19 resultados para Total-energy Calculations

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Objective: Describe the total energy value and percentage contribution of calories from macronutrients in the diet of elderly individuals living in Fortaleza/CE. Methods: This is a population-based, cross-sectional domiciliary study, which included 458 elderly individuals (66.6% women). The variables evaluated were total energy value (TEV) and the percentage contribution of calories from proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. The results are shown as mean, standard deviation, and percentile distribution (P5, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90, P95). The Student's t-test and analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) with LSD post-hoc tests were used to determine the statistical significance of means between two groups and among three or more groups, respectively. Results: When comparing the mean values of TEV among categories of socioeconomic and demographic variables, statistically significant differences were found between women for ethnicity, years of schooling and socioeconomic level. Among men, differences were found for years of schooling and socioeconomic level. The mean energy value of men's diet was significantly higher than that of women (1475.8 kcal and 1236.4 kcal, respectively). The mean values of calorie percentage contribution from proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids were similar between men and women. Conclusion: The elderly of this study showed significant differences in mean values of TEV between sexes and between the categories years of schooling and socioeconomic level. Women also showed significant differences between the ethnic categories. The mean relative contribution of macronutrients in TEV was similar between genders and age groups.


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Transition-metal (TM)-doped diluted magnetic oxides (DMOs) have attracted attention from both experimental and theoretical points of view due to their potential use in spintronics towards new nanostructured devices and new technologies. In the present work, we study the magnetic properties of Sn0.96TM0.04O2 and Sn0.96TM0.04O1.98(V (O))(0.02), where TM = Fe and Co, focusing in particular in the role played by the presence of O vacancies nearby the TM. The calculated total energy as a function of the total magnetic moment per cell shows a magnetic metastability, corresponding to a ground state, respectively, with 2 and 1 mu(B)/cell, for Fe and Co. Two metastable states, with 0 and 4 mu(B)/cell were found for Fe, and a single value, 3 mu(B)/cell, for Co. The spin-crossover energies (E (S)) were calculated. The values are E (S) (0/2) = 107 meV and E (S) (4/2) = 25 meV for Fe. For Co, E (S) (3/1) = 36 meV. By creating O vacancies close to the TM site, we show that the metastablity and E (S) change. For iron, a new state appears, and the state with zero magnetic moment disappears. The ground state is 4 mu(B)/cell instead of 2 mu(B)/cell, and the energy E (S) (2/4) is 30 meV. For cobalt, the ground state is then found with 3 mu(B)/cell and the metastable state with 1 mu(B)/cell. The spin-crossover energy E (S) (1/3) is 21 meV. Our results suggest that these materials may be used in devices for spintronic applications that require different magnetization states.


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Using a first-principles theoretical model the adsorption of a methyl radical on different sized silver nanoparticles is compared to the adsorption of the same radical on model surfaces. Calculations of our structural, dynamical and electronic properties indicated that small changes in the local environment will lead to small changes in infrared (IR) wavenumbers, but in dramatic changes in the IR signal. Our calculations indicate the lower the adsorption site coordination, the higher is the signal strength, suggesting that small changes in the electronic charge distribution will result in bigger changes in the polarizability and hence in the spectroscopic signal intensity. This effect explains, among others, the signal magnification observed for nanoparticles in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopic (SERS) experiments.


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We present ab-initio calculations of seven digital magnetic heterostructures, GaN delta-doped with V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu, forming two-dimensional systems. Only GaN delta-doped with V or Cr present a ferromagnetic ground state with high Curie temperatures. For both, to better describe the electronic properties, we used the GGA-1/2 approach. The ground state of GaN/Cr resulted in a two dimensional half-metal, with 100% spin polarization. For GaN/V, we obtained an insulating state: integer magnetic moment of 2.0 mu(B), a minority spin gap of 3.0 eV close to the gap of GaN, but a majority spin gap of 0.34 eV. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4751285]


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The purpose of this study was to investigate energy system contributions and energy costs in combat situations. The sample consisted of 10 male taekwondo athletes (age: 21 +/- 6 years old; height: 176.2 +/- 5.3 cm; body mass: 67.2 +/- 8.9 kg) who compete at the national or international level. To estimate the energy contributions, and total energy cost of the fights, athletes performed a simulated competition consisting of three 2 min rounds with a 1 min recovery between each round. The combats were filmed to quantify the actual time spent fighting in each round. The contribution of the aerobic (WAER), anaerobic alactic (W-PCR), and anaerobic lactic (Wleft perpendicularLA-right perpendicular) energy systems was estimated through the measurement of oxygen consumption during the activity, the fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, and the change in blood lactate concentration in each round, respectively. The mean ratio of high intensity actions to moments of low intensity (steps and pauses) was similar to 1:7. The W-AER, W-PCR and (Wleft perpendicularLA-right perpendicular) system contributions were estimated as 120 +/- 22 kJ (66 +/- 6%), 54 +/- 21 kJ (30 +/- 6%), 8.5 kJ (4 +/- 2%), respectively. Thus, training sessions should be directed mainly to the improvement of the anaerobic alactic system (responsible by the highintensity actions), and of the aerobic system (responsible by the recovery process between high- intensity actions).


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This study evaluates the potential for using different effluents for simultaneous H-2 and CH4 production in a two-stage batch fermentation process with mixed microflora. An appreciable amount of H-2 was produced from parboiled rice wastewater (23.9 mL g(-1) chemical oxygen demand [COD]) and vinasse (20.8 mL g(-1) COD), while other effluents supported CH4 generation. The amount of CH4 produced was minimum for sewage (46.3 mL g(-1) COD), followed by parboiled rice wastewater (115.5 mL g(-1) COD) and glycerol (180.1 mL g(-1) COD). The maximum amount of CH4 was observed for vinasse (255.4 mL g(-1) COD). The total energy recovery from vinasse (10.4 kJ g(-1) COD) corresponded to the maximum COD reduction (74.7 %), followed by glycerol (70.38 %, 7.20 kJ g(-1) COD), parboiled rice wastewater (63.91 %, 4.92 kJ g(-1) COD), and sewage (51.11 %, 1.85 kJ g(-1) COD). The relatively high performance of vinasse in such comparisons could be attributed to the elevated concentrations of macronutrients contained in raw vinasse. The observations are based on kinetic parameters of H-2 and CH4 production and global energy recovery of the process. These observations collectively suggest that organic-rich effluents can be deployed for energy recovery with sequential generation of H-2 and CH4.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever o valor energético total e contribuição percentual de calorias por macronutrientes da alimentação de idosos domiciliados em Fortaleza/CE. MÉTODOS: Este estudo é populacional, transversal e domiciliar. Participaram deste estudo 458 idosos (66,6% mulheres). As variáveis avaliadas foram: valor energético total (VET) da alimentação e contribuição percentual de calorias por proteínas, carboidratos e lipídios. Os resultados são apresentados sob a forma de médias, desvios-padrão e distribuição percentilar (P5, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90, P95). Os testes t-Student e análise de variância (ANOVA de uma via) com o teste Post Hoc LSD foram utilizados para verificar a diferença estatística das médias entre dois grupos e entre três grupos ou mais, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: Ao comparar os valores médios do VET entre as categorias das variáveis socioeconômico-demográficas foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as mulheres para cor, anos de estudo e nível socioeconômico. Entre os homens foram encontradas diferenças para anos de estudo e nível socioeconômico. O valor energético médio da alimentação dos homens foi significativamente superior ao das mulheres. Entre as mulheres o valor médio foi 1.236,4 kcal e entre os homens foi 1.475,8 kcal. Os valores médios da contribuição percentual de calorias por proteínas, carboidratos e lipídios foram semelhantes entre homens e mulheres. CONCLUSÃO: Os idosos deste estudo apresentam diferenças significativas nas médias do valor energético da alimentação entre os sexos e entre as categorias de anos de estudo e nível socioeconómico. As mulheres apresentaram, ainda, diferenças significativas entre as categorias de cor. A contribuição relativa média dos macronutrientes no valor energético da alimentação foi semelhante entre os sexos e grupos etários.


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In this present work we present a methodology that aims to apply the many-body expansion to decrease the computational cost of ab initio molecular dynamics, keeping acceptable accuracy on the results. We implemented this methodology in a program which we called ManBo. In the many-body expansion approach, we partitioned the total energy E of the system in contributions of one body, two bodies, three bodies, etc., until the contribution of the Nth body [1-3]: E = E1 + E2 + E3 + …EN. The E1 term is the sum of the internal energy of the molecules; the term E2 is the energy due to interaction between all pairs of molecules; E3 is the energy due to interaction between all trios of molecules; and so on. In Manbo we chose to truncate the expansion in the contribution of two or three bodies, both for the calculation of the energy and for the calculation of the atomic forces. In order to partially include the many-body interactions neglected when we truncate the expansion, we can include an electrostatic embedding in the electronic structure calculations, instead of considering the monomers, pairs and trios as isolated molecules in space. In simulations we made we chose to simulate water molecules, and use the Gaussian 09 as external program to calculate the atomic forces and energy of the system, as well as reference program for analyzing the accuracy of the results obtained with the ManBo. The results show that the use of the many-body expansion seems to be an interesting approach for reducing the still prohibitive computational cost of ab initio molecular dynamics. The errors introduced on atomic forces in applying such methodology are very small. The inclusion of an embedding electrostatic seems to be a good solution for improving the results with only a small increase in simulation time. As we increase the level of calculation, the simulation time of ManBo tends to largely decrease in relation to a conventional BOMD simulation of Gaussian, due to better scalability of the methodology presented. References [1] E. E. Dahlke and D. G. Truhlar; J. Chem. Theory Comput., 3, 46 (2007). [2] E. E. Dahlke and D. G. Truhlar; J. Chem. Theory Comput., 4, 1 (2008). [3] R. Rivelino, P. Chaudhuri and S. Canuto; J. Chem. Phys., 118, 10593 (2003).


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Background: Energy from liquids is one of the most important factors that could impact on the high prevalence of children and adolescents obesity around the world. There are few data on the liquid consumption in Brazil. The aim of this study is to evaluate the volume and quality of liquids consumed by Brazilian children and adolescents and to determine the proportion of their daily energy intake composed of liquids. Methods: A multicenter study was conducted in five Brazilian cities; the study included 831 participants between 3 and 17 years of age. A four-day dietary record specific to fluids was completed for each individual, and the volume of and Kcal from liquid intake were evaluated. The average number of Kcal in each beverage was determined based on label information, and the daily energy intake data from liquids were compared with the recommendations of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria-ANVISA), the Brazilian food regulation authority, according to each subject's age. Results: As the children aged, the volume of carbonated beverages that they consumed increased significantly, and their milk intake decreased significantly. For children between the ages of 3 and 10, milk and dairy products contributed the greatest daily number of Kcal from liquids. Sugar sweetened beverages which included carbonated beverages, nectars and artificial beverages, accounted for 37% and 45% of the total Kcal from liquid intake in the 3-to 6-year-old and 7- to 10-year-old groups, respectively. Among adolescents (participants 11- to 17-years old), most of the energy intake from liquids came from carbonated beverages, which accounted for an average of 207 kcal/day in this group (42% of their total energy intake from liquids). Health professionals should be attentive to the excessive consumption of sugar sweetened beverages in children and adolescents. The movement toward healthier dietary patterns at the individual and population levels may help to improve programs for preventing overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Conclusion: From childhood to adolescence the daily volume of liquid ingested increased reaching a total of 2.0 liters on average. Of this volume, the daily volume of milk ingested decreased while the carbonated drinks, sweetened, nectars and artificial beverages increased significantly. The proportion of water remained constant in about 1/3 of the total volume. From 3 to 17 years of age the energy intake from carbonated beverages increased by about 20%. The carbonated drinks on average corresponded to a tenth of the daily requirements of energy of adolescents.


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Bertuzzi, R, Bueno, S, Pasqua, LA, Acquesta, FM, Batista, MB, Roschel, H, Kiss, MAPDM, Serrao, JC, Tricoli, V, and Ugrinowitsch, C. Bioenergetics and neuromuscular determinants of the time to exhaustion at velocity corresponding to (V) over dotO(2)max in recreational long-distance runners. J Strength Cond Res 26(8): 2096-2102, 2012-The purpose of this study was to investigate the main bioenergetics and neuromuscular determinants of the time to exhaustion (T-lim) at the velocity corresponding to maximal oxygen uptake in recreational long-distance runners. Twenty runners performed the following tests on 5 different days: (a) maximal incremental treadmill test, (b) 2 submaximal tests to determine running economy and vertical stiffness, (c) exhaustive test to measured the T-lim, (d) maximum dynamic strength test, and (e) muscle power production test. Aerobic and anaerobic energy contributions during the T-lim test were also estimated. The stepwise multiple regression method selected 3 independent variables to explain T-lim variance. Total energy production explained 84.1% of the shared variance (p = 0.001), whereas peak oxygen uptake ((V) over dotO(2)peak) measured during T-lim and lower limb muscle power ability accounted for the additional 10% of the shared variance (p = 0.014). These data suggest that the total energy production, (V) over dotO(2)peak, and lower limb muscle power ability are the main physiological and neuromuscular determinants of T-lim in recreational long-distance runners.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the physiological, anthropometric, performance, and nutritional characteristics of the Brazil Canoe Polo National Team. Ten male canoe polo athletes (age 26.7 +/- 4.1 years) performed a battery of tests including assessments of anthropometric parameters, upper-body anaerobic power (Wingate), muscular strength, aerobic power, and nutritional profile. In addition, we characterized heart rate and plasma lactate responses and the temporal pattern of the effort/recovery during a simulated canoe polo match. The main results are as follows: body fat, 12.3 +/- 4.0%; upper-body peak and mean power, 6.8 +/- 0.5 and 4.7 +/- 0.4 W . kg(-1), respectively; 1-RM bench press, 99.1 +/- 11.7 kg; peak oxygen uptake, 44.3 +/- 5.8 mL . kg(-1) . min(-1); total energy intake, 42.8 +/- 8.6 kcal . kg(-1); protein, carbohydrate, and fat intakes, 1.9 +/- 0.1, 5.0 +/- 1.5, and 1.7 +/- 0.4 g . kg(-1), respectively; mean heart rate, 146 +/- 11 beats . min(-1); plasma lactate, 5.7 +/- 3.8 mmol . L-1 at half-time and 4.6 +/- 2.2 mmol . L-1 at the end of the match; effort time (relative to total match time), 93.1 +/- 3.0%; number of sprints, 9.6 +/- 4.4. The results of this study will assist coaches, trainers, and nutritionists in developing more adequate training programmes and dietary interventions for canoe polo athletes.


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By combining first-principles electronic structure calculations and existing time-differential gamma-gamma perturbed-angular-correlation experiments we studied the site localization, the local environment, and the electronic structure of Cd impurities in sapphire (alpha-Al2O3) single crystals in different charged states. The ab initio calculations were performed with the full-potential augmented plane wave plus local orbitals method and the projector augmented wave method. Comparing the calculated electric-field-gradient tensor at the Cd nuclei in the alpha-Al2O3 host lattice and the corresponding available experimental values, we have seen that it is equally possible for Cd to replace an Al atom (in a negative charge state) or to be placed in an interstitial site (in a neutral charge state). To finally address the issue of the Cd impurity localization, we performed formation energy calculations. These results have shown that Cd placed in the substitutional Al site, in the negatively charged state, is the most probable configuration.


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Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of 830 and 670 nm diode laser on the viability of random skin flaps in rats. Background data: Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been reported to be successful in stimulating the formation of new blood vessels and reducing the inflammatory process after injury. However, the efficiency of such treatment remains uncertain, and there is also some controversy regarding the efficacy of different wavelengths currently on the market. Materials and methods: Thirty Wistar rats were used and divided into three groups, with 10 rats in each. A random skin flap was raised on the dorsum of each animal. Group 1 was the control group, group 2 received 830 nm laser radiations, and group 3 was submitted to 670 nm laser radiation (power density = 0.5 mW/cm(2)). The animals underwent laser therapy with 36 J/cm(2) energy density (total energy = 2.52 J and 72 sec per session) immediately after surgery and on the 4 subsequent days. The application site of laser radiation was one point at 2.5 cm from the flap's cranial base. The percentage of skin flap necrosis area was calculated on the 7th postoperative day using the paper template method. A skin sample was collected immediately after to determine the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and the epidermal cell proliferation index (KiD67). Results: Statistically significant differences were found among the percentages of necrosis, with higher values observed in group 1 compared with groups 2 and 3. No statistically significant differences were found among these groups using the paper template method. Group 3 presented the highest mean number of blood vessels expressing VEGF and of cells in the proliferative phase when compared with groups 1 and 2. Conclusions: LLLT was effective in increasing random skin flap viability in rats. The 670 nm laser presented more satisfactory results than the 830 nm laser.


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The hydration of mesityl oxide (MOx) was investigated through a sequential quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics approach. Emphasis was placed on the analysis of the role played by water in the MOx syn-anti equilibrium and the electronic absorption spectrum. Results for the structure of the MOx-water solution, free energy of solvation and polarization effects are also reported. Our main conclusion was that in gas-phase and in low-polarity solvents, the MOx exists dominantly in syn-form and in aqueous solution in anti-form. This conclusion was supported by Gibbs free energy calculations in gas phase and in-water by quantum mechanical calculations with polarizable continuum model and thermodynamic perturbation theory in Monte Carlo simulations using a polarized MOx model. The consideration of the in-water polarization of the MOx is very important to correctly describe the solute-solvent electrostatic interaction. Our best estimate for the shift of the pi-pi* transition energy of MOx, when it changes from gas-phase to water solvent, shows a red-shift of -2,520 +/- 90 cm(-1), which is only 110 cm(-1) (0.014 eV) below the experimental extrapolation of -2,410 +/- 90 cm(-1). This red-shift of around -2,500 cm(-1) can be divided in two distinct and opposite contributions. One contribution is related to the syn -> anti conformational change leading to a blue-shift of similar to 1,700 cm(-1). Other contribution is the solvent effect on the electronic structure of the MOx leading to a red-shift of around -4,200 cm(-1). Additionally, this red-shift caused by the solvent effect on the electronic structure can by composed by approximately 60 % due to the electrostatic bulk effect, 10 % due to the explicit inclusion of the hydrogen-bonded water molecules and 30 % due to the explicit inclusion of the nearest water molecules.


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Context: Liposuction is suggested to result in long-term body fat regain that could lead to increased cardiometabolic risk. We hypothesized that physical activity could prevent this effect. Objective: Our objective was to investigate the effects of liposuction on body fat distribution and cardiometabolic risk factors in women who were either exercise trained or not after surgery. Design, Setting, and Participants: Thirty-six healthy normal-weight women participated in this 6-month randomized controlled trial at the University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Interventions: Patients underwent a small-volume abdominal liposuction. Two months after surgery, the subjects were randomly allocated into two groups: trained (TR, n = 18, 4-month exercise program) and nontrained (NT, n = 18). Main Outcome Measures: Body fat distribution (assessed by computed tomography) was assessed before the intervention (PRE) and 2 months (POST2), and 6 months (POST6) after surgery. Secondary outcome measures included body composition, metabolic parameters and dietary intake, assessed at PRE, POST2, and POST6, and total energy expenditure, physical capacity, and sc adipocyte size and lipid metabolism-related gene expression, assessed at PRE and POST6. Results: Liposuction was effective in reducing sc abdominal fat (PRE vs. POST2, P = 0.0001). Despite the sustained sc abdominal fat decrement at POST6 (P = 0.0001), the NT group showed a significant 10% increase in visceral fat from PRE to POST6 (P = 0.04; effect size = -0.72) and decreased energy expenditure (P = 0.01; effect size = 0.95) when compared with TR. Dietary intake, adipocyte size, and gene expression were unchanged over time. Conclusion: Abdominal liposuction does not induce regrowth of fat, but it does trigger a compensatory increase of visceral fat, which is effectively counteracted by physical activity. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 97: 2388-2395, 2012)