13 resultados para TRIPLET

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The photophysics of 8-azaadenine (8-AA) has been studied with the CASPT2//CASSCF protocol and ANO-L double-zeta basis sets. Stationary equilibrium structures, surface crossings, minimum energy paths, and linear interpolations have been used to study possible mechanisms to populate the lowest triplet state, T-1 (3)(pi pi*), capable of sensitizing molecular oxygen. Our results show that two main mechanisms can occur after photoexcitation to the S-2 (1)(pi pi*) state. The first one is through the S-2/S-1 conical intersection (((1)pi pi*/(1)n pi*)(Cl)), leading to the S-1 ((1)n pi*) state minimum, (S-1 ((1)n pi*))(min), where a singlet-triplet crossing, ((1)n pi*/(3)pi pi*)(STC), is accessible. The second one starts with the ((1)pi pi*/(3)n pi*)(STC) at the (S-2((1)pi pi*))(min), from which the system can evolve to the (T-2 ((3)n pi*))(min), with subsequent population of the T-1 excited electronic state, due to the ((3)n pi*/(3)pi pi*)(Cl) conical intersection.


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The photophysics of the 1-nitronaphthalene molecular system, after the absorption transition to the first singlet excited state, is theoretically studied for investigating the ultrafast multiplicity change to the triplet manifold. The consecutive transient absorption spectra experimentally observed in this molecular system are also studied. To identify the electronic states involved in the nonradiative decay, the minimum energy path of the first singlet excited state is obtained using the complete active space self-consistent field//configurational second-order perturbation approach. A near degeneracy region was found between the first singlet and the second triplet excited states with large spin-orbit coupling between them. The intersystem crossing rate was also evaluated. To support the proposed deactivation model the transient absorption spectra observed in the experiments were also considered. For this, computer simulations using sequential quantum mechanic-molecular mechanic methodology was used to consider the solvent effect in the ground and excited states for proper comparison with the experimental results. The absorption transitions from the second triplet excited state in the relaxed geometry permit to describe the transient absorption band experimentally observed around 200 fs after the absorption transition. This indicates that the T-2 electronic state is populated through the intersystem crossing presented here. The two transient absorption bands experimentally observed between 2 and 45 ps after the absorption transition are described here as the T-1 -> T-3 and T-1 -> T-5 transitions, supporting that the intermediate triplet state (T-2) decays by internal conversion to T-1. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4738757]


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The luminous efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes based on poly(N-vinylcarbazole), PVK, was improved by adding fac-[ClRe(CO)(3)(bpy)], bpy = 2,2`-bipyridine, to PVK host. Emissive layers with various Re(I) complex/host ratio were employed and optoelectronic properties were compared with the single PVK device. The single PVK device exhibits a characteristic electroluminescence with blue emission, lambda(max) 420 nm, assigned to the PVK excimer. On the other hand, the intense and broad band at lambda(max) 580 nm of the Re(I) complex/PVK OLEDs is ascribed to the metal-to-ligand charge transfer excited state emission of fac-[ClRe(CO)(3)(bpy)]. At 30 V, the device luminous efficiency increased from 16 mcd/A for the single PVK device to 211 mcd/A for the 11% (w/w) Re(I) complex/PVK OLED, in which fac-[ClRe(CO)(3)(bpy)] acts as an electron-trap in PVK films. The device current is space-charge limited and exhibits typical emissive layer thickness dependence. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A historical perspective is given contrasting challenges and advances in theoretical chemistry at the time the first issue of Theoretical Chemistry Accounts appeared in 1962 and the progress achieved since then as expressed in current state-of-the-art applications in photochemistry and thermochemistry.


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The excited-state dynamics of free-base meso-tetrakis(sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin J-aggregates obtained by the Z-scan technique in femto- and picosecond time scales, along with UV-Vis spectroscopy and flash photolysis is reported. Besides obtaining the S-1 state lifetime, the discrimination between internal conversion and intersystem crossing nonradiative processes from that state was also possible, and their rates and respective quantum yields were found. The aggregates present reverse saturable absorption at 532 nm for both singlet and triplet excited states. The data shown is important for several applications such as optical limiting, photodynamic therapy and others. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ground state interactions and excited states and transients formed after photolysis and photosensitization of 2-ethylaminodiphenylborinate (2APB) were studied by various techniques. The UV spectrum shows a large absorption band at 235 nm (epsilon = 14,500 M-1 cm(-1)) with a shoulder at 260 nm. The fluorescence spectra show increasing emission intensity with maximum at 300 nm, which shifts to the red up to 10(-3) M concentrations. At higher concentrations, the emission intensity decreases, probably due to the formation of aggregates. UV excitation in deareated solutions shows the formation of two transients at 300 and 360 nm. The latter has a lifetime of 5.7 mu s in ethanol and is totally quenched in the presence of oxygen and assigned to the triplet state of 2APB. The 300 nm peak is not affected by oxygen, has a lifetime in the order of milliseconds, and corresponds to a boron-centered radical species originated from the singlet state. A boron radical can also be obtained by electron transfer from triplet Safranine to the borinate (k(q) = 9.7 x 10(7) M-1 s(-1)) forming the semioxidized form of the dye. EPR experiments using DMPO show that dye-sensitized and direct UV-photolysis of 2ABP renders initially arylboron-centered radicals. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a new catalogue of galaxy triplets derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7. The identification of systems was performed considering galaxies brighter than Mr=-20.5 and imposing constraints over the projected distances, radial velocity differences of neighbouring galaxies and isolation. To improve the identification of triplets, we employed a data pixelization scheme, which allows us to handle large amounts of data as in the SDSS photometric survey. Using spectroscopic and photometric data in the redshift range 0.01 =z= 0.40, we obtain 5901 triplet candidates. We have used a mock catalogue to analyse the completeness and contamination of our methods. The results show a high level of completeness ( 80 per cent) and low contamination ( 5 per cent). By using photometric and spectroscopic data, we have also addressed the effects of fibre collisions in the spectroscopic sample. We have defined an isolation criterion considering the distance of the triplet brightest galaxy to the closest neighbour cluster, to describe a global environment, as well as the galaxies within a fixed aperture, around the triplet brightest galaxy, to measure the local environment. The final catalogue comprises 1092 isolated triplets of galaxies in the redshift range 0.01 =z= 0.40. Our results show that photometric redshifts provide very useful information, allowing us to complete the sample of nearby systems whose detection is affected by fibre collisions, as well as extending the detection of triplets to large distances, where spectroscopic redshifts are not available.


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The interaction of cytochrome c (cyt c) with cardiolipin (CL) induces protein conformational changes that favor peroxidase activity. This process has been correlated with CL oxidation and the induction of cell death. Here we report evidence demonstrating the generation of singlet molecular oxygen [O-2((1)Delta(g))] by a cyt c-CL complex in a model membrane containing CL. The formation of singlet oxygen was directly evidenced by luminescence measurements at 1270 nm and by chemical trapping experiments. Singlet oxygen generation required cyt c-CL binding and occurred at pH values higher than 6, consistent with lipid-protein interactions involving fully deprotonated CL species and positively charged residues in the protein. Moreover, singlet oxygen formation was specifically observed for tetralinoleoyl CL species and was not observed with monounsaturated and saturated CL species. Our results show that there are at least two mechanisms leading to singlet oxygen formation: one with fast kinetics involving the generation of singlet oxygen directly from CL hydroperoxide decomposition and the other involving CL oxidation. The contribution of the first mechanism was clearly evidenced by the detection of labeled singlet oxygen [O-18(2)((1)Delta(g))] from liposomes supplemented with 18-oxygen-labeled CL hydroperoxides. However quantitative analysis showed that singlet oxygen yield from CL hydroperoxides was minor (<5%) and that most of the singlet oxygen is formed from the second mechanism. Based on these data and previous findings we propose a mechanism of singlet oxygen generation through reactions involving peroxyl radicals (Russell mechanism) and excited triplet carbonyl intermediates (energy transfer mechanism).


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Spin coherence generation in an ensemble of negatively charged (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots was investigated by picosecond time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy measuring ellipticity. Robust coherence of the ground-state electron spins is generated by pumping excited charged exciton (trion) states. The phase of the coherent state, as evidenced by the spin ensemble precession about an external magnetic field, varies relative to spin coherence generation resonant with the ground state. The phase variation depends on the pump photon energy. It is determined by (a) pumping dominantly either singlet or triplet excited states, leading to a phase inversion, and (b) the subsequent carrier relaxation into the ground states. From the dependence of the precession phase and the measured g factors, information about the quantum dot shell splitting and the exchange energy splitting between triplet and singlet states can be extracted in the ensemble.


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The lowest singlet and triplet states of AlP3, GaP3 and BP3 molecules with C-s, C-2v and C-3v symmetries were characterized using the B3LYP functional and the aug-cc-pVTZ and aug-cc-pVQZ correlated consistent basis sets. Geometrical parameters and vibrational frequencies were calculated and compared to existent experimental and theoretical data. Relative energies were obtained with single point CCSD(T) calculations using the aug-cc-pVTZ, aug-cc-pVQZ and aug-cc-pV5Z basis sets, and then extrapolating to the complete basis set (CBS) limit. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oxygen abundances of 67 dwarf stars in the metallicity range -1.6 < [Fe/H] < -0.4 are derived from a non-LTE analysis of the 777 nm O I triplet lines. These stars have precise atmospheric parameters measured by Nissen and Schuster, who find that they separate into three groups based on their kinematics and alpha-element (Mg, Si, Ca, Ti) abundances: thick disk, high-alpha halo, and low-alpha halo. We find the oxygen abundance trends of thick-disk and high-alpha halo stars very similar. The low-alpha stars show a larger star-to-star scatter in [O/Fe] at a given [Fe/H] and have systematically lower oxygen abundances compared to the other two groups. Thus, we find the behavior of oxygen abundances in these groups of stars similar to that of the a elements. We use previously published oxygen abundance data of disk and very metal-poor halo stars to present an overall view (-2.3 < [Fe/H] < +0.3) of oxygen abundance trends of stars in the solar neighborhood. Two field halo dwarf stars stand out in their O and Na abundances. Both G53-41 and G150-40 have very low oxygen and very high sodium abundances, which are key signatures of the abundance anomalies observed in globular cluster (GC) stars. Therefore, they are likely field halo stars born in GCs. If true, we estimate that at least 3% +/- 2% of the local field metal-poor star population was born in GCs.


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Well determined radial velocities and abundances are essential for analyzing the properties of the globular cluster system of the Milky Way. However more than 50% of these clusters have no spectroscopic measure of their metallicity. In this context, this work provides new radial velocities and abundances for twenty Milky Way globular clusters which lack or have poorly known values for these quantities. The radial velocities and abundances are derived from spectra obtained at the Ca II triplet using the FORS2 imager and spectrograph at the VLT, calibrated with spectra of red giants in a number of clusters with well determined abundances. For about half of the clusters in our sample we present significant revisions of the existing velocities or abundances, or both. We also confirm the existence of a sizable abundance spread in the globular cluster M 54, which lies at the center of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. In addition evidence is provided for the existence of a small intrinsic internal abundance spread (sigma[Fe/H](int) approximate to 0.11-0.14 dex, similar to that of M 54) in the luminous distant globular cluster NGC 5824. This cluster thus joins the small number of Galactic globular clusters known to possess internal metallicity ([Fe/H]) spreads.


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We analyse a sample of 71 triplets of luminous galaxies derived from the work of O’Mill et al. We compare the properties of triplets and their members with those of control samples of compact groups, the 10 brightest members of rich clusters and galaxies in pairs. The triplets are restricted to have members with spectroscopic redshifts in the range 0.01 ≤ z ≤ 0.14 and absolute r-band luminosities brighter than Mr = −20.5. For these member galaxies, we analyse the stellar mass content, the star formation rates, the Dn(4000) parameter and (Mg − Mr) colour index. Since galaxies in triplets may finally merge in a single system, we analyse different global properties of these systems. We calculate the probability that the properties of galaxies in triplets are strongly correlated. We also study total star formation activity and global colours, and define the triplet compactness as a measure of the percentage of the system total area that is filled by the light of member galaxies. We concentrate in the comparison of our results with those of compact groups to assess how the triplets are a natural extension of these compact systems. Our analysis suggests that triplet galaxy members behave similarly to compact group members and galaxies in rich clusters. We also find that systems comprising three blue, star-forming, young stellar population galaxies (blue triplets) are most probably real systems and not a chance configuration of interloping galaxies. The same holds for triplets composed of three red, non-star-forming galaxies, showing the correlation of galaxy properties in these systems. From the analysis of the triplet as a whole, we conclude that, at a given total stellar mass content, triplets show a total star formation activity and global colours similar to compact groups. However, blue triplets show a high total star formation activity with a lower stellar mass content. From an analysis of the compactness parameter of the systems we find that light is even more concentrated in triplets than in compact groups. We propose that triplets composed of three luminous galaxies, should not be considered as an analogous of galaxy pairs with a third extra member, but rather they are a natural extension of compact groups.