesmo período. As condições meteorológicas tiveram efeito significativo na maturação tecnológica e fenólica, com os melhores resultados para os anos mais secos. O porta-enxerto '1103 Paulsen' fornece melhor equilíbrio entre vigor e produção, o que aumenta a qualidade da uva.


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Six wines were distilled in two different distillation apparatus (alembic and column) producing 24 distillates (6 for each alembic fraction - head, heart and tail; 6 column distillates). The chemical composition of distillates from the same wine was determined using chromatographic techniques. Analytical data were subjected to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) allowing discrimination of four clusters according to chemical profiles. Both distillation processes influenced the sugarcane spirits chemical quality since two types of distillates with different quantitative chemical profiles were produced after the elimination of fermentation step influence.