13 resultados para Valparaíso and Viña del Mar

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Two new records of Anopheles homunculus in the eastern part of the Atlantic Forest are reported. This species was found for the first time in Barra do Ouro district, Maquine municipality, Rio Grande do Sul state, located in the southern limit of the Atlantic Forest. The 2nd new record was in the Serra Bonita Reserve, Camacan municipality, southeast Bahia state. These records extend the geographical distribution of An. homunculus, suggesting that the species may be widely distributed in coastal areas of the Atlantic Forest. It is hypothesized that the disjunct distribution of the species may be caused by inadequate sampling, and also difficulties in species identification based only on female external characteristics. Species identification was based on morphological characters of the male, larva, and pupa, and corroborated by DNA sequence analyses, employing data from both 2nd internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA and of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I.


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Diversity of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) of the Serra da Mantiqueira and Serra do Mar, southeastern Brazil. The aim of this study was to inventory the mayfly fauna, based on nymphal and alate stages, in Serra da Mantiqueira and in Serra do Mar, Sao Paulo State, as well as to present information about habitats used by the genera. Nymphs were collected in several streams and mesohabitats with a Surber sampler and the winged stages with light attraction methods, entomological nets, and Malaise traps. In all, eight families and 33 genera were recorded, representing a very significant portion of the Brazilian fauna (80% of families and 49% of genera). Furthermore, it was possible to identify 11 species, of which two are new records for the state: Tricorythodes santarita Traver and Caenis reissi Malzacher. Despite the high diversity recorded, the accumulation curves presented an ascending form, indicating an increase in the number of genera with additional sampling effort. The high richness found in these areas are in agreement with the high biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest biome and the sampling effort employed, which included the use of different methods, the collection of both nymphs and winged stages, and the sampling of a large area with diverse streams and habitats.


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This study evaluated indexes of converging and criterion-related validity for the Social Skills Inventory for Adolescents (IHSA-Del-Prette) and the Youth Self-Report (YSR) in two samples: one referring to clinical service (CLIN), with 28 adolescents (64.3% boys), 11 through 17 years old (M = 13.75; SD = 1.74), and the other referring to a psycho-educational program (PME = 46.2%), mainly composed of boys (91.7%) aged 13 through 17 (M = 15.33; SD = 1.47). Both samples completed the two inventories. Results showed a high incidence of psychological disorders in both samples (between 4% and 79% in the borderline or clinical range on YSR scales) and accentuated deficits in the general and subscale scores of IHSA-Del-Prette, especially on the frequency scale (25% to 58%). The correlations between the instruments in the two groups supported criterion-related and converging validity. Some issues concerning the differences between the samples and about the construct of social competence, underlying these inventories, are discussed. Key words authors:


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The genus Osmundea is a strongly supported monophyletic group within the Laurencia complex and shows a disjunct distribution occurring in the North-East and South-West Pacific, the Indian and Atlantic oceans and the Mediterranean Sea. Its phenotypic plasticity on the Canary Islands may be the result of the high ecological variability partially due to the particular oceanographic characteristics in this region. The combination of molecular analyses based on the comparison of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL sequences and morphological data allowed us to delimit three distinct taxa from the coasts of the Canarian Archipelago: Osmundea pinnatifida, Osmundea truncata and an unidentified species, Osmundea sp. Moreover, the high value of genetic divergence between Osmundea sp. and the rest of the Osmundea species suggests that this taxon should be assigned to a new species within the Osmundea genus. Occurrence of O. hybrida and O. oederi (synonym: O. ramosissima) has not been confirmed. Our results also suggest a possibly questionable record of the taxa O. hybrida and O. oederi on the Canary Islands.


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We report on charmonium measurements [J/psi (1S), psi' (2S), and chi(c) (1P)] in p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV. We find that the fraction of J/psi coming from the feed-down decay of psi' and chi(c) in the midrapidity region (vertical bar y vertical bar < 0: 35) is 9.6 +/- 2.4% and 32 +/- 9%, respectively. We also present the p(T) and rapidity dependencies of the J/psi yield measured via dielectron decay at midrapidity (vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.35) and via dimuon decay at forward rapidity (1.2 < vertical bar y vertical bar < 2.2). The statistical precision greatly exceeds that reported in our previous publication [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 232002 (2007)]. The new results are compared with other experiments and discussed in the context of current charmonium production models.


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Analysis of the NCAR/NCEP Reanalysis show changes in the atmospheric circulation in the Southern hemisphere, with a strengthening and poleward displacement of the westerlies. Because the wind is one of the main sources of the ocean's kinetic energy, a numerical experiment with the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) was forced with monthly means of the NCAR/NCEP Reanalysis products to investigate the effects of the changes in the wind on the ocean circulation in a geographical domain defined by 98W – 114E; 65S – 60N. The results show good agreement with other models and with available satellite data. In the western sector of the South Atlantic there are several indications of changes such as a poleward displacement of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence and positive trends in temperature and salinity of the southwestern region of the subtropical gyre


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Uca populations have an important functional and structural role in many estuarine ecosystems. These crabs exhibit distinct physiological tolerance to salinity gradients, which may partially explain their heterogeneous distribution. In order to investigate the population structure and distribution of Uca spp. in a tropical estuary, we sampled Uca crabs in replicated 0.75 m2 quadrats at six muddy plain areas during monthly intervals between July and November 2012 in spring tidal conditions. Environmental factors including water temperature, salinity, sediment total organic matter, chlorophyll-a, and granulometry were analyzed. We sampled a total of 2919 individuals distributed in three Uca species (U. uruguayensis, U. thayeri and U. maracoani), from which U. uruguayensis was dominant. The density and biomass of individuals were spatially and temporally heterogeneous. During October and November we found higher Uca spp. densities (71.3 ± 47.3 to 77.6 ± 44,5 ind. 0.75 m-²) and biomass (1.8 ± 1.1 to 2.1 ± 1.0 g 0.75 m-2 AFDW) if compared to the previous months, density (July 55,5± 44,1 August 52,5± 34,9 and September 47,7 ± 25,6 ind. 0,75m-²) and biomass in others months (July 1,0± 0,94 August 1,1 ± 0,72 and September 1,3±0,93 g 0.75 m-2 AFDW ). The same pattern was found for other variables, such as salinity (32 and 34), organic matter (30 and 67%) and chlorophyll-a (89 and 46 μg g-1). In two study areas we found this pattern which suggests that higher Uca productivity and food availability are related. A principal component analysis (PCA) suggests that salinity and granulometry (silt) can influence (60% correspondence) the distribution of U. maracoani. For U. uruguayensis and U. thayeri the PCA suggests chlorophyll-a was important, which is a good indicator for labile organic matter. Our study suggests that the population structure and distribution of Uca species may be regulated by food availability, supporting their utility as biological models for ecosystem monitoring.


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Los sedimentos estuarinos actúan como sumidero dediversos tipos de contaminantes, por lo que son utilizados como indicadores del impacto antropogénico. Entre estos aportes, los metales se destacan debido a que pueden generar efectos tóxicos y/o letales para la biota. Además son bioacumulables y se biomagnifican a través de la trama trófica acuática. El estuario del Río de la Plata (RdlP) constituye un área de desove y cría de peces y otros organismos de interés comercial, por lo que resulta relevante conocer la contaminación metálica. El RdlP tiene una superficie de 38.800 km2 y un caudal promedio de 24.045 m3s-1, siendo sus principales afluente los Ríos Paraná y Uruguay. El presente estudio analizó muestras de sedimento superficial de fondo, colectado en 26 sitios (año 2010). Se cuantificó el contenido de Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sc y Zn, a través del método USEPA 3050b y la técnica analítica ICP-OES. La exactitud y la precisión del método fueron evaluadas por material de referencia certificado. La granulometría del sedimento estudiado indicó la predominancia de sedimentos finos (limos y arcillas), en sitios con mayores contenidos metálicos. Las concentraciones obtenidas se compararon con los valores guía del Criteria for the Assessment of Sediment Quality in Quebec and Application Frameworks (de Canadá), utilizados como criterio de evaluación para legislación ambiental: TEL (threshold effect level) y PEL (probable effect level); además se utilizaron los niveles REL (rare effect level), OEL (occasional effect level) y FEL (frequent effect level). La concentración de As y Cu fue mayor al nivel TEL en varios sitios analizados (7,2 y 19 mg/kg respectivamente). Para ningún elemento la concentración fue mayor que el PEL. Este criterio de evaluación constituye una herramienta válida para el monitoreo de la contaminación de los sedimentos del estuario, indicando posibles efectos negativos sobre la biota del RdlP


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Too Big to Ignore (TBTI; www.toobigtoignore.net) is a research network and knowledge mobilization partnership established to elevate the profile of small-scale fisheries (SSF), to argue against their marginalization in national and international policies, and to develop research and governance capacity to address global fisheries challenges. Network participants and partners are conducting global and comparative analyses, as well as in-depth studies of SSF in the context of local complexity and dynamics, along with a thorough examination of governance challenges, to encourage careful consideration of this sector in local, regional and global policy arenas. Comprising 15 partners and 62 researchers from 27 countries, TBTI conducts activities in five regions of the world. In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, we are taking a participative approach to investigate and promote stewardship and self-governance in SSF, seeking best practices and success stories that could be replicated elsewhere. As well, the region will focus to promote sustainable livelihoods of coastal communities. Key activities include workshops and stakeholder meetings, facilitation of policy dialogue and networking, as well as assessing local capacity needs and training. Currently, LAC members are putting together publications that examine key issues concerning SSF in the region and best practices, with a first focus on ecosystem stewardship. Other planned deliverables include comparative analysis, a regional profile on the top research issues on SSF, and a synthesis of SSF knowledge in LAC


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The role played by human activity in coastline changes indicates a general tendency of retreating coasts, especially deltaic environments, as a result of the recent trend of sea level rise as well as the blockage of the transfer of sediments towards the coast, especially due to the construction of dams. This is particularly important in deltaic environments which are suffering a dramatic loss of area in the last decades. In contrast, in this paper, we report the origin and evolution of an anthropogenic delta, the Valo Grande delta, on the south-eastern Brazilian coast, whose origin is related to the opening of an artificial channel and the diversion of the main flow of the Ribeira de Iguape River. The methodology included the analysis of coastline changes, bathymetry and coring, which was used to determine the sedimentation rates and grain-size changes over time. The results allowed us to recognize the different facies of the anthropogenic delta and to establish its lateral and vertical depositional trends. Despite not being very frequent, anthropogenic deltas represent a favorable environment for the record of natural and anthropogenic changes in historical times and, thus, deserve more attention from researchers of different subjects


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This paper presents for the first time a morphological and surface sediment characterization of the Uruguayan outer continental shelf and slope. The study is based on a high-resolution coverage using hydrographical, geomorphological and sedimentological sampling and several textural and productivity proxies. Along slope terraces and an important canyon system characterizes continental slope morphology, indicating that across- and down-slope sedimentary processes control large-scale sedimentation. Terraces represent the prolongation of the Argentinean Contouritic Depositional System that vanishes in the study area, presumably as a result of the dynamic of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence. Canyons incised in the upper slope are likely related to low-stand sea level conditions. At the outer shelf and shallow upper slope (170-250 m depth), off-shelf sand transport is inferred from the distribution of relict sand and reworked biogenic gravel. In the upper continental slope, the northern region is characterized by an erosive environment controlled by a steep slope and the southward flowing Brazil current. In the south, a depositional environment is enhanced by the presence of a gentler slope and seaward incised canyons and is mainly controlled by hemipelagic processes associated with nutrient-rich Sub-Antarctic Waters (SAW), by its confluence with South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW) and by the Rio de la Plata’s (RdlP) influence. Additionally, within the upper slope, the occurrence of igneous-metamorphic cobbles and pebbles in canyon and mound lag deposits suggests the influence of glacial fluvial discharge and/or iceberg transport processes. In the middle slope, sedimentation is controlled by thermohaline-induced deep-water bottom currents. The decreasing influence of the erosive Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) is evident in a northward diminution in grain size. The variety of transport and sedimentary processes identified reflect the control of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence zone and the Rio de la Plata’s discharge.


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Analysis of the NCAR/NCEP Reanalysis show changes in the atmospheric circulation in the Southern hemisphere, with a strengthening and poleward displacement of the westerlies. Because the wind is one of the main sources of the ocean's kinetic energy, a numerical experiment with the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) was forced with monthly means of the NCAR/NCEP Reanalysis products to investigate the effects of the changes in the wind on the ocean circulation in a geographical domain defined by 98W – 114E; 65S – 60N. The results show good agreement with other models and with available satellite data. In the western sector of the South Atlantic there are several indications of changes such as a poleward displacement of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence and positive trends in temperature and salinity of the southwestern region of the subtropical gyre.


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Na região sul do mar de Cananéia, litoral sul brasileiro, está situada na Ilha de Cananéia, desde 1950, a base de pesquisa Dr. João de Paiva Carvalho do Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo - IOUSP. A região em estudo faz parte do complexo estuarino-lagunar Cananéia-Iguape e é caracterizada por regime de marés semidiurnas e correntes predominantemente longitudinais ao canal entre as ilhas de Cananéia e Comprida. Considerando que estudos de circulação costeira são de fundamental importância para a construção e revitalização de edificações marinhas, o presente trabalho consiste em fornecer um cenário oceanográfico de suporte à expansão e/ou revitalização do píer da base de pesquisa. A avaliação é baseada em observações de correntes e de marés registradas em experimentos-piloto realizados em agosto e setembro de 2012. A base de dados de correntes é composta por registros via Acoustic Doppler [Current] Profilers (ADPs), frequências de 500 e 1500 kHz, com visadas verticais e horizontais da coluna de água. Considerando a previsão de maré astronômica, os registros de agosto e setembro não mostraram significativas variações. As possíveis marés meteorológicas não tiveram forte influência sobre o ciclo de maré durante o período amostrado, evidenciando uma fraca ação de correntes geradas por forçantes meteorológicas. Durante a baixamar, os resultados indicaram velocidades longitudinais ao canal com até o dobro da magnitude, da ordem de 0,6 m s-1, em relação aos registros de preamar. A caracterização da circulação local possibilitou inferir que a expansão e/ou revitalização do píer não se mostram suscetíveis a possíveis danos significativos decorrentes da ação de correntes relativamente intensas. Adicionalmente, as velocidades de corrente mais intensas, 1,2 m s-1, características da região próxima ao centro do canal, tendem a conduzir a uma dispersão eficaz e adequada de poluentes ali lançados, beneficiando a preservação da comunidade local de organismos.