13 resultados para Veterinary Medicine.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Albendazole sulfoxide (ABZSO), a broad spectrum anthelmintic drug extensively used in veterinary medicine, exhibits a low and erratic bioavailability due to its poor solubility in biological fluids. The aims of this study were the development, physicochemical characterization, and in vitro release profile evaluation of ABZSO-loaded Eudragit RS PO (R) microparticles (MPs) in order to improve the rate of dissolution and the dissolved percentage of the drug in pH 7.4. MPs were successfully obtained by the emulsification/solvent evaporation method, achieving entrapment efficiency and process yield of about 60% and mean size of 254 nm. The in vitro release profile study showed that dissolution of ABZSO followed a pseudo-second order kinetics and MPs were able to increase significantly (p < 0.05) the rate of dissolution of ABZSO compared to the micronized and non-micronized free drug, what could lead to an improvement in bioavailability and, consequently, in the antiparasitic activity. (C) 2011 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.


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Background: Few equations have been developed in veterinary medicine compared to human medicine to predict body composition. The present study was done to evaluate the influence of weight loss on biometry (BIO), bioimpedance analysis (BIA) and ultrasonography (US) in cats, proposing equations to estimate fat (FM) and lean (LM) body mass, as compared to dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) as the referenced method. For this were used 16 gonadectomized obese cats (8 males and 8 females) in a weight loss program. DXA, BIO, BIA and US were performed in the obese state (T0; obese animals), after 10% of weight loss (T1) and after 20% of weight loss (T2). Stepwise regression was used to analyze the relationship between the dependent variables (FM, LM) determined by DXA and the independent variables obtained by BIO, BIA and US. The better models chosen were evaluated by a simple regression analysis and means predicted vs. determined by DXA were compared to verify the accuracy of the equations. Results: The independent variables determined by BIO, BIA and US that best correlated (p < 0.005) with the dependent variables (FM and LM) were BW (body weight), TC (thoracic circumference), PC (pelvic circumference), R (resistance) and SFLT (subcutaneous fat layer thickness). Using Mallows'Cp statistics, p value and r(2), 19 equations were selected (12 for FM, 7 for LM); however, only 7 equations accurately predicted FM and one LM of cats. Conclusions: The equations with two variables are better to use because they are effective and will be an alternative method to estimate body composition in the clinical routine. For estimated lean mass the equations using body weight associated with biometrics measures can be proposed. For estimated fat mass the equations using body weight associated with bioimpedance analysis can be proposed.


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Background: The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) belong to a unique group of proteins that includes the growth factor TGF-beta. BMPs play important roles in cell differentiation, cell proliferation, and inhibition of cell growth. They also participate in the maturation of several cell types, depending on the microenvironment and interactions with other regulatory factors. Depending on their concentration gradient, the BMPs can attract various types of cells and act as chemotactic, mitogenic, or differentiation agents. BMPs can interfere with cell proliferation and the formation of cartilage and bone. In addition, BMPs can induce the differentiation of mesenchymal progenitor cells into various cell types, including chondroblasts and osteoblasts. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of treatment with rhBMP-2 on the proliferation of canine mesenchymal stem cells (cMSCs) and the tumor suppression properties of rhBMP-2 in canine osteocarcoma (OST) cells. Osteosarcoma cell lines were isolated from biopsies and excisions of animals with osteosarcoma and were characterized by the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Butantan Institute. The mesenchymal stem cells were derived from the bone marrow of canine fetuses (cMSCs) and belong to the University of Sao Paulo, College of Veterinary Medicine (FMVZ-USP) stem cell bank. After expansion, the cells were cultured in a 12-well Transwell system; cells were treated with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells associated with rhBMP2. Expression of the intracytoplasmic and nuclear markers such as Caspase-3, Bax, Bad, Bcl-2, Ki-67, p53, Oct3/4, Nanog, Stro-1 were performed by flow citometry. Results: We evaluated the regenerative potential of in vitro treatment with rhBMP-2 and found that both osteogenic induction and tumor regression occur in stem cells from canine bone marrow. rhBMP-2 inhibits the proliferation capacity of OST cells by mechanisms of apoptosis and tumor suppression mediated by p53. Conclusion: We propose that rhBMP-2 has great therapeutic potential in bone marrow cells by serving as a tumor suppressor to increase p53 and the pro-apoptotic proteins Bad and Bax, as well as by increasing the activity of phosphorylated caspase 3. Study design: Canine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells associated with rhBMP2 in canine osteosarcoma treatment: "in vitro" study


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Analisou-se a distribuição do nervo fibular comum em 30 fetos de equinos, sem raça definida, provenientes do acervo do Laboratório de Anatomia Animal da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, que foram injetados e conservados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10%. Contatou-se que o referido nervo deriva do isquiático, divide-se em nervos fibulares superficial e profundo, distribuindo-se para os músculos extensores lateral e longo do dedo, fibular terceiro e tibial cranial. Traçando-se uma linha imaginária na região médio-lateral da tuberosidade do osso tíbia, o nervo fibular comum pode ser bloqueado em sua parte proximal, no terço caudal, entre o tendão de inserção do músculo bíceps femoral e a face lateral do músculo gastrocnêmio lateral (terço médio); e o nervo fibular profundo, na parte proximal da tíbia, crânio-distalmente ao fibular comum. O bloqueio do nervo fibular superficial pode ser realizado em duas regiões da tíbia: na proximal, considerando-se a linha imaginária, distalmente ao ponto citado para o fibular comum e caudalmente ao descrito para o fibular profundo; e na distal, na face lateral da articulação tíbio-társica, entre os tendões de inserção dos músculos extensores lateral e longo do dedo.


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Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) melophagium is a parasite of sheep transmitted by sheep keds, the sheep-restricted ectoparasite Melophagus ovinus (Diptera: Hippoboscidae). Sheep keds were 100% prevalent in sheep from five organic farms in Croatia, Southeastern Europe, whereas trypanosomes morphologically compatible with T. melophagium were 86% prevalent in the guts of the sheep keds. Multilocus phylogenetic analyses using sequences of small subunit rRNA, glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, spliced leader, and internal transcribed spacer 1 of the rDNA distinguished T. melophagium from all allied trypanosomes from other ruminant species and placed the trypanosome in the subgenus Megatrypanum. Trypanosomes from sheep keds from Croatia and Scotland, the only available isolates for comparison, shared identical sequences. All biologic and phylogenetic inferences support the restriction of T. melophagium to sheep and, especially, to the sheep keds. The comparison of trypanosomes from sheep, cattle, and deer from the same country, which was never achieved before this work, strongly supported the host-restricted specificity of trypanosomes of the subgenus Megatrypanum. Our findings indicate that with the expansion of organic farms, both sheep keds and T. melophagium may re-emerge as parasitic infections of sheep.


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Background:The golden retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) dogs represent the best available animal model for therapeutic trials aiming at the future treatment of human Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). We have obtained a rare litter of six GRMD dogs (3 males and 3 females) born from an affected male and a carrier female which were submitted to a therapeutic trial with adult human stem cells to investigate their capacity to engraft into dogs muscles by local as compared to systemic injection without any immunosuppression. Methods Human Immature Dental Pulp Stem Cells (hIDPSC) were transplanted into 4 littermate dogs aged 28 to 40 days by either arterial or muscular injections. Two non-injected dogs were kept as controls. Clinical translation effects were analyzed since immune reactions by blood exams and physical scores capacity of each dog. Samples from biopsies were checked by immunohistochemistry (dystrophin markers) and FISH for human probes. Results and Discussion We analyzed the cells' ability in respect to migrate, engraftment, and myogenic potential, and the expression of human dystrophin in affected muscles. Additionally, the efficiency of single and consecutive early transplantation was compared. Chimeric muscle fibers were detected by immunofluorescence and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) using human antibodies and X and Y DNA probes. No signs of immune rejection were observed and these results suggested that hIDPSC cell transplantation may be done without immunosuppression. We showed that hIDPSC presented significant engraftment in GRMD dog muscles, although human dystrophin expression was modest and limited to several muscle fibers. Better clinical condition was also observed in the dog, which received monthly arterial injections and is still clinically stable at 25 months of age. Conclusion Our data suggested that systemic multiple deliveries seemed more effective than local injections. These findings open important avenues for further researches.


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Given the social and territorial features described in feral cats, it is commonly assumed that life in multi-cat households is stressful for domestic cats and suggested that cats kept as single pets are likely to have better welfare. On the other hand, it has been hypothesized that under high densities cats can organize themselves socially thus preventing stress when spatial dispersion is unavailable. This study was aimed at comparing the general arousal underpinning emotional distress in single housed cats and in cats from multi-cat households (2 and 3–4 cats) on the basis of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (GCM) measured via enzyme immunoassay (EIA). GCM did not significantly vary as a function of living style (single, double or group-housing); highly stressed individuals were equally likely in the three groups. Young cats in multi-cat households had lower GCM, and overall cats that tolerate (as opposed to dislike) petting by the owners tended to have higher GCM levels. Other environmental aspects within cat houses (e.g. relationship with humans, resource availability) may play a more important role in day to day feline arousal levels than the number of cats per se


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Os serviços de informação aliados às tecnologias evoluíram em sua forma de atuação à medida que oferecem, em menor tempo possível, informação segura de alcance maior aos usuários das bibliotecas. São inúmeros os conceitos de Serviço de Referência Virtual (SRV) que compartilham a ideia de que o uso das tecnologias de informação facilitam a comunicação entre bibliotecários e usuários. As Bibliotecas do Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade de São Paulo (SIBi/USP), detectaram a relevância de modernizar o Serviço de Atendimento ao Usuário, utilizando novos meios de comunicação e melhorando a interação com os usuários por meio de recursos que são de domínio e uso cotidiano dos mesmos. A Biblioteca da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FMVZ) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) implantou o serviço de Atendimento Online por chat, disponibilizando aos seus usuários um novo canal de comunicação que permite o esclarecimento de dúvidas e solicitações em tempo real com atendentes. A experiência foi extremamente positiva convergindo para a implantação do sistema em outras quatro bibliotecas da USP


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Os serviços de informação aliados às tecnologias evoluíram em sua forma de atuação à medida que oferecem, em menor tempo possível, informação segura de alcance maior aos usuários das bibliotecas. São inúmeros os conceitos de Serviço de Referência Virtual (SRV) que compartilham a ideia de que o uso das tecnologias de informação facilitam a comunicação entre bibliotecários e usuários. As Bibliotecas do Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade de São Paulo (SIBi/USP), detectaram a relevância de modernizar o Serviço de Atendimento ao Usuário, utilizando novos meios de comunicação e melhorando a interação com os usuários por meio de recursos que são de domínio e uso cotidiano dos mesmos. A Biblioteca da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FMVZ) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) implantou o serviço de Atendimento Online por chat, disponibilizando aos seus usuários um novo canal de comunicação que permite o esclarecimento de dúvidas e solicitações em tempo real com atendentes. A experiência foi extremamente positiva convergindo para a implantação do sistema em outras quatro bibliotecas da USP


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O trabalho relata a experiência da Biblioteca Virginie Buff D’Ápice da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo (FMVZ/USP) na implantação do sistema de atendimento online por chat e analisa estatística e qualitativamente os 527 atendimentos realizados entre Agosto de 2009 e Junho de 2010. Além disso, apresenta o impacto direto desse sistema na readequação do Serviço de Atendimento ao Usuário


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Abstract Background Despite new brain imaging techniques that have improved the study of the underlying processes of human decision-making, to the best of our knowledge, there have been very few studies that have attempted to investigate brain activity during medical diagnostic processing. We investigated brain electroencephalography (EEG) activity associated with diagnostic decision-making in the realm of veterinary medicine using X-rays as a fundamental auxiliary test. EEG signals were analysed using Principal Components (PCA) and Logistic Regression Analysis Results The principal component analysis revealed three patterns that accounted for 85% of the total variance in the EEG activity recorded while veterinary doctors read a clinical history, examined an X-ray image pertinent to a medical case, and selected among alternative diagnostic hypotheses. Two of these patterns are proposed to be associated with visual processing and the executive control of the task. The other two patterns are proposed to be related to the reasoning process that occurs during diagnostic decision-making. Conclusions PCA analysis was successful in disclosing the different patterns of brain activity associated with hypothesis triggering and handling (pattern P1); identification uncertainty and prevalence assessment (pattern P3), and hypothesis plausibility calculation (pattern P2); Logistic regression analysis was successful in disclosing the brain activity associated with clinical reasoning success, and together with regression analysis showed that clinical practice reorganizes the neural circuits supporting clinical reasoning.


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Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite known as an important cause of bovine abortion worldwide. Little is currently known about how different strains of N. caninum vary in their pathogenicity. In this study, we compared a Brazilian strain, Nc-Bahia, with the first isolate of this coccidian, Nc-1. Eight cows and seven buffaloes were submitted to fixed-time artificial insemination protocols for a better control of pregnancy. Group 1 was inoculated with Nc-Bahia (n=8; five cows and three buffaloes), and Group 2 was inoculated with Nc-1 (n=5; two cows and three buffaloes). One nonpregnant female of each species was left uninfected as sentinel controls for potential environmental infection. All inoculated animals received 5×108 tachyzoites of N. caninum, by intravenous route, on the 70th day of gestation. Uninfected animals remained seronegative throughout the experiment, indicating no exogenous infection, whereas all inoculated animals became seropositive to N. caninum. In Group 1, abortion was found in only one cow on 42 days postinfection (dpi; frequency of abortion=12.5 %), whilst all animals from Group 2 aborted on 35 dpi (frequency of abortion= 100 %). Parasite DNA was detected by seminested PCR in maternal, foetal and placental tissues, confirming vertical transmission in Groups 1 and 2, although histological lesions had different frequencies and degrees of severity between the groups. There was evidence of lower pathogenicity of Nc- Bahia compared to Nc-1 when used in experimental infection, as it caused fewer abortions, as well as less frequent and milder histological lesions. This was the first time Nc-Bahia has been used for experimental infection.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment modality that has advanced rapidly in recent years. It causes tissue and vascular damage with the interaction of a photosensitizing agent (PS), light of a proper wavelength, and molecular oxygen. Evaluation of vessel damage usually relies on histopathology evaluation. Results are often qualitative or at best semi-quantitative based on a subjective system. The aim of this study was to evaluate, using CD31 immunohistochem- istry and image analysis software, the vascular damage after PDT in a well-established rodent model of chemically induced mammary tumor. Fourteen Sprague-Dawley rats received a single dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthraxcene (80 mg/kg by gavage), treatment efficacy was evaluated by comparing the vascular density of tumors after treatment with Photogem® as a PS, intraperitoneally, followed by interstitial fiber optic lighting, from a diode laser, at 200 mW/cm and light dose of 100 J/cm directed against his tumor (7 animals), with a control group (6 animals, no PDT). The animals were euthanized 30 hours after the lighting and mammary tumors were removed and samples from each lesion were formalin-fixed. Immunostained blood vessels were quantified by Image Pro-Plus version 7.0. The control group had an average of 3368.6 ± 4027.1 pixels per picture and the treated group had an average of 779 ± 1242.6 pixels per area (P < 0.01), indicating that PDT caused a significant decrease in vascular density of mammary tumors. The combined immu- nohistochemistry using CD31, with selection of representative areas by a trained pathology, followed by quantification of staining using Image Pro-Plus version 7.0 system was a practical and robust methodology for vessel damage evalua- tion, which probably could be used to assess other antiangiogenic treatments.