77 resultados para Underground press - Brazil
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
There has been considerable concern in Latin America over the implications of increased competition from China for local industry. These concerns include the possibility of "deindustrialization," the increased "primarization" of the region's exports and the difficulties of upgrading manufactured exports into higher technology products. This article examines the impact of Chinese competition both in the domestic market and in export markets on Brazilian industry. It documents the increased penetration of Chinese manufactures in the Brazilian market and the way in which Brazilian exports have lost market share to China in the US, European Union and four Latin American countries. Brazil, because of its more developed and locally integrated industrial sector, is not typical of other Latin American countries and the article also discusses the relevance of the Brazilian experience for the region as a whole.
A new species of Pseudoboa, P. martinsi, is described from the Amazon basin of Brazil, with records from the states of Para, Amazonas, Roraima and Rondonia. The new species is distinguished from the other five species of the genus by a combination of scalation and coloration characters. Individuals of the new species were found in both primary and disturbed forested areas. The species seems to be predominantly nocturnal and secretive because specimens were found foraging in the litter during night.
The larva of Dicrepidius ramicornis (Palisot de Beauvois) and pupa of Dipropus brasilianus (Germar) are described. The larva of D. brasilianus is redescribed. The immatures of both species are illustrated. Comparisons among the known larvae of Dipropus species and between the two genera are presented. A provisional key to Dicrepidiina genera with known larvae is provided.
The squid Loligo plei concentrates in the southeastern Brazil Bight, where it has traditionally supported small-scale fisheries around Sao Sebastiao Island (SSI). Sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll-a (Chl a), windspeed, wave height, rainfall, and lunar phase are related to fishing records and to the results of a survey of local fishers to investigate how they believe environmental variables might affect catches of L. plei. Daily fishery-dependent data over the years 2005-2009 were obtained from a fishing cooperative and were matched with satellite and meteorological forecast data. Generalized linear models were used to explore the significance of environmental variables in relation to variability in catch and catch per unit effort (cpue). Squid are fished with jigs in water shallower than 20 m, generally where SST is warmer and Chl a and windspeed are lower. Cpue and monthly catches decreased from 2005 to 2008, followed by a slight increase in 2009. The correlations between fishery and environmental data relate well to fishers` oceanological knowledge, underscoring the potential of incorporating such knowledge into evaluations of the fishery.
The issue of whether loliginid squid can influence the average structure of marine ecosystems in a keystone role, i.e. a strong effect with relatively low biomass, has not yet been examined. Here, the diet of Loligo plei in inner shelf waters of the South Brazil Bight was examined, as a first step, based on the stomach contents of 2200 squid hand-jigged in shallow water (, 30 m) and taken as bycatch of shrimp trawlers in deeper water (30-100 m). Diet varied by size, season, and fishing zone. Stomachs were not empty in similar to 12%, with more empty during winter. The range of mantle lengths of squid caught by jigging (101-356 mm) appeared to differ from the squid trawled (30-236 mm), and the diet also differed. Food categories recorded in deeper water did not include amphipods or polychaetes, but in both fishing areas, fish were the most common prey. The fish prey identified included Trachurus lathami, small pelagic species, trichiurids, and Merluccius hubbsi. Demersal species, such as Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus, and flatfish were also present. An ecosystem network model is updated through which a mixed-trophic impact matrix and ""keystoneness"" indicators were calculated. Loligo plei represents an important link between pelagic and demersal energy pathways, with high indices of keystoneness.
Temporal, spatial and diel variation in the distribution and abundance of organisms is an inherent property of ecological systems. The present study describes these variations and the composition of decapod larvae from the surface waters of St Paul`s Rocks. The expeditions to the archipelago were carried out in April, August and November 2003, March 2004 and May 2005. Surface plankton samples were collected during the morning and dusk periods, inside the inlet and in increasing distances around the archipelago (similar to 150, 700 and 1500 m). The identification resulted in 51 taxa. Seven species, six genera and larvae of the families Pandalidae and Portunidae were identified for the first time in the area. The mean larval density varied from zero to 150.2 +/- 69.6 individuals 100 m(-3) in the waters surrounding the archipelago and from 1.7 +/- 3.0 to 12,827 +/- 15,073 individuals 100 m(-3) inside the inlet. Significant differences on larval density were verified between months and period of the day, but not among the three sites around the archipelago. Cluster and non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis indicated that the decapod larvae community was divided into benthic and pelagic assemblages. Indicator species analysis (ISA) showed that six Brachyura taxa were good indicators for the inlet, while three sergestids were the main species from the waters around the archipelago. These results suggest that St Paul`s Rocks can be divided into two habitats, based on larval composition, density and diversity values: the inlet and the waters surrounding the archipelago.
Sao Paulo state (Brazil) has one of the most overpopulated coastal zones in South America, where previous studies have already detected sediment and water contamination. However, biological-based monitoring considering signals of xenobiotic exposure and effects are scarce. The present study employed a battery of biomarkers under field conditions to assess the environmental quality of this coastal zone. For this purpose, the activity of CYP 450, antioxidant enzymes, DNA damage, lipid peroxidation and lysosomal membrane were analysed in caged mussels and integrated using Factorial Analysis. A representation of estimated factor scores was performed in order to confirm the factor descriptions characterizing the studied areas. Biomarker responses indicated signals of mussels` impaired health during the monitoring, which pointed to the impact of different sources of contaminants in the water quality and identified critical areas. This integrated approach produced a rapid, sensitive and cost-effective assessment, which could be incorporated as a descriptor of environmental status in future coastal zones biomonitoring. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Biometric relationships were recorded for 2431 male and female Panulirus echinatus sampled at Tamandare coastal reefs, Pernambuco, Brazil. The following body measurements were taken: carapace length and width, abdomen length and width, total length, third and fifth pereiopod length, cephalothorax-abdomen and total weight. Twelve relationships were studied to compare the biometric characteristics Of males and females. Eleven of them showed difference between the sexes. Comparing sexes with the same carapace length, males have a heavier cephalothorax and longer third and fifth pereiopods than females, whereas females are longer, wider, and have a heavier abdomen than males. For genders with the same total length, males are heavier and have a longer carapace than females, while females have a larger abdomen. For genders with the same abdomen length, males have a heavier abdomen than females. The relationships TWg/TL and A Wg/AL showed positive allometric growth for the males. All other relationships involving weight, presented negative allometric growth for both sexes.
We studied the temporal and vertical variability in larvacean abundance and secondary production on a fixed station off southeast Brazil, from January 2007 to December 2008. Larvacean biomass was derived from length weight regressions, and growth rates were estimated from an empirical model. We identified eleven larvacean species. Oikopleura longicauda occurred throughout the studied period and was the most abundant species, followed by Oikopleura fusiformis. Fritillaria haplostoma, O. fusiformis and O. longicauda were found mainly above the thermocline, whereas Oikopleura dioica and Fritillaria pellucida preferred bottom layers. Higher abundance and biomass were observed in warmer months, when the water column was stratified as a result of the bottom intrusions of the cold and nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water. Secondary production mirrored the biomass seasonal pattern. Larvacean biomass equaled to less than 10% of copepod biomass during the same period, but larvacean production comprised on average 77% that of copepods, whereas the production of discarded houses and fecal pellets comprised up to 2800% of larvaceans secondary production. This confirms the potential significance of larvaceans in the carbon flux in tropical and subtropical coastal regions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Stable isotopes, tritium, radium isotopes, radon, trace elements and nutrients data were collected during two sampling campaigns in the Ubatuba coastal area (south-eastern Brazil) with the aim of investigating submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the region. The isotopic composition (delta D, delta(18)O, (3)H) of submarine waters was characterised by significant variability and heavy isotope enrichment. The stable isotopes and tritium data showed good separation of groundwater and seawater groups. The contribution of groundwater in submarine waters varied from a few % to 17%. Spatial distribution of (222)Rn activity concentration in surface seawater revealed changes between 50 and 200 Bq m(-3) which were in opposite relationship with observed salinities. Time series measurements of (222)Rn activity concentration in Flamengo Bay (from 1 to 5 kBq m(-3)), obtained by in situ underwater gamma-spectrometry showed a negative correlation between the (222)Rn activity concentration and tide/salinity. This may be caused by sea level changes as tide effects induce variations of hydraulic gradients, which increase (222)Rn concentration during lower sea level, and opposite, during high tides where the (222)Rn activity concentration is smaller. The estimated SGD fluxes varied during 22-26 November between 8 and 40 cm d(-1), with an average value of 21 cm d(-1) (the unit is cm(3)/cm(2) per day). The radium isotopes and nutrient data showed scattered distributions with offshore distance and salinity. which implies that in a complex coast with many small bays and islands, the area has been influenced by local currents and groundwater-seawater mixing. SGD in the Ubatuba area is fed by coastal contaminated groundwater and re-circulated seawater (with small admixtures of groundwater). which claims for potential environmental concern with implications on the management of freshwater resources in the region. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Diastylis sympterygiae Bacescu & Queiroz (1985) has been reported in many ecological studies conducted in the Patos Lagoon, southern Brazil. However, the original description of this species is based on damaged specimens from stomach contents of rays, and therefore insufficient for a confident identification. In the present contribution, based on a large number of well-preserved specimens now available from the type locality area, the description of this common euryhaline species is completed and its range of distribution as far north as Sao Paulo is extended.
The allometric growth of two groups of Nassarius vibex on beds of the bivalve Mytella charruana on the northern coast of the State of Sao Paulo, was evaluated between September 2006 and February 2007 in the bed on Camaroeiro Beach, and from March 2007 to June 2007 at Cidade Beach. The shells from Camaroeiro were longer and wider and had a smaller shell aperture than those from Cidade; a principal components analysis also confirmed different morphometric patterns between the areas. The allometric growth of the two groups showed great variation in the development of individuals. The increase of shell width and height in relation to shell length did not differ between the two areas. Shell aperture showed a contrasting growth pattern, with individuals from Camaroeiro having smaller apertures. The methodology based on Kullback-Leibler information theory and the multi-model inference showed, for N. vibex, that the classic linear allometric growth was not the most suitable explanation for the observed morphometric relationships. The patterns of relative growth observed in the two groups of N. vibex may be a consequence of different growth and variation rates, which modifies the development of the individuals. Other factors such as food resource availability and environmental parameters, which might also differ between the two areas, should also be considered.
Sediment quality from Paranagua Estuarine System (PES), a highly important port and ecological zone, was evaluated by assessing three lines of evidence: (1) sediment physical-chemical characteristics; (2) sediment toxicity (elutriates, sediment-water interface, and whole sediment); and (3) benthic community structure. Results revealed a gradient of increasing degradation of sediments (i.e. higher concentrations of trace metals, higher toxicity, and impoverishment of benthic community structure) towards inner PES. Data integration by principal component analysis (PCA) showed positive correlation between some contaminants (mainly As, Cr, Ni, and Pb) and toxicity in samples collected from stations located in upper estuary and one station placed away from contamination sources. Benthic community structure seems to be affected by both pollution and natural fine characteristics of the sediments, which reinforces the importance of a weight-of-evidence approach to evaluate sediments of PES. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Taxonomic descriptions and figures are provided for 2 new species of Ischyroceridae (Cerapus jonsoni sp. nov. and Notopoma fluminense sp. nov.) from samples of Southwestern Atlantic, between the latitudes 22 and 24 S. Cerapus jonsoni sp. nov. is easily distinguished from others species of the genera recorded in Atlantic Ocean by dacyli of pereopods 6 and 7 with 1 accessory spine. Notopoma fluminense sp. nov. is characterized by 5 setal teeth on outer plate of maxilla 1, only 1 accessory spine on pereopod 7 dactylus and pleopod 3 absent.
Lapa clas Boleiras rockshelter, a Paleoamerican archaeological site in Central Brazil, was intensely occupied by humans from 10,000 C-14 BP (11.8 cal kyr BP), until approximately 7500 C-14 BP (8.4 cal kyr BP). In this paper we present some interpretations about the formation processes operating on the site. One of our main conclusions is that the bulk of accumulated sediments at the site is of anthropogenic origin: they are constituted by volumetrically significant quantities of plant ash remains, what is somewhat unexpectedly in view of prevailing models about the lifestyle of Paleoamerican hunter-gatherers in South America. The evidence we discuss below is also consistent with paleoenvironmental data that suggest a dry period during the mid-Holocene in the region, probably leading to a decrease in human occupation [Araujo, A.G.M., Neves, W., Pilo, L.B., Atui, J.P., 2005. Holocene dryness and human Occupation in Brazil during the `Archaic Gap`. Quaternary Research 64, 298-307]. We surmise that both factors underpin a surprising reduction in sediment accumulation at the site during the mid-Holocene. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.