13 resultados para Syndrome of Acquired Imunodeficiência

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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This paper chronicles a 2-year-old girl who presented with acute leukemia/lymphoma syndrome of the T cell immuno-phenotype. At this time, the cytogenetic analysis of her bone marrow cells showed a reciprocal translocation between the short arm of chromosome 12 and the long arm of chromosome 13, t(12;13)(p13;q14). The immunophenotyping of bone marrow blast cells by flow cytometry revealed a population of cells positive for CD56, CD117, CD45, partial CD33, partial HLA-DR, CD13, CD7, CD2 and CD5. Therefore, a diagnosis of acute leukemia with a mixed T cell/myeloid phenotype was made. The patient had a poor response to classic T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia/lymphoma therapy; thus, her treatment was changed to a myeloid leukemia protocol, which produced a good response. She underwent a successful cord blood transplantation from an unrelated HLA partially matched donor. The coexistence of these two phenotypes prompts questions about the existence of clonal instability, which might influence the choice of therapy. The rarity of the t(12;13)(p13;q14) and the coexistence of T cell/myeloid markers suggest a nonrandom association. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case in which a cell clone bearing a t(12;13)(p13;q14) translocation in a mixed T cell/myeloid lesion was detected. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Objective: Aging is characterized by alterations in body composition such as an increase in body fat and decreases in muscle mass (sarcopenia) and bone density (osteopenia). Leucine supplementation has been shown to acutely stimulate protein synthesis and to decrease body fat. However, the long-term effect of consistent leucine supplementation is not well defined. This study investigated the effect of leucine supplementation during aging. Methods: Six-month-old rats were divided into three groups: an adult group (n = 10) euthanized at 6 mo of age, a leucine group (n = 16) that received a diet supplemented with 4% leucine for 40 wk, and a control group (n = 19) that received the control diet for 40 wk. The following parameters were evaluated: body weight, food intake, chemical carcass composition, indicators of acquired chronic diseases, and indicators of protein nutritional status. Results: Body weight and fat were lower in the leucine group after 40 wk of supplementation compared with the control group but still higher than in the adult group. The lipid and glycemic profiles were equally altered in the control and leucine groups because of aging. In addition, leucine supplementation did not affect the changes in protein status parameters associated with aging, such as decreases in body and muscle protein and total serum protein. Conclusion: The results indicate that leucine supplementation attenuates body fat gain during aging but does not affect risk indicators of acquired chronic diseases. Furthermore, supplemented animals did not show signs of a prevention of the decrease in lean mass associated with aging. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: This study evaluated a wide range of viral load (VL) thresholds to identify a cut-point that best predicts new clinical events in children on stable highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Methods: Cox proportional hazards modeling was used to assess the adjusted risk for World Health Organization stage 3 or 4 clinical events (WHO events) as a function of time-varying CD4, VL, and hemoglobin values in a cohort study of Latin American children on HAART >= 6 months. Models were fit using different VL cut-points between 400 and 50,000 copies per milliliter, with model fit evaluated on the basis of the minimum Akaike information criterion value, a standard model fit statistic. Results: Models were based on 67 subjects with WHO events out of 550 subjects on study. The VL cut-points of >2600 and >32,000 copies per milliliter corresponded to the lowest Akaike information criterion values and were associated with the highest hazard ratios (2.0, P = 0.015; and 2.1, P = 0.0058, respectively) for WHO events. Conclusions: In HIV-infected Latin American children on stable HAART, 2 distinct VL thresholds (>2600 and >32,000 copies/mL) were identified for predicting children at significantly increased risk for HIV-related clinical illness, after accounting for CD4 level, hemoglobin level, and other significant factors.


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Recent studies have implicated the dying cell as a potential reservoir of modified autoantigens that might initiate and drive systemic autoimmunity in susceptible hosts. A number of subunits of the exosome, a complex of 3'→5' exoribonucleases that functions in a variety of cellular processes, are recognized by the so-called anti-PM/Scl autoantibodies, found predominantly in patients suffering from an overlap syndrome of myositis and scleroderma. Here we show that one of these subunits, PM/Scl-75, is cleaved during apoptosis. PM/Scl-75 cleavage is inhibited by several different caspase inhibitors. The analysis of PM/Scl-75 cleavage by recombinant caspase proteins shows that PM/Scl-75 is efficiently cleaved by caspase-1, to a smaller extent by caspase-8, and relatively inefficiently by caspase-3 and caspase-7. Cleavage of the PM/Scl-75 protein occurs in the C-terminal part of the protein at Asp369 (IILD369↓G), and at least a fraction of the resulting N-terminal fragments of PM/Scl-75 remains associated with the exosome. Finally, the implications of PM/Scl-75 cleavage for exosome function and the generation of anti-PM/Scl-75 autoantibodies are discussed.


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Pulmonary surfactant is a very important product in the medical treatment of the syndrome of insufficiency respiratory in neonates. The synthesis of this surfactant in labs need to optimize the rate of spreading in the alveolar interstitial liquid obtaining a monolayer of the phospholipids membrane base capable to maintains several of the dynamical properties of the respiratory system during breathing. The recover of theses mechanical properties has to be archived using the minimal quantities of product and with the optimal proteins composition (SP-B in special). In this paper we show our results of obtaining and process speckle pattern images of the spreading of phospholipids membrane composed the matrix of this product (DPPC) when physiologic interstitial liquid are presented.


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Color vision was examined in subjects with long-term occupational exposure to mercury (Hg) vapor. The color vision impairment was assessed by employing a quantitative measure of distortion of individual and group perceptual color spaces. Hg subjects (n = 18; 42.1 +/- 6.5 years old; exposure time = 10.4 +/- 5.0 years; time away from the exposure source = 6.8 +/- 4.6 years) and controls (n = 18; 46.1 +/- 8.4 years old) were examined using two arrangement tests, D-15 and D-15d, in the traditional way, and also in a triadic procedure. From each subject`s `odd-one-out` choices, matrices of inter-cap subjective dissimilarities were derived and processed by non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS). D-15d results differed significantly between the Hg-group and the control group (p < 0.05), with the impairment predominantly along the tritan axis. 2D perceptual color spaces, individual and group, were reconstructed, with the dimensions interpreted as the red-green (RG) and the blue-yellow (BY) systems. When color configurations from the Hg-group were compared to those of the controls, they presented more fluctuations along both chromatic dimensions, indicating a statistically significant difference along the BY axis. In conclusion, the present findings confirm that color vision impairments persist in subjects that have received long-term occupational exposure to Hg-vapor although, at the time of testing, they were presenting mean urinary concentration within the normal range for non-exposed individuals. Considering the advantages of the triadic procedure in clinical evaluation of acquired color vision deficiencies, further studies should attempt to verify and/or improve its efficacy.


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The involvement of inflammasome genes in the susceptibility to HIV-1 infection was investigated. Twelve single nucleotide polymorphisms within NLRP1, NLRP3, NLRC4, CARD8, CASP1, and IL1B genes were analyzed in 150 HIV-1-infected Brazilian subjects and 158 healthy controls. The 2 polymorphisms rs10754558 in NLRP3 and rs1143634 in IL1B were significantly associated to the HIV-1 infection. These findings supported the previously hypothesized involvement of NALP3-inflammasome in HIV-1 pathogenesis, underlining once more the key role of inflammation and innate immunity in the susceptibility to HIV-1 infection.


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Estudo transversal que avaliou a qualidade dos registros de enfermagem sobre ressuscitação cardiopulmonar. Foram revisados 42 prontuários de pacientes em uma unidade de terapia intensiva, utilizando o protocolo Utstein. Houve predomínio de homens (54,8%), idade de 21 a 70 anos (38,1%), correção de cardiopatias adquiridas (42,7%), com mais de um dispositivo pré-existente (147). Como causa imediata de parada cardiorrespiratória, predominou hipotensão (48,3%) e como ritmo inicial, bradicardia (37,5%). Apenas a hora do óbito e hora da parada foram registradas em 100% da amostra. Não foi registrado treinamento dos profissionais em Suporte Avançado de Vida. As causas da parada e ritmo inicial foram registrados em 69% e 76,2% da amostra. Compressões torácicas, obtenção de vias aéreas pérvias e desfibrilação foram registradas em menos de 16%. Os registros foram considerados de baixa qualidade, podendo incorrer em sanções legais aos profissionais e não permitindo a comparação da efetividade das manobras com outros centros.


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Aims: To quantify and compare the expression of Langerhans cells (LCs) in the tongue mucosa of AIDS patients with different opportunistic infections, and from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and non-AIDS patients with normal tongues, using autopsy material. Methods and results: Human leucocyte antigen D-related (HLA-DR), CD1a and CD83 antibodies were used to identify and quantify LCs by immunohistochemistry in tongue tissue of 40 AIDS patients (10 with lingual candidiasis, 10 with lingual herpes, 10 with oral hairy leukoplakia and 10 with no lesions) and 23 tongues from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)negative control patients. Quantification was performed by means of conventional morphometry in four different regions (anterior, middle, posterior and lateral) of the tongue. The results were expressed as positive cells per area of epithelium. The AIDS patients presented a lower density of CD1a(+) cells (P < 0.001), HLA-DR (P < 0.003) and CD83 (P < 0.001) in all regions of the tongue compared to the non-AIDS control group. However, no differences in any of the markers were found when AIDS patients with different opportunistic infections were compared with AIDS patients without tongue infection. Conclusions: Advanced stage AIDS patients showed a depletion of LCs in the tongue mucosa. HIV infection induces cytopathic changes in LCs, contributing to their depletion regardless of the presence of oral infections.


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BACKGROUND: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a pandemic disease commonly associated with respiratory infections, hypoxemia, and death. Noninvasive PEEP has been shown to improve hypoxemia. In this study, we evaluated the physiologic effects of different levels of noninvasive PEEP in hypoxemic AIDS patients. METHODS: Thirty AIDS patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure received a randomized sequence of noninvasive PEEP (5, 10, or 15 cm H2O) for 20 min. PEEP was provided through a facial mask with pressure-support ventilation (PSV) of 5 cm H2O and an F-IO2, of 1. Patients were allowed to breathe spontaneously for a 20-min washout period in between each PEEP trial. Arterial blood gases and clinical variables were recorded after each PEEP treatment. RESULTS: The results indicate that oxygenation improves linearly with increasing levels of PEEP. However, oxygenation levels were similar regardless of the first PEEP level administered (5, 10, or 15 cm H2O), and only the subgroup that received an initial treatment of the lowest level of PEEP (ie, 5 cm H2O) showed further improvements in oxygenation when higher PEEP levels were subsequently applied. The P-aCO2, also increased in response to PEEP elevation, especially with the highest level of PEEP (ie, 15 cm H2O). PSV of 5 cm H2O use was associated with significant and consistent improvements in the subjective sensations of dyspnea and respiratory rate reported by patients treated with any level of PEEP (from 0 to 15 cm H2O). CONCLUSIONS: AIDS patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure improve oxygenation in response to a progressive sequential elevation of PEEP (up to 15 cm H2O). However, corresponding elevations in P-aCO2, limit the recommended level of PEEP to 10 cm H2O. At a level of 5 cm H2O, PSV promotes an improvement in the subjective sensation of dyspnea regardless of the PEEP level employed.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the occurrence of hearing loss in individuals with HIV/AIDS and their characterization regarding type and degree. RESEARCH STRATEGY: It was conducted a systematic review of the literature found on the electronic databases PubMed, EMBASE, ADOLEC, IBECS, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs and SciELO. SELECTION CRITERIA: The search strategy was directed by a specific question: "Is hearing loss part of the framework of HIV/AIDS manifestations?", and the selection criteria of the studies involved coherence with the proposed theme, evidence levels 1, 2 or 3, and language (Portuguese, English and Spanish). DATA ANALYSIS: We found 698 studies. After an analysis of the title and abstract, 91 were selected for full reading. Out of these, 38 met the proposed criteria and were included on the review. RESULTS: The studies reported presence of conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss, of variable degrees and audiometric configurations, in addition to tinnitus and vestibular disorders. The etiology can be attributed to opportunistic infections, ototoxic drugs or to the action of virus itself. The auditory evoked potentials have been used as markers of neurological alterations, even in patients with normal hearing. CONCLUSION: HIV/AIDS patients may present hearing loss. Thus, programs for prevention and treatment of AIDS must involve actions aimed at auditory health.


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Objective: The use of corticosteroids is frequent in critically-ill patients. However, little information is available on their effects in patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia. We assessed patients' characteristics, microbial etiology, inflammatory response, and outcomes of previous corticosteroid use in patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: Intensive care units of a university teaching hospital. Patients: Three hundred sixteen patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia. Patients were divided according to previous systemic steroid use at onset of pneumonia. Interventions: None. Measurements and Main Results: Survival at 28 days was analyzed using Cox regression, with adjustment for the propensity for receiving steroid therapy. One hundred twenty-five (40%) patients were receiving steroids at onset of pneumonia. Despite similar baseline clinical severity, steroid treatment was associated with decreased 28-day survival (adjusted hazard ratio for propensity score and mortality predictors 2.503; 95% confidence interval 1.176-5.330; p = .017) and decreased systemic inflammatory response. In post hoc analyses, steroid treatment had an impact on survival in patients with nonventilator intensive care unit acquired pneumonia, those with lower baseline severity and organ dysfunction, and those without etiologic diagnosis or bacteremia. The cumulative dosage of corticosteroids had no significant effect on the risk of death, but bacterial burden upon diagnosis was higher in patients receiving steroid therapy. Conclusions: In critically-ill patients, systemic corticosteroids should be used very cautiously because this treatment is strongly associated with increased risk of death in patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia, particularly in the absence of established indications and in patients with lower baseline severity. Decreased inflammatory response may result in delayed clinical suspicion of intensive care unit acquired pneumonia and higher bacterial count. (Crit Care Med 2012; 40:2552-2561)


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar as habilidades de consciência fonológica em uma criança portadora da Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA) pré e pós-terapia fonoaudiológica. A participante foi uma criança do gênero feminino, de 6 anos de idade, aluna do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental, portadora de SIDA adquirida por transmissão vertical. Foi realizada uma avaliação das habilidades de consciência fonológica por meio da aplicação do teste Consciência Fonológica - Instrumento e Avaliação Sequencial (CONFIAS). Após, foi desenvolvido um programa terapêutico fechado (15 sessões) para consciência fonológica, composto por atividades em níveis silábico e fonêmico. Na última sessão, o teste CONFIAS foi reaplicado para investigação da efetividade da terapia. Na avaliação pré-terapia, a criança apresentou escore de 18 pontos nas tarefas em nível silábico e um ponto em tarefas em nível fonêmico, totalizando um escore de 19 pontos. Na avaliação pós-terapia, o escore obtido em tarefas silábicas foi de 26 pontos e em tarefas fonêmicas 11 pontos, totalizando um escore de 37 pontos. Este estudo permitiu-nos caracterizar o desempenho de uma criança com SIDA em tarefas de habilidades de consciência fonológica e a efetividade de um programa terapêutico. A pontuação obtida na avaliação pré-terapia mostrou-se bastante inferior ao esperado para a idade e apresentou evolução significativa após a realização de terapia fonoaudiológica. Assim, os profissionais envolvidos com esta população devem estar atentos aos programas terapêuticos que abordem, além de outros aspectos, as habilidades de processamento fonológico.