7 resultados para Swim

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The Gillbacker Sea Catfish is a valid species of ariid catfish from the northeastern coast of South America. There are many synonyms In the literature for the Gillbacker Sea Catfish and even recent classifications have used different scientific names. Examination of a wide range of sizes of Individuals from different localities and examination of types and original species descriptions of Silurus parkeri, Bagrus flavescens, B. emphysetus, Arius physacanthus, A. bonneti, A. clavispinosus, and A. despaxi has lead us to the conclusion that all these names refer to the Gillbacker Sea Catfish and the valid name for the species is Sciades parkeri. The species is distinguished from all other ariid species by the following combination of features: body coloration yellow; swim bladder divided Into three chambers, posterior chamber moderately sized; nuchal plate shield-shaped, usually larger than supraocciptal process; anterior notch of nuchal plate absent; head shield exposed and granulated In orbital and postorbital regions; lateral edge of accessory patches not emarginated or shallowly notched; fleshy furrow connecting posterior nares absent; and mesial gill rakers absent from first two gill arches. Striking intraspecific and/or ontogenetic variation In eye size, maxillary-barbel length, supraoccipital-process size, nuchal-plate size and shape, and dorsal-spine thickness contributed to the numerous synonyms and misidentifications for Sciades parkeri. Bagrus albicans, described from French Guiana, has at times been listed as a synonym of Sciades parkeri. Our examination of the holotype of B. albicans, however, led us to conclude that It is a synonym of Sciades proops.


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Efficiency in front-crawl stroke has been inferred primarily by means of the analysis of arm actions, specifically, stroke frequency and stroke length. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether swimming efficiency could be better assessed in children still learning the front-crawl stroke by analyzing the movement pattern as a whole. Forty-two children enrolled in private swimming programs volunteered to participate in the study. The task consisted of swimming 30 m as fast as possible. Three experts analyzed the movement pattern of the participants using a checklist. Both stroke frequency and stroke length were calculated. The correlation coefficients between the time taken to swim and both the stroke frequency and stroke length were not significant, but the total and components of the checklist scores were. Results indicate that the swimming efficiency of children learning the front-crawl stroke can be better assessed by analyzing their whole movement pattern.


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This research aimed to describe the macroscopic and microscopic liver of tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, Teleost freshwater Family Characidae, of great economic interest for the Amazon basin. We used six juveniles aged between six month and one year, from the small holding Esteio, Alta Floresta/MT, that develops mainly fish farming. The body was photographed in situ, described macroscopically, and fragments were removed and processed by routine histological techniques through paraffin embedding and HE staining. The liver, located ventrally to the swim bladder and craniodorsally to the stomach, is brownish red and consisted of three lobes, the right lateral, the left lateral and the ventral lobe. Microscopically, the parenchyma consists of hepatocytes varying from irregular rounded hexagonal to round forms with a large and central nucleus, and arranged in linear strings limited by sinusoids and radiating to central veins, but with absence of liver lobules. The central veins are distributed throughout the parenchyma, while the portal space consists in most cases only of a hepatic vein and bile duct; elsewhere exist artery and duct. Formation of portal triads was not founde. Melano macrophages were frequently seen dispersed throughout the central parenchyma. The morphofunctional study of the digestive system of fishes of the Amazon basin is important to obtain knowledge about their weight gain, large scale production for human consumption and preservation of the species, and has also its importance for being used as bioindicators today.


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Background: Mechanisms linking behavioral stress and inflammation are poorly understood, mainly in distal lung tissue. Objective: We have investigated whether the forced swim stress (FS) could modulate lung tissue mechanics, iNOS, cytokines, oxidative stress activation, eosinophilic recruitment, and remodeling in guinea pigs (GP) with chronic pulmonary inflammation. Methods: The GP were exposed to ovalbumin or saline aerosols (2x/wk/4wks, OVA, and SAL). Twenty-four hours after the 4th inhalation, the GP were submitted to the FS protocol (5x/wk/2wks, SAL-S, and OVA-S). Seventy-two hours after the 7th inhalation, lung strips were cut and tissue resistance (Rt) and elastance (Et) were obtained (at baseline and after OVA and Ach challenge). Strips were submitted to histopathological evaluation. Results: The adrenals' weight, the serum cortisol, and the catecholamines were measured. There was an increase in IL-2, IL-5, IL-13, IFN-gamma, iNOS, 8-iso-PGF2 alpha, and in %Rt and %Et after Ach challenge in the SAL-S group compared to the SAL one. The OVA-S group has had an increase in %Rt and %Et after the OVA challenge, in %Et after the Ach and in IL-4, 8-iso-PGF2 alpha, and actin compared to the OVA. Adrenal weight and cortisol serum were increased in stressed animals compared to nonstressed ones, and the catecholamines were unaltered. Conclusion & clinical relevance: Repeated stress has increased distal lung constriction, which was associated with an increase of actin, IL-4, and 8-iso-PGF2 alpha levels. Stress has also induced an activation of iNOS, cytokines, and oxidative stress pathways.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional zinc (Zn) status of elite swimmers during different training periods. Methods: A longitudinal paired study was performed at the University of Sao Paulo in eight male swimmers 18 to 25 y old who had been swimming competitively at the state and national levels for at least 5 y. The swimmers were evaluated over a total period of 14 wk: before the basic and specific preparatory period (BSPP-baseline), at the end of the basic and specific preparatory period (post-BSPP), and at the end of the polishing period (PP). Levels of Zn were determined in the plasma, erythrocyte, urine, and saliva by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Anthropometric measurements and a 3-d food record were also evaluated. Results: The median plasma Zn concentration was below the reference value in all training periods (BSPP-baseline 59 mu g/dL, post-BSPP 55.9 mu g/dL, after PP 58.8 mu g/dL, P > 0.05), as were threshold values for erythrocytes (BSPP-baseline 36.5 mu g of Zn/g of hemoglobin, post-BSPP 42 mu g of Zn/g of hemoglobin, after PP 40.7 mu g of Zn/g of hemoglobin, P > 0.05), urinary Zn (BSPP-baseline 280 mu g/24 h, post-BSPP 337 mu g/24 h, after PP 284 mu g/24 h, P > 0.05), and salivary Zn (BSPP-baseline 66.1 mu g/L, post-BSPP 54.1 mu g/L, after PP 79.7 mu g/L, > 0.05). Salivary Zn did not correlate with plasma and erythrocyte Zn levels. Conclusion: The results suggest that the elite swimmers studied presented a possible Zn deficiency and that salivary Zn was not adequate to evaluate the Zn nutritional status. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Mechanisms involved in stress-induced asthmatic alterations have been poorly characterised. We assessed whether inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) inhibition modulates the stress-amplified lung parenchyma responsiveness, oxidative stress and extracellular matrix remodelling that was previously increased by chronic lung inflammation. Guinea pigs were subjected to 7 exposures to ovalbumin (1-5 mg/ml) or saline (OVA and SAL groups) over 4 weeks. To induce behavioural stress, animals were subjected to a forced swimming protocol (5 times/week, over 2 weeks; SAL-Stress and OVA-Stress groups) 24 h after the 4th inhalation. 1400W (iNOS-specific inhibitor) was administered intraperitoneally in the last 4 days of the protocol (SAL-1400W, OVA-1400W, SAL-Stress+1400W and OVA-Stress+1400W groups). Seventy-two hours after the last inhalation, animals were anaesthetised and exsanguinated, and adrenal glands were removed. Lung tissue resistance and elastance were evaluated by oscillatory mechanics and submitted for histopathological evaluation. Stressed animals had higher adrenal weights compared to non-stressed groups, which were reduced by 1400W treatment. Behavioural stress in sensitised animals amplified the resistance and elastance responses after antigen challenge, numbers of eosinophils and iNOS+ cells, actin content and 8-iso-PGF2 alpha density in the distal lung compared to the OVA group. 1400W treatment in ovalbumin-exposed and stressed animals reduced lung mechanics, iNOS+ cell numbers and 8-iso-PGF2a density compared to sensitised and stressed animals that received vehicle treatment. We concluded that stress amplifies the distal lung constriction, eosinophilic inflammation, iNOS expression, actin content and oxidative stress previously induced by chronic lung inflammation. iNOS-derived NO contributes to stress-augmented lung tissue functional alterations in this animal model and is at least partially due to activation of the oxidative stress pathway. copyright (C) 2012S. Karger AG, Basel


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Abstract Background The current treatments for anxiety disorders and depression have multiple adverse effects in addition to a delayed onset of action, which has prompted efforts to find new substances with potential activity in these disorders. Citrus aurantium was chosen based on ethnopharmacological data because traditional medicine refers to the Citrus genus as useful in diminishing the symptoms of anxiety or insomnia, and C. aurantium has more recently been proposed as an adjuvant for antidepressants. In the present work, we investigated the biological activity underlying the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of C. aurantium essential oil (EO), the putative mechanism of the anxiolytic-like effect, and the neurochemical changes in specific brain structures of mice after acute treatment. We also monitored the mice for possible signs of toxicity after a 14-day treatment. Methods The anxiolytic-like activity of the EO was investigated in a light/dark box, and the antidepressant activity was investigated in a forced swim test. Flumazenil, a competitive antagonist of benzodiazepine binding, and the selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY100635 were used in the experimental procedures to determine the mechanism of action of the EO. To exclude false positive results due to motor impairment, the mice were submitted to the rotarod test. Results The data suggest that the anxiolytic-like activity observed in the light/dark box procedure after acute (5 mg/kg) or 14-day repeated (1 mg/kg/day) dosing was mediated by the serotonergic system (5-HT1A receptors). Acute treatment with the EO showed no activity in the forced swim test, which is sensitive to antidepressants. A neurochemical evaluation showed no alterations in neurotransmitter levels in the cortex, the striatum, the pons, and the hypothalamus. Furthermore, no locomotor impairment or signs of toxicity or biochemical changes, except a reduction in cholesterol levels, were observed after treatment with the EO. Conclusion This work contributes to a better understanding of the biological activity of C. aurantium EO by characterizing the mechanism of action underlying its anxiolytic-like activity.